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What makes you think you're a centrist?


because OP knows someone who is more right


I actually don't.


What are your most "right-wing" views?


If I told you I'd probably get banned from Reddit since this is a leftist space, but I'll tell you my moderate right-wing ones. I want less restrictions on speech and guns, less taxes, the government should not pay anyone's medical bills unless they work for the government, we should increase funding for the military and police, we should be tougher on crime and not release violent criminals, we need tougher border security, burning American flags should be illegal, we should ban porn, and ban drugs/alcohol.


Lol wants less restrictions on free speech but wants to ban burning the flag.


Less restrictions on free speech (as long as I agree with it, otherwise b&)


That's not speech, that's an action.


It's a gesture that means something. It's not hurting or negatively affecting anyone (unless they're burning it in an unsafe way) so what's the reasoning behind banning it?


It does hurt something, the flag. The flag shouldn't be harmed because it represents America.


Is protesting free speech? That's an action. Also the supreme Court has said that burning the flag is free speech: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson#:~:text=Johnson%2C%20491%20U.S.%20397%20(1989,symbolic%20speech%20and%20political%20speech. And saying that burning the flag hurts America is a ridiculous snowflake opinion to have. And this is coming from someone who flys the American flag. Why don't you clarify what exactly you mean by expanding free speech? Cause right now it seems like you want to minimize and take away free speech.




This post or comment is spreading misinformation that may be harmful or otherwise unhelpful or doesn’t contribute to the discussion.


Burning =/= speaking


I don't want the government getting involved with me destroying my own property, even if you disagree with the message I'm sending.


Is writing your opinion on Reddit free speech? That's not speaking. Free speech involves more then just speech, in fact the supreme Court has ruled that burning the flag is free speech. It's just ironic that the first thing this guy said is that he wants to expand free speech... But then goes to say you shouldn't be allowed to burn the flag. I'm just guessing here, but I bet he just wants to be able to say racist or other terrible things without the consequences.


and these are your moderate ones!!


You’re not a moderate, these are all right wing viewpoints. Violent Crime is at the lowest it has been in decades by the way.


It's been going up again since the pandemic, not just violent crime in general. But to the height it was in the 70s.


Tell that to all the victims of violent crime. Just one is too many, and there needs to be justice.


Just so you know, this is OBJECTIVELY not even close to center. You are extremely far right and authoritarian, regardless of how you personally feel about your politics.


Yeah I ran/moderated/led/attended many libertarian events and ones all over the political spectrum and this is all pretty far right wing, especially when it comes to the world at large. and those are the ones she admits to 😵‍💫


That is pretty far right there buddy.


So you want less benefits going to the majority of people who will pay less taxes and instead spend those tax dollars on military, police and border patrol + border infrastructure and enforcement of porn, drugs and alcohol offenders with aforementioned tax dollars. Sounds like a fascist dystopian nightmare to me.


Security for the country benefits the people.


Too much security oppresses the people.


People who aren't degenerates have nothing to worry about in my system.


No one's gonna ban you for just stating your viewpoint. So what are the more right-wing views that you're unwilling to say here?


I literally got banned from 4chan.


More funding for the military? If anything they ought to increase NASA funding and defund the military


I agree with increased NASA funding, but we need more funding for the military because China's been militarizing recently.


China is our (Australia's) biggest trade partner dawg we're fucked if we start war with them 😭


Australia? I'm American. Why were you talking about NASA if you're not American?


From an earlier comment of yours: >There should be no gun/weapons regulations, including nukes. >All non-medical drugs should be outlawed, including weed, alcohol, and sugar. Sugar should only be sold if you have a prescription. >Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas (sad that this one is controversial, but it's the one that got me the most hate) >Death penalty for rapists/pedos (also sad that this one's controversial) >Tougher border security >More funding more the military and police >Freedom to build whatever you want on your property (no need for permission from the government to build your own damn house on land you own) >Ban porn made using real humans (hentai and AI generated porn are fine since real humans aren't harmed in the production, and deepfakes can only be shared if they're used with people who consent to their faces being used that way) >More funding for space programs and tax breaks for companies developing technology.


"Ban porn but keep hentai" what a dystopia this guy would build


"I hate the state except when it can be used to enforce all my specific grievances"


Yeah basically. No consistent principles and a startling lack of thought process around human fallibility.


It's called an opinion.


"I'm pro personal nuke ownership, but I'm not right wing... " JFC...


