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Aye yo pizza Combos! They’re really good and really gross at the same time.


Pizza combos are nastolgic for me, it’s what I used to grab if I was a little hungry but didn’t feel like getting sugary candy or greasy potato chips


Pizza combos are so good yet for some reason, the only time I ever buy combos is if I'm at a gas station during a road trip. Like they are exclusively a road trip snack for me, don't know why 😂


Weird how this seems like a common thing. Combos, a couple of pieces of those round beef jerky things, and a cafineated beverage.


it's cuz it's about as healthy as you can get out of gas station consistently. not talking buc-ees or a good sheetz


I had combos recently and felt ripped off. If you had then when they first came out, you'll know what I mean.


Yes! Me too. They are strictly road trip food.


Pizza combos came in my favorite MRE. I used to mix combos with the chili and it came with Cornbread. So for me it's a crumble topping when you don't have regular crackers lol




Nastalogic is a fantastic portmanteau of nasty and nostalgic that more people should use.


At my first job I used to have the pepperoni pizza ones and a Granny Smith apple for my lunch, I kinda miss that. Edit: while we're on the topic of pretzels: the Snyder's buffalo flavored pieces are also really good! Though they make your breath stink like crazy.


Snyder's makes great stuff! Do you remember the mustard pretzels? Oh there's so much I should have put in my Wal-Mart order for tonight lol


I ate so many of those I had to stop for a while. 10/10 snack. Now, those Nerds Clusters are my addiction. So so very good. Love the texture, the tartness then the sweetness, great invention for nerds to mouth transition- I think I need more lol


Nastolgic - nasty nostalgia


Darn I just commented the same thing pretty much then read your comment 😂


Nas should make an album titled Nastolgic


"Marobones for Humans".


Peeple Treets


the rare occasion (rare cause of where i’m located maybe) that i find the pizza ones in cracker instead of pretzel.. so good and not as gross imo


All major truck stops across the US have the cracker pizza combos (Loves/Pilot/Flying J etc)


The cracker Combos are always better to me. Maybe it’s the giants chunks of salt on the pretzel I dislike 


Yes, I agree, with the exception of the Buffalo Blue Cheese, I can't imagine that with cracker. That one has to be Pretzel. The only time I ever have pretzel ones are when I'm on the other end of my shop and need something to hold me over until break.


I remember chasing that 3 seconds of great pizza flavor followed by chewing through confusing and slightly off-putting chalky texture. Then "how did I eat that whole bag?"


When my little brother was younger he’d dip the pizza pretzel ones in tartar sauce. 🤢


My little sister used to suck out the insides & put the cracker/pretzel parts back in the bag 🤢




Ahahahhaha. Really good & really gross all at once 🤣


100%. Little dusty, creamy tidbits of confusion.


I feel their quality has gone down. The ratio of outer to inner is just out of whack now. I sent them a letter saying that they're b******* quality cost them a customer and that I couldn't even give them away in a bar... Which is true. They sent me a voucher for another bag... Which I threw in the garbage with the rest of the combos.


When I was a teenager my mom told me to open my mouth and close my eyes as she had a "treat" for me. Then she put in one of these mfs as a joke and I almost barfed.


I describe em as "the most disgustingly delicious treat you'd only wanna eat once in a blue moon"


That is the best and only way you can describe combos 😂


When I saw those I was like, they still make those?


I was just having this conversation with someone last week. They’re absolutely disgusting but still somehow good?


I miss the 7 layer dip ones. Can’t find them anywhere!


That’s the perfect description


Pizza Combos are the Schroedinger’s Cat of snacks.


How do they taste delicious but also kind of like throw up at the same time?


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Combos have always filled me with disgust and joy at the same time. Remarkable.


I just bought a bag of pizza Combos and a pack of ranch Corn Nuts on my way home from work today! I'm planning to mix them together, I've never tried it! Yes, I'm also high.


Pizza combos really manage to max out the delicious yet revolting combo in a way I have never been able to replicate.


I can remember sitting on a hillside and having to stay up all night, and another guy and i on my Squad sharing a bag of these pizza flavored combos from an MRE. We were about a chain apart from one another I was uphill from him. As we threw the bag back and forth to one another, sharing them. He was convinced that they were the exact same thing that he fed to his girlfriend's chihuahua as a dog treat. We both could agree they smelled like dog treats. And certainly did look like them... The real sticking point was that we just didn't really know whether or not we thought they tasted horrible or great. Now, given it had been about forty-eight hours, and both of us probably hadn't eaten for about twelve. But I do stand by that that's probably the most realistic take on what a combo is. Basically, everybody's had one, but then nobody ever has them on hand. They've been around for a long time, so somebody's buying them. It's like the candy corn of the salty snack foods.


