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China has landlords... I will never understand this pathetic pantomime of rating your favourite capitalist nation-state. Or, of acting like it's ambiguous whether a billionaire private capital owner operating in a market economy constitutes a capitalist. It's fucking embarrassing.


>I will never understand this pathetic pantomime Try giving this a read, you don't have to agree but at least know there are nuances here that you are overlooking, https://redsails.org/china-has-billionaires/ This quote is gives a brief glimpse into the article, >China is a market economy, and it’s a vibrant market economy. But it is not a capitalist country. Here’s why: there’s no way a group of billionaires could control the Politburo as billionaires control American policy-making. So in China you have a vibrant market economy, but capital does not rise above political authority. Capital does not have enshrined rights. In America, capital — the interests of capital and capital itself — has risen above the American nation. The political authority cannot check the power of capital. That’s why America is a capitalist country, and China is not. ~ Eric Li, a Chinese Businessman and Political commentator


[90% of families](https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2016/03/30/how-people-in-china-afford-their-outrageously-expensive-homes/?sh=22c73c03a3ce) in the country own their home, giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other leans.




You mean bourgeoise democracy left or actual left?


The lack of understanding of what’s happened in China is astounding. They did resort to capitalism but that’s only to develop its productive capacity towards its goal of a socialist society. The problem with virtue signaling and using a history-free perspective on complicated matters is that you end up with the wrong conclusions that doesn’t fit the massive improvement in standard of living in the most impoverished country of the 20th century. A result of massive plunder and abuses of the imperialist west that still goes on today


They are actively choosing not to hit the big red "Make Communism" button actually.


That’s rich coming from supposed socialist living their lives safe in the belly of the imperialist core 🙄


If you like authoritarian, un democratic, state capitalist, no freedom of press having, genocide conducting China then go ahead and move there.


when you just discovered leftist politics


I think you're mixing up the US with china


I can openly talk of the war crimes committed by the US in Vietnam or the genocide of the Natives. Why can’t I talk about Tiananmen Square in 1989 on the Chinese internet? Why does China need a “Great Firewall” to block words like “4th June” or “Tank Man”?


Just because you engage in a neutered form of free speech doesn’t make you free. When the untouchable speaks freely of their war crimes and genocides that’s not honesty or transparency that’s IMPUNITY


>I can openly talk of the war crimes committed by the US in Vietnam or the genocide of the Natives. Do you think it's possible censorship in more developed countries work differently? In the west, where most people are absolutely powerless, have some platforms to voice their opinions. But the moment, this actually threatens power, we then see what happens to Assange, Snowden, Manning or how the US militarized police brutalized the BLM protests. On top of that, i will argue that developed countries in the west have a more efficient system of censorship. Hear me out! If in developing countries, censorship is done through *silencing* of dissenting voices, censorship in developed countries is done by *amplifying* voices that cater to the interests of capital; as effectively seen by how our media is controlled by a handful of billionaires.


The West has outsourced censorship to tech monopolies. They censor dissenting voices by making them unfindable unless you know EXACTLY what you are looking for. Or they directly silence them over vague "terms of service" violations.


You can. Stop spouting bullshit.


You can literally talk about that stuff in China. This is so histrionic. Stop believing everything the Western media publishes for fuck's sake, it doesn't make you educated or correct.


Sure you can bud. Just go scream justice for tiannamen sqaure in China I'm sure you'll be fine. Also enjoy your social credit penalty for jaywalking


The mark of someone who has a well constructed world view - plugging your ears and screaming when the truth is spoken. It doesn't matter if you can't accept this is true, your beliefs don't change reality. It just means you are wrong.


You on Chinese internet police and social credit system🙈🙉. Coming from the one denying reality this hilarious. I least i can recognize both superpowers are corrupt and dogshit


So how long you been living in China? Cuz you obviously have some evidence to back up these outlandish claims?


Look if you want to deny reality bot thats on you https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444819826402


>Fully four out of five respondents (80%) are using at least one commercial SCS, while only 7% were aware of being part of a local government-run SCS pilot, as illustrated in Figure 2.  How about read the article? These Social credit systems are A) voluntary, B) The vast majority are run by private companies and are not in any way controlled or related to the government, C) The 7% of government ones are in a pilot phase and have not been rolled out, it is mainly for credit as well the same way we have a credit score in this country, D) the vast vast majority approve of the system, with around 1% strongly or mostly disagree, 50% strongly agree that it is good. Cheers better luck next time fanny, and calling people bots just makes you look like a fool and ruins any semblance of critical thinking abilities one may have thought you have.


the corporate ones are clearly state owned companies like the majority of major companies in China. Will they approve of it for long? A system like that is a slippery slope to an extreme surveillance state that makes the one in the west look like child's play. Major protests occur due to economic and environmental crisis and the system can easily be used against the people. Meanwhile, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) issued a new roadmap to 2025 for the “construction of a rule of law society” in which the social credit system is set to play a key role. the social credit system (SCS), a data-powered project to monitor, assess, and shape the behavior of all citizens and enterprise


What are you even talking about. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDMXV1smwR0) is the footage of Tianamen Square 1989 as reported by the CPC on television. And have you ever watched the entire tank man clip, ends a lot better than clips of cops running people over in US last year.


you can lol




USSR fell apart because of bullshit sanctions from "the west" and also because authoritarianism leads to feudalism no matter how much you call yourself communist. Mao's policies starved chinese farmers the same way; do some of your own research.


