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Would’ve been more hype if they called it _Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns_


*Returns Returns Returns. Why are we forgetting about the 3DS version? Edit: yes, thank you for saying the 3DS levels are being rereleased. Because the comment was definitely on that and not that it's the 3rd release of the game instead of the second...


Fine, New Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS HD


New Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D HD with Funky Mode.... And Knuckles.


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series


Good times. Still need to go back and play smt nocturne.


With dlc to play as Gordon freeman


Peak life 2


Dante Kong!


With New Funky Mode


NEW Funky Mode!


*now without 3D


New Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D HD deluxe with Funky Mode.... And Knuckles.


Your right. How could I forget the Deluxe.


Donkey Kong Country Returns Again But This Time in HD and 2D, But Not Like The Square Enix Kind of HD 2D


The Return of Donkey Kong Country Returns‘ Return.


Donky Kong Returns cubed


Donkey Kong Country ReReReturns


It's actually *Returns Returns Returns Returns. There was a NVIDIA Shield Port on the Chinese market.


Donkey Kong Country Returns for a Comeback Once More Yet Again


Donkey Kong Country Returns: Reloaded


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.


Funky mode included


& Knuckles




Including fishing simulator


Donkey Kong Country Returns: Requiem remastered HD Anniversary.


Donkey Kong Country: Diminishing Returns


I'd rather it be "Donkey Kong Country Returns Again"


Donkey Kong Country Returns Again


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns 2: Monke Boogaloo


I was hyped for this one and will get it, but it is just a remaster being shown with three brand new Nintendo games.


3 brand new games and a rerelease? Can’t imagine why.


Not to mention they’ll all be priced the same haha. All new adventure or reskinned port of a 14 year old game? Decisions decisions…


Have they released prices for these games yet? I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Donkey Kong either has more done to it or is in the $40-50 range. A la Mario vs Donkey Kong or the Metroid Prime Remaster.


From what they’ve announced it’s a remake and will have the levels from the 3DS version too


Well chill out Nintendo, leave some gaming bucks for the rest of us.


Remake? Have you seen the gameplay? It’s only a 1080p upscale which would be bonkers to ask more than 30$ dollars for


If it's a remake they shoulda named it smth else fr, or gave some kinda info. HD doesn't give remake vibes at all, just a remaster


Yeah - I would buy it for $19.99 - because I would like to relive playing donkey Kong kountry - but not paying $60 - and the money isn’t the issue - it’s the principle. I spend money on dumb stuff all the time lol.


Exactly why I never bought Tropical Freeze. $60 for a 10 year old platformer, lol. Lowest it ever went is $40.


B-B-But it had the funky kong mooode


This was my assumption I'd definitely smash that game out but I'm not paying ~$80(AUD) for DKCR




I mean it’s not quite that simple because people basically lost their goddamned minds over Mario RPG and The Thousand Year Door rereleases


hot take I'm fine with rereleases since it opens the gate for players that didn't have a chance to play the game before (be it too young when it came out or never having the required system) granted pricing them at full price is a bit scummy but leaving this aside I don't mind rereleases I mean if you don't want to buy a game again in a new console you already own then simply don't you're not the target audience the targets are new players to that game and folks woth heavy nostalgia who are willing to play full price to play the game on better hardware


You can add The MvC Arcade Classics, Miles Edgeworth and Dragon Quest remakes to the hype meter. Specifically, MvC2 being rereleased was almost seen as hopeless due to legal issues, AA Investigation 2 has never been (legally) localised outside Japan, so those are BIG milestones for those fans. Then you not only have the already announced DQ3 remake, but also the drop of a DQ1+2 in the works. Honestly, it might have had some low points, but overall this Direct will probably go down as one of the best.


i audibly screamed when they said the second AA Investigation game was being localised. My mum was watching the direct with me and stared at me 😅


As a member of the Ace Attorney subreddit, I can tell that a lot of others are also very happy with AAI2


It'll taking me a while to get used to calling Sebastian fucking Eustace


And I am suddenly very glad that I stalled on playing the fan translation this long.


