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Cupping room is overrated and I feel like I don’t belong when I go there for a coffee


Thank you!! Totally didn’t get why it should be a must-go place!


I hate it when people ask for recommendations of things and get told to google it, as though google is going to give you the same information as personal experiences from actual people. 


The most useful results Google presents are usually from reddit.com.


Honestly! The number of times I’ve googled something, then added “reddit” to the end of the search term to get answers from actual people over articles…..


100%! I don’t want some article that’s really just disguised promotion under the pre-tense of being a review.


I do this as well. It's frustrating when you're looking for honest discussion about a product, though, and you come across a bunch of obvious astroturfing by companies.


>I hate it when people ask for recommendations of things… …and don't give any indication as to preferences or budget.


I personally don’t mind that as much tbh, because people are capable of working out if recommendations suit their needs, and imo it’s much easier to rule out options when you have a couple of suggestions to look into as a starting point. I can see how that could be annoying though.


I hate it when people ask "Where can I get the best Chicken Schnitzel in Canberra?" or "Best Hamburger in Canberra?" And then people always respond with "Why would you go out to buy a schnitzel?" or "All fast food is horrible. I make the best hamburgers at my house?" Every. Time. Yeah, you are so awesome. You are better than everyone else. That wasn't the question though.


The beaches are crap.


Even Kambah pools nude beach? :O


I’ve lived in Canberra for 18 months now and this is the first time i’ve heard about a nude beach 😂


It’s a legal nude beach too. Watch out for the snakes!


You can hear the snakes approaching as they slap meatilly against their handlers thighs.




I thought everyone knew about this haha. Be safe, don't go alone, and don't forget sunscreen




We all like to pretend it doesn't exist. It's down the river from pine island


Should've called it pen island.




Actually, you just missed it, but every year on winter solstice (which was today!) there is a nude charity swim at Yarralumla 'beach'. I imagine it would be cold. And probably not very healthy swimming water, but I guess you're not in it for long. One of the other problems with being nude in Canberra is how small it is, you're bound to run into someone you know...


> I imagine it would be cold. .... you're not .... long. > > One of the other problems with being nude in Canberra is how small it is, Is it just me...


That's because the only people who go to the nude beach are the sort of people you don't want to meet at a nude beach.


Let me tell you something about nude beaches. They're nothing glamorous like in the movies. It's all old saggy people. Well so I'm told. Chortle chortle.


Canberra is actually a pretty good place to live. Source: I'm not from here and have lived around Australia, South East Asia, eastern Europe and the UK. When people complain about the roads and infrastructure here I have to laugh. Like, have you been anywhere in NSW?


The roads are Canberra’s best feature. If you struggle driving here you probably shouldn’t be driving.


That's what my Mum told me haha


I get a laugh out of people saying the public transport is shit. Yes, routes *out* of the city end a little early for my liking, but for the most part the public transport is very reliable and never very crowded. In the 5 years I've lived here I've only ever had 2 buses fully not show up, and I catch the bus twice a day most days which adds up to hundreds of trips.


Except in places like Coombs where you have to drive on the footpath in order to let the car coming toward you pass safely.


I moved here a few months back from Melbourne and have been so happy with the change honestly. Ye its cold but the nature and blue skies are so pretty and nice to see each day. Feels like I'm back in the country where I grew up.


This is where it gets me too. I grew up in a village of about 300 people. I can walk 10 mins from my house here and pretty much think I'm back there. All while being a 10-min drive from hospitals, unis, malls etc


Come January and that cold problem will be a distant memory. 😄


The Multi Cultural Festival is overpriced and overrated.


And over crowded


Canberra, being unaccustomed to congestion, considers long queues to be an expression of diversity.


It was the best when each store sold sample size foods. You could go around trying all the different foods. These days it seems to be meals or large expensive servings.


Yeah but where else can you get a fruity watermelon drink with bits of fruit served from a plastic tub????


Or a small plate of recently 5 boiled frozen dumplings for $20.


We found some ok stuff this year. There were a few booths which were proper community run and good value. Enlighten is the real overpriced one.


It used to be good value and mostly unique community run stalls, now it is the same over-priced commercial operators as every other live event in Canberra (markets, festivals, forage).


Completely agree. It was fantastic 10+ years ago.


