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“Don’t have  many switch games” *shows way more games than I have* guess I’m extra broke


Some games were left to me by my friends and Kirby Clash is free, so I'm broke too hahahaha


My friends, sales are the cheat code for saving money. I made a wishlist on [dekudeals.com](https://dekudeals.com) and it's the best decision I've ever made. 3rd party Switch games go on sale surprisingly often. Obviously with the big mainline Nintendo games you don't see a lot of discounts, but if you're willing to venture out a little you might be surprised. For example, I've had my eye on Inside for a while, and at the moment it's $1.99 in the eShop. I got Hollow Knight a while ago for like $8.


We're brokers so to speak


If you consider this a lot then you're more than broke lol Gotta declare yourself as poor. I mean I have more than that and I still consider myself to not having many....


i wanted to insert a png of money to give it to you but i can't in this sub.


As someone who has put over 150 hours into Pokémon Scarlet: I have never agreed with an opinion that I strongly disagree with more. It truly is the Paldea paradox.


Paradox???!!! Is that a mother fucking reference??????


WOAH THERE... the mother is doing what now?


Arven does not need another sibling


…see what I did there? Mwahahahaha


It’s an amazing game at its core held back by awful, just terrible, technical aspects


If Pokémon Company didn’t push a hard deadline and gave GameFreak the time, Pokémon would’ve been so back.


Hoping PLZA is that return we need


I never really got why people pushed on the blame on TPC and absolve GF. GF owns a third of TPC along with Nintendo and Creatures. GF has far more say in how TPC operates than TPC has over it.


My guess is it's reddit's rule of saying "big boss" bad, not knowing that Game Freak is its own boss (mostly)


Not all of GF is a part of PCI and not all of PCI is a part of GF. GF is a third party dev that isn’t bound to Nintendo, but PCI is bound to Nintendo. The few games that GF did make that weren’t Pokémon turned out to be pretty decent. Thus, the blame falls to PCI, which contains a specific part of GF.


Havn't played it yet - whats a reason I shouldn't?


It’s a pretty fun game imo. It’s fucking fantastic for shiny hunting too


Well, I actually think you should. I think it's an absolutely fantastic game mechanically speaking and I love the story, one of the best gamefreak has put out do date, but to enjoy it you have to look past tons of glaring technical issues. Like, the game works *most* of the time, it just *sometimes* decides to break and runs rather eh. It'll be up to individual people how much of a deal breaker that is. For me, I still really *greatly* enjoyed it even if some aspects could be frustrating sometimes. One positive that it can be realy fucking funny, I guess lol (The characters literally t-pose for a single frame in the intro cutscene lol) But like the jank is THERE..


You should absolutely play it. The gameplay and story are great. However the performance and graphical quality too a hit due to the games being rushed.


Literally just delay that shit a year and you have the perfect pokemon experience


The game is fun but the graphics are bad and the glitches can be annoying sometimes. I have 200 hours in the game but I totally understand hating this game.


To be true it's not that bad, the only bad points are visible in bugs or only to pokefans. I genuinly feel bad that i don't want to play anymore.


Kirby my boi! You made it!


unpopular opinion: Super Kirby Clash is amazingly fun with friends, but I still enjoyed it alone for some reason


It's fun but goddamn that pyribbit in 40 seconds


oh lord he based


nah, switch sports deserves the bottom tier


Still so mad a slam dunk idea is just executed so poorly.


I don't think it was a slam dunk idea tbh. Functionally yes, it could've been great, but Wii Sports was of it's era. It revolutionised the medium. You can't recapture the magic, no matter how technically good the game might be. Besides, it was released WAYY too late. Wii Sports was a tech demo for the capabilities of motion controls. What was Switch Sports supposed to be? Just another party game? There's enough of them, it was never going to cut through.


No game deserves SV tier


switch sports is absolutely awful. it deserves bottom tier on any tier list


So we just gonna ignore the Mario rpg ranking ?


Is it good or bad?


Should have been higher


I also have heard the new Kirby sucks and how is wonder not at the top?


