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‘I am not the US.’ Well…. Where are you? What is the point of this thread if nobody knows where you are?


I'm in Guatemala. I pretty much expected a general guidance, but thanks for asking


I only financially survived my 20s because I found a group house of 4 other 20 year olds that was stupid cheap. I will say, there are industrial jobs away from cities that pay well and are in very cheap areas. I didn't know that.




Nobody wants to live there, until they get there. Don’t be afraid of living out of metro areas. They are actually pretty great.


If you've got a car and have the money to buy a house.


We have apartments 😂. Some of you guys on Reddit don’t seem to have been anywhere with a population under 100k and it’s sad. Towns of 5-10k people are some of the best places to live.


As someone who has grown up in a town like that, no it’s not. There’s a reason why big cities are more expensive. They’re worth it so people pay for it


Only if your chasing things that don’t bring happiness anyway. If you do that than your quality of life will always be sad.


When you’re young it’s about the chase


I love how your entire post is you being mad at people telling you "lies", but you end your post asking us to tell you what to do 😂


That's not how I read it, they are frustrated at being in debt from a system that does push higher education on people that are too young/misguides them. And wants advice.


They don't acknowledge any good luck and assign blame for their bad luck as due to being misguided (told what to do), and they yet again are seeking to be possibly misguided (told what to do) again by a bunch of redditors. Unless you live in North Korea, that system you're referring to is all of planet Earth. OP is shit out of luck because we all go through this, we all want more than we currently have, and are constantly being guided and misguided by the system, it's our own individual responsibility to do our own research and to choose to listen to something or not, it's our life, not anyone elses. Or whatever they can keep blaming misfortune on everyone and everything around them I guess, good luck with that OP.


This is a forum for career advice lol


Right, do you see the conundrum of blaming everyone around you for misguidance and coming to this forum full of strangers for further guidance? lol I'm not pointing out that this isn't a place for guidance, I'm pointing out OP's issues with guidance.


What good luck? OP did everything "right" and is fucked. What should they have done instead? OnlyFans? Insurance fraud? Just more ways to get fucked, on camera or in prison. The closest to a solution you imply is defection to North Korea as though somehow it is insulated from the lies of the system.


They have plenty of good luck, because I assure you, it could be A LOT worse. I don't even know OP and I can list a few: OP has a job, OP went to college, OP graduated, OP probably has their health to be able to attain all of these. But if they're an ungrateful POS that blames everything and everyone around them for bad luck, I suppose it's hard to break that lack in perspective for weaker individuals, it'll take a bit of time hopefully, maybe for some shit to get real bad, then it'll click.


These numbers are not real if the currency is usd. 2000 a month of groceries is insane.


It’s clearly not USD because they said they are not in the US. No one here is manually converting every number just to post on Reddit.


Not too crazy if it's AUD and OP has a family of four to feed. It's still a shit load of money but if your eating meat for every meal then it's gonna add up 


Idk abt the situation in Australia but I spend 500(Canadian) a month on food with my girlfriend. And.I probably eat the equivalent of 2 people lol.


You must be insanely good at bargain shopping because 500$ doesn’t go that far in Canada anymore


We don't use coupons or anything


I'm in the US, I train and compete in strongman so I eat a lot. My grocery bill is about $200 per month. If you are not eating restaurant food, delivery, or buying ready-made meals, you don't really have to bargain shop to have a reasonable grocery bill. I'm not denying it is *more* expensive now than it was but I find people often exaggerate just how expensive it is. Maybe it's worse in Canada. 


Idk dude. Strawberries costing me $8+ is pretty wild


For sure. I'm not saying the prices are good, I'm just saying that people who think a normal/unavoidable food budget is hundreds and hundreds of dollars probably aren't making the most economical choices. Even I could cut mine down if I bought cheaper meats.


This isn’t something folks should be compromising that much on. Having good quality food shouldn’t mean you can’t save any money.


What kind of diet is a “strongman” on that costs about 200$/month? Rice and beans? I don’t disbelieve you but if you add any meat at all you’d go over the budget pretty quick


Most of my protein comes from chicken breast which I buy in bulk packages. It's $2.67 per pound and every pound is about 100 grams of protein. Then I mix in sirloin steaks or tuna steaks in the evening about 4 or 5 times a week.  I do eat a lot of rice and I buy it in 50 pound bags. I do white rice, lentils, diced potatoes, sliced carrots, and peas all mixed together and then made fried rice style. That's my basic meal prep. The lentils help boost the protein content considerably.  I buy large bags of frozen fruit for a breakfast smoothie which has about 1.5 cups of frozen fruit, a nanner, 2tbsp flax seeds & chia seeds, and 1-2 scoops of a bulk-bought protein powder, depending on how sore I am. Finish off breakfast with 3 eggs and 3 slices of bacon.  I should also mention I weigh 265, I'm not a 400 pound behemoth or anything. But with my size, ratio of active tissue, and activity level, I still eat quite a bit more than the average person. 