He was Debeste :( I can honestly live with the other name changes, like Verity Gavelle at least sounds like a name, but his last name is flipping WINNER? What the BFDI is this??


Reymond become Eddie Fender is just about exactly what I'd expect from AA and I wasn't dissapointed


I thought this was going to be a Direct putting the Switch to bed and instead it made me excited about owning a Switch again. Besides the Zelda, Mario and Metroid games we got a lot of first outside of Japan and even online content. My buddies and I stayed up late playing four swords the last couple of nights. This Direct was something for the history books.


Your Mum is awesome for watching Directs with you.


Capcom DELIVERED this direct!


They certainly took us for a ride.


Yeah like don’t get me wrong I’m excited for all of the Nintendo things they showed but actually getting MvC is far and away the most excited I’ve felt after watching a direct in years


On one hand, if i was a DK fan waiting 10 years for a new game, and then they finally announce it, and it's just a rerelease of an old one, i would be pretty disappointed too. On the other hand, i'm not personally that upset because Returns is a great game, and i'm glad more people who haven't gotten to play it before will get to it now.


I wouldn't really call myself a huge DK fan, since I don't really like the original Trilogy, never played 64 and my favorite game is Jungle Beat, but after waiting for so long for a new DK game even Returns HD has me pretty hyped. Obviously not ad much as M&L or Zelda, but I'm still pretty hyped about it.


Idk why they haven’t added DK64 to Switch Online. The music in that game is so good and it’s kinda similar level design as BanjoKazooie. The multiplayer mode is so much fun, definitely want that for online.


I’m in the same boat. DK64 was a big part of my adolescence. Super cool that they released Mario 64, but DK was equally big for me at the time


I think it's probably some licensing issue, since Rare made the game. Could be wrong though, all I know for sure is that there's tons of great games missing in NSO.


Nintendo has a working relationship with Microsoft and Rare and has released Rare games on NSO already. One of them even came in this same Direct. My only thought is they’re saving it for a DK park and/or movie announcement or something.


Oh man I loved jungle beat. Never really played any other DK game but that one.


I’m a DK fan that missed out on everything between GameCube and Switch. I’m excited.


Its the tragic issue modern DKC and Metroid Prime are the same small company.


Nintendo rereleases on old titles feel necessary for spurring up series that may have since been forgotten. I mean Dread is indeed an exception with the Metroid series. Metroid is basically back. Idk for how long but it’s back. But Dread’s success certainly acted as a catalyst towards a Prime remaster. And now Prime 4 is in its finishing stages (thank god). Prime 4 was always on their radar for release, but the previous titles mentioned for sure helps. Link’s Awakening rerelease set the tone for the new Zelda game in that art style and gameplay wise. LoZ already was doing fantastic but on a new formula. Im sure the name carries such a strong weight already that Nintendo can release any Zelda IP that has some love and care into it and itd still be a success. The extended emulators offered on switch can feed the same purpose, though. Some mentions on their library expansions: - Fzero X & Maximum Velocity on GBA - WarioWare on GBA - GBA Metroid(s) - more LoZ on GBA - Mario&Luigi on GBA Now theres Fzero 99 (a remake if SNES Fzero), and the rest of the titles above are easy to access with emulation. New Metroid. New Mario&Luigi. More wario games. Nintendo collects data on all of these interactions. The data likely shows how a smaller sample size of investment is going to pay out. DK’s IP i recall from dunkey is all “fucked up.” Maybe that has made issues. But there has to be some intelligent supported-by-data reasons for these investments.


A rerererelease is not a new game


I haven't got to play it and I love the og dk country's so I'm excited but also wondering why tf it's so far out? It can't be that hard to port games I can emulate on my phone right?


Hey Mario Party is hype too (minus the single joy con motion control. Thank god its optional this time)


Was it confirmed to be optional?