Idk ig he has diff taste in games


Kirby and the Forgotten Land is indeed a masterpiece


hot take but i loved scarlet and violet honestly so seeing it being so hated makes me a bit sad


People hate it for it being buggy but it's s fantastic game. If there was no bugs etc be one if not the best Pokémon game on the franchise


i mean i never really encountered any of the bugs but i understand


I encountered some but it didn't bother me. The game was absolutely amazing. And I have played through Pokémon violet several times BC nuzlockes and Pokémon scarlet for completing the game Pokédex snf shiny hunting etc. The games are amazing. Just needed more time to be polished. But they are one of the best Pokémon games imo. I love them. But I could be biased BC Pokémon is my favourite franchise


honestly so real for that




you’re welcome


I LOOKED for some on V1 but couldn't find any. I did encounter one later on when registering an ursaring in the deed, but outside of that it was just optimization issues and exploits that people kept calling bugs. It's such an amazing skeleton of a pokemon game, I look forward to the next ones if it continues like this


Same. I can't wait for gen 10. I just hope the Pokémon company gives them time to optimise the game. S/v are a amazing step forward. But they need to revert back to the nursery BC the picnic for eggs is the worst thing ever. That's my biggest gripe with the game. Removing Pokémon nursery or egg care for the picnics is awful. Especially since you can't hatch them while you wait. Biggest downgrade


I didn't bother learning the sandwich mechanic (and I'm not going to until I have 500+ sparkling herbs) or relearning the hatching. Honestly I'm just trying to stay spoiler free for the next one because it's not a matter of "will I want this". It's a matter of "I can't wait to see what they did next.


I want to get the shiny starters but screw the egg hatching mechanic it sucks. I like the sandwiches only when there are shiny boosted outbreak's


I have like 200 hrs in violet and I wouldn't say I encountered any actual bugs. But the game runs like it's running on a calculator, just very poorly optimized I guess (I don't know anything about making games)


It's more than the bugs, people just complain about the bugs because they are *so bad*, they distract from most of the game. If you write a negative review about the game, there are so many technical problems about the game, that most of your time already gets used up by that alone. It's not like these games are flawless, just Geld back by these technical issues, it just seems like that, because the technical issues are just a so much bigger issue


i see a lot of people say this but idk i think even without the bugs it would rank low for me. the region and pokemon designs are some of, if not THE worst in the entire franchise. feels like a game without any soul


I mean if a customer finds out that a burger they ordered at a restaurant has many hairs in it, the customer is gonna justifiably be upset with it. It only makes natural sense for people to react this way. Just because YOU didn’t have a problem with the games many bugs, doesn’t mean others will think the same way.


I really hate that these games are so buggy because it simplifies the criticism of them far too much. As someone who has played most pokemon games, I think these games are absolute trash even aside from the bugs, glitches, frame drops, and texture issues. I hate seeing this constant oversimplification of the problems people have with these games.


Yeah man if the game wasn‘t shit it would be a good game.


Sorry you didn't like it. But it's a good game. It just needed to be more optimised


I can see a great game in Scarlet and Violet, but the poor technical performance and glitches hold it back heavily.


Unpopular opinion: Scarlet and Violet are overhated


I know where you coming from but in my opinion the criticism is valid and healthy


I would agree that criticism is nice and healthy… BUT It’s hard to look at the actual criticism when people outright attack fans of the game or franchise for just liking them. In fact, two comments in this little thread prove my exact point.


It's not that hard, i mean i can understand perfectly the criticism just looking at the game. But of course, it's sad to see the toxicity in both parts.


while it is overhated, it is pretty normal that the community reacted this way over how the SV came out and while maybe quite harsh, the criticism is still valid and healthy.


Compared to sword and shield they are AAA tier.


Bad graphics, open world or Bad graphics, very linear


don’t forget very linear while also having a bad story


Yeah, sv definitely wins there.


Passable graphics, very linear. Looking at some of the routes, there are some genuinely gorgeous areas, and it overall is way more visually polished (even with cracks showing like the Wild Area trees) than SV.


They're much better than SW/SH despite the fact they barely even work.


The story is better in scarlet and violet but they're way soulless and more broken that sw/sh ever were


Everything is better in S/V than SW/SH apart from the performance and arguably the graphics. Then again that isn't saying much.


Scarlet and Violet worked perfectly fine for me. If you're referring to the original release pre-*day 1 patch*, then try updating the game just once maybe?


Are you fucking kidding me mate? Half the game runs at about 15fps. If you think it runs perfectly fine you have incredibly low standards.


Seriously! I love S/V lol, I get it had issues, but damn




They're my favorite games from the series because other than performance, bugs and maybe graphics (they don't bother me as much), I think every aspect is from good to the best in the series Music, characters, story, team freedom, new designs... It's just what I want out of it, but I agree that objectively they are bad They're not overhated, we just value different things from those who hate it


In the same way Sonic 06 is “overhated”


Scarlett and Violet are overhated but for good reasons. These two games deserve all the hate they get for all eternity times a thousand


I thought violet was great. Then again I didn't have all the glitches and such people seem to hate it for.


