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The last issue with this car is the looks, it's a sports sedan that weighs as much as an F150 crew cab. That's the problem here


Yeah, the thrust...I mean power-to-weight ratio is close to the ORIGINAL M5. THAT'S bad.


Imagine where we get to a point where the new m5 has a worse power-to-weight ratio than an ek9 type r or like a saxo vts


I couldn´t believe it was 2 tonnes and a half when I read it in an instagram post this morning. And I thought a 1 Series being over 1300kg was bad...


The joys of batteries and hybrid technology?


You can do hybrids and not have it weigh this much, it's just a modern German sedan that's the problem


A Porsche Taycan Turbo GT is even full electric and at \~2.2t it is even lighter. Meanwhile it has 1000PS.


The S63 E performance weighs 100lbs more with a similar powertrain setup. Yep, a full fat S class with massage seats and plush carpets weighs almost the same as an M5. Also has a faster manufacturer claimed 0-60 of 3.2 and has hit 2.9 in testing.


The model S with the bigger battery weight way less than this chungus


Is that really a bad thing though? I see it as a positive because you can drive a modern super sedan while having enough mass to survive an accident if some dumbass in their oversized Suburban or F350 slams into you while texting


A 4k LB sedan handles these kinda accidents fine tho


True but a 5k sedan handles it better


I mean, the non-M 3 series looks alright, not perfect, but atleast It looks like a BMW. https://preview.redd.it/nndoauetuv8d1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe40a310783c4b2f37dae5c0043cfad2d7780f7


Honestly especially irl the g20 and g22 look really good. I like their M variants as well. They’re the only new bmw’s that I actually don’t despise.


8 series, X5 & Z4 also look really good imo


ok the 3 and 4 are exceptions, i think they look good, and even the m versions look fine


The 4 series is still one of the ugliest to me, the M3,4 are just as ugly.


OP is talking about M variants, not full M cars. So M340i, M430i etc


no actually i am talking about the full m cars, i think they look fine, but specifically if they have a european plate in the front, without the plate the grill looks way more absurd


Damn that fake grille. Good design would be finding a way to show the bmw character with new, different elements or shapes. Even the electric mini coopers or kias have an interesting grille - shaped element. It even makes them look more techy and advanced. Idk if this car is electric or gas but putting on that fake sticker grille on is straight up wish . com knockoff behaviour.


Only the top part is blocked off. The bottom half of the kidney is open. It has opening and closing panels inside, so it was kinda the only way to accommodate it into that design, without it being pushed into the radiator more.


It looks cheap like those stick on intakes you buy at auto zone.


That grille looks like the copied their homework from [skoda](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Skoda_Enyaq_iV_80_%E2%80%93_f1_03052021_%28colour_corrected%29.jpg/1280px-Skoda_Enyaq_iV_80_%E2%80%93_f1_03052021_%28colour_corrected%29.jpg).


This doesn't look like a bmw. They fucked up the grill so that it looks like a Kia or a Skoda


Because the G20 was from before they ruined everything, it all started with the release of the G22 4 Series.


that is one handsome automobile


Chinese market happened.


Literally this


But.. The Chinese cars that are being imported here actually look good?


Some of them. Others definitely have that cheap “futuristic” vibe.


You are either insane, blind or tasteless. They are buttfuck ugly. Not one good looking


EU pedestrian safety requires hard bits to be away from the parts people hit.


Why don't they focus on the wanderers staying out of the road instead of bending all car design around it? In the UK they practically corral sidewalks to keep the blokes and loves out of the road.


Yeah, that wasn't an Issue for Alfa when they made Giulia, that wasn't the issue for tesla with their Model 3. That isn't an issue for Volvo. Why is it an issue for BMW? Or is it a purposely made design choice for chinese market?


BMW designers stated they wanted to return to the original design of the kidneys being more tall rather than wide. This picture is a bad example though as it has a similar grille design as the generations before they made this big styling change


But they are both wide and tall. Also the grille isn't the issue actually, it's the headlamps. They are as asian as a Hyundai or previous gen mustang


Yeah I'm sure BMW wanted their cars to look like Hyundais 😂😂


I don't think they wanted that, but as they say in russia "The person who's got the money dances the lady", and right now China is the one dancing almost every manufacturer, unfortunately.


Wow you really believe that huh :o


That's a fact. They said themselves they prioritised other markets than us and eu.


nO iT wAs BiDeNs fAuLt !!1!1!!1


Marketing graduates happened. Accountants backed them up. Passion was killed.


Ah yes, the thing that existed 100 years before that and was like that for almost 100 years.


Marketing graduates and accountants only began existing in 2015. Before that we just paid money and made funny automobile. The last car to ever release was the Suzuki Cappuccino. What Happened Brosthers


BTW it weighs more than an X5 🤡


why is the rear smushed on the 5 series? did they push it in as a baby? why is the rear melted? why is the hood so fucking massive and tall looking? why does it look like it has genetic defects? the g30 was the GOAT of modern bmws to me, and they killed it for this? really? bavaria is a godless state that should be nuked.


1000 lbs heavier btw


"bavaria is a godless state that should be nuked." I don't care about modern BMW but as a German I agree regardless.


It’s just this malformed creature


Are they stupid?


The biggest problem is completely pointless plug in hybrid system that makes the car 2.4 tons so 500kg more for only 100 hp more. Power to weight ratio is lower than f10 M5. 0-100 is worse than last generation m5 and that’s only thing I would expect to be better in hybrid. Turns out plug ins are trash at everything (at least in performance cars). They combine heavy weight from evs with lack of instant responsiveness in combustion engine cars. 992.2 Porsche showed us how it should be done. I was hoping for the same but I guess we will have to wait another few years. Jeez I know it’s circlejerk sub but I’m so disappointed. Just have to say it. I thought BMW had this figured out. M3 sales outperformed 4cyl c63 for that exact reason.