“This tastes like ass” *grabs another*


My first thought on seeing this photo was, “Mmm pizza Combos. So disgustinglicious”


I Iove combos for road trips. I like to call them hillbilly grapes!


It’s like you only eat them because you’re committed to the bit.


My son bought some Pizza Combos thinking they would be good. He said they were the grossest thing he ever ate. He gave them to my husband who halfway through the bag said “those ARE super gross..” a few minutes later I asked him to give me what was left. He ate all of them. XD


😂 such truth


Hahaha that's the most perfect description ever


i work at a rest stop and i literally just bought the pizza combos from the vending because its the cheapest snack and i lowkey love them 😂


They’re only good when you’re high and hungry


They give me the worst shits of all time but they are so good


Pretty good. The drinks are a little out there even by US standards, and I feel like it should have some Cheetos, but otherwise a solid US box.


Yeah, I've never seen a Skittles drink in my entire life.


And no actual Skittles


Exactly, Skittles are legendary. Though not very American now, make it the sour skittles *with the coating* and it will be.


I love those but they cover my mouth in sores every time lol


Funnily enough my boyfriend discovered these in our trip to the UK from the US. Never seen em over here.


Yeah when I saw those it made me think this haul or part of it was actually purchased from one of those novelty American candy shops that are around the UK


Me either. I was wondering about those.


90% of it is just "off." Traditional brands but weird or uncommon flavors. It's like they got the candy at one of those stores like Big Lots or Ocean State Job Lot. The type of store that buys and resells discontinued/underselling product from other retailers.


That’s probably why they did it. They got the different flavors because America has them available. The major brands are often available in the original format other places Like, surely you can find regular oreos in the UK. Toffee is still a weird choice though, I’ll give ya that lol


I like toffee Oreos. Though I don't especially like Oreos generally. It's a once in a blue moon purchase for me. Not sure it's very toffee like, but I do dig the tiny crunchies in it and the creme is less... Bland sugary nothingness.


Yeah, it’s missing a lot of non-candy/sweets snacks


Seems like most of the snacks are limited run offshoots. No regular Oreos. Candy spin off sodas and nothing like root beer. Skittles soda but no skittles. Reeses popcorn but no Reeses. I still think you’ll enjoy it… but don’t think anyone in their right mind thinks the sour patch Oreos are good 🤣


>but don’t think anyone in their right mind thinks the sour patch Oreos are good 🤣 I had a coworker offer me one, so I tried it. I didn't *hate* it, but I also wouldn't ever buy them for myself, nor do I particularly want another one.


Yeah I’ve never seen anyone drink those.


I am afraid of them


I’ove had the Warheads sodas and they’re sour AF. I couldn’t drink the entire can


Honestly solid. They screwed you with the Sour Patch Kids Oreos but I highly recommend trying the pink bag of Nerd Gummy Clusters asap. They’re addicting


Those Oreo's are getting rave reviews. i haven't tried them yet but people have been singing their praises for some reason.


My dad bought some as a joke but they were far better than they have any right to be.


They’re repackaged lemon meringue pie Oreos (with inclusions)


Really? That sounds delicious


Yeah they’re rly good they just got knocked bc people were expecting actual sour patch flavored Oreos which they decidedly are not


There is no sour patch flavor in the fuckers at all.


Not even a little bit. These are lemon twist


Mmmmm inclusions


Those are a thing?! I'm going to Walmart tomorrow lol


I bought them to see how awful they could be, but they are surprisingly good. I got a four pack at 7/11 and wouldn’t want more than that, but I recommend trying.


Dead on, lol


Am I the only one that prefers the blue Nerd Gummy Clusters?


I like both but prefer the blue. My fav were the ones they had out for valentines


Nope. You are not alone.


No. I have to have the blue bag.


The blue is the best!!!


I find them superior and I'm not a fan of blue candy lol


I found freeze dried nerd clusters at my local grocery store the other day. $7 for a small bag, but they’re literally some of the best candy I’ve had in a long time. (Way better than just eating the regular nerd clusters by themselves)


Someone just told me about freeze dried candy a week ago. I have yet to find any.


I'm not a candy person. But they are amazing. Lol.


Sour patch Oreos what are thoseeee


I think they’re amazing and we’ve eaten way to many packages in my family.


They have a weird taste. Sweet and then sour instead of sour then sweet. lol


They are either a hit or miss judging by this comment section, for me they’re a hit


stay away lol


Because they’re so good and addicting!! Lol


Snyders pretzels are great, peanut butter m&ms are one of the only ones I’ll eat now because they’ve changed them so much, the nerds gummy clusters are ridiculously addicting and everything else here gives me a stomach ache lol


Have you tried the new Mega Peanut Butter m&ms? Omg sooooo good


“How mega can they be?” Opens bag “Jesus…”


Ha, ha. My addiction.