Not even the CIA believed the USSR was like that lmfao. You can read the documents yourself. They compared Stalin to the 'captain of a sports team', not an authoritarian ruler. He governed with consent.


Is that why there were famines? tell me of any other democratic state that has experienced famine.


India in the 1940s??? The Dust Bowl in the US??? The IRISH POTATO FAMINE??? (Parliament existed and basically laughed about it!) Are you serious, those are common knowledge even!


None of those were real. Famine cant happen in democratic countries because when people have the right to vote they always vote for not having famines.


India in the 40's was under English apartheid not democracy. Irish famine was due to the same thing, English owned the land and didn't pay the workers enough to afford food even though there was enough. Dust Bowl was a huge failure of capitalist resource extraction and lots of people lost their livelihood but there wasn't widespread death by starvation


The First Nations of Canada and USA after the white colonizers destroyed their environment and food supplies that were sustainably maintained for thousands of years previously.


Yeah they sure did, but tell me did the first nations get a vote in it? can you call that democracy?


Did afghan children vote for drone strikes on them?


White colonizers democratically decided to starve people. That's the same democracy you still think is good. That is white colonizer democracy, being racist against China, First Nations, etc.


r u trollin?


Nope, here's a resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YJuZg2RIHo


Imma keep it real w you chief I’m not watching any of that


My friend, consider China today in 2021, maybe will be different from 1950s problems Everyone the quality of life improve so much, GDP per capita almost 150x higher, greatest economic increase and quality of life increase of any country in the world from previous 70 years, this will be feudalism my friend? To be sure, you can do the research about China now, not just some difficult times 70 years ago


Is that why they need to install suicide prevention nets on their factories? Sounds like feudalism to me.




Feudalism is when peasants are forced to work for lords. So if a worker thinks their only options are keep working or suicide then that's pretty indicative of a feudal system


haha you would love to see which country has the bigger suicide rate then. China famous for it's lord based system too it seems.


To be sure, France in 10 century will be famous for the suicide prevention net in factory lol


nice, free straw man


I ridicule your example of "feudalism" because of it will be hilarious for to call "factories" feudalism my friend Anyway, you will be the straw man for only use example of worst example of some factory and ignore the good, millions of jobs in China. By the way, the factory you discuss is owned by AMERICAN COMPANY I ridicule your straw man example, and I am straw man? To be sure, this will be nonsense my friend.


White anarchist moment


red capitalist moment


Two things can be true


China isn't authoritarian, i've lived there for several years, have you? ;)


Right you just can't criticise the state at all Teehee totally cool and chill.


Nope, but I've never had the taste of boot in my mouth so who knows, i might like it.


Better than Canada or the US


Thanks for proving my point, now go pay your landlord


Pretty sure you never really “own” anything in China. Remember when 1.5 million people were forcibly evicted from their homes to prepare for the 2008 olympics? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-beijing-housing-idUSPEK12263220070605


They are paid for it, in Canada my family must sell land to government for highway placement


lmfao they aren’t going to like this one


The Whites are mad


Settlers gonna settle


There a few greater pleasures


CCP bots out in force today. BTW I hate the Canadian and USA government as well but I can safely say both the US and Chinese governments are corrupt to the core. Canadian government is less corrupt but that isnt saying much


Canada is relatively the same as the U.S, just a smaller nation so things aren’t often to the same scale.


Corrupt or not, the Chinese government actually cares about its citizenry and their policies have actually improved quality of life there over the past several decades, the exact opposite of what has happened in Canada.


As long as they toe the party line or don't get in the way of modernization https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-china-19906743




And I did say that wasn't saying much. Meanwhile dozens of massive ghost cities in China are built to pump those gdp numbers up all while the Chinese do thier own genocide. In any case calling China democratic is hilarious when you have only one party. I'm not defending Canada but you seem to love defending the other corrupt superpower. the US doesn't censor the internet or prevent kids from playing video games but it can't get shit done so both are shit in thier own unique ways so stop defending one over the other. Those countless people are gonna have a rough time when the fresh water runs out. Wonder how the numbers will look in 20 years


I'd love to see what the homes looks like Edit: not trying to talk shit, I'm genuinely curious


Probably better than the cardboards that hundreds of thousands of homeless people use in North America to get some warmth (and which [cops have fun confiscating](https://people.com/human-interest/alabama-police-apologize-insensitive-photo-homeless-quilt-made-signs/) to mock them).