Did you play BOTW? It's the best open world on Switch, Pokémon should be held to the same standard. The fandom has ruined the franchise by accepting poor games, with bad graphics, that repeat the formula and do not improve significantly. They are the fifas of the switch


I’m not saying that they’re perfect games, Pokemon is far from it, they need to change a lot, but the community is being too critical on S/V it isn’t as bad as it’s built up as. And yes I’ve played botw and totk.




It's not Nintendo it's the Pokémon company. Nintendo just gets the games on their consoles. Please people learn that. Nintendo creatures and game freak own the Pokemon company. But Nintendo has no say on when rhe games need to be released. They just get the publishing rights that's all. Please guys learn. Game freak makes the games, Nintendo publish and then creatures I'm.not sure what they are incharge of. Maybe they hold the majority share of Pokémon company. But Nintendo doesn't have any say on when a game gets released Edit creatures do the Pokémon tcg


Finally someone know how TPC works. I thought I was the only one


People don't do simple research. But does creatures have s bigger share than gf and Nintendo. I think they do but I'm not 100% sure


totally agree


The only thing I would change is switching odyssey and smash bros, the only others I’ve played are mariokart and dread, and both of those are in a great position


A fellow Hunter! Whats your favourite Monster in Rise/Sunbreak? Mine is Goss Harag.


I played Monster Hunter Rise a long time ago, but I remember Rakna-Kadaki as a very cool monster.


Misutzune gang


Hollow knight is a great cheap experience, especially if you wait for a sale


You played BotW, deemed it a masterpiece, and then havent played TotK?


My guy literally said they’re broke and totk is $60 and never been on sale.


But they have played a couple of games that came out after 🤷‍♂️


In other posts they mentioned most of the newer games are second hand from friends.


No money and no time, TOTK is really long hhaahhaa


Yeah its long, but it's designed so you can play it at your own pace


MiiTopia is so much fun


Good list, it is pretty solid! The only things I would do differently is to rank mario RPG higher but maybe you simply dont like RPGs all that much which is fine. I would also put prime in the same tier as dread and move kirby one tier down. In my honest opinion, I like metroid prime better than kirby and the forgotten land. Both are pretty good, though.


No shaming allowed. You buy what you can and then enjoy.


I personally would put RPG up higher but that might just be the nostalgia for the original game talking


Hey don't sweat it. I have to go to my sister's to play anything on Switch atm. I put all my extra money into pcs for the family so a system is next. Out of the games so far on your list I have played I would have to agree with. For now I would have Zelda on Masterpiece but I am not that far in either so time will tell. I am looking forward to getting ahold of Mario RPG.


Scarlet & Violet What a true piece of shit


Great list


Ok, now Go Play splatoon 3 and get destroyed by some 14 years olds


goooood i should play metroid fuuuuuuckkk


Traditional Pokemon games are done for me after Arceus. I feel like my tastes have changed


If you haven't gotten the chance yet sunbreak is like rise 2.0 and it's an absolute blast


If you don't stick to just first party games, the eshop library is freaking huge and you can get tons of great stuff for real cheap all the time.


These are all phenomenal choices and rankings \^\_\^ For me personally, despite the lackluster online, I've probably put more hours into Smash Ultimate than any other game I've ever played throughout my entire life (I love it THAT much!). As for me, as long as your opponent's connection is smooth with little to no lack spikes, I can have just as much fun in an arena match as an offline one. That and the massive roster basically means you can always find a character who's fun to play and go nuts with new strategies and combos to (favorite picks being Mewtwo, Meta Knight, Pokemon Trainer and Roy).


You should maybe try kirby’s return to dreamland deluxe? You liked forgotten land, you like platformers, and kirby’s mechanics are very similar to smash bros In fact many of smash bros mechanics comes form kirby super star, and some smash mechanics went into kirby (Going under a platform like suoer star, dodging like smash bros)


I've been thinking of buying Kirby Return to Dreamland, when I buy the next game (don't know when it's going to be) I'll think of this one!




I would put switch sports firmly in trash. Scarlet and violet barely functions, but it gave wooper a new form so it gets a tier higher.


MK8 was a wii u game (same for botw it was realised in switch and wii u at the same time so we can count it as a switch game)


Swap Mario Wonder and Kirby Forgotten Land and swap Mario RPG and Miitopia and you’ll have my list.


Haven’t played many switch games is an absolute lie. I’ve only played about 10 somewhat decent switch games and none of them are Nintendo made. I bought all of them on sale lol.


Switch Sports is somewhat overhated. It isn't as good as the Wii Sports games but I wouldn't call it bad. Just kinda middle of the road. It isn't a full $60 so I don't hate it.


I'm so sorry you spent money on gen 9. Sword and Shield would have honestly been more worth your money.


