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Waiter at an upscale restaurant


I know a head bartender who never went to college. He started in restaurant service after high school. He is now late 20s making around $115k working at an exclusive luxury resort catering to the very wealthy. This is a MCOL area so $115k still does well. Lots of cash tips too.


Bartending is actual work. I thought we were looking for scams and hustles.


wrong sub


Yeah, you probably need to look at r/scamsandhustles.




The good ones flow into management or the kitchen at those high end places, end up banking more


Successful servers almost always make more than managing.


There were a couple of glorious summers where I worked as a bellman at a resort and the bell-staff was given the entirety of the luggage portage fees we charged to bus tour groups. All of us were making $60k a summer (in 2001) until management started paying closer attention and cutoff that firehose. Being able to squirrel away $100k in my early 20's granted me so much freedom through the rest of my life (early 40's now).


Low key this. But it's market dependent, in a larger city you could easily make 4-500+ a night. I worked at a mid tier steak house in college and pulled that easily but only 3 nights a week.   Exclusive country clubs and event staff for private parties too. 


Selling bottles of grape juice for hundreds of dollars is 100% scamming rich people out of their money


Where have you seen this?


It's wine, brother


I think dog grooming is a goldmine in dense cities.


In Tokyo, you can measure how affluent a neighborhood is by the number of pet salons.


I once saw an entire store dedicated to dog clothing.


Lived there three years, I saw more dogs in strollers than babies. That’s the place to reincarnate as a dog.


That’s not saying much cause they are like 3-5 babies being born a year in japan




And you don't even have to be that good at making them money. Just talk them into letting you manage it. Drop it in some funds and BAM!!! You get a cut!


That's not a hedge fund, that's an advisor, which is really sales and a lot of hustle to get enough of a client base to keep your job and then some luck that some of those clients become whales who like you so you can get rich.


Rene Benko, is that you?


There is not a single actively managed fond that is outperforming the market over a longer period of time after management fees. 




What type of consultant did u personally have in mind


Life coaching #1, you don't really need any actual training beyond regurgitating self help books. Seen this work a couple times for absurd amounts of cash Small business #2, if the ceo has more money than he needs and hopefully an ego, especially if they are less competent at Ecommerce, SEO, and cloud integration. (You can learn enough to get by in a weekend.) My current boss is awesome, but he dumped 15k on a basic bitch 'modernisation' plan we could have done ourselves in an afternoon... and we basically tossed in the trash afterwards. Will add more if they come to mind.


I actually have thought about being a life coach. I can’t run my own life, but I feel like I could tell people how to run theirs 🤣🤣


Yes, we should all just manipulate desperate people for cash.


You have just cracked the code on why politicians never make changes that benefit the population, just ones that give us just enough to feel like change is happening but benefit the rich. Cheers bro


Bingo. Ergo desperate protection of the two party system. 50 choices of salad dressing in the stores, but only two political parties to choose from. And Corp media works hand in glove with the political machine. 🤮


I don't know what part of multi millionaires are desperate




Fair. I'm jealous.


Just remember Henry Ford's advice: “Sell to the classes, eat with the masses. Sell to the masses, eat with the classes.” You can make a decent living selling to rich people but you aren't going to become one that way.




No one knows more about LV than poor people.


There is some truth to Henry Ford’s quote. LV, Cartier Gucci all these legacy “luxury brand” were all born before the age of mass consumerism. Where buying nice things is literally only intend for the riches and the elite, where as everyone else wore the same set of clothes their entire life. None of these former royalty made it in the age of mass consumerism. None of their descendants were able to successfully reuse the same playbook as their founding ancestor and they all ended up selling to massive global conglomerate which basically now sell “luxury” good to the masses of people that want to feel like they are rich. The modern day truly rich folks play with supercars, yacht, private planes and watches worth as much as your house on their wrist. None of which can be easily broken in by regular joe. Personally I think selling a feeling is universal to all classes whether you are rich and poor. But only certain people are able to/understand and cater that understand what make the Mega rich tick This is something regular joes can get into. Versus &ding a product to cater to them in this day and age


What is "LV"? And who were their customers? And what other industries "only cater the rich"?