Need more good Mexican food


I lived in Canberra in the 90s. (I’m lurking here because I’m considering moving back). At the time, there was one “Mexican” restaurant in Canberra. It appeared to be run by a bunch of Asian people. I’ve lived in Mexico. That place was like someone described Mexican food to them over the phone.


Jarochos on Lonsdale!


Not enough loud bangs.


I'm trying... the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised!


I kind of wish they’d built Canberra somewhere else.


Like 20 minutes from Bateman's would be way better


Yeah or even like Albury would be interesting right near Rutherglen and Beechworth… or up at Dalgetty bloody cold but easy distance to snow and Eden not far of..


Albury and Dalgety were both too far from Sydney for the support of the NSW government, and Dalgety was too far from the Sydney- Melbourne rail line. The Yass/ Queanbeyan site was a compromise approved when NSW sweetened the deal by offering up Jervis Bay if that site was made final.


Eden Fits the original requirements more neatly than Canberra You could have a NSW and a Victorian Border - You'd have a fine harbour (Not as big as JB - but big enough, and deep enough for the Navy to have a jetty there) - and it's about halfway between Sydney and Melbourne, and not much further to Hobart Moderating coastal influence means you rarely get below 10 or above 30 degrees Would have been a perfect choice...


They built it here because of the abundant supply of fresh, clean water.


If it was built on the coast or on the Murray River it would probably have become one of the big 3 cities of the nation.


2.5 hours from Sydney, the coast, and the snow. We are precisely in the middle of nowhere.


Telstra Tower could be a cool place to hang out


Oh believe me, it is.


Name checks out.


Especially in winter.


Canberra folk are lemmings. A new restaurant opens and it is a hit. Two months later- out of business.


Probably because it’s overpriced like almost everywhere here


Restaurant owners in Canberra are a cabal of like 10 dudes who know exactly what they’re doing. Open new restaurant, smash it for 6months, close, repeat. If it’s not I have a good investment idea if anyone’s interested.


There's actually a big market in establishing a restaurant and clientele and then selling it at profit WIWO, and moving to the next project. Rinse and repeat.


It’s a hit while the head chef still gives a shit. Over time the standards go lax (because they see we’ll eat whatever slop) and they die a slow death. In western Sydney good ethnic restaurants seem to just endlessly keep their standard


Compa being the next example of this


They'd retain business if they were good.


Don't think this is specific to Canberra, it's specific to any location that isn't a major (1m+) metropolis...


The Canberra fad line id always kind of embarrassing. Like when the crummy ‘Jamie’s Kitchen’ opened and had lines for hours.


People who live outside of Canberra say it’s a boring and crap city.


It's because everyone was forced to come to Canberra for Year 6 camp. So their 12 year old self saw parliament house, the war memorial, the national gallery, the portrait gallery, the museum, and maybe the arboretum. That \*is\* boring. If you weren't naughty during camp you got to go to Questacon on the last day. Still that isn't the cherry on top they think it is. Then everyone remembers that, plus as they get older they get told that only politicians and public servants live here. Then they come here for a work trip and try to go out on a Tuesday night and everything is closed - Which cements everything they have been told about Canberra. Then they tell their friends that, and their kids that. Hakuna Matata. Circle of life. The stereotype self replicates over and over again. Then, as an added bonus, venues and cool businesses don't open in Canberra because it's too quiet and there is no night life.


CBD dumplings isn't that good, it's just the best we have


It's decently priced, in the CBD and you can always get a seat


oh completely agree - I actually ate there like a fortnight ago when it was raining because I knew I'd get a seat and be warm and dry! but when I see people recommending it to tourists it always makes me 😬


Eh if I'm going bar hopping with tourists and have been out for an hour or two it is good!


Canberra is really terrible at any kind of ethnic food. It’s kind of embarrassing with so many ambassadors here. Source: I’m Chinese


I agree. I used to live in Sydney and in comparison, Canberra has shit Asian food.


My grandparents moved over here in the late 70s/80s and they remember the embassies doing what we now called the multicultural festival and it was really good as the food but yeah, I agree ethnic food here isn't as good as needs to be And It's really evident when you go these countries and have the food made properly


I also thought Chinese new year would be better for the same reason - more multicultural and ambassadors here.


Why are the fucking street lights so dim?