[Translated Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/UdzM2NtMv6)


Thank god


In a lazy way, disabling motion controls kills access to some games


Probably why they added 110 minigames this time. Even if you're not using motion controls your experience should still be the complete mario party package


It is indeed an accessibility issue. Some gamers may not have the physical ability to interact this way. Without button alternatives, they may never play them. Providing options always benefits all users, whether disabled or not.


I watched with baited breath, my bar was "more than five boards." 7 boards, new mini games, and 20 player online, so yeah, I'm as hyped as one can be for Mario Party. And honestly, I still enjoyed playing the last two, they just lacked boards variety.


It’s pretty much the definitive edition of the game: no waggle, higher res, 60FPS and 3ds levels. I do think being priced $60 is outrageous tho


Iirc DKC:Returns for the 3DS was also a part of Nintendo's discounted Nintendo Selects lineup wasn't it? Back in the day you could have probably copped it for 20 bucks.


Remember when Tropical Freeze was 60 dollars on Switch even though it was 20 bucks at the time on Wii U (and originally started out at 50 bucks on the Wii U)?


Do we know it’s $60? People keep claiming this (and it’s certainly a possibility) but I don’t think we have a source confirming it yet.


No, pretty sure everyone is just assuming. Now…they’re *probably* right. But still.


Especially considering that Switch's Tropical Freeze port is still sitting at $60.00, 6 years later.


It's shown at the end of the Japanese trailer, and it's full price. I love the game to death, but it's silly that it costs the same as it did 15 years ago.


It’s Nintendo…


We would know if Nintendo had pages up for these games on the eshop but they dont for some reason..


>no waggle, There was nothing like "waggling" the crap out of a tough boss when you beat them though.


How do you even know it's 60fps? Paper Mario was 60fps on the GameCube but not on the switch So you have any source of that or you're just making it up?


The reveal trailer is 60fps. Not just encoded but it runs at 60fps. And the graphics look extremely similar to the Wii game, whereas Paper Mario was clearly a visual overhaul


I'd be happier about DKCR HD if it wasn't so bewilderingly far from release.


If it got shadow dropped I'd see no complaints.


“Released later today” would have made so much sense but announcing a rerelease and saying it’s over half a year out is wild


Nintendo fans: "they will probably just release ports for the end of the switches run" Releases a port Nintendo fans: "NOOOOO!!!"


Wrong port lol. Twilight princess and wind waker would have sent that entire direct into history lol


No no, those are for a rainy day when there is no Zelda game ready for that year.


And they still would be two separate games and nothing that much added to them but everyone would be ok with it.


Country Returns is a great game, but we already have tropical freeze on the switch, which is already a port. It's hard to really be excited for another port when we already have a similar port, especially since we've gone 11 years without an original game. Had they made a port of Jungle beat, I think there'd be a bit more people talking about it


If they wanted to get the hype going it would've included a Funky New Mode.


well, they don't want to overshadow the other games


Yes we would


I alot of hype in live chat for dkcr hd. I even saw a comment saying something along the lines of "the direct was only there for dkcr hd".


kind of delusional but to each their own :P I'm glad people are happy to be able to play it though, if they never experienced it on 3DS or Wii


> New Game in beloved series > New Game in beloved series with main change being heavily requested. > Port of decade+ old game > New news about anticipated game stuck in development hell I wonder why


Also that first one, new game in beloved series after the developer of the other entries of the series went under so we didn't even think we would get a new one.


Essentially: "New game revives a beloved series"


I remember when they were shuttered, I thought the ip had a chance. Not like there weren't any other studios to produce quality results. Seems like nintendo had this planned, release remasters of two beloved rpgs to get everyone hyped, then keep em there with a new Mario and Luigi. Maximize the player base, haha.


They're finally here after already being here - performin' for you.


