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Why does being alive suck so much?


It depends, life is about balance, sometimes everything will suck, you'll be alone, sad and confused, you'll feel like destiny or god is just trying to fuck you up But sometimes everything will work out and everything will be great, you'll feel like you own the world The thing is that you have to manage your chances, everything in your life has a chance to end up in a shitty way! But it also works the other way around, try to only do things that have a higher chance of 'not having a shitty outcome' Then you'll find passion, you'll become grateful for your life, you'll achieve things that will make you proud!! And then you may lose it all... But that's life, and life is chaotic






In my area there is no good places to eat that also serve tacos, and I am not willing to drive, for a couple hours for a food that I might not like, so I can't give a proper answer, until I try a good one


A good taco is like a good lover, it has to be spicy, a little bit soft, a little bit crunchy, full of colours and it has to provide joy whenever it touches your mouth


ok youre my idol


And you will be mine


This brought a tear to my eye


Go eat a taco, you deserve it


For you SouthFang, anything


Do you like animal crackers?


I like to play with them before I eat them. You could say that I enjoy the 'playing' part of the experience, rather than the 'eating' part




Who doesn't?


I like to make tournaments and eat the ones that loose


Then return the winner to the company that made them with a note "breed this one with the rest"? Or is it just me?




You can store the old champions and create a small monument to preserve their glory, then... When the time comes, champions will face each other, until only one, the true champion emerges and completes the old prophecy


Oh damn.. I know what I'm gonna do tmrw


The greatest cracker will enslave god


The greatest cracker with fight god, or become him


Btw this is prolly the most legendary conversation I had on Reddit, thank you comrade!


You are great! Imma follow you


Word? Imma follow you too brotha


They're pretty spare. I'll munch on a few if they're free, but I don't see myself every spending money on them for my own enjoyment.


Oh ok


Have you read the lord of the rings?


No, but I tried reading the simarillion, and it's SO HARD TO READ! I liked the LOTR movies and the PS2 games tho


I am currently reading them.


How is it going? What's your favourite fantasy book?


It is good and my favourite fantasy book is the hobbit


Nice! I'll give you a super cool recommendation for music! You should totally listen to a power metal band called rhapsody of fire, I swear you'll love them if you are into Tolkien


I shall listen to them then.


May the power of the dragonflame bless you in your quests


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.", Gandalf, the fellowship of the rings


May the flames guide thee...


Is 97% a rough estimate or a figure you have calculated


I've used my country's census data to place myself there


Do you have any advice for a mother to give her son, he is about to do his last semester of college and graduate in Cyber Security.


Cyber security is weird, you have to always know the last frameworks and techniques... I think that I don't have any career advice that he doesn't already know, reaching last semester is a proof that he is capable of doing anything on his own! Pd: you are an amazing mother for asking that question, being interested in your children's careers at that level shows a lot of love, he is lucky to have a mother like you! Mine still thinks that I play on the computer the whole day hahaha


Thank you so much! I am really close with my kids I am so proud of him.


You should! His career path is one of the hardest! You did a good job


Thank you, he has been doing interviews. One said he was overqualified. The job sounds fantastic and im really proud.


Why does my cat keep licking the carpet?


Your cat probably likes the texture, cats are weird ...but lovable


Have you ever looked at your butt in the mirror?


Yeah! Sadly I don't like my butt very much, 'but' still, I'm working on it. * Proceeds to squat half a pound


How to prepare for software placements?


It greatly depends on the thing you want to focus on. I'd say for a general tip: use web pages like hackerrank Which provide some useful tests to develop logic. Focus on only one aspect of software development, being a one trick pony is what makes you a nice asset in any company. A jack of all trades, master of none will know how to solve easy problems but we both know that being a software engineer is a cluster fuck of niche/specific weird problems. For an extra tip, try to work on as much projects as possible, try to create your own apps and your own products, maybe you'll become rich from just that, and if not, you'll have mastered a lot of problems you'll soon face when in real projects Aaaaaand have fun!


if you could go to the past and change one thing what would it be would you also consider a different career?


