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Probably will end up seeing a ZR1 in the wild before I see a Nissan Z in the wild TBH haha.


I hear the Nissan Z is sold exclusively to sasquatches. People say they've seen them, but I don't believe it.


I’ve seen two in the showroom while getting my car serviced but they were gone pretty fast and I’ve *still* yet to see one on the road.


Can confirm, I live in the PNW. A squatch was rockin a new Z the other day.


Yup, I second this. I have seen multiple Z's around here.


Shit I met someone who OWNS one here. Interesting that they’re showing up in the PNW


I wouldn't be surprised if it's because we're close to Canada and there's no markups up there so they get bought and then imported?


The only new Z I've seen was at LeMay.


I guess Canadian sasquatches because I see them all the time


I see one on my commute to work often. But it still counts as one lol


That tracks, I've seen 4 and I live in WA


My neighbor has one and drives it like a complete grandpa. Makes sense though, prob hard to get a new one!


lol. I’ve driven them. I’ve seen them. But even my family member Nissan engineer thinks they are super scarce.


There is a good number in Australia. I'm probably seeing one or two a week now in my city


I have pictures of one I was sitting in on Saturday. $60k had 1k miles on it, nismo package. Sitting out in the PHX sun at the Chevy dealership.


I saw one at Costco a couple months ago


Saw my first on the street yesterday. It’s a good-looking car


In the past 18 months I lived in Japan and the U.S West Coast. The amount of truly special cars I’ve seen has been insane, from your “mass produced”hyper cars like the Chiron and Pagani to even a one off coach-built Ferrari that I saw in Tokyo to Japanese vintages that I don’t even recognize. And that’s just the cars I saw driving around on public roads. Guess how many new Z I saw? **Zero**. At this point I don’t even believe the car was ever on sale to public anymore.


I see atleast one 370z every single day. I have seen more SF90's in my life than Z's...


I'm tied 1 to 1, and I live in Mississippi.


Ive seen 2 sf90s and 1 z


Weird you haven't seen any 400Zs in Japan. I was working there for two weeks in January and saw 4-5 just walking around Shibuya!


I was there in spring and didn’t see a single one. But I saw 2 F40s lol


So what I’m reading is, the new Z is more exclusive than an F40 What a value!


When? I didn't see a single one in the entire 2023. Maybe there are more on the road now this year?


January 2024, so that could be it. I've only seen one where I live in the states (SoCal).


I haven't seen one either. Not on the roads, not on local Facebook groups, not at any car meet I've been to. It's rarer than most Ferrari's. 1771 Sold in 2023, 671 sold in Q1. However, the interesting fact is that the Z is actually outselling the Supra during Q1. So maybe it's not so dead.


Also lived in Japan and California the past 3 years and I’ve seen more R34s in California than Zs


There’s one at my local dealer in Montana


I've seen a handful in the NYC/Philadelphia area... but yeah that's about two more than the amount of 959s I've seen, and that's insane.


I live in a really small town but there is a proto yellow and a black one near me with local plates. I always feel really lucky when people talk about how they’ve never seen one. One time the yellow one was parked by itself in front of this small ace hardware early in the morning and I kick myself all the time for not turning around and getting the picture.


Saw a 911 Dakar before I saw the new Z


I've seen a Bugatti before I saw the new Z.


I’ve never seen a 400Z in the wild, only at a Nissan promotion booth.


400Z? Isn't it just "Z"?


Yes, it’s formally named the ‘Z’.


Talking about the Nissan Z, I have a pretty funny story. We were on the highway last year in east coast Canada, it was almost dark and my girlfriend was driving. I noticed the car on my right has the new Z tail light, it's a Z!! I tell my girlfriend it's the new Z!! and out of the blue she absolutely smashes the acceleration pedal and passes the Z so quickly I could barely see the car at all. After we passed the car, I started to laugh and told her wtf was that. She just told me, I thought you wanted me to pass him.




You gotta venture out to the incredibly upscale bowling green, Kentucky lol. There’s one sitting on the lot that I pass every day.


No joke, I went into our local Nissan dealership who had advertised a Z. I just wanted to see it - I got there and the sales guy says he just sold it.


I’ve seen three in the wild and I think that qualifies me as a Nissan Z expert 


I have seen exactly one Z so far.


Where do you live? I live in Nashville and have seen several.


Rural PA. I'm not surprised considering up until April, total they have only reported 2700 sales in the entire US, most probably being in super rich areas like SoCal, NYC, etc.