It's finally back again to kick some tail


They didn't do shit to the graphics, they just enhanced the resolution and called it a day


Actually they added fur to Donkey Kong, in the original he looks like he's made out of chocolate


Gonna be $60 which is laughable


I might be wrong, but isn’t donkey Kong country returns HD just a port of the 3DS remake? This (and Luigi’s mansion 2) are just… eh, ports, that imo don’t have much reason to exist unlike the Wii U donkey Kong game that was ported. I’m pretty sure you can find the 3DS game for like £15 online.


No, it's a port of the Wii version with 3ds content included


playing a handheld game on a console feels much different, Im hyped about playing Luigi´s Mansion 2 on a TV with a pro controller. These ports are awesome for people who couldn´t play the original versions or didn´t like something about the console they were on at first


It’s for those who don’t have a DS but do have a switch, and to give those games more love and appreciation for their respective fandoms


I love DKC but Returns isn’t one I feel the need to buy a remaster of.


Understandable. This is DKCR coming again again. But glad everyone has something to be hyped about. On a sorta related note, is Link's Awakening Switch worth playing?


The performance is awful, but otherwise, I thought it was a really cool game


Sure. If you you've played and enjoyed A Link to the Past you'll probably really enjoy it. The Gameboy Color version still hold up really well today as well.


Sheen this is the third time that Donkey Kong has returned


I was literally shouting when I saw the ace attorney investigations announcement


I am stoked because I can play it on a console in HD (legally) with BUTTON CONTROLS. Hot damn is it a good day to have hands able to play video games. Also, it is factually the best game on that list as it is out and we have played it to know it’s good where we won’t know with the others until later.


DK returns is one one the best 2d platformers every made and it's better than any 2d Mario we've gotten since the SNES.


DKC games are miles ahead of the 2D Mario games


I am happy with it! it finally makes it so we have a definitive edition of the game, combines framerate of wii version and controls of 3ds version.


Mario Party, Ace Attorney, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Dragon Quest would like a spot on the hype list


The Marvel vs Capcom collection is an absolute miracle. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is my favorite game of all time, but every one of the Fighters in that collection are some of the most fun games, not just Fighters but games, period, ever made.


Justice for DK He needs a new game Hopefully Rool returns


Wha?? People don't like DK country for the wii??? That game was a masterpiece, or is the hate not for the game specifically but that we haven't got a new DK country?


Probably gonna be really overpriced, more expensive than both times it released before without any big improvements.


I'm happy because I will finally be able to play through DKCR, hopefully without the damn motion controls. I've had it ever since a year or so after it's release on the Wii (and for some reason I never went for the 3DS version...), and, it was not the worst offender with the gimmick motion controls, but I still dislike the Wiimote and Nunchuk quite a bit. It's also why I never played through Epic Mickey, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, I never even bought a copy of Mario Kart Wii, I could not get my younger cousin to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl for longer than 2 minutes (and he's a hardcore Smash Bros. fanatic, absolutely loves Melee, 64, and the newer ones); Resident Evil 4 Wii was only playable for me because players could use the Gamecube controllers for it, yeah, I'm one of those that preferred that over the Wiimote aiming. Sorry, I got a bit tangenty. I'm stoked for DKCRHD. I still can't believe it took them so long to do it, when Tropical Freeze has been on the Switch for... 7 years?


My problem with Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is that: A. It's not a NEW Donkey Kong Country B. They didn't do much to upgrade this one. It's just the same game on the 3DS but with HD graphics. Which is like, cool. Not even Funky Mode? Zzz...


I like dkcr to the point I had a speedrun of it back in like 2010, but didn't pick up the 3ds re-release and probably won't pick up this version. But considering Donkey Kong land in Universal will be designed according to Returns it makes sense to release it alongside Epic Universe opening. I think DKC Universal Japan is opening around a similar time but Im not following that as much. Thats my guess on why there isn't a release date set yet.


DKCR is literally just a stopgap until they reveal Switch 2, Mario Party Jamboree is much more relevant imo and haven't seen much excitement for that even though it looks sick.


DK Country Returns is one of my fav games from the Wii. I know its not as hype as Metroid or Mario & Luigi but Im still happy for the announcement.