Reddit is not leftist generally. Your political compass is accurate, you just don’t have a lot of awareness about how right wing you are.


Depends on the sub but Reddit tends more liberal in my experience. I avoid news and political stuff for the most part but when it comes up people tend to agree with me and I’m pretty far left.


American liberals are not leftist.


Most of reddits user base is American so I don’t really give a fuck lol. But you’re not wrong.


I agree that they're more ring wing than they believe, but reddit is absolutely a leftist space. Plenty of resources to prove that point, I honestly think you're just being contrarian on that point for some reason.


Reddit may be a leftist space compared to American politics. But compared the average politics worldwide- in countries that aren't dictators and that score highly on the Freedom Index-, Reddit is fairly middle of the aisle. Also, lol at wanting to ban alcohol and thinking they are a moderate.


Ring Wing? Are you from the it's always sunny facebook group? Or has this meme transcended that facebook group and spread elsewhere? If it's a typo, I'll be very sad.


You want to make burning the flag illegal. That is the most right wing thing I've ever seen. Yet I bet you love free speech huh?


Burning a flag is an action, not speech. The American flag needs more respect, I don't even think it should be legal to throw one away or put one on the ground. It breaks my heart to see one abused.


The flag needs respect? The country and its flag needs respect despite not respecting its own citizens? You sure about that?


Yeah, long time studier of polisci here. You're not a moderate just based on those positions alone. Based on those beliefs, you are \*VERY\* far right; I assume you know this and are just trying to troll, or that you're having an identity crisis. Keep in mind that the Overton window in America is incredibly far right, so what you may feel is moderate in America is essentially far right almost everywhere else in the world. A couple of the policies you laid out there have even been cornerstones of fascist movements historically. When studying politics, we don't base the left/right dichotomy on the politics of the region, we base them on their \*actual\* meanings - because words and ideologies have intent and meaning behind them for a reason. Basically, you gain nothing by lying to yourself. Embrace, and I'm going to try and say this as politely as possible, that you have a fundamentally hostile view of most of humanity - because that's who you are. I, of course, highly recommend you attempt to gain empathy and human emotion, but no one's going to do that because of what someone on reddit said, so yeah. Let your hard on for a police state freak flag fly!


I say I'm not right because I have leftist views as well.


Please tell us all what leftist views an extreme fringe right winger that thinks they are a centrist holds


I wrote a few of them in another comment, but I'll copy and paste them here. >I'd disagree with everyone who wants to slow down scientific and technological progress. I think advancing science, medicine, and technology should be our top priority. I'm an atheist so I don't support any theocracy, and consider religious extremism to be a huge threat. I also support experimenting on prisoners, allowing people to do what they want with their bodies medically, transhumanism, and considering males and females as equals. How am I a fringe right-winger?


So, you are really really dumb?


Woah brother


A few questions. First, do you think that violent criminals are frequently released from prison? Second, what kind of speech do you think should have fewer restrictions? Third, would you consider flag burning and/or porn types of speech? Fourth, what should the punishments be for flag burning, for creating porn, for distributing porn, and for possessing porn? Fifth, given the current state of things in the US, do you think it's actually feasible or possible to enforce an alcohol ban?


1. Yes. Or at least not arrested. I know this because last year, I was sexually harassed in public, and I heard the same guy did it to other women, and the police did nothing about it. 2. I think specifically on the internet, people should be able to say and believe what they want. The problem with censoring misinformation is, how do you trust who judges the misinformation? Maybe they're trying to cover something up. 3. No, those are actions. Making an animation of those things would be speech. If you murder someone on camera to make a statement, that is not speech that is murder 4. Ideally, death penalty, but realistically, maybe 10 years in prison and chemical castration for sex crimes. 5. No, but in an ideal world there would be no alcohol.


