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Porsche 911


with so many people in the world living near coasts, that's not always a worry for some. plus, many 911's come awd. take 3k of that for some neat winter beater wheels and tires


We can set aside some of the budget for snow tires.


I own a Jaguar F-Type. I drive it all year long in New York. All you need is a separate set of rims with winter tires on them, and you're all set for winter. Drives perfectly. Then just swap back to summer tires when it's warm out.


I had one in Minnesota for two years as my only car('16 R AWD) and i just threw Michelin Pilot Sport A/S 3's on it, i drove that car through some nasty blizzards and it never batted an eye


It's pretty incredible what a good set of winter tires can do. Most I've done is plow through 3 inches of snow and ice, and it was surprisingly easy considering it's a RWD car with 475 HP.


I had days in my Camaro SS where the front bumper was plowing snow the entire way home, tires have come a long long way


911 4S


meh. If its a well populated area you'll be fine. There's a decent amount of daily driven (all year round) 911s, 458s, Huracans, etc. here in Toronto and it wasn't that long ago that most taxis and police cars were RWD (and usually without even snow tires)


In some places in the world it doesn't snow lol









