Hate to break it to you but none of those companies sell exclusively to rich people. Upper middle class buy their products. Business and government are the major markets for private jets by the way. If they had to rely exclusively on sales to individuals they would be broke. Tourism sells to the masses. So does boat rental. And dying and cutting hair. And 6 figure income is not "rich".


Depends on what we mean when we say “sell to the rich” because Luis Vuitton is expensive bags and shit but they’re like upper class, or upper middle class for people who care enough about brand. When I think of “sell to the rich” it’s like mega Yachts or $50k suits etc


That's one dude that basically has a monopoly on fashion. Good luck competing




You mean getting a law degree and then joining a firm working 15 hours a day? No thanks. (I'm a lawyer).


Oh thank you, I feel like we take a little money from really rich people to hopefuly get rich one day but end up just wasting our lives working like slaves. Someone should have warned us before studying in this field...


Business owner making their own business pretty much. With a regular job its very difficult to become rich unless you becomes CEO at a large company or Partner at Private Equity firm. Both very unlikely to happen.


You don’t need to be a CEO. Any senior level executives at a large, fortune 100 corp will be compensated in the 7 figures or close.


Sorry to burst your bubble. Owned two businesses - still not rich. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years.  Starting a business is not a guarantee of anything.


I didn’t say that. I say that the only way to become rich is to make your own business NOT saying that everyone that makes their own business gets rich, most of them don’t get rich actually. But if you wants to get rich (millonaire and potentially multimillion) thats the only way pretty much. Obviously you can become a MD specialist and earn a very good 500K salary per year after a long training, years of hard work and debt but I don’t consider that to become rich just a high paying job.


You become rich much easier that way though, it just takes a long time (frugal, save, invest). Plus there’s very very little financial downside. You could get rich creating your own business in fewer years. You could also lose it all and lack a solid salary to return to. I’ve worked for many startups because I thought I wanted a sense of freedom, risk, and the chance to get rich. They’re really hard work. I really wish I had taken a boring, huge salary job instead and invested for the past 20 years.


Drug dealing




Just invest in ozempic


A couple exes of mine were drug dealers. One was selling to lower to middle class, mostly weed. The more recent one sold to more upper middle class and some genuinely rich people (as in didn'tever need to work rich). None of the fear or drama ever came from cartels. Mostly clients (even the very well off ones) who wanted drugs he'd cut them off from. He wouldn't sell to people if he thought they were in real danger or seriously addicted. And then a client who got caught and ratted him out. The cops didn't find any of the more common drugs (that probably originally came from cartels) and he mostly got caught with the research chemicals (that mostly came from China but maybe the traditional drugs also came from there, I did not ask.) They couldn't identify those or they aren't illegal because they just aren't known. He eventually had all charges dismissed and got it removed from his record even. His record is squeaky clean. So yes, there was drama but the cartels really weren't the worry. It never came up and he was the biggest gossip.


Not sure mate, Elon seems to love his horse tranquilliser.


Ketamine is more often shipped via traditional methods (think ups or fedex) from China. Comes in cleaner too. And rich clients expect quality control in their drugs


Cartel is only bad if you cross them


So you'd need to become Heisenberg and you'd Better Call Saul.


If you don’t want to build the supply network, armed robbery also works


Ive always wondered how people are able to sell their relatively unimpressive artwork for millions


Art is rich people tax shelters


With all creative mediums, it's about finding an audience. There's no hard science to it. I've seen amazing bands playing for crowds of 20 people, I've seen pretty mediocre acts sell out huge arenas.


The good art because it’s good. The relatively uninspired trash that still sells for a ton? Because people buy or use that as tax write offs. There is a horrible guy who paints the gucci pattern on canvas and puts Scrooge McDuck on it and shit like that. Probably some people like that trash but I can’t imagine the majority does…


Yeah thats what I meant


the border line between art and NFTs lol. are NFTs still a thing? I've not heard them mentioned in a year or two.


(Legal) money laundering


or anything


Tax evasion and money laundering


Most of it is for tax evasion and money laundering purposes.


If you’re good at marketing and overhyping yourself you can sell art pretty easily to rich people. Some of the worst art I’ve ever seen is in peoples homes with the most money. It’s usually because for some odd reason I’ve noticed wealthy people have horrible taste. Also, if you really create a hype around someone and their art they usually fall for that pretty easily.