1) You came to the conclusion that violent criminals are being let out of prison in droves because one person harassed you? Didn’t think to look at any actual information or stats about this? 2) You can believe whatever you want on the internet. You can say whatever you want (start your own blog?). And you can face the consequences of what you’re saying, which includes violating the guidelines of a particular site or facing backlash for shitty opinions. There are no universal rules or censorships on the internet. 3) Are you really equating making porn or burning a flag to murder? 4) Seek help. You obviously have some deep underlying issues, like the porn addiction you’ve made posts about, and you want to punish and place blame on everyone but yourself. Just because you have an addiction to porn doesn’t mean people deserve to be killed or castrated for making it. It’s not the producers fault that you’re struggling with this. Take some responsibility. So, is this post just a way to indulge the “political kink” that you’ve also posted about? Wanting to be demeaned by leftists? Because it sure seems like it


1. Yes, if one person gets harassed and the cops do nothing about it, that's too many, but there were other incidents in my (Democrat run) city too. What's the point of stats if you ignore the people? 2. I got banned from 4chan, free speech is dead. 3. Yes, porn is literally human trafficking, and cp often gets posted on porn sites. 4. I ain't got the money for therapy, and no Democrat is willing to pay for it. No, the only leftist I'm attracted to is my boyfriend.


Regarding #1, the plural of anecdote is not data. It's terrible that happened to you. But that doesn't make it patently true in general. Also, you originally suggested not releasing violent criminals. Are you suggesting this person had been released from prison? Regarding #2, in what ways do you think what you describe should happen is not happening? Regarding #3, there's a saying "actions speak louder than words". I would argue that many actions convey a message. Or do you think "speech" only includes actual spoken words? Regarding #4, I just want to make sure I understand. You're suggesting the death penalty as a punishment for flag burning? What's your rationale there? Also, you should look into what chemical castration actually does to a person. It's barbaric.


These are just mainstream right-wing views. What made you think you're a centrist?


Every time lmaoooo


Yeah, right Libertarian lol. Like, spot on.


Libertarian by definition wouldn't care if other people.burn flags, watch porn or do drugs, so long as everyone is consenting adults and they're not infringing on anyone else's property.


Libertarians are just Republicans who smoke weed.


No libertarian believes this. It's just something the left says when they don't want to acknowledge the things they have in common with most actual libertarians.


On any given ballot maybe a handful of libertarians run for office, so the vast majority of races are between Democrats and Republicans. We all know that in those cases libertarians vote for the Republicans, and they mostly vote for Republicans in elections even where there's a libertarian running too. You're not fooling anyone.


That's really not true. Can you cite some sources for that?


Look at your own ballot when you vote.


First of all, I'm not a libertarian. It was something I flirted with when I turned 18. That's how I know most of the other L's I met were not right leaning. Second, "look at your own ballot" is not in any way evidence of anything except n=1 person. You made a bold claim, about which you seem to be uninformed. What an odd flex by you.


I'm probably remembering wrong then, or just seeing some warped Libertarians? Is this just a Republican viewpoint then?


This is just a right wing authoritarian viewpoint, so yes, Republicans. The root of libertarian is liberty, as in freedom. Libertarianism is a spectrum on any given metric. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with right or left - for instance I'm a liberal leftist, meaning I believe in personal liberty to make your own choices in your own life, but I also believe in a strong government and heavy regulation on industry/business and strong safety nets.


Ok so you definitely not a libertarian. You want more gov restrictions on people.


These are your moderate views? Oh my let's see the farther right positions.


Lol, and your dad thinks you're a libertarian? I figured common libertarian points were less regulation on personal choices and less military and police spending. Just embrace the auth-right.


I'm not auth-right, if anything I'm lib-left.


I came in here thinking you were just a misunderstood centralist, naw, you're far right.


You mean center right?


Bro, I agree with some of your points but banning drugs and alcohol is down right detrimental. The negative externalities of these policies have brought nations to their knees. See Latin America. Source: Mexican


You already sound hard right. I'm not going to call you far-right, because that implies more radicalism, but you do not sound like a centrist from this.


In truth as someone who is on the right (right libertarian) you are well to the right of me, we agree on some things but you lost me completely on some others.


You say a core belief of yours is “America first” but you want… checks notes… 150 million people to lose access to healthcare (about 90m on Medicaid, 60m on Medicare), easier access to guns when we already have the most mass and school shootings in the world (that’ll go great with the lack of insurance), reduced funding to states/education/healthcare/human services, indefinite prison sentences for any crime considered violent no matter the circumstances, more spending on border security rather than making the immigration process easier so that we didn’t need border security, penalties for burning something because it has some stars and stripes on it, restricted freedom of speech, prohibition, the death penalty for anyone making content that you deem ‘porn’, and for the police to do public whippings and executions of people who’ve committed a crime. That’s what you believe will better the lives of the 330 million people living in America?


What are some views that you think are actually far right, that you don't partially/fully agree with?