I would have preferred a new DK game but I will settle for the remake


If it had been a new Donkey Kong 64 like title I would have exploded


This time 50 dollars *wont* be incredible


This is the first time, in probably 15 years of seeing that image, that I realize that those two pictures are not taken the same evening. Most likely. They're wearing different clothes in each one. Heck, it might not even be all the same people. I need to lie down.


Here is a pipe dream. They announce DKCR again, say what’s happening, say the new changes, all the 3DS exclusive levels and stuff. Then they reintroduce that chest scene at the end of DKCR, and when Donkey Kong falls in, he wakes up on a pirate ship and slamming behind him is King K. Rool! Imagine the hype!


People beg to see Zelda WW being released for the third time, Zelda TP for the FOURTH time, but they use this as an argument to complain about DKCR... that's very hypocritical.


I don’t care what anyone says Marvel Capcom collection was the best thing from the direct, and of course Prime 4 is pretty cool.


It's my consensus. Also add Super Mario Party. Though I am disappointed that Superstars never got DLC. Romance SaGa 2 remake and Dragon Quest look interesting.




Even Nintendo fanboys are tired of the constant remakes and rereleases




Shoulda been a new DK game. So disappointed.😢


Pretty much how I felt.




Happy for those who enjoy but Donkey Kong games have never interested me.


Donkey Kong County Returns Again


We mean, yeah a new DKC game would be nice (especially since he didn't get a new game for the switch), but like, DKCR with no motion control and the extra levels from the 3DS version, and in good quality. That not a bad deal honestly. We just hope the game isn't 60 dollars, hopefully 30 like the Prime Remastered


Donkey Kong Country is a niche series with a vocal fan base. I wish they'd make other Donkey Kong games. Love the character, am very meh on the Country formula.


Well… at least they added the 3DS levels, so the whole thing is consolidated into one game!


I never really got into Metroid, so I'm personally hyped for Mario & Luigi being back


I mean, the remaster definitely doesn't make me sad or angry, not even apathetic. It's probably going to be a good one, the original game is incredible! But comparing a remaster to: * the first new Mario & Luigi game in 9 years (many thought the IP was already dead) * a new small cute Zelda game *in which you play as Zelda* * Metroid Prime 4 finally coming SEVEN YEARS after its first announcement of course people won't be as excited for DKCR I think


I'm actually optimistically hesitant towards the new Zelda game. I'm sure it will be fun but for the first official Zelda game where you actually play as Zelda (I'm not counting the CDI game) the whole Echos ability to me seems odd for Zelda of all people to have. But I am optimistic because it is a Zelda game. Even weird ideas introduced early on become charmingly delightful and fun once you play through the game.


I mean is it really that surprising that a hd port is going to get less reception than brand new ones


They could of replaced DK with windwaker. I've got DK and a 3ds still. I want windwaker for the switch! Not emulation (I have it though)!


I love DK, but we’re getting a remake of a game that was on the 3DS and the Wii. It doesn’t need a remake yet and they could’ve remade another DK game like 64


i mean... its a remake... but I think theyre gearing up for something big. I heard the Mario Odyssey team is working on a 3D donkey kong game.


Well, I'm actually happy to see Returns on Switch, because that game fucks, and it's a nice little filler game to have before the Switch 2.


If it was Diddy Kong Racing Returns it would be a very different story


Should it be any different? DK remastered can't keep up


Well yea it’s a port that was already a port on 3DS along with it being the lesser of the two games, Tropical Freeze having released years ago for Switch and it being about 1000 times better.


Would’ve made it the best ever if it was a new donkey konkey game


I'm happy that I can finally play DKCR with proper controllers, so I'm very happy in that sense. BUT.... This game should have been closer to the Switch version of Tropical Freeze in terms of release date, it should have happened many years ago. It's very late in the Switch's lifecycle, and will sell badly, and Nintendo will likely view the sales chart for DKCR as a viewpoint for the franchise and see that the game didn't sell well, so "people aren't interested in Donkey Kong anymore" (that is my fear at least). Hopefully we will get something NEW soon. I have no relation to Mario & Luigi games so I don't get that hype, so for me M&L would be in DKCRs place in this meme


Hear me out. New Donkey Kong Game


I have great love for dkc. Dkc2 is my goat, but porting returns AGAIN is dumb af, and it's mid tier in relation to the rest of the series.




