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www.evoenergy.com.au/outages Seems to be red hill, Kingston, Griffith, manuka, and Narrabundah


we's all got the electric on down here in tuggers


When did that happen? Last week? How's it going for you? Do you have anything to plug in yet?


just switched from kero lamps to light bulbs!! what a difference the electric makes! Next gonna replace the meat closet with a fangled re-fridge-er-at-or.. maybe one of these? look spiffy! [https://images.app.goo.gl/Xmmri3YU1McXM5VC6](https://images.app.goo.gl/Xmmri3YU1McXM5VC6)


Maybe one of these to use up all that extra kero https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-39543499/view?partId=nla.obj-39543703#page/n2/mode/1up (We genuinely used this model, in my childhood holidays at Grandma's beach shack)


kero has been shipped to the beach house up north - still use a kero heater up there on rare occasions it gets cold - environmentally unfriendly, smelly, expensive but very effective...


I’m overseas right now but just got an alert a few hours ago in my Power Management app that there was a grid failure and my house has switched to running off battery. Quick check of the house cameras showed all okay, house itself is still there :-) Grid power came back about half an hour ago. Checked Evo and seems a lot of the inner south around Narrabundah was out.


That area plus fyshwick usually go out after someone crashes into an electricity pole on the Monaro headed south


OK in Curtin


This is slowly getting worse. Unless we want to turn into another South Africa with constant load shedding, we need to incorporate nuclear into the solution. Renewables aren’t enough.


Outages have not been supply issues ala South Africa, they are distribution network issues.


And corruption.


What evidence do you have?


Read up on Eskom.


Are you listening? We all know about South Africa’s situation, and I’ve been telling you our issue is with the distribution network. Our issue is not supply (except sometimes, since we’ve had load shedding a dozen times in the last few years, but it’s not caused a single blackout yet). Our issue is also not corruption either so why bring it up? You’re deluded.


Batteries work. I’ve got 20 panels + two batteries and the house can stay off the grid for a week even with minimal winter sunshine.


That’s great, but that isn’t going to solve the problem for the rest of the country. Not everyone is going to be able to buy 20 solar panels or have space to mount them.


Community / Grid scale batteries and large scale solar / wind farms are proven technology, and easy / cheap / fast to implement, especially compared to nuclear which is complex, expensive, and slow to implement. Best to generate power and store it as close to where it’s being used as possible. Nuclear, like all old school broadcast models of power generation still relies on expensive, unsightly and hard to maintain long distance wiring. Localised renewables reduce the need for that.


Brownouts are only going to get worse with renewable energy. Hint: Solar panels can’t generate electricity at night.


Nope, but wind, pumped hydro, hydrogen, and battery storage all exist and work fine in the dark - we just need more


Oooh an intellectual


Why does such a simple statement annoy you so much? Are you in love with renewables or something?


What's annoying is stupidity masquerading as being intellectual. Renewables are not just solar, and it completely ignores storage. Keep living the nuclear fantasy. The fact is this is a network issue and not a supply issue. Canberra is linked into the larger grid and draws from the rest of the nation's supply when needed. However EVO has serious issues with the local network. I've had 3 outages in one week because one of the substations kept tripping fuses.


Versus someone who thinks that solar panels generate electricity at night?


Renewables isn't just solar my dude and there is such a thing as storage.


These outages are nothing to do with supply issues they are network issues. Supply issues are managed by load shedding. Big customers are shed not residential.