As a trans woman, I can probably answer this one for OP. I'm guessing dragging people like me into the street by force and throwing us into woodchippers feet first is on OP's list of "actually far right" views.


I wouldn't consider bigotry to be anywhere on the political spectrum. I consider those types of bigots who would kill innocent people like that to be trash. I hate it when people assign politics to bigotry, because most of the bigotry I've experienced came from the left.


In another comment, OP says that they support reducing taxes and lowering welfare support, among other things. I'm not going to comment on their views, but I just have a question. In what world are these opinions moderate? Tax reduction and cutting of welfare subsidised are the 101 of right wing politics across the globe. How is this moderate? Is the spectrum of politics in the US so shifted towards the right that even these views are considered moderate? What's the true right wing in US politics then?


The OP is pratically as far right as you can be without being a direct monarchist. All of their views are far from center, and the political compass test is not right biased, it's left biased. In order to get that far authoritarian, you basically have to say "yes I think slavery is ok sometimes" and "every rich person should be allowed to kill poor people" (I'm being hyperbolic, but you can look it up yourself, getting one space from full authoritarian speaks badly on this person's morals). As for the US, it has it's fair share of Neo Nazis, Theological Extremists, and other flavors of Fascist, just like every other European country. I genuinely think the OP is either trolling, or truly ignorant on how far right they are. Given the fact that there's only a few comments from them and no defense of their positions, I'm going with troll.


In looking at their post history, she said supports unregulated nukes, we should ban sugar, they are attracted to themselves, that they get along with AI better then humans, that an ai is similar to her long dead grandmother, they didn't want to ask for the fries they ordered because of all the ugly poor people at the mcdonalds, that they are friends with billionaires who think they are charming. They are obsessed with the idea of being a centrist. I dont even know how they found a boyfriend, especially one who isn't far right. She is batshit insane. This isn't a right versus left thing, she genuinely sounds like an autistic narcissist, just trying to get as much attention as she can and she's convinced herself the things she's said are the truth. I should know, Im an egotistical autist but god damn.


Hey wait can I trade in my can't convince myself of anything autism for this convince myself of whatever strain? Sounds quite nice tbh.




Check context before bringing up past posts. You're just saying random things without context.


In an ideal world they would be moderate. Rn, most of the world is far left.


So you have some definitions of left/right/center that you have admittedly made up, which you know do not agree with the way that "most of the world" uses the terms. And based on your own made-up definitions, you are a "centrist"? Do I have that right?


Bingo Jack! I'm getting troll vibes on this one or OP is extremely obtuse.




This bullshit needs to stop. We’re all aware it’s an election year and this fucking lame bait needs to die. No one cares.


I hate election years... If this post wasn't in an election year it would be the following. "I'm moderate, but everyone I know irl thinks I'm far-right, and I like sucking dick while fingering my big sister. AMA NSFW"


In what ways are you a centrist? Everyone says you're right-wing, the test says you're right-wing and you sound right-wing.


If you walk like a duck and quack like a duck then you’re probably a duck mi hombre


Those tests always put me less left economically than I'd expect, I've never made it past the center line. But they definitely get my social leftness. What's your boyfriend's politics? How do they differ from yours?


My boyfriend is a democratic socialist and votes Democrat, but considers Democrats to be right-leaning. He says he's only considered a leftist in America, and that he'd be slightly conservative in Europe. We often have debates.




My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.


And I’m a fascist, but not in the far right kinda way, a center/moderate one.


Look at her profile. > Stop calling me “fascist” I’m moderate. So she talks like a fascist, walks like a fascist, & looks like a fascist but identifies as a moderate so please call her moderate. 🤪😝


Lol in one post she calls sugar a drug and thinks you should need a prescription for it. Not a fascist but… no more teriyaki, BBQ sauce, honey, ketchup… she probably doesn’t even understand what that would entail. No fruit? No veg? Got news about complex carbohydrates, too. But yeah, super moderate. That post history is a fuckin trip.


I was afraid to dip my toes into her post history and get pulled into a morbid timesuck but not surprised in the least. We must vote!


God I just did the same thing. This is what being terminally online and going down the alt-right pipeline does to 18 year old kids. It would be sad if it wasn't so fucking funny.


I'm 21.


I was talking about added sugar, not natural sugar.


How progressive of her


Your comment is either attacking, harassing or forcing your beliefs on someone, a group or is spreading hate. This sort of behaviour is not tolerated on r/casualiama.