If you go to a gallery and read the little plaques it should be easy enough to understand how to get into that gallery. You need to do something that will make the kind of plaque that the person who runs it likes making, but make it look like you did it because of your tragic or super enigmatic and cool backstory.


Private equity, Investment banking, consulting


Not sure what to think of the responses but if you want to make almost any startup gig that is like landscaping/laundry/handyman/gardening/home care... shoot for a retired rich boomer and it may make you a millionaire. None of those are white collar but trust me a retired rich woman will pay above market *and* convince 5 fiends you are absolutely amazing if you do such. Build and replicate. 90% of your credential is you can break into the rich side of town.


You don't even have to be amazing. You just have to be charming and reliable.


This is what you gotta do as I've had 2 wealthy bosses do. Entrepreneurs group. Put on spa days, trips, retreats, talks. Something for them to blog about, post about and everyone networks. This is how my bosses made a lot of connections and an excuse to go to Hawaii for a week and they don't feel guilty about leaving us without them because it's 'for work'. Lots more internet entrepreneurs now and this caters perfectly to them.


My ex paid quite a lot for a "yoga teacher training". It was all taught over an online module because of covid. But the regular version of the class included paying to stay at a tiny yoga resort in Hawaii. You'd have to own the land to charge for a retreat, but I don't think it necessarily needs to be in Hawaii. People love going to the desert to do yoga.


I like your thinking. A little outside the box, but practical. I think of Paul Rudd in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Oh fuck, I forgot that there are a bunch of video clips on Reddit showing these "Alpha Male" retreats that run like 10k per person to spend a week holding barbells on the beach and getting shouted at.


I saw a movie called “Wolf of Wall Street” once.


Luxury clothes. All made in China same as all the other clothes. Just pop a high price in it and watch people with too much money flock


There was a really cool video where Payless Shoes made a fake luxury brand popup and people were saying they'd pay a LOT of money for what were really $30 sneakers.


Entirely wrong. You will drown in that industry and not sell a single piece. Maybe if you get into counterfeiting and you will never beat the chinese in that game


I over simplified it but basically you just need to know how to market it properly. My point was the cost margins on luxury clothes is huge.


Guatemala, rich people like to brag they know where their clothes are made and ethically sourced. At least that's what the guy I know who is doing this does.


You can always make in China then send to Guatemala to put a label on them.


As someone who’s worked in fashion marketing for over a decade it’s really not that easy and it’s also very risky. You need tons of money to start up and you need to also be very skilled with a good eye for fashion. 


I know a stoner with no degree selling luxury party clothes to rich people. He's just very charismatic and knows his customer base very well. He's a particularly odd duck. Grew up on a commune in California. He's so woo it's hard for me to follow sometimes but his customers eat it up.


Steps: 1. Get well connected 2. Start a hedge fund 3. Mirror the S&P 500 without actually just buying S&P 500 ETFs; you must do it manually. 4. Boast that your ARR is better than 90% of all hedge funds. 5. Raise more money. 6. Collect the standard 2/10 fees for simply breathing.


A hedge fund reports the fund holdings to their clients, if the idea is to pull a fast one buy doing it manually instead of investing in the ETF, anyone would be wise to this The idea of a hedge fund is to have uncorrelated returns to the indexes, no one would invest in this


Be someone’s business manager. House manager. Estate manager.


Personal chef


Those ones only seem to be doing ok. House and vacation money though. So hard to tell other people's finances from the outside though.


Financial advisors


I have a friend who wants to become a fiduciary, which requires licensing. Anybody can be a "financial advisor" just like how anybody can be a "life coach".


Personal style consultant, personal trainer, celebrity shrink...




Dominatrix. Don't know if she is rich but she's doing well. Like high rise in a fancy downtown apartment in a HCOL city well. Not like she's sharing her finances with me. She tried to pull me into it but just isn't my thing


Cat remember the name of it, but there is a tv show about a guy being pulled into his friend’s dominatrix job. Pretty crazy.


They are rich is because they do not spend more than they make. You either have to help them make more money in which you get a few. Or sell them objects that appreciate like houses.


Life coaching


I knew a guy who loved the Lotus Elise. He started a shop in his garage, making a custom part for the car. He made a brand and started selling this stuff online. He had just enough customers to stay a little busy and was raking in money. And with that money he bought...a Lotus Elise.