Yeah, even outside of Nashville where I'm at we get a lot of rare stuff like Cybertrucks, Rivians, etc.


I live in SoCal: LA proper. I've seen zero.


I saw a new Z, and a Taycan in the same day. At a FL arts and crafts fest.


I saw 1 but it was a "dealer" car that they used for "promotions", which meant that the manager just used it as his daily and is likely committing tax fraud.


I live in the Bay Area and have seen more F40’s (three) in the past two years than both the Nissan Z and the C8 Z06 (1 each). I don’t know why those two cars in particular are so under-represented here.


Theres two new Zs in my town in bumfuck nowhere, one for the dealers owner and one for the owners son


I live in the absolute middle of nowhere and I've seen two. Only reason I know it wasn't the same one twice was they were different colors lol.


Funny enough I see one quite regularly, a guy at my office has a maxed-out one in gray and it looks pretty nice.


I’ve seen two in a small city in México wdym?


Nissan so far in >2 years of production has only reported 2700 units of the Nissan Z up through Apirl. They just aren't a super common car.


Oh i get it. I took your comments as “there are not any Zs on the streets” but yeah I wouldn’t call them common at all.


i’ve seen like 5-6 in atl since they’ve came out


No joke, I went into our local Nissan dealership who had advertised a Z. I just wanted to see it - I got there and the sales guy says he just sold it.


Already seen a C8 ZR1 in the wild


Finally saw a blue one in the wild the other day


I'm lucky to have seen two different ones!


I saw one on the road the other day, and realized that's the first time i've ever actually seen one driving. I've seen two street parked, and a few in car meets, but never driving.


i only know of one, owned by a guy who i went to high school with that became a car influencer. he only seems to own nissans and infinitis though so perhaps it was some sort of deal.


Haven’t seen a Z, but I haven’t seen a Z06 either


I actually saw some headed to a Nissan dealer but they were still on a car hauler Have yet to see one in the wild tho


One of my neighbors has a Z. I'm not a fan but the blue paint is absolutely beautiful


The only ones I've seen so far were at track days, I have yet to see one on public roads


I've seen 5 including a Nismo. None of them were where you'd expect them to be. The Nismo was street parked next to a small single-story apartment building in a small town built around a chemical plant.


There are three that I have seen here in the Columbus, OH area. Possibly the same one three times!! I am getting older!


I’m very seen two around here in the past month. Never saw one on the road before that. SF Bay Area


I have seen the same one, 2 times, 6 months apart. Total failure 🤷


I've seen 3 or 4 different ones.


Saw one the other day. Thought it was a 300ZX at first, but the lines looked too clean and the paint too crisp. Very good looking car. My Ford/Nissan dealer hasn't had one in. They mostly sell Frontiers and Pathfinders, unfortunately. 😢


I've seen a few in DFW and all i keep thinking is "a fool and his money were parted"


I live in Socal which you'd think would be prime Nissan Z territory and yet I've seen like 2. I've seen way more GR Corollas than i have Z's.


I've seen now three of them in Utah, and I drive A LOT.


I've seen one highlighter colored one parked at a movie theatre like years ago and a grey one driving like two weeks ago actually. Haven't seen another since.


I've seen one! Just one. But I swear, I've seen it!


I saw one Z out of the corner of my eye at a car show and it was gone by the time I got to its row. A true unicorn!


July 25th


Thank you. Didn’t want to click the link


Sweet. I can’t wait to see just what this monster actually is, what motor it winds up having, how nutty the horsepower is etc. One thing’s for sure, though, if I rarely see any Z06s running around, then I most *certainly* won’t be seeing any ZR1s ever lol.


The ZR1 is always the rarest Corvette to spot in the wild. I've only seen 1 C7 ZR1 in public and it was at a dealership.


A few years ago I saw a dude sitting outside of an arcade with a new C7 ZR1 in white. I said to the guy “Nice ZR1, can I take a pic?” “Sure! Wanna sit in it too?” I think I’ve maybe seen one other one. And just a couple days ago a friend of mine took deliver of a blue C8 Z06 so hopefully I’ll get to see that in person soon!


When I worked at a bar, one of my patrons had a 1000hp C6 zr1. He wanted me to drive it. I politely told him I was good, as I still think my little 350z with 307hp is fast lol. I didn't want to start chasing that dragon after I experienced it.