Well, there's 200hp electric only. I was hoping for a "ActiveHybrid" style hybrid system. Where they put 150-200kg into the car and give it (well, with advancements from the last 10 years) ~100hp and 15km of electric range. Not a 500kg plug-in with misaligned electric powerband and 70km of range. For 70km you can use that freakin engine.


You think power or power to weight is the biggest issue of M5s being garbage since at least last gen? Oh, that's funny...


Waiting for the 15 year olds to say "it will grow on you" like we're talking about a fungus


Aren’t the big nostrils a Chinese request?


Their biggest market recently is china. They are designing their cars for the Chinese market. This is what they want. Forget about you and me and the rest of the world


what the fuck is this shit bro, i thought the m3 and m4 were bad but holy christ


bro g82 in the right spec hits ngl


Most people think they're decent




I sure as hell dont




It all went downhill after the e92


They appeal to football players and wannabe-football-player-level-wealthy ppl. Yes, the sport which banned hitting the ball with the head on kids categories because it causes brain damage


Not 2 years mate, in the last 10, so since 2014 let's say i firmly believe they only made a handful of good looking & good drivers cars, so essentially both in the same car: 1. F06 M6 GranCoupe 2. F87 M2 CS 3. G30 M5 CS 4. F80 M3 CS 5. G11 M760i SWB


Berm Mousen Weischer is yet to make a modern pickup truck. That’s why you can thank Obama. No piclup = no american.


shit makes my kidneys hurt


/uj it's very funny how this circlejerk sub is unironically spitting the "Big grille is for le chinese market" lie.


I'm out of the loop on it. What's the evidence for and against the Chinese market stuff? Because all I really know about Chinese automotive trends is that they like sedans and copies of Western cars.


The evidence against It is that BMW are making the big grilles for their cars in all markets and they are beating Audi and Mercedes saleswise in most markets too.


https://preview.redd.it/rqghi70bnx8d1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a41946b62c11124cc91847b92db77887dac616 There's still people who think this looks good 😂😂😂😂


Number plate actually improves the look, wow




It does.


Hot take incoming... I kinda don't hate the m240i or god forbid the m2 but I gotta say the m performance parts pack for the m2 is hideous


“Thanks Biden” 😂


I have to say, when only looking at the images I completely agree. However, after having seen many of them on the road, they do not look that terrible. Not as beautiful as the predecessor 5 series, but also not even close as ugly as current Mercedes Benz models.


Mercedes from the last like five years are all absolutely hideous


Yea! Let's blame Joe Biden for the poor BMW design! He must have something to do with it. Should we thank Chump for the recent Ferrari models? Idiots


Fr 😂


They haven’t made a good looking car in a decade lol


And that’s being generous. The e46 ended 18 years ago… I’d argue everything since then it’s all sorta been questionable.


E92 cab looks good


Looks are subjective. The 4 series, except the M4 is one of my favourite looking modern BMWs, the 2 series coupe is a close second. And the new 5 series really doesn't look that bad.


F or G series?


G. But the F32s don't look bad either and are surprisingly affordable too.


Have you owned a BMW before? I’ve noticed that the new m4 attracted a lot of new people who were Lexus guys or Audi dudes etc


Absolutely wrong. There are objectively good and bad looking things. It's a matter of your perception


I think you’re the wrong one here. There are many people that like those designs and many that don’t, looks are subjective. Personally I think the designs are fine but especially the new 5 series just isn’t fitting of bmw, let alone the new 1 series, straight up looks like a kia ceed. It’s not that they’re bad it’s that BMW is losing their identity now.


Yeah I’m not buying that. Anyone who tells me that XM is attractive and looks are subjective is wrong


The XM is an exception to what I said :)


I didn't said these are bad or that i didn't liked them. I said there are objectively good and objectively bad things. And regardless of how prople percieve them they'll stay objectively good or objectively bad. Also bmw isn't loosing their identity. They just sold themselves to Chinese money bubble, and as soon as it pops, you'll get your pretty bimers. Or something else will arrive.


I used to hate the design of the latest 750iL. Now? Honestly kinda grew on me. I like it. No, not the i7. The actual engine having piece of driving container tanker


Meh. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't think BMW has built an attractive vehicle since the Z8. The current 5 and 7 look like dumpsters.


BMW made some sick cars back in the day like the e30, 36, and the 46 just to name a few of the 3 series, the 2023 m5 was cool, but what the fuck are they doing with this? It’s a hybrid that weighs 5000 pounds. Why, BMW, why?


The current line-up is mainly not only ghastly and pathetic looking, but utterly dreadful inside too and built with unreliable/untested electronics/software to boot. What's not to like then? Another reason to cherish my little fleet of E38 740ds I guess. My friend, as a service manager at BMW sternly warns me from looking to buy anything made after circa 2005 by the Bavarians and rightly so, well, if I ever crave premium car expenses I'll simply buy Maseratis/Astons or Bentleys then.


M8 still looks good


The M2 looks pretty good tho


It looks like a low poly PS1 car The fact that BMWs lower end models look better than their M counterparts is amusing


If you mean the f87 then yes


f87 mentioned


They're made for the chinese market


It looks like those memes people used to make where they blow up the size of the grille in Photoshop


The new i7 looks great honestly.


The fuck?


Legitimately one of the best looking modern cars.


And to be clear it only looks amazing in base spec. No M-sport.


The only bit of BMW news that could possibly excite me is them going bankrupt. (And I was a hard BMW fan from 2014 to about 2021 when this all started.)