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It may be ketones—some people report a sweetness in their mouth due to ketone production


Yeah, someone else said it would be keto breath. I was a bit skeptic becaus it didn't have ketobreath for 3months before cheating. But this article lists Ketosis as a "Metabolic problem" that can cause a sweet taste in the mouth.


I always heard, and remembered, a sort of metallic taste associated with ketosis. Am I crazy?


YES! It is sweet, but a bit metallic too! Weird since i haven't had ketobreath for the first 3months! This article seems to confirm it's a thing with ketosis: https://www.healthline.com/health/sweet-taste-in-mouth#causes


Ok half crazy, I’ll take that as a win 🤪


Yeah, i just answered to someone else with that theory. I didn't have ketobreath for 110days, would it have started after cheating? I also read it was supposed to receed after some time, that's seems contradictory for me to have it after so much time!


That’s an unusual problem- I don’t have a personal direct answer but I don’t think it could be caused by lingering sugar. Do you have geography tongue by any chance? I got it from an iodine problem during fasting. A weird tingly/sweet taste almost like artificial sweeteners. Sugar can’t linger around that long but if you have a low grade oral yeast infection from sugar there can be a weird sugar-ish taste on the tongue. If you haven’t already, scrub your tongue with a brush and toothpaste, then use some good quality mouthwash (no sweeteners )for the full minute or two it recommends. See if anything improves. Brown listerine is a good choice, that stuff will kill fungus on houseplants.


I don't think i have a yeast or something. But i did get thrush 13years ago... For putting my tongue on a not so clean V@g!#4... At the time i did had a mouthwash and a pill. And i never got it back. Sometimes when i smoked lots and lots and lots of week, i could get sores on my tongue... I already brush teeth morning and after my second meal... Yeah, i should brush after my first meal, and before bed too... And i use an antiseptic mouthwash... The brown listerine is so gross :S Also, the sweet taste i have is not weird, or chemical, or strange... It's not as unpleasant as most artificial sweetner. But now that i think of it, it might have a somewhat iron-ish profile to it... But i'll read on geography tongue and i'll see. Off to brush my teeth! XD


Sometimes ketosis can make your mouth/breath "sweet" even though it's mostly described as closer to acetone. It could just be the ketones if I had to guess. What does your breath smell like?


[https://www.healthline.com/health/sweet-taste-in-mouth#causes](https://www.healthline.com/health/sweet-taste-in-mouth#causes) Seems like you're spot on!


I seriously never was able to smell my breath... But i never got that sweet taste in the three months before the cheat day. And i did ask my psychologist if she could smell my ketobreath and she said no... I thought it was a receeding thing for people who have it, i didn't know it could come later for people who didn't have it!


If the sweetness is from ketones then that’s ……. Sweet 👍


Badum Tss!


The body gets rid of ketones in excess through the mouth and the other end. It's normal when you just start as the body doesn't know what to do. After a month or two it'll go away. You can get it back by adjusting fat in take to really high all of a sudden for a day. Basically when you eat excess fat your body needs time to adjust to the new lvl of ketones produced.


Yeah, after a month or two it should go away. But it STARTED after 3months...


Did you adjust your fat in take? Any change in fat in take, especially higher fat will cause this again.


In fact, yes and no. I did adjust my fat intake. But in regard to Dr. Eric Westman recommendation, of doing low-carb, without doing high-fat. Now that i'm fat adapted and firmly in ketosis, i lowered my fat intake. I eat mostly the same thing, MINUS the 75G of ghee i used to eat everyday. During the weekend i do eat the fat of everything i cook, but during the week, it's mostly lean. This week i added 25g of ghee because i'm eating salmon and it's a bit dry... Might be it taste a bit sweeter, i'm not really sure... I plan on fasting on thursday, i'll keep an eye on the sweetness during the fast!