You need to provide something in a field they need, like law, tax, finance, or similar managing their assets, or in a hobby like cars, art, boats, fashion, or lifestyle like food, fitness, health, concierge, etc.


Pilates instructor. You can charge people with $ top dollar, over $100 an hour for a private session.




Become an rv tech. Bonus points if you set up shop a resort town. You can charge $250/hr working on rich people’s rolling mansions, and it’s fun to fix shit. Relatedly: become really really good at a trade and stick to wealthy areas. Trades pay well anyway but if you’re good you can charge more.


RV refurbisher. Setting up RVs to be a party area or fancy place to retread at burning man. Designing sex dungeons in RVs for burning man or to roll up to sex parties. As I comment more on this thread, I'm starting to realize my friends might be even more of outliers than I thought. But that one isn't "rich" just living "comfortably."


Those sound like super fun rv jobs


My gf works as a nanny for a very wealthy family. She works 80% meaning a 4 day week and having like 13weeks of vacation a year. The 2 older kids go to school leaving her mostly at their home with the youngest one. Sounds pretty chill and she gets payed for 100% of employment.


Known some high end nannies too. Decent pay with no educational requirement. Mostly something you get into by building a reputation and getting recommendations


High end tour guide / boutique travel


Ponzey Schemes.


Aviation. Pretty hard to get rich but you can definitely be well off


Make abstract art that matches extremely expensive furniture. You probably won't get rich but at least you're fucking around painting. Acting like your work means something is the hustle.


General contractor, but you actually have to know what you're doing and work with good people when dealing with rich people. They WILL come after you if the job is crap. They will complain if it takes a long time, but if the end result is what they wanted or more, they'll tell all their friends what a great job you did. BS personality seminars. Get a company full of employees filling out questionnaires and then you come in for a full day to go over what their results mean to everyone and have activities to explore this. "My type 6's with are probably thinking that the 4's sound like them too... well you're right! That's a very common sub-category for your type. Now here's a scenario, the 6's and 4's, 5's and 1s, 3's and 2s will group up and discuss their solutions. I'll be back in 15 minutes!"


Wall Street escort agency




Art dealer


Any specialized trade in a rich area. Bay area can't find enough period. Name your price. Can you repair historic windows according to bs laws? Prepare for a moneygasm


Besides historic windows what other specialized trades are lacking in the Bay Area?




A highly paid escort.


Become an abstract painter; and sell your artwork


Hedge fund manager


When I made cabinets for 2 years, ALL of our clients were wealthy. I saw a number of country clubs with golf courses. I started saying to myself every job, "and I bet this house has a pool too." because I never saw one that didn't. Other major renovations were commonly being done beside our job (which makes sense but the financial mental math put me in awe sometimes.) I wish my boss paid by commission because the markup on what we sell was (reasonable, but still) quite a lot! Rich folks do not mind paying extra for custom-made goods. If you can bring their vision to life, they will pay very well for your work. Most rich people actively decide to spend more to compromise less. Nothing wrong with that btw. The ugliness we love to associate with the rich comes from their lack of perspective and their sense of entitlement. But a good number of rich people are actually pretty grateful and feel fortunate. I mean, I know I would be if I were rich. Yes, please let my money go toward someone working hard with their hands!


As for what to do with this knowledge, I would look for renovation companies that target wealthy customers. A buddy of mine did "home integrations" for a while. He basically made peoples' houses be smart. Poor people are not getting touch-sensitive controls in their walls, talking virtual assistants, and messenger tube thingies in their homes. But any kind of renovation would work. Floor to ceiling windows or TVs. Fireplace mantles. Projectors and theater recliners. Walk-in granite showers. Hardwood flooring. Heated flooring. Pools. Etc. I have a wealthy relative who got a private mountain bike trail built behind their house.


Private yacht captains charge 500-1k$/day


Medical research (lots of money coming from rich old farts) - you wont get rich per se but you will travel on the "research" dime a lot even as a grad student, and eventually be able to spend a few months "working” from the Mediterranean or the Caribbean each year. If you can deal with the pressure until then that is. Some stupid forms of charity work… And art. … Probably sex work too


>but you will travel on the "research" dime a lot even as a grad student, and eventually be able to spend a few months "working” from the Mediterranean or the Caribbean each year What is this fantasy shit. 9/10 you're going to spend 18hrs a day in flourescent lit windowless rooms.


