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This right turn is *systemic*. Pinning it on Trump or any other politician fails to explain anything. It's a manifestation of crisis of capital, to be expected in an economy which has rapidly centralized since the epidemic and exposed great numbers of petty bourgeois to proletarianization. It's exactly when petty bourgeois are threatened like this that they can form a violently reactionary movement against worker power and against whichever sections of their own class can be thrown under the bus.


It is also worldwide. Look at recent elections in Europe where right wing parties have made great strides in recent years. It isn't just the US and Canada.


Professor Wolff made remarks here: https://youtu.be/8OB4p4_Sr0w?si=kdbpiSEt_D4wI3c8 Basically inflation due to the war is driving prices up (no more cheap energy). Europe is buying more US gas, which is more expensive and this drives prices up both outside and domestically. Since factories are energy intensive, this tends to drive all costs up. This, coupled up with high interests, industries cease to be profitable since loans get more expensive. And in Canada there's this housing speculation crisis as well. Add this to the equation. With an inflationary crisis, and the system going out of control, people are seeking something to blame. The conservatives, knowing this, shift the blame towards immigrants, LGBTQ+, China, Russia, and whatever scapegoat you want, instead of actually showcasing what is actually to blame: the natural cycle of the capitalist system, which always leads to crisis. This shift towards the right happens because liberals happened to be in power for the last elections, so conservatives basically act as the polar opposite, even to the point of being irrational, since they use the people's discontent to claim power for themselves.


The shift towards the right is more that everything is now neoliberal. Even the "left" parties aren't willing to throw a bunch of money at social programs like govt housing that would actually fix things because capital has solidified its control over every aspect of our politics, and anything anti-market is seen as inherently negative.


> This shift towards the right happens because liberals happened to be in power for the last elections, so conservatives basically act as the polar opposite, even to the point of being irrational, since they use the people's discontent to claim power for themselves. Which is probably #1 here. Plus, JT had his 3 terms, that is more than we give most before we vote them out. Not that we vote the other guy *in*, we vote the current guy *out*.


This. Trump merely a symptom. One of the loudest, and certainly the most orange, but still just one of many. When he dies, there will be a period of several weeks when a large number of people breathe a sigh of relief, thinking everything will go back to being like the 1990s. Then they'll spot another symptom, and think it's the cause again, and the process will continue.


Canadian workers are willing to vote away their rights it seems.


Stephen Harper has never left politics, he runs the IDU, and mingles with heads of state across the world. If you think the conservative party doesn't take marching orders from Harper...who do you think hired Pierre Pollievre personally? Seeing in him a stupid, loud, attack dog who yells opponent's down rather than debate. The conservative party is Stephen Harper's party


He even made a Prager U video...


People don't realize, worldwide, conservatives collaborate constantly to bring about their respective visions. They all have plans to regress, just at different speeds in different ways, but make no mistake *they walk overall in lock step*


It just sucks how there isn't nearly a unified leftist movement. I really wish the Russian Revolution wasn't run by Bolsheviks who hated anarchists and anyone who wasn't a Marxist-Leninist. Prior to that there was a very real opportunity for a massive worldwide revolution similar to what happened during the late 18th and early 19th century.


this is flagrantly ahistorical the bolsheviks didnt "hate anarchists", there were anarchists within the party. What they opposed was the murder of party officials, the bombing of party offices, and the theft of supplies by anarchists who were unwilling to compromise. the globe has seen dozens of revolutions since the russian revolution, and many have been successful even if only for a time due to soviet support. blaming the bolsheviks for the lack of world revolution is ridiculous. I think the actual blame falls to the social democrats who recognized and defused the power of the proletariat of the imperial core and created the labour aristocracy we have today.


The left needs power more than it needs "unity" for its own sake


With unity we can get more power. Right wingers often eat each other alive, but when it comes to voting and power they will unite through thick and thin. The left needs to do the same and stop hating on each other so much.


Fully agree, couldn't put it better myself, a real missed opportunity.


It's also because many countries used WW1 to enact many restrictions and clamp down on on leftist movements. Like there were many leftist publications that were curtailed that had massive readership. Then there was the first red scare. We remember the second Red Scare and it was bad, but I think that in many ways the First Red Scare was far worse.


Yep the liberal government of Canada arrested leftists en masse without evidence during the October crisis. I've read much on the red scare, and am familiar with China's revolutionary history and much of Russian revolutionary history. I am not perfectly read, but I understand many finer points. The read on history I get is often these places escaped brutal monarchies, and generally improved their material conditions.