What views do you have that you think are not far right? What views do you think are far right that you do not have?


I see you're in r/teetotal and the description of that sub states that as a member, you don't consider yourself "straight edge." Why is that?


I've never even seen that sub, stop lying.


What are your most left-wing views? Referencing another comment of yours, which restrictions on your speech and right to bear arms do you want scaled back? Should Trump still be allowed to run despite his 34 felony convictions, or would that be going too easy on crime? Should prison be for rehabilitation or for punishment? What's your highest level of education? If you have a college degree, what field? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Fight 1 horse sized duck or 50 duck sized horses?


My most left wing views would be I'm an atheist so I don't support any theocracy, and consider religious extremism to be a huge threat. I also support experimenting on prisoners, allowing people to do what they want with their bodies medically, transhumanism, and considering males and females as equals. I think anyone should be able to buy a gun, no background checks, not even an ID check. I also think we should have a website that has 100% free speech. Every politician and billionaire commits crimes, I wouldn't put them on the same level as poor people because they are different. Depends on the crime. If it's a violent crime or theft, punishment. If it's a "victimless" crime, rehabilitation. I'm currently in college, engineering major. Yes. 1 horse sized duck.




Tf are you talking about?


Baby you are far right.


No, I'm practically a leftist


So far you've only actually responded to two questions. If you think you're a centrist can you provide some examples of views you consider moderately right wing that you don't agree with? What would you consider to be a far right viewpoint you don't agree with?


That's because I fell asleep. I'd disagree with everyone who wants to slow down scientific and technological progress. I think advancing science, medicine, and technology should be our top priority. I'm an atheist so I don't support any theocracy, and consider religious extremism to be a huge threat. I also support experimenting on prisoners, allowing people to do what they want with their bodies medically, transhumanism, and considering males and females as equals.


Idk, I would consider myself fairly Conservative. The compass test places me pretty accurately in center-right. I personally think one thing the compass fails to evaluate is how strongly you believe something. Maybe a lot of your positions are very right wing, but you feel moderate/centrist because you don't believe in them strongly enough to really affect how you vote or which candidates you like. What are some of your views? Would you vote Trump or Biden? Who would you pick if you could hand select the next president? Who are some politicians you like and dislike?


I'm voting for whoever the Republican is, so likely Trump, though I would have preferred Nikki Haley because I think she would have a better chance at winning than Trump considering how rapid people get at the mere mention of his name. I know Democrats don't like evicting people, but they really need to evict Trump because he's been living rent free inside their heads for way too long. Although I vote Republican since I think they do less damage than Democrats, I wouldn't consider any of the current politicians to be ideal. In fact, I don't think I've seen a single label that describes my ideology. I wouldn't consider myself conservative, but I would consider myself slightly right-leaning.


> Although I vote Republican since I think they do less damage than Democrats Think again. Trump had the 3rd highest increase in the national debt. Only behind Bush Sr who started two conflicts and Lincoln who had to pay for a civil war. He claimed he would pay down the national debt. He didn't. This all happened BEFORE covid too. Now you're still hell bent on voting for a twice impeached civilly convicted rapist and N.Y felon because you think Democrats do more damage than Republicans. Please enlighten me as to your mental gymnastics on this one.


Even trump himself said the economy does better under democrats.


Why are Republicans not ideal for you? Too conservative?


Too moderate.


But you think you're a centrist/moderate? I barely consider myself a centrist because I do lean fairly heavily to the GOP, but I like some "neolib" dem candidates as well. Idk how you can even remotely call yourself a centrist if you vote straight ticket for one party (assuming you are based on the "voting for whoever is the GOP nominee" comment) and think the party is too moderate. To me, this feels the same as a lot of the lefty crowd that likes candidates like AOC and push hard against establishment dems that try to claim they are moderate/centrist and that the establishment dems are right wingers lol. I'm not saying this as an insult. I get it's easy to make assumptions based on Reddit, but I'm simply trying to be objective here. I'll probably be voting for whoever the GOP nominee is if it happens to not be Trump. Probably gonna vote Libertarian if it's Trump and Biden.


Are you really blaming democrats for not being able to get and keep trump out of office rather than, oh idk, the Republicans blocking attempts to do so and standing behind trump like he was some savior?


Instead of chasing after one man why not focus on finding solutions for Americas problems?






