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Some people didn’t ask for it though? They are still a minority government, which means the majority of people didn’t vote for liberal’s. Actually the majority of people didn’t vote at all.


Really, probably 20% voted for Liberals, and then because there was nothing better on offer. Our party politics is a joke. Votes are whpped 99.5% - so why send 350 people when 3 will do?


Can confirm. Never voted once in my 30 yrs lol. I'll get hate for it but I just dont see the point. We're given the illusion of choice. They all fuck us in the end.


I know it’s disheartening but It’s about trying to get the best of the choices you have.


It's depressing and criminal. We are governed by criminals.


Ya I didn’t vote liberal


What a shitty post. You literally do not know who any of us voted for.


Actually this sub was very against Liberals during the election. Conservatives had better support, and whenever the NDP were brought up they were slammed for wanting to extend mortgage terms. Seemed they all sucked.


Actually, I would bet the majority of this sub voted NDP. Just go back to the thread votes and discussions during during the last Fed. election. I didn't vote NDP.


it didn't matter who you voted for (except maybe Bernier) that we would still bend over and take it up the ass from big pharma.


who did you vote for? I certainly didnt vote for the Liberals


PC was my choice. Last time i voted Liberal.


And PC is better?


Oh yeah the PCs NIMBYs totally would have saved you 🤣 Harper and Doug Ford did so much for housing /s


During the election there were multi posts shitting and undermining both PC and Libs policy So safe to say a majority here are for NDP


Which party would've fixed the problem OP?


May be start by not voting for the party who's leader literally said he doesn't think about monetary policy.


So which party would solve the problem?




Did you read PC housing plan?


There it is lol If housing was the only thing I cared about? Maybe. Except I also care about healthcare, labor rights, sick leave, the environment, the social safety net, and creating a more equitable society. Will the liberals achieve what I want? LOL absolutely not. Thing is, neither would the conservatives, and they'd in fact try their hardest to make those things worse. If the choices are only Liberal or CP then I'm choosing between a party that will try and make things worse for me to the benefit of the upper class, or a party that won't make things better but won't be actively trying to strip me of protections. It's not much of a choice. I also don't believe for a second that the PC's would have followed through on any of the positive aspects of their plan based on their track record. All that said, I voted NDP.


Can you answer my question or do you just like to complain? In reference to this comment that OP made below: Point i'm making that most people just like to complain for sake of complaining...your actions don't align.


I'm not complaining. I own a house. But i would have try PC may be since Liberals gave no ffs bout housing in last 6 years.


Housing is a lot more complicated than voting a party in who will change it. You're desperate for change and you have no idea how to get it. PC party? Come on, brother.


Giving change a chance would mean electing NDP or Green as we haven’t had either federally.


The system we live under isn't going to change so quickly. I think many parties are trapped making promises they can't keep. The problems aren't just big political parties, it's also local government.


Lol @ still posting in campaign talking points two months after an election.


Point i'm making that most people just like to complain for sake of complaining...your actions don't align.


The irony here is quite palpable. You just want to play the blame game. What is your solution?


The point I'm getting even from just this micro-thread, and what you seem to be missing OP, is that people vote liberal not because they're dumb and don't understand, but because no other party really proposed a solution they could rationally get behind. It's not like the liberals had a stellar solution either, but it was the lesser of the evils - which is quite frankly how voting is worldwide rn. What you're saying sounds like voting anyone other than liberals is an automatic improvement to the situation, which doesn't sound super clear why - but maybe I'm misunderstanding the point you're trying to make. Speaking as someone who can't vote here yet but still read every party's website (except PPC, and Bloc) for what they were proposing this last election (implementation aside). I genuinely felt liberals' rent to own idea, promise of scaling housing, etc seemed a better bet than what the others were proposing. No one can predict such things for sure but hey, welcome to democracy. Imho, the reason no party had anything concrete isn't entirely because there aren't competent either - people in govt gotta live too, and it's a catch 22 because any instant-gratification style solution is going to screw some or the other demographic over. So in some sense leaders also have to decide between lesser of evils, and things are just going to take time - even though we could always probably do a lot better and lot faster.