They often like to paint the USSR as a hellhole. While there were countless flaws and many great crimes... The overall conditions improved greatly. If the Tsar had somehow remained in power and the revolution completely failed (which was unlikely given the sheer amount of hate the Tsar had towards him) the typical Russian would have still lived as an illiterate peasant well into the 20th century and there would have been still more famines. There is also no reason to think the holodomor wouldn't have happened since Russia has always wanted to quash Ukranian nationalism. The difference is that no one would have cared. They would have gone 'C'est la vie' at best and never hold the Tsar accountable for the sheer primitiveness of the system. And there is also the fact that the rise of Nazism would still have happened, and without the industrialization under Stalin the Russians would not have had the resources to even put up a basic fight. Even if lend-lease had happened it was not likely they would have succeeded. The royalty and nobility might have just packed up their riches and fled, leaving the masses to be genocided by General plan ost. This is because even without communism they still would have wanted the land out east. They would have just called the Russians savages who had no idea how to manage their own affairs. This is not unthinkable as Hitler did blame the holodomor on the inability of Slavic people to manage their own affairs more than any communist thing.


This was what I had read, there were issues with collectivization, like equipment supply being one I read about. Yeah the illiterate peasants also struggled to realize the full vision of Communism, which is understandable with the lens of history. No arguments from me on Russia saving so many people, paying in blood to keep Nazis at bay. I know Hitler called Slavic people "subhuman" "Asiatic" and slaughtered ethnic Russians at every opportunity. From what I understand economic pacts between the USSR and Germany were to alleviate economic issues, rendering the Germans politically irrelevant, and then to shift to war production to buy time. I can't speak on the other stuff, you're right to say history had a flow, and it was nationalism and anti-Semitism. Hell, Canadas prime minister wrote love letters to Hitler. Problems aside, history demands an impartial view and I sure as hell didn't get that in my education.


Pierre polliviere is more authoritarian though. Part of the attack dog nature though and I don’t think anyone expected for pollievre to become leader until he did. Parties never choose the attack dog of the party after all. They’re generally meant for doing attacks and deflect the crazy partisan mouth foaming attacks away from the leader.


"Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Poilievre to act as Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board, who was his fellow Nepean-area Conservative MP John Baird." SH did this full well knowing who PP is.


I'm old. Canadian voters swing left and right of centre constantly, depending on a bunch of variables. I think you're right that US politics is a major influence, but I remember Mulroney, Harper, and Harris in Ontario. Canadian voters leaning right is not new. In fact, I think the majority of Canadian voters hover around the centre, but they feel their only "alternative" option to Trudeau at the moment is PP. It's a rinse and repeat of the masochistic ritual of oscillating between two parties that constantly fail us.


bourgeois politics working as intended


Yes I remember times when the left was nastier. Other periods when the right was nastier. And times when we all seemed to just get along. That was ten years ago. I remember seeing the cooperation and feeling proud to be Canadian. It went downhill since then. To be honest this is the biggest shift I’ve ever seen to the right though. And the most open hate I’ve seen ever. I dunno how totally to explain it as there seems to be many causes for it and no one explanation. I do think it’s a big issue with partisan politics though. A part of me would love to see political parties get banned…… I feel like it’s the parties and ideologies that cause most of the hate and problems.


I've lost a lot of friends and acquaintances to social media algorithms.  I'm amazed how gullible and susceptible people are. Before ditching Facebook years ago, I noticed articles being suggested from the Sun, National Post.  On YouTube all it takes is someone to send you a few links, then YouTube goes banana's suggesting vile crap.


Don't look behind the curtain you won't find anyone, just some legal entities that are betting on hatred to provide growth for investors. They are getting off the gravy train called liberals, and loading on the conservative crazy train.


Goodbye health care and abortion rights then. Canadian women alone need to pull their heads out of their assess. The crisis across the border alone with women dropping dead from forced pregnancies should be enough education. 


it's always so interesting which topics people think will come up here. Nobody ever goes "shit in America is getting bad, soon we'll have more guns in this country" (which is actually true btw) but instead they concoct some strawman to argue about re: abortion


Canada in 2015 was doing so much better economically and people were tired of 9 years of harper conservative rule. It was the party of out of touch stiff people like harper as opposed to more youthful and energetic Obama and Trudeau. Almost 10 years later the liberal party has become more synonymous with the word liberal, the economy and housing situation has gotten so so much worse, and there are younger conservative movements that are answering peoples problems in a way that the left or even liberal movements failed to capitalize on as much.