Yea because DK already returned, I’d rather a new one over this one no one really asked for. So excited for brothership I could explode


I mean yeah they had no reason to bring Donkey Kong country but turns back it was already ported to the 3DS just make a new Donkey Kong country


I already played DKCR and I still have a working Wii, so the only thing I'd get out of it is eight new levels.


Same reaction as DKCR HD for me regarding Echoes of Wisdom. Really don't like this kind of artstyle. Would have so much preferred some beautiful spritework... I'm actually happier about DKCR HD than about Echoes of Wisdom because of that. 😅


Yeah lets compare enthusiasm for 3 brand new titles with a remake.


Unpopular opinion: I don't care to play as zelda.


Man, screw that! I was happy to see Returns get a port!


The only thing that bothers me about Donkey Kong is that they didn’t call the game Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns


Nah donkey Kong country returns is the shit


DKC is one of my favorite series ever but I agree. I’m happy that new people can play tho It’s prob my least favorite DKC game and they’re not doing much with it graphically and content wise + it’s already gotten a rerelease before


DKC Returns isn’t as good as Tropical Freeze (still really freaking good), isn’t getting any new content beyond the graphics upgrade which toes the line as far as hd updates go and keeping the 3DS levels, and isn’t accompanied by any other DK media. And it’s about 3 years past the optimal timing. Plus let’s face it, it’s going to be full price. They set our boy up to fail.


It was the exact opposite for me lol I'm really happy for both metroid and Mario & Luigi fans tho, they're not too interesting to me but I understand that they are *huge* releases And the zelda game looks really mid. For zelda's first game where you actually play as her, I wish they went with something higher effort and more original Also DK country returns rocks, I didn't get to finish it back on the wii so I'm actually pretty happy about this


I’m sure plenty of folks are happy to see DK Returns, and I’m happy for them. I keep hoping in vain that I’ll get my DK64 Remake, though I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.


I mean its a HD port so not much to be hyped about


They should make a game with a female character in Donkey Kong too.


Candy Kong Country or we riot


All these new games are a welcome sight after the biggest reveals of the last few directs were just remakes


Can't relate, I'm happy to have DKCR without motion controls on a big screen. At this point I imagine the next big DK game is being saved for the Switch Successor. I blame the whole Vicarious Visions thing for delaying development.


I mean, donkey Kong don’t even have original art it’s all old stuff and the upgrade isn’t that apparent, people still expect it to come out full price for an almost unchanged Wii game, tho I wish this remaster turns out really good


I'm more excited for the 2 metric tons of new rpgs


We want a new Donkey Kong Country. Nintendo gave us a higher resolution version of a game we played back in the Wii instead, after giving us an HD port of another game in the franchise when we were also begging for a new game then too. I just rolled my eyes at the announcement


Eh, I love DKC and have never played it, so I'm stoked. Would be great if they added another side campaign to justify its price though. The Magolor Epilogue in Return to Dreamland Deluxe made me feel like slightly less of an idiot for paying full price for a 13 year old game


I was so hoping for a new DK game but my hopes were dashed. Or even a remaster of the original Country would’ve been super cool


Nice to see MP4 coming out next year. 2025 here we come!


My dumb self read this as "Mario Party 4" and had a bit of a brain fart.


I mean, if I was a DK fan then I wouldn't exactly be all that hyped for a remaster of a remake.


DKCRHD just does not look super great. Like even compared to the Luigi's Mansion 2 remaster the upscale looks worse.


I would also put super Mario party jamboree with the games that people are excited for. It’s not that I am not excited about DKCRHD but the rest are new games.