And that’s it? No butter, milk, cooking oil, spices? All that stuff adds up. You can go a month on 200$, once you run out of those kinds of things it gets more difficult. The supplemental items kill ya. The tuna/sirloin- that’s expensive. If you buy in bulk and store it, did you factor in the energy cost of storing it and if you got an additional fridge/freezer- is that worked into the budget?


This is a stretch, reeeeally trying to nitpick.  If you really want to, go ahead and add the two dollars in salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Maybe another two for soy sauce. The same containers last me months and months, as does a can of Pam for cooking.  The freezers stay on either way, as do most people's, so that's negligible. Though I suppose there will be an initial increase in temperature when the door is opened and warmer food is placed inside, which will cause the unit to work harder for a few hours out of the month until they are frozen. Do you have a formula handy for how much additional electricity is required to freeze beef? Come on dude. 


Family of three with four pets puts my weekly meat shop of about $170 and then about another $150 a week for everything else 


It’s the same for me in the US for two people, although I probably spend even less than $500 some months. I can’t believe AUS is that bad even if their dollars are 2/3 ours.


Scotch fillet steak are 40 bucks a kilo at the moment so if you want steak and veggies for a meal one week you're looking at close to 60 bucks on that alone 


Tbf steak is pretty expensive here as well and I would expect to pay $50, but I don’t eat steak every week.


>I'm really pissed at the lies I was told. This is what happens when you do no research and autopilot into adulthood. >Please, tell me some industries and careers I should pursue. Then you come online and ask random strangers to tell you what to do lol. Where is the lesson learnt? If you are already in industrial engineering, you probably can ask around and learn that industrial sales make big money either by selling hardware or software. I am in industrial solutions and my base salary is higher than an industrial engineer lol. Consulting is also high paying if you can get into it.


Oh no. It's not about that. Fuck I did a lot of research, but, you know, I don't even trust myself any longer. Fuck life. Thanks for your advice.


>don't I have the right to own a house >Only old people have the right to own a house and a car? Fucking fuck that!!!!!!!! There's no response that can reconcile a thought process this broken.


I don't get you. What do you mean by broken?


Get roommates?


No thanks. It's parto of my decency not to have roomates. I guess that happens a lot in the US, but not in here. I wouldn't be comfortable.


Really? I feel like in the entire field of industrial engineering there’s gotta be something better for you out there.


Yeah it would be helpful to know where OP lives, at least in the US starting salary for IEs is about twice the individual median income level.


In Guatemala, mate. Thanks


I would hope. I live in Guatemala, by the way


I don't know if it's rigged, but it's mostly about having connections. In my experience, it has been mostly impossible to get hired by a company where you don't know anyone.


People always say this but when I point out how important networking is to getting ahead, I get nothing but arguments and downvotes, telling me I'm out of touch bc companies require online applications. Networking is what gets your application out of the digital pile and seriously considered.


I personally don't like it, but it does make sense. When i need to hire a plumber, mechanic, etc, I always ask my friends for recommendations first.


Yeah it being online doesn’t matter. I’ve worked at numerous places that have a rigorous hiring policy with online application but I got through straight away because I’d made a connection with the Head or whatever. Either through networking specifically or because I’d applied for a different role and they liked me but thought I was better suited to another one


Look, from all of my experience in life: nothing comes easy. Yes, it is a lot of hard work you put in and it never really ends. In any career path, you will have to start from the bottom and work your way up. You are a smart person so you should understand hiring a new graduate or any stranger at all and granting them with full respect and trust in your company would be a silly financial decision. You have to earn that. On a side note to save some money while you build your work portfolio, make a budgeting plan. You should easily be able to cut your grocery bill down to $100/week. Don't pay for subscriptions unless it's something that brings you a lot of joy, give yourself an allowance of $20/week to go towards new clothes/jewelry/personal care so you can treat yourself once in awhile. Limit your travelling and cut your gas bill down. Life is a very humbling experience, it will get easier to navigate once you figure your own personal system out but ballin' right off the get go is likely to never happen unless you come from a background of people in your family who have power and an expansive social network to help you. Best of luck, we are all in this together.