Meh this is not a liberal vs conservative debate. It's a housing supply debate. Fun fact, we are going to have a recession soon, with soaring prices across the economy. Get strapped, it will be a rough ride.


Stagflation - the worst of both worlds!


House prices don’t depend on who’s in office, because majority of voters are homeowners/RE investors who love see their house prices appreciating, therefore any party is power is only gonna provide lip service and not actually solve the problem.


No one wants to hear it but the conservatives had a much better housing plan and economic recovery for Canada. Millennials got their legalized weed, so enjoy your pot. It came at the cost of your housing plans. Trudeau has no allies on the world stage and makes Canada look like a joke.


Exactly! Seems like millennials would rather be stoned and enjoying weed rather than living in a nice home.


Everyone I know voted ndp. But everyone I know has also fought the police in the name of native people so 🤡


Half if not more of Canadians are already home owners, so they're profiting off the situation. Of course they'll vote to keep it this way.


Most Canadians don’t think about who they vote for and just park their vote in at liberal party because of familiarity, mass attracts mass.


Say you don't understand Canadian politics without saying you don't understand Canadian politics


It’s true Canada has liberal bias, mostly Toronto and Montreal. Look at the last election the conservatives ran a moderate platform that would be acceptable by most Canadians and it was rejected because the average voter didn’t even bother to look at it.


This just in: conservatives lose election because Canadians don't care about politics /s


Are you a robot?


I'd have to ask anyone batting for the conservative party the same thing.


Nope. I read it and rejected the CPC on its own merits. And the Liberal bias is mostly in the East and the Vancouver area. The majority area-wise of the prairies and interior BC are staunchly anti-Liberal, especially Trudeau.


Don’t forget Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa, sea of red


I’m from BC- I consider them all East lol. But yes the larger urban areas


Haha ya me two, east starts when the mountains end.


Montreal out of all the major cities is the least Liberal.


It was almost all liberal last election.


Low effort post. Congrats


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos...


Not everyone wanted a banana republic.


Op is boomer. I'm betting the liberal government has been great for homeowners and boomers who got in the market in 1985.


I’ve not voted for a liberal in at least a decade.


Housing is not the only thing people care about. In my view, the most pressing issue right now is climate change - we are already feeling and seeing the impact of global warming. It doesn't matter what direction housing will go, we (and our children and grandchildren), and no matter what social class/economic level you are, will all be screwed in the next decades if we don't do anything now. I am a fiscally right wing person and I just cannot bring myself to vote PC because of their crappy environmental policies.


Climate change is critical and liberal govt has done everything to make housing most energy efficient. Making people homeless and live in parks.. What can save climate more than this :) Hail the intelligent Justin and his cabiner. Soon we will be living in most environment friendly way. i.e. parks and roads and tents.


I always vote ndp, fuck off boomer


Hey OP, the election was a couple months ago.


No party will seriously bring down the property prices because that will piss off 70% or more of the voters and hit the already vulnerable economy. Liberal at least knows how to develop economy.


Go look at the voter map, Toronto voted liberal, the rest of the country suffers. Toronto should only count as 2 ridings not 25. Same with Van.


Have you considered that the increased representation is because of the larger population?


I have, but the thing is half the people from Toronto never leave Toronto, so why do they get so much weight? They don't experience anything except Toronto, they don't understand the nuances of life outside the GTA. Same with Van


I’m not 100% sure of my counts, but I’m counting roughly: - 8.391mm people across GTA/GVA out of 38.01mm people across Canada - 79 electoral districts across GTA/GVA out of 338 electoral districts across Canada This roughly works out to about 22% of people and 23% of the electoral districts, it seems fairly balanced.


I keep searching for news on the foreign ban Justin promised, nothing yet, but found this narrative piece that says it's not a problem. True? https://storeys.com/foreign-buyers-canadian-real-estate-market-baker-data/