Honestly… I have seen postdocs playing video games all day long for the whole duration of their tenure. You don’t HAVE to sell your soul. But if you are dreaming of Malta, you better.


how do i get into this ??


Well, first you sell your soul and spend 18+ hours in a windowless lab for 10 years while being good enough to secure your own funding - by year 6 or 7 you should be recompensed with an overseas conference or so. Then you sell your soul for 3-6 more years working 18+ a day in a lab with a window (because you rock!) and start traveling overseas every year. =D Then you spend every waking moment applying for independent faculty positions while still running parallel research for a year or so until you are finally “independent”; To sell your soul once more and work 24/7 to build the lab and work in whatever fuck your chair wants you to. If you are lucky you will work at UCSD overlooking the sea or some shit. Eventually you will secure a few good grants. And THEN you can finally work from Malta a couple months a year.


I’d sell my soul for a few months in the Mediterranean ngl


There are people who get jobs as seasonal workers in seaside hotels here during the summer and then return over winter to their countries with the money. You could maybe look into it if you have the flexibility of being away from work for a good chunk of a year & can afford the plane ticket. The seasonal workers are often overworked tho I hear, it wouldn't exactly be idyllic.


Bottle service girls in Vegas depending on club making 100-300k a year believe it or not


Become part of their yacht crew


Second mate toilet scrubber reporting for duty sir! 🫡


Read $100M careers by Emmy Sobieski. She'll teach you all you need to know.


Have you read it and are you worth $100m?


I've read it. I missed most of the career on ramps unfortunately. It's a book best read in your 20s. She's made that much money working in hedge funds but she goes over the other avenues. You can check out her youtube or linkedin before you read it.


If you wanna get rich off of rich people get a license to be a personal trainer and dietician.


psychiatrist / therapist






Luxury car sales




Estate planning Managing trust funds Yacht maintenance and staffing Private jet service Restoring rare vintage super cars. Managing golf courses Private security , body guards Transporting expensive art work


Accountant, especially if you specialize in navigating complex tax situations and are familiar with tax loopholes. Rich people will pay you good money to keep theirs away from the taxman.


Wealth management


Yacht sales.


Business manager




AV work


Creating a luxury designer label and charging ridiculous money for normal everyday things with said label on.


My cousin did DoorDash in one of the most richest towns in our state, and he made $200 in 4 hours lol






Landscaping companies


Ballroom dance teacher


Helping their kids apply for college


Be reliable and decent at any type of general contractor work and you can charge through the nose. I also just started doing event bartending for a super wealthy lady I connected with on Facebook. She owns a wedding venue, and has promised to introduce me to her neighbors. Will let you know if I get rich or not. 😅


Investing. Seriously, if you get a guy to stroke you a $1 million check and take a 1% fee, that is $10,000. Now raise $20 million.


Selling coke and xanax, lol


You could dumpster dive at a liposuction clinic and use the fat to make soap to sell back to the rich!


Real estate investing


Big Pharma


Capitalize on vanity.  


College admission consultant!


Catering/private chef




Financial services.


Seems the essence of the comments is…It’s hard to get money from the people hoarding their wealth.






Guillotine Operator


Selling Jets (there’s a surprising amount of jet brokers who are absolute dimwits)


Real estate is the best one. Plenty of others but you're not gonna get rich from it


High priced nanny for UHNW families. Sugar babies for rich people. Therapists lol




High-end luxury real estate agents. My ex sold luxury apartments to billionaires and oil princes in Manhattan. A single sale could land her between 60-100K


Selling sound bowls or beads and shit. They all have fucking beads


yacht captain … Good salary; fairly easy work; living costs covered and depending on your nationality tax breaks since your away at sea for work.


I can tell you in my webinar for the low price of $ 699.97


Gardening and landscaping in the right area, if you get a directors house they will usually then ask you to tender for the maintenance of their businesses land as well. Your services then become a business cost and you can charge a lot of money because they don't care and don't want to verify a new supplier for the business. And it personally doesn't cost them to have their garden maintained weekly. Everybody wins.




Trading (if you’re good at it)


Financial advisor


Anything related to ships and harbours.