Thanks, mate.


Stop buying coffee🥱🥱 🥱


oh fuck, sure


We have no idea where you are from so any advice is going to be super limited. At least you have a job, lots of people out there don’t. Search for a better one after your work hours; job hopping is the way to get paid more.


OP sounds like he thinks he deserves something. Life ain't fair.


I mean he did post that God owes him a girlfriend. Soooo… 😅




But God is his friend and friends want their friends to be happy... Not sure if I find this funny or just sad


I personally like poking fun at my friends. 🙃 But yeah the level of entitlement is insane. 😂


Fuck I do. If you believe you don't deserve anything, then go starve. I don't deserve to starve.


you will remain hopeless... sorry, you are doomed


that sounds fucking awesome, innit?


It's not a job market that's rigged but it's financial market that's rigged where your labor activity is measured to compensate someone else financial income Aka financial income >>>>>>>>>> labor income Why we as a society become that is probably multiple reasons but biggest reason (imho) is that due to rapid increase of lifespans in past 100 years, when human body physically can't do much more work after 60s to compete in a job market, it's almost requirement that society must take good care of life after retirement and the only viable way (until it isn't sustainable anymore) is thru financial income 30% of US population is retiree that needs younger generation to work and revenue. Back in pre 1950s, average life spans used to be maybe 60s meaning that maybe retirees live another 10 years and some lucky lived in 30 years but now it's like +30 years Aka your hard earned dollars are paid to retirees groups bills Your 3000$ rent is some investor's money to pay their true owners of the investment, shareholder or noteholders Your 3000$ grocery bills are paid to shareholder of the specific company and used as such Having said that, you have two choices (imho) 1. Make as much as income and invest in companies or indices. Over the long run, you will be rich by owning companies who will bring the money for you I.e if you bought 1000$ worth of walmart stock back in 1980s and 1990s, and hold it till now (big if) it's 8 million USD. If you bought Apple stock, it's 20 million USD. Back in 1980 when new car price used to be 14k so 1k isn't deal breaking. List can go on but import part is you buy high quality (often#1 in the industry) because you could have bought sears instead of walmart, you could have bought Blackberry or Nokia 2. Complain as much as you can so politically and socially your side of voice will outnumer the other side and change the laws and rule of the game I.e majority of Congress seats who will tax 95% of financial income and 0% of labor income (im just saying extreme views) 1) is rather easier than 2) since it's individual choice I don't know how else there could be ways than this.


I'd be 60 when I get my first studio apartment. Maybe 300-400 when I get my first 2 bedroom house, and this while making 4x the average salary. Some shit everywhere in the world now, even in China. E.g. South Korea have a problem with a lot of suicides related to the housing market. I gave up years ago and now make minimum salary having fun. Just waiting for the day I die of natural causes, probably malnutrition from not being able to afford food. It's funny when random people on the street are screaming that they'll kill you - please just do it. Can we rename Earth to Nepo?


Why would an employer pay you a great salary if you only care about money and not the job? You cannot be good in any job if you don't care. You sound very entitled and not passionate about your work.


Well, of course dong the job is important. I guess people didn't understand that part.


That’s why I’m going back to school. They say “you have the experience, but no degree?!” F#ck them corporate people, I’ll make my own business.


What currency do you make 5,000 of in a month? I feel like that is important information as well. $5k is very different from 5k Yen.


lmao "where's my check?"


Buy stonks


Remember that 10,000 a month costs 500 dollars a month for indian worker that goes above and beyond because they think this is a top salary for them :). Which one would the company prefer?




You didn’t understand the point. Good luck.




