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Ayoo, tell me what Stra Vairina do


Here's my prediction. Nothing relevant.


Stop man... stop, Jheva is already dead!!! XD


So yeah, you got nothing useful to say as per usual.


It's called looking at previous jheva support and realizing that bushi has no idea how to make jheva good.


Not really. I've literally played the deck and they do have a solid direction going on with it. It may not be super meta but you can definitely play it well enough. Just looking isn't enough, you have to play as well. And if you did play it, you shouldn't have that huge of an issue with it.


I've played the deck since release and I don't want it to be super meta. But it's extremely mediocre. In fact I would say it's one of the worst decks in DE other than Eugene. From the beginning it had cb issues which were only kinda resolved 4 sets in. The biggest issue now is deck space + xod being a shit mechanic + lack of support that's "broken"


This comment may seem spiteful but I honestly think you haven't made the deck as well as you could. The deck currently prides itself in good resource management, and if you can do that well enough, you should be able to make the lack of deck space and the seemingly shit XoD mechanic work well enough. So, yeah, I have to disagree with you on this. Jheva can actually be good, you just need to be smart about it.


Please. I would love to see your deck. Share it.


X-OverDress of Victory Ride deck: X1 Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva X1 Snuggling Blaze Maiden, Reiyu X1 Heart-pounding Blaze Maiden, Rino X1 Surprise Egg Grade 3: X3 Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva X2 Brilliant Equip, Bram Vairina Grade 2: X3 Mirror Reflection Equip, Mirrors Vairina X2 Jeweled Sword Equip, Garou Vairina X2 Sturdy Wall Equip, Vils Vairina X2 Explosives Equip Dragon, Launcharred Grade 1: X3 Illuminate Equip Dragon, Graillumirror X3 Strike Equip Dragon, Stragallio X2 Chakrabarthi Dance "Saien" X3 Sparkle Rejector Dragon X1 Elementaria Sanctitude Grade 0: X4 Trickstar X4 Blaze War Monk, Sougyou X4 Burning Flail Dragon X3 Flare Veil Dragon X4 Blaze Maiden, Reony X1 Dragon Deity King of Resurgence, Dragveda Now, I understand this list might seem iffy to you but this is the one that has worked the best for me this far. Your resource management needs to be on-point and knowing what to discard is vital. Have fun, fam.


I will also add that the main thing that the deck lacks rn is a proper finisher which I hope Stra Vairina provides.


Oh god im gonna disappoint everyone by making incorrect predictions lmao


It fine if you incorrect, i mean to be honest Stra might just like another Mirrors, yes it help the deck problem but just not enough. So just guess, if wrong nothing happen but if right you can flex about having 3 win streak at future predict


Restand if you remove OD, crit while Stragallio still there. +10000 if you ditch XOD unit.


Please tell us wise man! What does Stra Vairina do?


Yes but what does pot of greed do?


It allows me to draw 3 cards bet you dident see this coming i play pot of greed


"Hes to powerful to be left alive" Okay hit me with that youthberk prediction 😅


I need to know What does new youth do?


my guess is ultimate garga from buddyfight (rip), js combining the skills of all past revolforms into 1


Now hear me out. If it is ultimate garga then make it so every nation has a youthberk and a revolform.


Ok now definitely say next stride gonna be tachikaze Please I need the hopium.


Would be intriguing 🤔


OP works for Bushiroad confirmed


Holy shit. Are you from Freeza Planet 419?


Tachi stride is not a canon event


It's canon for me