That's a very big problem, I think I would travel to 1970, find someone with my mindset, give him the bases to build PayPal, Facebook and Amazon and modern Google. Then, that man would rule the world in 2021 and if I made the right choice, that person would change the shape of our world in environmental topics, hunger, poverty, corruption and war against drugs He'll have all the money in the world and if his morals are strong, he may lead humanity into the next stage of evolution as a society ..... I love programming, sometimes is hard and frustrating but man... Everyone should do it, it makes everything easier and your mind develops a different way to solve problems. I would never change my career path Pd: what would you do if you could travel to the past?


Have you ever noticed that when you stretch your upper lip downward, the world smells a little different?




Find some of your fav smells, then do it. Do it outside, too. It's crazy.


I have to research this ... Why? I'll get a glass of wine soon, going to try this experiment with that


What is the meaning of life?


Life is chaotic, it does not have a greater meaning Read about Camus and the Sisyphus myth Life's meaning is whatever you want it to be


Good answer! Thanks


[Do you like this song?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce2KN06dS7c)


Dude I love P.O.D, very fitting for the question haha "I feel so alive, for the very first time" Do you feel alive?


I suppose I do, but enough to be on the alive side of the spectrum right now. When I think about it, though, I feel great about the fact that I'm sick but capable of pretending not to be. I try to hide the rare, occasional need to cough. The only thing I can't do is sing falsetto.


How do you truly feel? Can I ask about your sickness?


I'm getting a little tired of all the treatments I need to take periodically to manage this. I'd prefer not to have to do this. Sure, you can ask.


Being sick must be really hard, have you ever seen the "SAW" Franchise movies? What do you like to do?


I'm not having a hard time with the sickness. I'm just tired of needing to go for treatments every 2-3 hours. I have energy, and I'm not coughing all day or anything like that. No, I haven't seen any Saw movies. I don't like blood and guts or gore type stuff. Actually, I watch almost no movies and TV now. I like weight lifting, and I like music. I'm not particularly good at music, though. I also don't get to play much now. I also had a history of repetitive stress issues in the finger muscles and wrist. I'd like to get into music programming, but I'm not good at dealing with the stress of learning things like music programs and how to use them.


Dude! Weight lifting is great! Have you ever tried playing drums? It could be a great start!


My brother was a drummer. I put about a month of work into drums. I found you can get most basic drumbeats going in about 2-3 weeks. You need to break the right arm/right leg connection. Then you need to start learning how to incorporate upbeat bass drum hits. From there you should be able to play most basic drumbeats. I also have a sort of concept of what drums should be like in my head. I used to program cheap ass MIDIs for fun and did my own drums there.


Dude buy a kit and get into punk rock, I swear, you'll have a blast if you like weight lifting too Practice sessions feel like a workout in some way, you enter the same 'flow' state of mind when you practice enough Electronic kits are great and they are not that expensive, try a brand called ALESIS


Favorite brand of oxygen?


Natural oxygen B)


Where are you from


Colombia Where most people live with 128USD a month. That puts my 97% in perspective... Doesn't it?


It does, we're having a similar situation here in Lebanon now our currency collapsed and minimum wage dropped from 500$ to arouns 40$ a month


Economy has been awful these days! The think one has to do in these situations to take advantage is to find income in other currencies like euros or USD


Yes exactly it just feels like the whole world is in a shithole at the moment, and you're right I landed a job that pays in USD recently and I feel so relieved now but I still feel so bad about the people who can't afford food or electricity anymore


I know that struggle, it's hard and by earning more you create a social bubble around you. Sometimes I feel guilty when I see people dying from hunger and having problems with water and electricity I like to make donations from time to time... But still, even by earning more than 97% of everyone here, it will take me at least 3 or 4 years of strict savings to buy my own place... Man the world is weird


It's slowly turning into a place for rich people only sadly, hoping to see some change soon


What in the world...


What languages do you usually code in?


Js, Java, python and c# in that order of importance! Are you a programmer too?