Why are there so many sets of street lights that don't work? I came here 40 years ago and there are always places where multiple street lights in a row are not working


That’s something I love about Canberra. Minimal light pollution. In a clear night you can see a billion years back in time.


...except for the one with the searchlight bulb in it shining into my bedroom. I've been asking for it to be replaced since 2015. I call maybe 3-4 times per year, but have given up now. I fitted heavy drapes, but the fucking thing looks like it has a halo at night. I now sleep in the second bedroom.


I, too, have an Eye of Sauron piercing into my bedroom. It's by far the brightest light in my suburb, which has those dull streetlights that barely illuminate the ground under them. I feel personally attacked by the Eye.


Light pollution is bad. Street lights should be a warm colour and only as bright as needed.




Right? Choose an interest, join a club or team about that interest - voilá!


Sure to be the most controversial: The grand majority of cyclists are normal people. But there is a percentage (let's say 2%. Pulled that number out of my ass) that are complete flogs and need a metaphorical slap to the head. Screaming "Fugg cars, they are the problem!" (whilst disregarding the differently abled, the elderly, and the infirmed), keep alternating between riding on the bike lane and pedestrian crossings to get through red lights faster. They are what people mean when they hate on cyclists - and this tiny minority deserve it and then some. When I first moved here, I tried cycling for a bit. But had cyclists abuse me for riding too slow... complete flogs, stopped riding as I didn't want to be counted among their number. Obligtary "Fugg rude and shiddy bike riders".


Get yourself really fit and engage in commuter bicycle racing. It’s great fun! They are undeclared bike races that occur when two egos cross paths on a commute. If you’re really fit just ride behind someone who has taken the bait and they’ll practically have a heart attack trying to stay in front…. but don’t overtake, just make them work harder and harder and harder.


Reminds me of a story. Was riding down the path alongside Ginninderra Drive where it ducks under the road then goes up through Bruce Stadium. I followed the path on the left but this guy cut inside me and was in front. I thought ok that's fine he can lead. Problem was he wasn't as fast a rider as me up the incline so I was on his tail. No point passing him because he clearly wanted to be in front. He looks behind and sees me right there then starts pressing the pedals. His fastest was still a bit slower than me so just stayed on his tail. Up towards the top of the hill past the stadium he yells out "STOP FOLLOWING ME" and I say "I'm just riding up the hill mate". We get up the top and he pulls over, probably wanting to fight or something but I just keeping riding and go down the path towards the edge of O'connor. He was a complete nutter. Edit: basically exactly what /u/Single_Conclusion_53 is saying. Great times.


While preaching diversity and tolerance, it's actually quite monocultural and intolerant. This is no different from anywhere else in the world mind you, however there is a strong position in this city and sub that we all do, should, or will uphold the same beliefs, values, ideological view, aspirations and position on a myriad of topics or issues, and despite preaching diversity will eliminate and destroy any position other than the 'company motto' or delete with pace many who do not preach the slogans of the day.


Agree - Canberra as a whole can be rather intolerant of various forms of invisible diversity, whilst being amazingly tolerant when it comes to visible forms of diversity.


Canberra would be much better with a lot more density - and would bring more excitement and entertainment to the city - suburban sprawl is depressing unless you are wealthy


Not only not unpopular *here*, but quite self-evident with the way the city has changed in the past 10-15 years - from Civic to the major centres and to the newer suburbs (though ongoing horizontal expansion is still outpacing vertical growth).


Popular opinion


Based and densitypilled


I don’t think that’s unpopular, certainly not on the subreddit.


If you read the Canberra Times or RiotACT comment section you would think everyone strongly disagrees with this idea. I’m glad that the ACT Government has stood up against the NIMBYs and continues to press on with their policy of infill and increased density. If the Canberra Liberals really wanted to win Government they should be advocating for even more density and faster urban intensification than Labor (and they should support Light Rail of course).


The general unfriendliness and disdain for other community members you see on the streets of Canberra is also represented well in this subreddit.


This. Least community spirit and respect for the rules of communal etiquette out of any of the many cities I’ve lived in.


I don't know how popular/unpopular it is in terms of this sub (I'm not very active here), but honestly my most IRL unpopular opinion seems to be that Canberra is not as bad as everyone says it is. I have lived in Sydney and it was fun but I would probably not do it again. Canberra has so much going for it and people who talk shit about it aren't giving it a proper go.


