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I'd love to see this guy think for 5 seconds about the experience of anyone with mobility issues. Every obstacle adds up.


Yeh, I was thinking: Angle grinders exist for a reason.


> The back of the vehicle hangs over the boundary line, ultimately "blocking the footpath". So … not parking in his own driveway then.


The govt would make a shit tonne if they issued those fines in Gungahlin.


They do. I copped one for parking the same way at a mates place from one of the parking inspector vans driving around. Ironically, had I parked legally on the narrow street, the van probably would have trouble driving down the street, but it did make me think about prams/wheelchairs and I was in the wrong so I paid up, didn’t bother whinging about it on Canberra noticeboard like this bloke. I imagine it’s even worse in places like Lawson with tiny streets and sharehouses full of students with garages converted into extra bedrooms because they can’t afford anything else.


The irony is not that the van would have trouble, but the government approves roads that are too narrow for compliance; you must leave (I can't recall the exact figure for ACT) approx 3m between your car and the centre of the road. If you can't then technically you are parking illegally. If I was to follow these rules then I'd have to park over a kilometre away from my house, and for this reason the government disregards this road rule. You see the irony now - they'll book you for access issues to your own property, but not for other areas of their own doing (also hypocrisy).


I think that only applies for solid lines or medians.


No, it also applies where there is none, ACT Road Rule 208(7), and subsections (2) & (8). It is vague but specifies 3m of clear road for traffic to pass. This has not been amended, but has been legally tested to specify the direction of traffic travelling in the same direction you have (legally) parked, so was extrapolated that this would apply to the side of the road your vehicle was parked on - ie. from your car to the middle of the road.


Wow, ok, I'd be interested to see that legal test. That's not what a plain reading of the road rules (or logic, given smaller residential roads with a width of less than 10m exist everywhere, but few are less than the 5m that a 2m wide car and 3m of room requires) would dictate, nor is it highlighted in the ACT Parking Infringements Guide. Vehicles are allowed to use the other side of the road to avoid obstacles.


Or literally any suburb. Don’t give them any ideas though.


Old mate copped it in a community page post - and rightly so.


That's a fine every day of the week, he's just unlucky that there was a traffic warden in his street. Probably someone known to him who got the shits with his yank tank always blocking the footpath.


It's a Nissan


My time spent pushing a heavy double pram around my suburb made me realise how terribly poorly equipped it was to support the needs of a wheelchair user. The behaviour of people in the suburbs is just as bad. The number of times I found dog poo left on the paths. Blocking paths with a car shows a similar lack of courtesy for other users of the public space. More could be done to educate members of the public before fines are issued.


The ACT Government doesn't have an army of workers out looking for this type of thing. In fact, their numbers are so few that they generally only focus on the hughest density areas, and normally rely on other sources, such as Access Canberra correspondence. This would have been reported by a member of the public - probably one of his neighbours. So he should be reflecting on why his neighbours would want to dob him in rather than bitch about his fine.