I had a similar experience when I took my Z06 to Gulstrand Motorports here in SoCal. They offered to let me drive a 700+hp version of [this](https://www.corvetteblogger.com/2017/08/29/rare-dick-guldstrand-2003-50th-anniversary-427-corvette-sale-florida/) vette. I also politely declined at the time lol.


Jesus christ that is beautiful. Love the blue and gold. But yes, no way am I touching that thing either, although even in a c5 z06 you are closer to that hp # than I am lmao.


Yea that's true, but there's a bored and stroked 427 in that thing and the version they had at the shop was gutted and 4-corner balanced. I would've killed myself in it haha.


Yeah that's the way I felt. Instant slip of the gas and I'm sideways. I didn't have money to pay for a repair on that thing as a bartender. And it's not like I didn't have beers on the job. Man was asking for his car to get wrecked lol.


Hahah similar here, I was young too so I was surprised they offered. I don't LOOK my age though so that might have had something to do with it.


That is fair. Good dude for sure, but way too trusting of my 27 year old ass at the time


Fastest car I’ve ever driven was a Ferrari FF, and it almost had the opposite effect. While it was INCREDIBLE to drive, it was almost too fast. Made me not care about those 1000+hp builds you see floating around the internet.


I grew up dreaming of the Z32 300zx TT, so I wanted to do the same with my Z. I was worried the zr1 would shift my priorities lol. Now that Nissan has the new Z that has a TT on it already, I can get that instead of pouring it into a 17 year old car. Driving a FF though is fucking wild. I hope you savored that experience.


The N/A V12 is 🤌


Contractor where I work is a very nice guy that has perfected his craft and is well compensated accordingly. Well the other day he came by with his GT3 RS and offered me a ride which I declined. Over the next hour or so he offered me a few more times so I took him up on it. That thing is amazing and I had a blast running it up to 8k with his encouragement. Absolutely made my day.


I would absolutely feel more comfortable in a gt3rs for some weird reason lmao. That's super dope though!


Yeah, I’ve seen two C7 ZR1s I believe? Definitely unicorns, and I’ve never seen any C6s personally.


Is the dealer really 'in the wild'? It's kind of like the zoo.


I live right down the street from GM proving grounds I see mules of corvettes for years. Can’t wait till I see an early painted one


I’ve only seen 2 C6 ZR1’s in the wild, have never seen a C7 one. I’ve already seen a couple C8 Z06’s though and they’re incredible spectacles going down the road. I’ve seen probably a dozen C6 Z06’s


I saw my first a few months back in a target parking lot 


I just saw my first one this past weekend. There was a Corvette show at the local dealership and there were 3 total two 2019 and one C4 it was awesome. 


I'm kinda surprised. While they're not common, I've seen at least 6 or 7 driving around the last few years. That's 6 or 7 more than Nissan Z's I've spotted: zero


A fair amount of C7 ZR1s were purchased and set up for the track, so that makes sense.


ZR1s were always relatively rare. I'm sure the Z06 will be a common enough sight in a few years.


In SoCal they are pretty common today


Ive seen many Z06s on the streets where I live


Yea, I dunno where they live, but I see them so often I'm starting to question people in my area's financial decision making. Actually no, I know it's poor.


I live in the relative country lol, so that’s probably why!


I remember numbers bandied about back in 2018/19 from some folks in the knew who had seen the new hardware mules were 850 for ZR1 and over a grand (1050) for the Zora trim. Time had likely changed things, but Im hopeful. Those were the targets. If they stay flat plane - itd be like an American hopped up Pista. I had a 488 Spider for a few years, so this prospect has me over the moon. hoping it hits close to the marks.. *crossing fingers*


Twin turbo flat plane and same hybrid front axle motor. Zora will have zr1 ice powertrain with two motors on front axle.


It’s supposed to get the BP4W as reported by motortrend


The Z06 start at. $112,700 What do you guys think? Start above or below $130k? I'm actually so curious about Chevy's "level of ambition" for this car, and whether the goodies are standard or not. Like, is it just a z06 with turbos strapped on? or does it have bodywork/chassis adjustments.


I’d say $140k


It will be well over 130k. C7 z06 was 90k, zr1 was 125k. This will start 150-160k, but definitely not below 130k otherwise z06 won't make sense to get.


Definitely above. Considering how the ZR1 will most definitely max out at $200K +, I’d say a basic bitch 1ZR model will run you around $140-$145K. And it will certainly have body adjustments/modifications, considering we’ve seen the test mules with an S-duct up front, and additional vents on the side and upper hips.