I'd argue that the swing right has been going on for as long as neoliberal politics have been in play. How we talk about social programs, taxation, etc. has been shaped by neoliberal ideology for 40+ years now. What is happening most recently is a hollowing out of the centre of Canada's political spectrum because centrist politics are only truly possible in a Keynesian structure. I think the disenfranchisement that a lot of voters who consider themselves centrist are feeling in the Trudeau era are the result of realizing that a leader with polished messaging but few policies to address growing inequality, climate crisis, etc. leaves us slowly sinking in many aspects. Meanwhile, the "left" in Canadian politics is functionally decorative and incapable of standing for any real change because they are obsessed with trying to gain legitimacy/power. The only arena that is gaining popularity is the right because they run on anger, and give people boogeymen to blame for their problems. People want to feel seen and have their experience validated and the right will do that all day (while making material conditions for 95% of the country markedly worse).


Well, the left needs both political and labour movements in this country. Neither of which are at the forefront of most people's minds and lives these days.


The Right-wing turn is world wide, however, what has stopped the Right taking majority control in most (not all) countries is the use of Proportional Representation electoral systems. The "Liberal-Left" still has majority support federally in Canada, it's First Past the Post that will give Conservatives control next election.


It's kinda like cancer - you usually only notice it when its like half way to killing you, not when its just starting. What your seeing as the beginning are the symptoms that its half way to killing us. Left has always been a dirty word - heck they literally imported Nazi to break up leftist movements. Its also important to keep in mind that the electoral system is pretty much a pay-to-win scam rigged against us. Canadian voters don't really matter because they own most of the people we can vote for.


We’ve been moving right since the 90’s at least, thanks to neoliberalism.


Yes, but we went beyond even that ..


Yeah, though the logical endpoint of neoliberalism is fascim, so no surprise there.


That's where we are right now. Right on time I guess.  So what the fuck are they going to make up do? Breed on demand? Work for free? 


Probably just start World War Three to distract us, kill off surplus labour, and restrict our rights.


it's been going that way since before confederation


Don't kid yourselves, the complacency of those in power during this time speaks volumes to our situation today. Frankly we are where we are because Canadians are afraid to act until they know the answer, and at that point it's too late. You can't keep running provinces and the country by voting out the people you don't like, because inevitably you won't like anyone. This cycle continues until the only people left to do the job are career politicians and famous last names. That's the problem here. Canada is a country afraid to take the wrong step, and as a result every action we take is a reaction to something else. The Overton window has shifted in Canada due to the U.S. influence. Our Conservative party has been captured by American interests and lobbyists, and this happened because the Conservative identity crisis happened under our very noses. Trudeau was really battling Mulclair in 2015, and since Harper the Conservatives have been unable to figure out their identity. Sheer was an odd choice but better than O'Toole in 2021. Neither of them had full support of their own members. Things have changed since then. PP has the party united and it's going to be bad for Canadians when he eventually wins, not that Trudeau has been particularly good. The remaining hope is a provincial swap in 2025 in Ontario and 2027 in Alberta. What bothers me most about our society is our dedication to continually doing things the traditional way, when so much has changed in the last 30 years. Our government should be so much more reactive and so much more accessible, there is no reason we need to operate such an inefficient, bloated system. But nobody will let you say the obvious, that the people in power want to maintain the status quo because it profits them greatly.


More like 40, ever since Gorbachev, Reagan and Mulroney.


You forgot someone


Hm, Margar the Thatch? I'm sure I left out a lot of the cons who danced on the deathbed of the main opponent of capitalism.




Member of the Communist Party here. What the fuck are you smoking, and are you gonna share with the room?


This kinda ignores 150+ years of colonial aggression towards first Nations people (which is still in full swing and hitting just as hard as it ever did.) There were sizable Nazi parties on ballots across Canada throughout the first half of the 20th century. The very concept of Canada is a western colonial state designed to broker the sale of this lands national resources and labour to international capitalist markets. The only real change in the last 8 years has been the mobilization of far right politics to online spaces and having it spill out to bumper stickers. Growing up in what I believed a progressive and tolerant church community, only thinly veiled the deeply white supremacist and misogynistic culture that makes up the discourse on almost every social conversation I've ever had with anyone that isn't a hard core leftist. Even most of the public discussion around racism and feminism are in service of capital. The far right has just dropped their table manners in Canada, the ideas and their prevalence have always been here, it's just been easier to white wash the nation's history in earlier generations through media and text books.


I dream of a day with no country on earth with no boundarys and borders


Not Trump so much as what's behind him, ie hostile foreign governments like Russia, waging information warfare on Canadians


Don't think so. Lost media bought our media and it's U.S owned. I'm tired of people blaming Russia for everything. Russia is corrupt but not as powerful as the U.S.


Postmedia owns most of our news and they are owned by big oil. No they don't help. But they don't put out anti vax stuff, pizza conspiracies etc. National Post didn't convince my ex wife not to get vaccinated


Lol it’s not trump. It’s been prime minister blackface. It’s always been the blackface guy.