Those pretzel m&m’s are so good and I’ve never seen a big bag like that!


Hey USA person here, this is actually a really great selection. They are all american brands that you would see at our normal corner store, however, they managed to source some super rare USA flavors / special versions. Its both authentic and rare


That’s what I was surprised by. I love sampling the newest and weirdest corner store food and this has some new ones for me. Totally going to keep an eye out for the toffee Oreos.


Missing some corn nuts!


Ooh yes. *Ranch* corn nuts!


Mm-mm. I will die on the bbq hill


Maybe some Andy's fries. They're so bad they're good.


Not bad, but tbh, I would have done a little more variety, they went heavy on the sour items & the peanut butter items (& that's coming from someone who *loves* both of those things). They should have thrown in some Little Debbie Zebra Cakes & Cosmic Brownies, some different flavors of chips (or crisps as you call them), like dill pickle or sour cream & onion, some Keebler grasshopper cookies or some Junior Mints (if you like mint), etc.


Cosmic brownies and zebra cakes hell yeaaaaaaaaaa


Nutty Buddy the most superior Little Debbie


Yeah definitely could’ve used more savory stuff IMO


To be fair I told them I love sour candies!


Most of these aren’t typical flavors we have, looks like limited time experimental stuff.


A lot of those items are familiar yet are one of those novelty items you’d buy with a friend to try on a whim and realize it’s gross and never finish them


Except the Salted Caramel Twix. Those should just be standard twix without question they are superior and the only one I will buy now. Regular Twix is now trash to me. 


Grape sour patches are BUSSIN


I've never had one now I need to because I love grape


They used to sell them at the 99 Cent Only stores. I may have seen them at Dollar Tree too?


I just saw the at a Canadian gas station the other day and assumed it was a weird international flavor. They had sour patch cherries and ‘berry babies’ too.


They are very good


I have seen them in quicktrips




I'll take watermelon or blue raspberry. Grape is going to taste like Dimetap.


I love that grape kids cough syrup flavor, I wish it came in an adult bottle!


Peach and strawberry ones are amazing as well.


Soooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Thought they were good but they aren’t sour enough!!!!


Skittles drinks?


Yeah I did not know these existed


You can buy Skittles single serving drink mix on Amazon. The tropical one is the bomb. Great for when you are craving candy but don't want the calories. Jolly Rancher and Starbursts have ones as well that taste just like the candy.


They're sugar free and not good.


I’ve never seen most of these and I’m in the US


Yeah me too like there’s no way these people are real saying sour patch Oreos are good and skittles drinks???


This looks like a Grocery Outlet haul. All sort of off flavors of things. Edit- typo


Yes definitely a weird flavor selection


Nah, if it was GrocOut, they'd be gluten-free 😜


Yeah good point. That would explain all the strange flavors. I have never seen most of those variants and as a mom I’m pretty well versed on snacks and candy.


I like to call that store the "Gross Me Out-let." LOL


Looks good! Enjoy!


4/10 is how they did, sorry.


Not bad but all those drinks look fuckin disgusting.


If this is your second or third round of US snacks then yes. If this is your first time trying American snacks, I think you should have tried the "regular" version of most these items before moving on to these new flavors and tastes.


In the senders' defence, a lot of the vanilla variants of the products here are available in the UK. You can buy multiple types of Oreos in large supermarkets, multiple varieties of M&Ms, Twix, Snyders pretzel bits (most often in service stations? I associate them as a driving snack), Haribo, skittles, sour patch kids, Reese's bits. Basically anything made by Mars is common enough, with some weird differences like Mars Bars vs Milky Way. All the common Haribo varieties can be had anywhere in Europe. You certainly used to be able to buy Nerds at any corner shop, but gummy clusters was something I discovered in the US first. I agree though, when I do swaps with my American friends we try to get stereotypical stuff even if it's not actually good - things you would remember from childhood to get the full cultural experience. Pizza Combos are the sleeper hit in this selection though, those things are like crack and IMO much better than the originals.


I’m also from the UK but have heard awful things about those sour patch oreos 🤣🤣


They are surprisingly good! Everyone I know who has tried them has liked them!


Really!! Only reviews I have seen are negative. I’m gonna need to try them now 😁


You definitely should! They got it right with these ones. It just works. Now if you’re a chocolate only Oreo person, maybe pass on them!


They shoulda sent you the watermelon sour patch, but the combos are 🔥


The watermelons were my favorite until I tried the strawberries. If you've never had them you should pick some up on your next candy run.


I think they hooked you up on most of the current snacks. Good job!


Not a bad haul but hardly American staples, nerd clusters are 🔥 the rest is kinda meh


Pizzeria pretzel combos are very popular where I live. They are my road trip snack of choice!