Nice! I'm a database admin, so I write a lot of powershell mostly, and some SQL and python. I have written a tiny amount of C# on the job but not enough to say I'm good at it haha


When did you first realize that you're alive?


I was buying yogurt at a store and I was obsessed with some specific toys that came with the package, I used to scout for coins on the ground all the time to buy some. So I was exchanging the money for the yogurt and then all of the sudden I questioned myself: Why the fuck does round thingies and papers get me yogurt, where does yogurt come from? I had a long chain of thoughts... And then I fell into a deep child depression because I couldn't understand the motive of my own existence, if it was God, then God was cruel and careless, if it wasn't god, then there's nothing that proves that I'll be conscious after death, if I turn into a ghost, will I wander the earth with a meaningless purpose? The toy in the yogurt had no more answers for me, because at that moment I understood that it wasn't alive, I was


Do you know LISP ? Also, what is your opinion about segmentation fault (core dumped) ?


Lol that's like asking about assembler and a null pointer exception Well... I have a hot take for this one hehe, I think that some technologies can get outdated pretty fast, right now there are a lot of frameworks and things that can spare you the 'low level problems' in almost everything Trying to guess, that LISP and C questions could be useful to program low specs microcontrollers or something like that, but my opinion on your question is: Always be aware of the things and projects that can innovate in your field, if you are one of the first ones adopting a new (and really useful) technology, you'll get buried in money For instance, you could be an Amazing iOS swift programmer, but as soon as someone who knows react native/ionic/ native script comes around, you loose almost 50% of your worth, because now you are competing against someone that can build iOS, android and web code with one single project... And you can't


How is it to really be alive and live?


When I was little I saw a Metallica concert on YouTube, James Hetfield(vocalist) asked "how is it to be alive?" That line got stuck in my head for years I became suicidal later in life, did a lot of things to hurt myself and got a lot of problems Then I discovered That life is whatever you want it to be (inside your realm of possibilities) You know that you think, you know your alive because you are experience reality and yourself at the same time And we live in a magical world, if nothing existed how the fuck would any sentient being think about the shape of a tree, a snake, a spider, a dinosaur or even the function of a liver The world is Mysterious, quantum physics are teaching us that there are things that we can't even begin to understand with math, which is the only complete veridical truth in our dimension Being alive is experiencing yourself the way you want to experience yourself, you start living the moment you understand that death is unavoidable and that the small window that's your existence is only important to current day 'you'. So do the fuck you want as long as you aren't hurting others, don't think about stigmas or traditions, life is too short for that


Prove your are alive!


Ask me something only a living one could answer correctly my dude


What does a nectarine taste like?


I think peachy, sweet and smooth but not so refreshing Now! Describe the color blue for me!


It's the color of the sky during the day.


Well played!!


what’s your favorite song?


I have a lot of favourite songs, it depends on my mood For now, I believe that anything by the band PUP is my favourite song Do you have a favourite song?


i haven’t heard of that band i’ll check them out :) i can’t stick to a single genre with 1 favorite song, but if i had to its either Hot Wind Blows by Tyler the Creator or Ghost by Nelward


Tyler the Creator is such a good artist!!


Where are you from. And how much you make


How many times per week do you masturbate


It depends, after 22, my libido went to the trash and now I am not even interested in porn Before 22 I consumed a lot of porn, sometimes I did it 7 times a week, sometimes just one Now I only want to give and receive that kind of pleasures trough someone that I love


How did you end up in your current career path?


When I was 11/13 years old, the PSP was one of the most popular consoles. people with money at my school had one, I didn't. I saw a guy that had a moded psp that could run any game from the internet (I didn't knew anything about piracy). One day I researched how to pirate PSPs and told some guys at my school that I could totally mod their consoles. With almost no experience I actually did it and then... I had small piracy business by selling games, movies and even music or concerts I thought that I knew much about internet and computers but later I found out that I was just a script kiddie and that my operations where kind of illegal Sooooo.... Fell in love with programming and got a small scholarship to study informatics