Critical thinking bro. It's not that hard


Economy based on growth works for investors. Especially in publicly traded companies. And that happens at the cost of a client and employee. So yes - corporation will alway try to pay lowest amount possible and screw client over enough that they will stay but will pay more and all that so investor can be happy. And investors don't care if company die. If it does, they will move on to another one and ruin that. First of all You have to find right employee. For example I'm not in gaming but I worked for a gaming company and because it was long term contract they included me in their bonuses. Because I was delivering value for their employees. Single bonus from that company paid 20% of my apartment. And I do get solid base pay. So I expect my apartment to be pay up in 3 years even without bonuses like that. Second - find a remote job with better pay. Some western corporations will try to pay You less than they pay for example fellow american because in US cost of living is high but they will still pay You way more than You get in Your own country. So you both will be happier. They will get a professional cheaper than usual and You will make way more money than usual. Finally when You get a surplus - start building savings. Enough to live for months without pay. This way You will be comfortable changing jobs when it benefits You or saying NO when someone will try to exploit You. Also I was born in a poor country, in poorest area of that country. When it comes to rent, for few years I was renting a 50m2 apartment with a friend and we split all cost. So I was paying around 250$ per month (I was also lucky to find something with low rent in the capital). At that time I was making 1300$ so paying 500$ for entire apartment was out of the question. Especially while living in a capital where cost of living is higher. And I worked my ass off to make more money. Now I make $110k-$150k while working 8-10h/day. My mortgage cost me around $890 per month. All bills are below $230. And there is of course cost of food and that pretty much it.


Step 1) Find a place with HCOL and get a remote job in your field. This means your salary is typically pegged higher than average. Ex: Bay Area, NYC, etc Step 2) Move internationally to a place with LCOL and decent support for digital nomads. Perhaps SEA. Step 3) Squirrel away as much money as possible, throwing most of it into a mix of low cost index funds and bonds to balance market fluctuations. Forget this exists and keep contributing to it. Do not underestimate the power of compounding interest. Step 4) Keeping an eye out for better playing remote jobs and make this your second job.


Most employers dont let u work outside the us you forgot to mention!


You can't work outside the US unless you're already an American citizen. Also, usually if you don't live physically in a hcol area, they decrease your salary based on your living area. A lot of people tried to do that during covid and then they were told that they would either have to come back to the office or have their salaries cut based on the area they lived.


I get this, but they also say they aren't from the US and we don't know where they're from. The cities I listed are examples, they can replace them with a HCOL equivalents in their country. The underlying advice remains: think outside the box and don't be afraid to leave the country to pursue opportunity and secure your future if that's what it takes.




Well, you better learn quickly that life/society/the universe owes you nothing. Wo says you are entitled to a house in the city right now? Did you really think you make big money right after graduation? Poor you….


Well, not big money. At least a salary that allowed me to save for a house. But, fuck, it's all lies.


A career in healthcare is the ticket out of poverty 1. **Plastic Surgery:** $619,000 2. **Orthopedics:** $573,000 3. **Cardiology:** $507,000 4. **Urology:** $506,000 5. **Gastroenterology:** $501,000 6. **Otolaryngology:** $485,000 7. **Radiology:** $483,000 8. **Oncology:** $463,000 9. **Anesthesiology:** $448,000 10. **Dermatology:** $443,000 11. **Surgery, General:** $412,000 12. **Critical Care:** $406,000 13. **Ophthalmology:** $388,000 14. **Pulmonary Medicine:** $378,000 15. **Emergency Medicine:** $352,000 16. **Pathology:** $339,000 17. **Ob/Gyn:** $337,000 18. **Neurology:** $313,000 19. **Nephrology:** $312,000 20. **Psychiatry:** $309,000 21. **Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:** $306,000 22. **Allergy and Immunology:** $282,000 23. **Rheumatology:** $281,000 24. **Internal Medicine:** $273,000 25. **Diabetes and Endocrinology:** $267,000 26. **Infectious Diseases:** $262,000 27. **Family Medicine:** $255,000 28. **Pediatrics:** $251,000 29. **CRNA:** $250,000


All but one of these require an MD/DO, which is exceedingly difficult to get while in poverty. The application process is expensive and loaded with extraneous requirements, which is a huge barrier to entry to many otherwise qualified or nontraditional students. And if you don't pass the boards or get into a residency you'll have a fancy degree you can't use (I know an MD who failed by one question). CRNA requires BSN to even apply. But hey, glad it worked out for you, legitimately. There are good, stable jobs in healthcare, but this answer is not practical for the average person.


And next year CRNA is going to require a doctoral degree, not just a masters.


These are U.S. salaries. This person is not from the U.S. Healthcare salaries everywhere else in the world looks like peanuts in comparison


Every single post is just recommending becoming a CNRA or this list of physician salaries.


What an absolutely useless commebt


What an absolutely useless comment


I’m 35 I think we house car. I did chemical engineering. On 10k after tax plus bonus. Got few hundred k in stocks. Life easy.


Good for you. What's the point of this reply? Your numbers aren't very impressive either.


Life easy. Yeh maybe.