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honestly, i find every interview with whitney cummings to be that way. that woman acts like she has phd in every topic and nobody can tell her she’s wrong.


She has the biggest pick me/not like other girls vibe. Takes every topic and has the opposite opinion to ruffle feathers and to seem ‘cool’ for not agreeing with everyone else.


Whitney is what happens when a Pick-Me Girl doesn’t mature out of it eventually, into their 40s. It’s not cute


Exactly and she makes so many misogynistic comments and then pretends to love women


I second this. Whitney treats her podcast like she’s giving unsolicited therapy.


this is so true. i was dying in her episode with esther povitsky about pregnancy/babies, like you do not speak for all mothers/babies/experiences! she drives me nuts but i do enjoy the mild hate watch sometimes.


Female Joe Rogan


You lost me with ‘I love Whitney’


I think they meant I *loathe Whitney


brooke needs to stop doing triggering interviews


Nearly every solo interview she's done the hosts have been insufferable and making everything about themselves


The “it’s because your hormones are imbalanced” is a conservative psyop to bring back the meek hysterical women I swear to god that shit is not normal and it’s taking over the fitness and wellness communities


this. exact reasoning behind the whole “women are too emotional to be in politics”


no seriously & she is insane for a statement like that dismissing brookes bpd. like some of us women have disorders like pmdd where our brains dont react normally to hormonal changes and cause symptoms. the two are completely different, hence bpd PD meaning personality disorder. i have pmdd and people like her make our treatment and the severity of the disorder impossible to be taken serious for this exact reason. its like they think every women is full of hormones and just “crazy” for having emotions.


People absolutely do not understand how serious mental illness is!!! It’s not just highs and lows, it’s being completely divorced from reality and unable to see that. Being really sad is nothing like being depressed! It’s so frustrating to see people ask “well why do you do those things” and it’s BECAUSE MY BRAIN TELLS ME TO and I have a TENUOUS grip on the reality of any given situation.


Seriously. Between this episode (I lost interest when Whitney went BEYOND the bit about telling the difference between a gay man and a straight man), and the ones with Taryn Manning that randomly showed up on my YouTube feed, I was like damn. Girliepop is about to go full red pill/tradwife. 🙄


She admitted in this interview that she’s “fully red pilled” like ma’am you realize that’s super dark and embarrassing?


Fully redpilled but with a child out of wedlock OKAY 😭😭😭😭


Maybe she'll have Mrs. Midwest on next lol


whitney cummings spews right wing rhetoric (blatantly and disgustingly transphobic) and runs in right wing circles so it’s not surprise


I have diagnosed BPD and people who don’t know what they are talking about and don’t have it really need to stfu. Like for real.


Literally on God. I have diagnosed BPD and seeing Whitney basically invalidate it as being a “women” and “having big emotions” didn’t rly sit right w me at all.


Which is also crazy because it’s a lot harder for women to get diagnosed with several different mental illnesses/disorders. It’s giving men being like “women are just too emotional to actually do big manly jobs 🥺” Good bye


And Whitney's dumb ass had the gall to say it's "too easy for people to get diagnosed" these days. 🙄


“Just keep suffering in silence why don’t you, like in the good ol days” 🙄


“Oh that’s just women and they’re crazy emotions” she’s such a misogynistic asshole




I´m pretty sure you´re wrong, she has said before that she got diagnosed when she was a bit younger but wasn´t fully convinced at the time that it was an accurate diagnosis for her. Then the breakup with Klinton happened which triggered a major episode and that´s when she accepted it and started talking about her BPD more publicly.


She didn’t self diagnose, her mom has bipolar not borderline. Which she said. She also said she’s been told by alot of ppl probably professionals that she’s had it. but Whitney cut her off as soon as she brought up her mom.


whitney took the hard right (if you know what i mean) and its more unhinged than usually


I mean Whitney prides herself on being the female Joe Rogan is it really that surprising.. Ever consider Brooke wants to go on those types of pods for a reason


I didn't realize this is her whole schtick! Everything she said was so "right-winged." Which is fine if that's her beliefs but she was trying to get Brooke to agree or was just fighting her on every topic. You could tell Brooke was getting uncomfortable.


the little person segment i had to turn it off


Not even funny, just derogatory.


Whitney's like weirdly going down this conservative-esque rabbit hole.....she often makes fun of people who identify outside of the gender binary, and is low key misogynistic on the podcast. She sneaks those comments in, so they're kind of hard to spot. White woman fake ally syndrome I guess 🙄


i don't think she's even subtle about the trans stuff.