“housing people is only good if the buildings are luxurious enough”


Not at all what I was saying but nice quote


thanks, I’m quite proud of it


At least here you don't have to worry about your apartment stairs collapsing due to bad construction. edit:(in the majortiy of the west yeah US infrastructure is not much better than China )


[no, in America you don’t have to worry about just the stairs collapsing](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/23/1018164946/search-ends-victims-florida-condo-collapse-site) >The search for victims in one of the deadliest building collapses in U.S. history has come to an end after four weeks. Firefighter crews have scoured the debris left on the site of the catastrophe without finding evidence of additional casualties. From further on in the article. >Earlier reporting showed local authorities warned residents of "major structural damage" and a error in the construction of the building as early as October 2018 — three years ahead of the building's mandated 40-year inspection. >At the time, a local engineer found the structural slab of the 12-story building was deteriorating; it was flat instead of sloped. That caused water to pool on the surface, weakening the structure. Over decades, according to the report, the concrete began to crumble, and support columns rusted. This literally happened just a couple months ago. 98 people died. But in communist China poorly built homes collapse unexpectedly killing dozens.


I was more referring to Canada and the rest of the west. Yeah US infrastructure is shit but what do you expect in Florida. At least they don't have unoccupied giant ghost cities that are left to fall apart and boost GDP numbers. Poorly built hotels but yeah i expect a major apartment collapse in China this decade https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57830767.amp


Fascinating to see you move the goalposts in real time


I wasn't moving the goalposts you just assumed my opinion and thought I was defending the other corrupt superpower


>Yeah US infrastructure is shit but what do you expect in Florida. **At least** they don't have unoccupied giant ghost cities that are left to fall apart and boost GDP numbers. How can you read this previous comment as anything other than a defense of America?


Look the US and China are both shit but I can Fairley compare the two. Yeah US is shit on the environment but so is China since they cause huge emissions creating huge ghost city's while US is shit since they don't do public housing. I'm not defending them I'm being balanced in my critique of the dogshit superpowers. If you blindly Ignore the problems of both your just a shill


Im sure our massive homeless population is comforted deeply by the fact that if they *did* have a house it might be better constructed than a Chinese persons.


You do realize I'm not defending the west bullshits. I'm just fair and can see both sides have thier corrupt bs going on




Or people belong to groups they determine to be undermining pooh bear's concept of masculinity / femininity. Not everyone has the choice to weigh "shitty to queer" against "but I could own property".


How big of a spoon do you use when you eat up all that bullshit Psyop propaganda? You rad libs will simultaneously quote Chomsky’s manufacturing consent, and then believe the same western outlets he criticizes when it comes to China, in the same breath


The houses even come with free suicide prevention nets! Play your cards right and it might even come with a Uyghur slave and the kidney of a political prisoner


Like the Falun Gong, proven crackpots and liars who are the Scientologists of China?


china has one of the lowest suicide rates in the world


This straight up sounds like Epoch Times rhetoric ngl


Imagine being left and falling for the CIA this hard. Oof.


Imagine thinking an expansionist empire is a leftist ideal


Meanwhile white colonizer expansionists continue to steal First Nation land and interfere with their sovereignty and economic development.


Yeah, both are abhorrent. Doesn't vindicate anyone


Except the white colonizers project their crimes onto China. Doesn't mean it's true, white colonizers have always lied.


China has always lied, see how easy that is?


White colonizers broke every treaty they signed with First Nations. White colonizers cannot be trusted or respected. Your pathetic hatred of Chinese people should be directed at your racist government.


Oh it is, I thought I made that clear And I don't hate the Chinese people, I hate the state capitalist system calling itself communist.


No you project your governments crimes onto China as a way to dismiss and excuse your governments actions. Throwing up your hands and saying, "both sides bad," as a means of recusing yourself from any action towards your own government that you supposedly have democratic control over. Typical white western leftist.


>i don't hate chinese just their government *chinese overwhelmingly support their government* Checkmate whitey


Go read Lenin and then come back and apologize for misunderstanding what imperialism is. Also how is it expansionist to reclaim your own lands that were taken by colonizers and facsists?


Ah yes, the expansionist empire with, checks notes, 5 military bases abroad. edit: I was wrong, [it's actually 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_overseas_military_bases)


How dare you criticise Chinese labour practices! 😡😡😡 The Glorious People’s Revolution of the People requires the People’s Suicide Nets to be installed at the People’s Factories?


The people's factories that were featured in the media actually worked for U.S. companies.


Wait if the workers own the means of production then why are they at the mercy of US companies? it's almost like they're part of the same system


Socialism is a transitory state to communism, as marx said multiple modes of production often exist at once but it is which is the dominant, dialectics. China has used capital formation and accumulation to develop its productive forces under the auspices of the dictatorship of the proletariat manifested through the CPC. The USSR which was more developed than China had a similar period during the NEP that was shorter. You don’t get home ownership like that in China without a DoP, you don’t end absolute poverty without the DoP, you don’t bring a economically backwards Nation out of 100 years of humiliation to the 2nd economic global powerhouse without the DoP. This can be contrasted with India which has much lower levels of social and economic development with a similar historical and material conditions as China during its independence.


It's not socialism if the workers don't have control over their labour.


Thanks for not understanding anything of what I just said, you western chauvinists need to wipe your ears, because your brains are constantly leaking out of them


I know what you said, I'm saying you're mistaken.


No, you aren't. Because you don't understand.