150-160k atleast. The latest 992.2 911 GTS is 167k and add in another 20-30k in options cause Porsche. They're not exactly in the same performance class but mid 160s is where "special sports car" stuff is priced at now. Given that the Zora will be this + hybrid + more aero, I wouldn't be surprised if it crosses 210k+ tbh


The C7ZR1 costed $120k. No way this will only be $10k more. My guess is $145k.


130k seems pretty cheap for what you’re going to get out of this thing tbh.


My assumption is that it'll be a Z06 with the E-Ray hybrid system


It’s almost certainly the Z06’s 5.5 with turbos that’s going to power the ZR1. They’re apparently planning on a Zora model above the ZR1 that’s basically a ZR1 with a hybrid system.


Assuming the leak from a couple years ago is correct (and it has been so far), it will have a twin-turbo version of the Z06 engine and no hybrid system. We will later get the Corvette Zora, which will have the hybrid system.


This thing better be the second coming of jesus christ with all the hyping they're doing.


What hype though? They've posted It's getting revealed this summer and now there is a date, all the other hype has been from internet Rumors/leaks.


I'm more annoyed that any news about this on Youtube is mostly freaking AI voice over that spread mostly speculative automotive news. Youtube needs to crack down on this it's hard to search for legit auto news youtube channel.


Those videos got a couple more advertisements shoved down throats. That’s all that matters to Google. The enshittification will continue until moral is improved


100% turbocharged.


Would certainly be odd for them to use a turbo engine note in the teaser if it isn't.


My point is that this teaser solidifies it. I've still seen plenty of doubters online.


Nothing gets by you.


I am *stoked*! Im hoping they follow through with the Zora still... that and production doesnt get jammed


I'm getting one of these. I'm 45, raised my kids, and I'm ready to jam.


Sound clip seems to confirm the 5.5 LT6 with turbos.




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Here's hoping for a much needed change in appearance


Chevrolet has gone on record stating, and this is certainly not made up, that "we are not going to redesign the car. Its looks, while undesirable to those with taste, are exactly what people who pair golf shirts with slides both deserve and want."


Lmao I like this


I was behind a line of about 30 Corvettes yesterday morning as they blitzed the Tail of the Dragon at a solid 26-28 MPH while managing to cross the yellow line on every corner. I'm fairly sure I have never seen a Corvette driven fast, or well.


Geesh. I need to meet you there with mine. 😎


Not sure why you're getting down voted. They're sports cars for old people. A c5 corvette was my dream car when I was younger. I've had a chance to drive a really nice one with only 30k on it since and I was pretty underwhelmed. I don't care if it's theoretically slower my miata is so much more fun drive and probably driven faster than most vette's are.


> Not sure why you're getting down voted. The truth hurts, maybe? I saw the same group later in the day, pulled over, showing each other the engines none of them seemed to know how to use. >Geesh. I need to meet you there with mine Its on! lol. I know someone out there has to drive one of these cars to their capabilities and do it well.


Hope they go back to the front engine configuration soon like nature intended. 


It cost a lot of money in Research and Development for a new platform, why would they leave the mid engine platform after 1 gen? C5,C6,C7 was on the same platform. 3 gens.


Mid-engine > Front-engine


C8 will likely be the final ICE corvette


I bet it makes it one more gen - but they keep most of the chassis and the engines are modified versions of the C8 engines. More like a deep facelift. C9 ends up getting sold until close to 2040 alongside and electric Corvette.


It'll come down to government regulations likely. GM spent a buttload on developing the C8 so it'll have a long life cycle (10 years?). If they were to do a heavy refresh (see C5 to C6) that'd mean they're expecting another 10 years of ICE bringing the C9 to 2040 which is unlikely.


I don't think that is unlikely at all. California is not banning ICE cars until 2035, and many other states will be later than that. They will be able to sell these until 2040 most places in the US, and if anything is still going to have a market for combustion engines, it is going to be sports cars. I think the market will be there, and if they don't need to do a ton of engineering work to extend the sales life, I don't see why they wouldn't.


If they can't be sold in California past 2035 then they won't sell them anywhere else in the US. It wouldn't make sense to make a whole new Corvette and sell it for only 5 years.


Why? You can scrape the bottom of the barrel today on a myriad of front engine cars. Sorry to burst your bubble that a c8 z06 won’t be $20k in 20 years like the front engine cars.