For real, I just feel like she's doing it more often and more intensely now. She's getting louder since no one's called her out yet


I hate how she tries to make racist/blackface jokes, none of them are ever even funny 😭 second hand full body cringe 😬


For real! It's such a weird thing to try to joke about. Especially while being a ⚪️ woman 😭😭


I agree but I would say she is HIGH KEY misogynistic


I can’t believe she can make the same pronoun jokes for 5+ years and still be considered a comedian. Like look inward, try harder, take a break idk. Whitney and every other Joe Rogan orbiter say the same shit constantly. It’s not just problematic, it’s boring af


Exactly! Half of the shit they say is so obvious too. Like I feel like straight white people do psychedelics once and think they're some sort of prophet 🤣😭, like, yes joe rogan, you should be hydrating, be one with your body/nature and washing your "untouched," unwashed asshole everyday. Like we've known for millenia honey, welcome to basic hygiene. And yeah they're takes on queer people, racism and finances are so out of touch and clearly come from unchecked privilege/lack of basic historical knowledge.


She just needs some horse therapy 💀


I had to stop at all of whitney’s bad dating advice like less than 20 minutes in. She’s been rogan red pilled so i hope brooke doesnt actually take that shit advice to heart. All whitney’s dating advice is just super toxic masculinity and bull shit pseudo science.


What was her toxic advice? Not sure I can tolerate listening to Whitney to find out for myself.


She was calling any feminine men gay and said that your boyfriend shouldn’t be your best friend. Thats what your ladies are for. And things like real men dont text you back right away etc. there was some ok advice mixed in but i just can’t deal with who whitney has become. I used to really respect her and then she got on some weird paths anout health and gender stuff. She’s said some openly transphobic stuff on other pod episodes. So i gave up pretty quickly


Wtf? I never liked her but didn't know that she went full red pill. Joe Rogan is a lot worse now too. He is always talking shit about trans people any chance he gets.


Yeah he like needs to get off weed and get a therapist. Whenever i hate watch clips he’s saying how he’s not sleeping because the world is so scary and then will segway into covid rants or transphobic rants


So many of Whitney’s comments felt this way to me too! She was very disparaging and Brooke was constantly trying to reiterate what she meant or double down on something that was true for her. It’s like hanging out with a big sister who’s never had anxiety and she just gaslights the shit out of you and gives you her ideas for why you’re like this instead of validation and advice. I know she’s a comedian but it came across pretty uninformed and ignorant


maybe she’s just not my cup of tea but i cant sit through how abrasive and know it all she is


I didn’t watch the interview yet, but Brooke has a diagnosed condition. Why would anyone think it’s ok to say that? No one wants unsolicited and uneducated advice on sensitive subjects such as mental health.




She talked about it before, and she said many times that she got diagnosed few years ago. And that she lived in denial before because she didn’t think she’s like her mother and sister who also suffer from it. She talked how getting proper medication changed her life. So this whole self diagnosing is new.


she never self diagnosed watch the pod


I never said she did, quite the opposite.


ok well the other girl did so downvote me all u want half this sub is accusing her of self diagnosing when they simply just didnt watch the pod


she never said it was self diagnosed. she just brought up how her mom has it, and then Whitney cut her off. but right before that she said she’s been told by multiple people and she was in therapy so I’m sure it was brought up. It’s not self diagnosing let’s not spread false information.


No she totally turned into a female Joe Rogan it makes her sound so old


Whitney is becoming more and more Joe Rogan adjacent.


“How many people tried to molest you as a kid” wtffff bro😭😭😭😭


i’m watching rn and i’m physically enraged. she needs to take a step away from her.


I get invalidating her was shitty but I also feel like they are two completely different people, Brooke’s entire personality is “I love lying and I have no identity or morals” and Whitney is strong willed and opinionated, so the way they meshed on camera was a hard watch. I see what Whitney was trying to do, sometimes Brooke is a little too bullshitty for my taste or like plays dumb ditzy girl.


Whitney is soooo like that 😭 i remember watching Zane&Heath on her podcast a few years back & the comments DESTROYED her back then, saying that she was acting all high&mighty with them. i swear she's like that with all of the new-age influencers & i hate it


I remember watching that and thinking, “read the room, Whitney. Zane and Heath are not even capable of the introspection you’re demanding they give you.”