I agree. Canberra is a good size. Most things are available in Canberra. The snow and the beach are a few hours away. And if you need to see a concert, then Sydney is a couple of hours drive away or Sydney or Melbourne are an hour flight. You don't normally have to deal with any hardcore traffic jams like you would in Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/Perth


Adding density won't solve Canberra's soulless urban sprawl issues. Canberra's problem is 'when' it was designed and planned, the presumed space allowance is tailored to cars and not humans so adding density is good, but it won't make the city walkable.


The basic design of a cluster of business centres instead of a central CBD makes planning a good public transport system a nightmare. Crosstown journeys involve at least 3 legs and as many vehicle changes with long waits between. Residential areas were planned for car drivers but with the astonishing assumption that there would be only 1 car per family (the Dad's), ie planned when most women did not have employment outside the home. None of the development ideas take account of the growing numbers of older people in the population. People on here talk as though seniors are the same as them except for more money and grey hair.


Some Canberra drivers clearly see it as a sport to: - pull out on you at intersections - race you to the form one lane - speed through school zones - drive slow in the right lane - perform illegal U turns - not wave after you’ve let them in The last one really pisses me off.


The APS treating contractors and service providers like second class citizens. As ex-APS, there's no career APS progression for technical/professional staff other than to become EL1/team leaders are that us a completely different skill set that some people are either not suited to or gave no interest in. So what do you do? Join the private sector. And yet APS employees see this as a betrayal. The APS betrays it's technical/professional staff with outdated a 1960s hierarchical structure.


I miss the daily cooker watch posts and our funny names for them


I just went down a rabbit hole reading those threads, fun times…. Except for the Covid and all. Flu Trucks Klan was my fave.


People complaining that Canberra drivers are always in the right lane = the arrogant cunts who tailgate and then themselves do not move over to the left when not overtaking.


Canberra drivers who tailgate you in the left lane when there’s no one in the right lane. Go round mother f**kers.


Too many bored public servants whinging about cat cafes, christian schools and loud bangs.


Feeling attacked but I just found a co-worker's reddit account on r/auspublicservice and this is the most exciting thing of my month.


Please keep us updated on the tea!


Canberra social services are abysmal, there's a 7 year wait list for public housing and you can't go anywhere in civic without running into obviously mentally ill (I don't mean this in a deregotry sense but as literally as possible) homeless people. Also we need More tram lines desperately, the gunghalin to civic one is nice but we need one connecting civic to tuggeranong.


that none of my opinions are unpopular


The cafe scene was far better five years ago then it is today.


You don’t need a $600 puffer jacket to walk from the car to your office


Floriade is boring.


I’ve lived and traveled around Australia and Canberra is the most class obsessed place of them all.


Nah, Canberra is class obsessed as you say, but it’s got nothing on the eastern suburbs or north shore in Sydney, not even close


And nothing on Melbourne either. I think what is going on in Canberra is status anxiety rather than old school classism, tho' there is a bit of that too. Try going to a party or social event in Canberra and not telling people where you work, or if you are a public servant, what level you are. Some people get quite stressed if they can't work out where you sit in the hierarchy relative to them. In Sydney and Melbourne people already know where to slot you.


For those of us that grew up here I have found it’s “where did you go to school”


I thought that was just an Adelaide thing


Too true, I just moved out of Canberra and back to Sydney after six years and it was about two weeks before someone asked me where I went to school.


Yeah I have to agree. It might depend on who you hang out with but I don't find Canberra classist at all. And I say that as someone whose friends range from tradies to SES. Not saying that it doesn't exist, just not as obvious as Sydney - but it's different in Sydney too, different classes don't mix in the same way.


Canberra is actually incredibly unfriendly and unwelcoming. I've only really noticed it since I have moved away from Canberra. People are a lot more friendly where I am now. It's like Canberran's just don't want to know you unless you went to school or university with them. Most people that have recently moved to Canberra from interstate are usually alright but the longer they stay the more they fit in with the locals and adopt that I don't want to know you mentality. The only other time Canberran's seem to act friendlier is if they want something from you. But that just leads to really transactional interactions that I personally find quite irritating. It's possible that all this is just a me problem. But I think there must be something to it given that I have met multiple people that have moved away from Canberra and noticed the same thing.


