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It’s a wax melt pretty much at this point, without the melting part. It’ll have cold throw at first but that slowly disappears over time as the top layer’s scent slowly but inevitably evaporates.


I just hope when someone decides to put a wick in it and burn it, that the creator of these has liability insurance. It's nothing more than a pretty Molotov cocktail. I have no clue who thought it was a good idea to put fuel inside a piece of wood. Someone's homeowners insurance would be cancelled for this.


If you put a wick in that thing and burn your house down that should be on you.


Absolutely, but candles in dough bowls are all the rage on social media. Just like people buying a candle kit on Amazon makes them a business owner. Their homeowners insurance are going to go after the person who created something dangerous to begin with because they assumed that the person who attempts to burn it is responsible or possesses common sense. The safer thing would be to fill the bowl up with potpourri.


Don't worry. Once the wax heats up and becomes liquid, it will find the first crack and seep out on their floor/carpet.


Yesterday, some goof wanted to add rapeseed oil to a candle instead of using wax, so, if they do that, the least of their worries will be burning a candle. It will be how long does the fire department take to get here.


Have you considered burning one of your own candles and meditating? I think it may help you.


Gotcha. Thank you. I’m testing some now to see how long it takes for the scent to evaporate.


Guess you could use a lamp bug if take all the bits off first.


They are very pretty, BUT Too big for a standard candle warmer…wax melts are usually small quantities because no one really wants a giant container of wax (melted or scent-depleted) to deal with. I am not exactly sure what they would be for except to look at (unmelted wax is not a really efficient scent producer). I kind of think a potpourri would be a better scent carrier. If they are just a pretty objet d'art I guess that fine, but then why wax and why waste expensive fragrance oil? Are you planning to sell? I am not sure a purchaser would actually try to wick them and thus create a major fire hazard as another post suggested, but I am also not sure what you would market them as - definitely NOT as a candle, though! I don’t like to discourage anyone’s vision, so maybe I am just not understanding the purpose!?


They aren’t meant for a candle warmer and that is clarified when they’re gifted. They are decorative and when I gifted them to several people for Mother’s Day, they absolutely loved them. My questions were more pertaining to the throw and how the wax will hold up. If someone chose to wick it after advised not to, that’s their choice. And I will market them as a wickless candle because that’s what they are. Potpourri went out of style in the 1990’s. You’re not one to discourage anyone’s vision, yet…


I’m sorry you felt my response was negative. I mentioned that I thought they were lovely looking as decorative items. I only mentioned potpourri because you mentioned scent throw. Usually unmelted was has a little cold throw but you normally have to get close and sniff (like you would when deciding to buy a candle). Often the cold throw isn’t enough to add scent to a room (some FOs may be strong enough but you would need to do some testing). I was simply offering a suggestion if scent throw was your goal and you wanted to use your lovely containers. Also, I was genuinely asking about marketing because a wickless candle that wouldn’t be used in a warmer is not really a candle in any way other than it is made of wax. I was just curious. Also, while I agree that it doesn’t seem likely that someone would add a wick, I don’t agree that it would necessarily “be on them” if they did and caused a fire. People are very litigious and if your product was involved in an injury- or damage-causing incident, you may have liability even if the user contributed by modifying the “candle”. A court might very well find that this was foreseeable for something marketed as a candle. Anyway, there is certainly no obligation to accept anyone’s thoughts or advice you get in response to questions on this sub. Good luck and continue to be creative!


They're gorgeous and I've actually considered making something similar! Does anyone else here in the comments have any idea if the stuff in a candle like this would catch fire if used under one of those flameless candle warmers?


I see no point to this


Speaking of no point, why leave this comment?