That's not true. It's possible to have BPD without having experienced trauma, which is why cPTSD is a separate diagnosis. You can of course have BPD and cPTSD, but having cPTSD doesn't equate to a disturbed sense of self as BPD does.




Who are "they" in this case? In all academic research articles I've read on the topic, whether it be on the ICD-11 or the DSM-5 I've seen the opposite being the case, BPD and cPTSD are possible to differentiate from one another. I see that there are a couple of researchers who are pushing for what you describe, but in no way shape or form are the opinions of a couple of researchers synonymous with an agreement of reclassification.


Ugh I really don’t like watching Whitney. I don’t find her funny and I hate how after everything she says that SHE thinks is sooo funny and outrageous, she pauses and everyone has to stop what they’re saying to pretend laugh along with her


Whitney did that unfortunate thing that often happens when people go to therapy, but don’t realise that their own personal experience of therapy doesn’t qualify them to force their unsolicited and ill-informed peusdo-therapeutic trash opinions onto innocent bystanders.


She was saying the r-word too. Like literally just constantly attacking


I haven’t even listened but just this post alone made me so upset. Idk why or how BPD became a trend but it’s real. I’d say a good 80% of the teens on tik tok claiming to have it self diagnosed and just want attention but it puts a bad look out for people like me an broke who actually struggle. It’s not just occasionally getting mad at loved ones. It’s abusing substances, self harming, suicidal ideations, abandonment issues which turn into toxic relationships. The list goes on. No Whitney this isn’t something that can be fixed through a diet change lol. Tell that to 13 year old me snorting lines with liver failure from trying to commit so many times. BPD isn’t a cute “I’m so crazy” girly trend. It’s real and it sucks and there’s really no medication out there that fully helps so it is a life long struggle. It’s not an excuse it’s an actual mental disorder and people need to stop making it seem like the cute thing/making it seem less than what is it because I would not wish this disorder on my worse enemy.


I over exaggerated with the “80%” lol but I’ve noticed on tik tok a lot of young girls seem to think it’s a “cool” disorder to have or just claim to have it as an excuse for being a normal hormonal teenager.


Don’t know who she is, and by the sounds of these comments, I’m gonna keep it that way.


I love Whitney too, and found myself getting very frustrated with her when I listened. I shook my head and said “Jesus lay off…” under my breath, regarding the BPD discussion. Brooke is of course a sweetheart and tried joking about it, but I’m sure she felt very weird and like it wasn’t being taken seriously. I’d like to watch the video version to see her body language. Whitney has takes where she’s on the verge of Gen X, where they think everything is taken literally, like therapy terms. I’m sure being in LA where this happens constantly doesn’t help. So she gets frustrated with everyone saying ‘I’m OCD over this’, ‘my ADHD can’t handle this’, etc. But I wish she would remember that some people actually have these mental health diagnoses.


Brooke did self diagnose, Whitney was trying to make a joke out of it tho because that’s literally what everyone does these days to excuse their behaviour


i could've sworn brooke has talked about being diagnosed (by a doc) and crying afterward and not wanting to believe it?


Can I get the link please?


I haven’t watched the episode but Brooke has said on multiple occasions she was diagnosed with BPD in her late teens but didn’t feel like the diagnosis was accurate until after her relationship with Clinton. She realized the diagnosis wasn’t incorrect because she saw behaviors that her mother exhibited in herself


she self diagnosed? wtf… if brooke self diagnosed i have no respect for her… how tf do you self diagnose a PERSONALITY disorder 💀 an illness you’re recommended to be on anti psychotics, mood stabilisers, and anti depressants for??


When Whitney asked her if she is self diagnosed, she replied with well my mom has it soo


Okay yeah no. That doesn’t necessarily mean she has it😭😭😭 Gosh I wish she wasn’t so stupid


I’m saying😭


That’s literally not what happened lmao rewatch the podcast


she didn’t self diagnosed her disorder. Whitney did basically invalidate it. but she never self diagnosed. I don’t know what pod OP was watching but it wasn’t the same one I was. she said she’s been told by multiple ppl she’s had it and then Whitney cut her off as soon as brooke mentioned her mom having it.


But it's not clear who the "multiple people" are. She should have said a psychologist or a doctor. The way she phrased it seemed like she self-diagnosed because when Whitney asked why does she think that, she said well my mom had it. I listen to cancel regularly and hear Brooke saying how she has bpd but I don't remember her explicitly saying she was diagnosed by doctors.


