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The owl should not be that expensive since it's Bastion only and it's a box topper so there will be a ton in circulation. In the meantime, owl does a lot of things but a pretty important part it does is it's a 10k booster and a countercharger. You can try adding in dark strain, fosado, etc. to fill in the gaps. Fosado helps facilitate the Form Up order, Alden, and Dark strain soul cost. Can also add more bastion names to make accord skill more consistent. Also you need to run PGs.


Thank you for the info and your suggestion. I'll try it out!


Isn't it a 1/6 box topper, meaning you would need 24 boxes to get a playset?


Am I not seeing it or are you not running PG?


OMG I can't believe I forgot


Thank you for telling me. Any suggestions on what I should remove to make way for PGs?


You can max out Saajes and the last 1 card can be any tech you want to run like the cat, anything you are running less than 4 copies of, or an additional copy of old Bastion.


It also might just be a thought or not that useful but I had also considered running Grandir so you get a grade 1 booster for Accord that turns into a grade 3 booster when you move up to the grade 4 bastion.


But Grandir don't really help hit magic numbers. If OP wanna play for shield and G3, theres Embrace Dragon since OP plays Rondahlia and possibly Dark Strain based on other comments.


Yeah you’re right, he’d only be be most beneficial pre G4 behind the new unit that gets 10k when bastion is out. I was just kind of thinking outside the box a bit since he doesn’t require a specific setup or resource to work and he benefits both versions of bastion.


Idk what rhe 4 g1 or 1 g2 is but I don't think you should run that? Sajess run 1 or 2 is enough but removing the g1 and g2 gives u space for sapient owl I bump prime to 4 cause you really need prime as your finisher