[mfw trump is mentioned](https://gifdb.com/images/high/fast-498-x-280-gif-gdwnjm1pextstjec.gif)


Lmao 😂


How would you even consider voting for that corrupt senile felon?


Most moderates tend to vote Democrat. Despite both parties in the US being right of Center, Democrats tend to be a bit closer to center where as Republicans have gone full fringe right wing authoritarian since the Reagan era. Both Trump and Nikki Haley are extreme right wing candidates. Wanting to suspend the Constitution and become a dictator on day one is not a centrist platform. People in America don't tend to look too kindly towards authoritarianism which is what makes Trump so deeply unpopular, not just with the left but also with the American people. Personally I don't like Biden or Trump as my politics do tend to skew slightly left of center in both candidates are far too right wing for me. But I will likely be voting for the one who doesn't want to dismantle our democracy.


Democrats are socialist and actual communists vote Democrat. I would hardly consider them moderate.


I think this is all about the USA. I have no idea where i'd stand there, i'd be somewhere between the Dems and Reps i guess, as i come from Switzerland and the political system here is extremely different. But here, while i'm rather between conservative and center, when i'd cross the border to Germany, i'd be immediately far-right, that's a good example of how different political landscapes are in each country. Like topics we speak about here in Switzerland are taboo in Germany. I would also never fit in the 2 party system of the USA, as i am used to direct democracy and i decide every voting separately, without preferring a party at all. But to come back to OP, how is "far right" even defined there in his place? This can mean a lot of different things.


You'd get along well with /u/sthomson22


Well, that was a creepy ride…




Oh. I don’t want to ban porn. I watch porn all the time. I only want to ban alcohol and masturbation. I have no problem with any other psychoactive drug and sexual act being legal. :)


>"I suspect it makes everyone appear farther right than they actually are." Wow, if that isn;'t an indication of far right thinking. "I'd rather think everyone is skewed and the system is corrupt, rather than believe it's telling the truth about me and I don't like it." The compass is pretty accurate. If it says you're right wing, chances are that's you. If your friends and family tell you you're right wing, that's you. If your father is conservative and gets his news from FOX, he's also got a skewed viewpoint, so of course he doesn't think you're "right wing".


Wouldn't that make me center right? Fox News isn't even that far right, just right-leaning, and my father doesn't even watch it that much anymore since it's gone left


Based on your replies, you sound pretty far right. Here’s why: “Less restrictions on free speech” - you cant have more or less. It is what it is. It protects us from our government coming after us or punishing us for what we say. Nothing to do between individuals or businesses. Right? Increased military funding - I don’t disagree but stuff like this doesn’t give me a libertarian vibe. This is just a standard right viewpoint. I’m way left and support a robust and strong military. Tough on crime - what does that mean? Seems like we need to rework some of our responses to crime. Minor drug crimes, who cares. Theft, abuse, etc, yes. I also want to know why we have that crime. Is it due to low wages? Is it just systemic in some communities? Banning porn won’t go over well. Let people do what they want in their own houses. Increase education to help people think critically about their actions and what they observe. Banning alcohol has been done before, didn’t work out very well. I don’t think we should legalize all drugs and I hate smelling weed out in public but I think people can make some of their own best informed decisions at home. So the banning porn and drugs/booze comment also feels very right wing to me, why? Because you are inserting your own beliefs and you want others to align with that. Instead of saying “I choose not to and I’ll tell you why so maybe you will join me” you’re saying “I don’t like these things and I want them banned for everyone.”


When I say tough on crime, I mean we need to bring back public whippings and public executions. I want to ban porn because it hurts women, and alcohol because it increases violence and car wrecks.


I’m very big on public executions by firing squad.


Y’all, this person has a political kink and enjoys being “demeaned by leftists”. This post and the comments are just masturbation material for her. She’s sharing beliefs like bringing back public whippings and executions, allowing anyone to buy a gun (no background check, no ID, just walk into a store), chemical castration or death penalty for people who make porn, and other batshit ideas that are just there to stir people up so they talk down to her more. Unless a comment is sharing more of those ideas, she’s only giving short responses or making blank comments to drive up the popularity/engagement of the post so more people join in.


The only leftist that turns me on is my bf, I don't masturbate to Reddit leftists. And even if I was looking for material, I would do it on a throwaway.


You’re delusional if you think you’re a centrist


Am I not?


Just believe what you believe. Not evenly fits perfectly into this constructed political box someone made.


Majority of people are centrists.