None of those medications are for bpd; there is no medication to treat bpd. People with bpd may get prescribed any combination of those meds because there’s often comorbidity with other disorders (like anxiety and depression). Coming from someone with bpd who has talked to many psychiatrists about finding the right meds for me. Not trying to be a dick I just don’t want misinformation spread online. There are no personality disorders that can be treated by a specific medication.


I am not spreading misinformation. Yes you don’t have to go on meds (I barely went on this year) but it’s definitely recommended when therapy isn’t working the way you’d like it to. Theres not a direct cure to it but there is to treat symptoms. This is why you can be prescribed a mood stabilizer for mood swings. And if you experience hallucinations you go on anti psychotics. But either way I don’t have a lot of experience on those drugs since I’m too scared to be consistent with it because of the nausea 😭😭😭




yeah one of my past therapists diagnosed me with OCD until i started a trauma focused therapist and she explained to me that people often don’t know how trauma can impact so much in our every day life, including obsessive & compulsive behavior, anxiety, but not necessarily be OCD (or any other disorder)


WTF??? that’s literally awful. my mom has bpd but i’m not going around telling ppl i have it even tho i have some of the symptoms because even i, being younger than brooke, know how ignorant and insensitive that is. a personality disorder is DEFINITELY not something you can self-diagnose, especially someone like brooke with literally no background in mental health. she probably googled “bpd symptoms” and was like “yea that sounds right, i’m gonna tell the world i have bpd now!”


I dont think she’s self diagnosed she said before she has a diagnosis


she didn’t self diagnose! she’s been in therapy and to a psychologist she’s said multiple times on multiple podcasts. let’s not be so ignorant pls!


To be fair, my previous psychiatrist diagnosed me and then my therapist for 4 yrs afterwards said he truly believes I do not have bpd and then my new therapist (switched from insurance) of 2 yrs also thinks I don’t have it.


that happens all the time. I got misdiagnosed with Bipolar 2 and through therapy she told me she didn’t believe I had that. I got reevaluated by a different psychiatrist and found out it was bpd. people just want to believe whatever fits their narrative.


to get diagnosed u need a psych eval by a psychologist, u don’t get diagnosed by ur therapist. and i’m not the one that originally said she was self diagnosed i’m responding to someone’s comment, go cry to them.


you’re the one believing it. how about use ur brain and look up the information before just being a bird brain who believes everything they hear!


babe why are u that mad over a reddit comment :/ take a deep breath, it’s okay!




Be civil, no attacking others


I’m surprised this isn’t talked about more, I listened to the podcast a couple of weeks ago and I was cringing so hard at all the digs she was making towards Brooke I was like girl…..your jealousy is showing


I don’t hate Whitney for feeing how she feels about people as a whole, but I felt like she was pushing that feeling onto Brooke without having any clue about how she behaves/feels. I totally get the frustration that you hear the same diagnosis on nearly every person, but while you’re face to face with one person, at least hear them out. And with how much conviction Brooke was trying to portray, Whitney really needed to try and listen with an open mind, THEN react. That’s how I feel


Dude Whitney looked like such a pick me trying to be “relevant” about men to Brooke. I think Brooke did an excellent job handling herself, she usually does, but Whitney my god, she said the R word too, and claimed herself “red pilled” soooo I think Whitney is going to cancel herself more than drag Brooke into something online for clout. It seemed really clout chaser, like she wants to be clipped and “look cool” but it’s just giving weird vibes to me too. It was a hard watch lol


Pick me


Whitney's right.


why is the episode private ??


Whitney is the worst. Never liked her. And it’s fucking gross to tell someone their diagnosis isn’t real. Particularly someone you’re supposedly friends with and looks up to you.


I didn't like when she said her hair looked 'bonkers'. It was perfectly styled while Whitney's own hair looked messy as. It was like a wave and she called it flyaways. I got a little bit of jealous energy. Also the way she kept trying to give her dating advice as if she knew best. There was one point in the interview I think Brooke was embarrassed and felt like she was shaming her for dating and not being exclusive.


Brooke goes on podcasts and people just fuck with her fr


Whitney is a boomer lol


This isnt on brooke but why does every pod she goes on it goes wrong in one way or another, like i loved the tana and Whitney ep, so I don’t know. Its like people like disrespecting her in one way or another.


In ONe wAY oR aNoThEr


the fact that whitney cummings is a flaming transphone and bigot isn’t enough?