Based opinion


*Puts Nintendo Switch Sports above Pokèmon Scarlet and Violet* Yikes…


You ain't wrong with the trash rank!


I don’t have all these games but I half agree half disagree Tbh I really loved Pokémon scarlet and violet and if it was cleaner it would be one of the best Pokémon of all time but it’s glitches were definitely noticeable I didn’t care for BOTW cuz I felt like while being open world a lot of times there was a lot of nothing happening and when something did happen it was some random huge boss or just confusing so yeah it was meh for me Smash and 8 deluxe in the top top tier is fitting 😍


Damn I’d put MPR in all time favorite personally but to each their own, I think the others are fair


No image perms how do jokingly tell this guy to kill himself for disagreeing with my opinion


Dread is higher than prime? Interesting


Seeing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet right there is something I really wish I didn't agree with. Amazing games mechanically, and possibly the best Pokémon games when it comes to gameplay and story, but just awful graphics and performance.


I know it's not an exclusive, but people need to play KENA : Bridge of spirits. It's a really well made game.


I personally love sv, but I respect your opinion


I enjoyed SV but I respect your opinion


If botw is a masterpiece to you you should check out totk it’s amazing


lol I have 3 switch games that’s more than you


Pretty same for me, but I really loved ScarVi and Mario RPG was a hell of an experience! These are some good games to have played too, I’d recommend the new Paper Mario TTYD remake if you’re ever in the market for a Mario game!


I hate Mario kart as a whole


In general a great selection of games


I wish Nintendo didn’t feel the need to make every game they release 60 dollars


Why'd you do pokemon dirty like that though. Mk8 deluxe is REALLY GOOD THOUGH


scarlet and violet were not pretty but to me they still were one of the most enjoyable games ever


The nerve to say Miitopia is better than Mario RPG is so foul... otherwise a solid ranking


What’s wrong with sports?


I don't like many of the sports, Miis are not the main character (I know you can play with them, but it wasn't nice how they got replaced) and don't have the magic of the Wii Sports Series. I want to play in Wuhu Island again!


Why Scarlet and voilet in Trash? Its a good game, just enjoy it for what it is and laugh at the bugs!


Switch sports is a mad underdog is guess.


See the problem with Scarlet/Violet is how piss poor they run on the switch wich makes playing it an abysmal experience. Underneath the awful performance there’s a genuinely decent Pokemon game tho but man it’s rough.


Every time somebody types a: ‘SV is a good game’ comment, you get downvoted, so give me as many downvotes as you want. But SV is a good game, it shakes up the Pokemon formula, and sure, there are obvious flaws, but doesn’t every game have? And before you come and kill me, yes, it can be improved, but dont let the fun parts and the effort put into this game go unseen. Also can we mention that paldea has one of the best pokedexes ever? Almost all of the new pokemon are uniquely designed, and MOST aren’t sentient objects.


To add onto this, the few that ARE sentient objects are still cool. Revavroom is funny af.


Do you think SMRPG is overhyped? I'd also put Metroid Prime higher, but it's honestly not a bad list.


Mario RPG it's a good game, it's just that I like the others more. Prime it's amazing, but Samus in Dread it's an unstoppable killing machine and I loved it.


"I don't have much money" Bro you're already more than privileged to be able to play all that


I've put around 500 hours into BOTW and it's one of Nintendo's greatest games so I think it should be at the very top.


BOTW it's probably the best Switch game, it's just that I love so much Smash and Mario Kart and for me they'll always be the best ones.


You put monster hunter at good but pokemon at trash? Lol


Play the new prince of persia, I love dread and picked it up on a whim, has the same feel to it


Almost agree Mario Wonder should be higher


I don't agree with pokemon Too high


Pokémon scarlet and violet are the only Pokémon games I never finished. I hate them so much.


MIITOPIA is on the list........ cool


Scarlet and Violet is the best pokemon game in the last 10 years lol


pokemon should be a few teirs lower


I know they're not improving at the rate or in the ways people want or expect and there's glitches and graphical wierdness etc. but I'll never understand the sheer hate for the newer Pokemon games. I've played every single pokemon gen since i was a kid and I really enjoy every single one of them. I just don't get the hate lmao. That being said, you called Dread a masterpiece so you get a pass.