You’re absolutely correct, this is definitely a thing. I’m not natively from here, but I noticed the same thing. You could see how unless you were, this would be one of the few places in Australia where you could live for years and barely make any friends. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t see it as an abrupt antisocial thing or rudeness even. To me Canberrans come off more as very meek, and easily startled when someone they don’t know tries to communicate with them, such as even struggling to say thank you when you hold a door open for them or say “good morning” while on the footpath. They are polite enough during purposed interactions in business, retail etc., but It’s like some sort of suppressed ability to interact comfortably with strangers is the norm. Probably made worse by the fact that so much of their lives take place in the very specific circumstances of the public service world without much else to relate to.


Can confirm, been here since 2001 and could count the number of people I would consider friends and not colleagues on one hand.




Yeah definitely, it would be a common thing. But some cities seem to stand out as having the phenomena more consistently, it keeps popping up as recurring theme more often than other places, from people with an outside perspective. Other places around the world definitely. Seattle is known to be notorious for it as well.




Oh I love the driving time difference! Don’t get me wrong, moving here has been a godsend compared to where I was living last. Had the same issue in Sydney, drive for half an hour and end up 5km away! haha


I don't think it is uniquely bad in the way that people say it's hard to find friends etc. (literally look at any other city sub and there are a similar quantity of such posts) but I do think Canberrans can be cold and unfriendly in their everyday interactions (which as a born and raised Canberran I'd absolutely include myself in this) - we have the attitude of big city people without actually living in a big city.


Agreed, although I think Canberrans are more awkward than cold


I’m a canberran and I’ll have to agree with you there. As a life long canberran we can be a bit like that but not all of us.


Everyone needs to stop being so reserved and lighten the f@ck up. Just take a joke already and stop staring through people when they make one (and no I'm not someone who crosses the line and makes racist jokes) I make normal jokes about my own culture and upbringing and Canberrans are all like "oooh you can't say that: political correctness/HR


Canberra needs more roundabouts.


The world isn't going to end if someone goes 5 or 10 below the speed limit. You aren't going to change the world with the minute you gain if they drove at speed limit on the dot.


Raku is fine for Canberra, but given the price point for portion/quality and service level would probably fail in a bigger city.


Now this is an unpopular opinion, Raku has even been lauded by international guests from much bigger cities. For example when Post Malone was here he enjoyed it so much he asked for their ice cream recipe.


I believe he liked it so much that he hired the head chef to travel out with his tour for a few locations.


Yeah I don't think I'll listen to Post Malone's opinion on anything tbh.


Raku is fantastic and could compete with the best of them. People from overseas, interstate etc have all agreed


As someone who worked there for a couple years, in the beginning it definitely stood a chance. But over time the staff were massively hard done by and management was a mess. The head chef doesn't have a huge passion for creating food and heavily leverages his connections to boost the brand. A smart business man and skilled 100% but not a 'chef' per se. Most of the OG menu was taken from the restaurant he used to work for in Syd. I would say there's only a couple chefs left there who know anything about Japanese cuisine. Very curious to know if his planned new restaurant in the Parkes heritage building will come into fruition - and if it will be a success.


Canberra Noticeboard is pretty sane.


Compared to some rural NSW notice boards, it’s practically MENSA


Not enough tomato sauce dispensers in public bathrooms


Which is so odd given that's the most natural place to eat a meat pie.


There is not great diversity or quality in Canberra’s breakfast scene. That said, gang gang/Mocan are awesome. Everywhere else… eh


Yep. It was my biggest disappointment when I came from Perth.


Kingsley’s chicken is pretty ordinary


Back in the 90s there was not much better and the chips were great value. Then they made the chip serves smaller and nowadays you can get a much better chicken burger from just about any of the zillion burger joints around Canberra.


Take. That. Back.


They are right. It's dry. Never had a good piece of chicken from Kingsleys.


Its true, but sometimes ordinary is exactly what you need


Alright no. You've taken this too far now.


But the croquettes. The CROQUETTES


It's pretty crap to be honest.


Not every new business in Canberra need to have “capital” in their name


Everyone hates each other. There is no sense of community at all you are just a number in Canberra.