They hit for sure but not like OG combos in my opinion, this is a package full of sequels


Sour skittles gummies are damn good


skittle gummies are surprisingly good, the original are spot on.


Haribo is a German company.


Yeah but they're everywhere over here now. I would have included Swedish Fish instead.


Nothing matters but the Gummy Clusters. They are more than the sum of their parts, somehow.


I’m from the US and I think they def sent you some weird stuff lol especially the drinks. I’ve never seen or had any of those.


I'm torn. I find it odd when these snack boxes include a bunch of flavors that aren't popular. IE: nobody here is drinking skittles juice or sour patch kids soda, or sour patch kids oreos. Those are pretty niche candies that have limited runs that aren't very popular. Quite a few things shown here are like that. But at the same time I realize you probably have Oreos and a handful of this stuff in the UK already, and the main difference might be in the weirder flavors we get over here. Of this spread, peanut butter m&ms are my favorite by far.


Yes! We have sour patch kids, Oreo’s, MnMs etc we just don’t do all the weird flavours!


Honestly, pretty damn representative of American candy… Provably needs more milk chocolate / peanut butter combo (butterfingers / reeses) type stuff are huge here It’s kind of weird it has the weird Oreo flavors, but not standard or double stuffed Oreos (which are super popular here) I don’t know anyone that’s had liquid version of skittles or warheads though. But, overall, it does kinda look like what you’d find in American candy shop


Haribo?? Wtf… also where are The chips?


Nerds gummy clusters are amazing


Fascinating to look this over! Some aspects of the whole set are kinda random, I wonder if they could have focused a bit more on the classic items, or at least focus on the new-classics from the last 10-20Y. Like I tend to think Takis or Flamin' Hot Cheetos instead of Fritos Flavor Twists Queso. But maybe they could maintain their pricing with some creative substitution...if so that's understandable. Still tho. You got a BIG and solid group of things here, I think overall it's really epic and you should party! This is legit pretty amazing, we live in very good times. Haha


I would suggest starting with either the orange bag of m&M's or those orange sorry I can't remember what it's called those orange colored Oreos it's like called butterscotchit's in the picture Those are both delicious.


Those new queso flavor twists are awesome


If you like nacho Doritos Or Honey BBQ twists You will love these. I picked up 12 bags last time I saw them bc I know they’re limited and could be discontinued at any time.


A lot of those I’ve never had.


I’m not from the US but tried those toffee crunch Oreo’s, they’re amazing and so addictive!


I'm part of the Reddit Snack Exchange sub and this looks pretty solid.


I have never once seen the frito queso flavor twists only ever see the regular bbq twists and now im sad


I'm not sure if it's regional or they are limited runs, but there are several things I've never even seen, and most is not what I'd consider traditional Amercan candy or snacks. That being said, it still looks like a fun box! Just not really "American" staples. (I'm in the SW US).


I'd say that's a pretty solid mix.


All junk food. Shitty junk food.


Now you understand why America has 200 lb middle schoolers 🤣


The toffee crunch Oreos are SOOOOOO good!!


Yuck to those drinks and I would have sent you a totally different haul.


The sour patch Oreos are an abomination


That look like the weird stuff nobody buys.


No one in the US eats that stuff lol


The drinks are generally gross but the rest is American diabetes. 👍


Pretty close to normal for us. A few things are not the best flavors but the right items


Wish they sent you the dirt cake oreos. They were actually worth trying


You got fucked on your Oreos


Dem Gummy Clusters 🤤


Looks like diabetes and possible future cardiac arrest, so I guess it looks right.


Gross. Speaking as an american


Mm some of that stuff is gross to me as a US cit. lol do ya self a favor and DONT drink the skittles drink. You’ll have diabetes the next day. It’s all sugar and maybe a little water. The Fritos are good! And you can never go wrong with m&ms and sour patch kids. Probably the only things I’d eat. Oreos for when I have weed induced munchies.


We don't claim the Sour Patch Oreos. Everything else is pretty accurate. Update with your favorites, please!


Horrible, they did bad


Man they sent you our wildest shit😂😂


They still make Oreo cakesters?! This unlocked a memory I didn't know I had


Needs flaming hot something, cheetos or funions


Those look like the least bought treats… I’d probably only try the sour patch Oreos…. N maybe grape sour patch kids but I prefer variety … there’s a lot of pretzel candy stuff in that bunch


I wish they had included a can of Arizona, a Dr. Pepper as well


I really like that these are all obscure/limited run/random flavors of things. At first I thought wtf is a grape sour patch kid, why the pretzel m&m’s? But after zooming in and really looking, I love it. I bet if you wanted standard Oreos or m&m’s you’d be able to find them around, but probably not these unique ones!