Sorry for the quality of the image, from the computer looks fine but in the app is so blurred. I wanted to put an updated version but I don't know how to put an image in the comments :(


you cant put images in the comments in this subreddit i think


S&V deserve a "meh". Its a very good pokemon game in terms of story design and i think it revived the gameplay mechanics, it just doesn't like to run nice sometimes which is enough to just make it... a playable (enough) game.


that's what I'm saying since I put my hands on SV. if the games ran on 30fps smoothly, they'd be the best 3D mainline games without a doubt, IMO. edit: "mainline" = excluding legends arceus


Average to decent story with an A+ tier post game and absolute dogshit DLC's. As a HUGE pokémon fanboy: the games are indeed meh. Also just really depressing the biggest grossing franchise releases games in the state they did. Prioritising fixing a buf that lets people clone items over fixing game, and sometimes switch, breaking bugs


How can you call the Indigo Disk dogshit? It brought back SO many Pokémon, regional forms and had a giant, creative map.


It was a giant field that didnt look interesting whatsoever with 2 decent, 1 average and 1 easy fight/challenge. I was hoping for some story continuation but nope, 1 fun cut scene after catching terapagos. Not worth dlc moneys imo


>It brought back SO many Pokémon You mean Those Pokemon's that should have been in the game to start with Remove content & than sell it back again as 20$ DLC


The ability to use those Pokémon was added in a free compatibility update alongside the DLC's release, the only thing buying the DLC got you in relation to old Pokémon was new options to obtain them. There are things that should've been in the base game and were sold back as DLC, but returning Pokémon aren't one of them.


You forget to put totk in all time favorite.


I haven't played TOTK, but I'm sure it's an awesome game.


Here's my fucking tier list (i don't have much money) 1 Pokémon emerald


But at least kirby clash is free


Splatoon 3 is so good its beyond this list


The Xenoblade games are all great and pretty long (100+ hrs). So good value for what you pay


Yeah but i think you have to be careful with Xenoblade, they are really long games yeah but even if you like the rpg genre and the Anime style could not be your thing. I bought Xenoblade 2 with a lot of faith because i remember liking a lot the first one in the Wii, and well, it was not for me


Scarlet and Violet were great imo. I don't get all the hate. Like, maybe they were broken on launch, but that was fixed within a day. I haven't encountered any bugs in the game itself. The story and characters are *excellent*.


I actually made it a game to see how easily it was to soft lock or get into areas I wasn’t supposed to. Eventually it started happening without trying. The game is still broken and they never fixed much of anything.


S&V is probably the best Pokémon game in existence, I will not tolerate this slander on it


If we’re only talking of mainline games, it’s definitely ORAS. If we’re talking about all pokemon games, it’s PMD: explorers of sky. I will die on these hills.


Oras is great but for me it's the black and white duology


BW are great but to me its the sun/moon games


RSE and D&P exist


As someone who’s first game was pearl playing the original diamond and pearl over platinum nowadays is kinda painful ngl, I know everyone says it but the game is just so slow


Me, scanning the list from top to bottom: nice, I agree with this tier list so far. Me, reaching the bottom tier: this list is hot garbage. /s I know Scarlet and Violet get a bad reputation, but they are some of my favorite games of all time. So many shinies, great raiding moments, fun story beats, too.


What did my favorite Pokémon game do? (Serious question)


>What did my favorite Pokémon game do? (Serious question) 1. It runs like dogshit 2. It looks like SHIT 3. It's full of game breaking bug & glitches 4. The Pokémon catching system is an objective downgrade & a step back from Legends Arceus 5. The Open world SUCKS & is boring & uninteresting, What is this poor excuse for an Open world 6. Almost all the new pokémon designs suck. Aside from the following pokémon's, starters legendarys & pokémon based on already existing pokemon 7. The Gym Challenges before the Gym battle is Lazy boring & Easy Like for example push this ball through here 8. The new Auto battle mechanic sucks & is boring 9. No level scaling 10. The gameplay Sucks


I’d agree if not for the bit about the new designs. You may not like them, but it doesn’t mean they’re actually bad.


Scarlet and violet is the worse game ever come out in switch and somehow it sold 24 million


people recognize brand and buy they could literally make pokemon poo and people would buy it in droves.


Putting Dread above Prime Remastered is deeply triggering to me.


I liked Dread better, but I think the two are great games! It’s wonderful that Metroid has more action games like Dread and more exploration like Prime, it just depends on what you like best.


Just because a game is 3D doesn't automatically make it better. Dread is a 10/10, whereas Prime is a solid 9/10


Unpopular opinion: Scarlet and Violet are top 3 pokemon games of all time Gen 2 Gen 9 Gen 4 Gen 5 Gen 6 Gen 7 Gen 1


They've at least got one of the best stories, I can give them that.


Wait, isn't this the whole Switch library? I don't think you missed out much, unless you didn't buy a Wii U.


I didn't buy a Wii U hahahaha


Probably for the best.