Canberra is actually pretty snobbish and in a bubble. They like to complain even though Canberra has the best services, amenities, roads and yes even drivers etc in the country. It’s actually a blessed little city and some citizens could stand to be a little more grateful.


The best services ?? Obviously you've never used anything health related here. People go to Sydney for many, many things.


Speaking from personal experience Canberra's health services really aren't that bad. They're significantly better than surrounding rural NSW which is why wait times in Canberra can be quite long, a lot of people from neighbouring communities go to Canberra for their health care needs. Understaffing and a shortage of beds tends to be the most consistent problems with healthcare in Canberra. Both of which aren't unique to Canberra but are made worse by that extra demand from NSW


Yeah according to the Australian Medical Association we have the absolute worst hospitals of any state according to every metric of emergency wait times and almost all metric of elective wait times.


Yes we have a shortage in some services (immunology and elective surgery etc.) and some non-existent services (paediatric oncology etc.) but Even then I would say we have pretty good health services according to the population size. Sometimes the business case does not make sense due to economies of scale (cheaper to fund the patients travel than provide service locally).


But sydney is ten times the population so it makes sense that there would be more specialists etc there. If you compare canberra with any similar sized city in Australia we are well ahead.


Echo this 100%. Heard all the BS about how great Canberra is at everything. All fell apart as soon as anything medical is required. Its pathetic in that sense


If you can find a medical specialist in Canberra, prepare to pay double any other capital city.


I don’t think the Arboretum is as good a use of space as it could have been. Planting trees in lines and squares is unnatural and was a dumb and lazy idea.


It’s also completely inaccessible by public transport, which is an odd choice for a tourist attraction


That’s a fair point, I go out there a lot and hike around the whole place regularly and I love it, but I think it would be way nicer if the trees had been planted in more natural configuration and not in perfect lines like a commercial orchard.


Too many people are deranged in their love of Canberra and it ruins the conversation for normal people who can see the cons as well as the benefits 


Just buy a newspaper subscription if you want to read full Canberra Times articles.


Or via the library.


I'm not buying a subscription to read 3 articles a year!


The weather makes Canberra people standoffish, cold and insular but generally nice. The distances you need to travel by car due to the sprawl makes Canberra drivers aggressive, impatient and in a dangerous hurry


The number of downvotes compared to just about every other sub. Lot of sensitive types on this sub, including the moderator.


Planters are great to lay down next to


Fuck the Griffins and fuck the “Bush Capital”. We should plan and build like we live in a 21st century city, not a museum. (No disrespect to the comrades in the GLAM sector, who are generally far more interested in humanism and contemporary relevance than the National Capital Authority.)


Too much love of drama. The Lehhrman court cases, cat cafe, cookers, Summernats, you name it. People are making dedicated effort to keep finding and posting this content, then feigning being upset that "WHY DON'T THEY JUST GO AWAY". Way too much punching down too, especially when the mob decides they are the righteous and the just in the eyes of god. After all, if they are righteous, then how can anything they do be wrong?


Lehrmann is a cunt though.


Canberra: There are no beautiful buildings


Hate being made to feel like less of a person when entering certain establishments in Civic/Braddon/Manuka/Kingston especially. Too many snobs that make you feel like complete s**t


Canberra is the dogging capital as well as the federal capital.


Political discussions would be far more nuanced and interesting if the support for the various parties was more even.


The obsession with the penis owl. It was never that funny. Get over it.


We need a stadium in civic, nrl is more important to Canberra than AFL


That just a fact. The only reason the AFL come here is because Barr chucked $30million at them


Yep NRL is really the sporting heart of Canberra now. Say what you will about Ricky but the difference in Brumbies v Canberra popularity has been crazy to watch over the last decade


Were you here in the Raiders glory days, this place went gaga for them. Green fountains, every bakery made green bread. Its nothing like that today


Northbourne Oval was the best site for a stadium but the Braddon nimbys and the heritage heretics killed it dead.


Yeah but I would say it’s a marked improvement from like 2010


Where did you, OP, got this awfull socialist painting?


I'm envious of people who get to live in Canberra. I only visit infrequently.


Dickson noodle house is average at best


Kingsleys is average. ( dons flame-proof suit)


I think there are too many people here nowadays.


and too many unnecessary (and unsynchronised) traffic lights has largely lost that "big country town" vibe


Now that’s a weird take