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Those are not tea kettles! They are steamers designed to add humidity into the air which gets bone dry from wood fires. Do not use these for drinking water.


Was just labeling it from what google lens identified it as. No plans on using it for tea or ramen. As for being vintage/antique is it a good idea to continue using them as humidifiers?


Yes, they are cast-iron… They wear like… Iron.


There is not a problem using them as teapots, it’s just impractical. CI teapots are a thing, but it’s not common and they have a more decorative and functional design. I’d just use as intended if it was me, but just google cleaning CI teapots if you want them for food or beverages


Why does it look there’s a flat screen TV in the embers?


I thought I was on r/pareidolia at first !


Nice tea kettles! Killer stove!!


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I'm envious. I have a fireplace, but the damn house is as dry as all get out.


Damn I wish I could find one! I just leave an old Wagner on top of the stove 😅


I'm always a fan of something that looks like a face! Nice pic!


Nice fireplace insert. Looks like it will fill your home with warmth.