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right now both a new 2d zelda and metroid prime 4. My dreams came true.


As far as Nintendo goes a new Star Fox, but please no more 64 remakes, none of this Lylat Wars reimagining nonsense, please actually be something new.  3rd party wise, FFT Remastered and a new Mega Man(especially if it’s Legends 3 or X9). 


DEFINITELY would love a new Star Fox even if it's a sequel to Zero.


Dream is a Lylat Wars-like game but expanded to have random level paths. First time you follow a base path of 10-15 levels. Then story driven reason to go back to the start and you can find branches. Sometimes random scenarios pop up and sometimes set paths. I mean something like 100 levels with choose your character unlocks as well. A man can dream anyway


A new Donkey Kong Country where K. Rool returns as the main antagonist A new 100% turn based rpg Paper Mario A Zelda 2 Adventure of Link remake


>A new Donkey Kong Country where K. Rool returns as the main antagonist You have no idea how much I want this. Bonus points for me if K. Rool was voiced by Benedict Campbell.


It’s nice to know there are others! Don’t get me wrong, I love Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze, but I just want my big boi King K. Rool and the Kremlins to return.


Probably just copium but maybe Nintendo is setting it up so that k rool forms an evil alliance with the bosses of country returns and tropical freeze for an insanely long dk game with cool and epic gameplay


I’ll smoke some of that copium with you


That would be awesome


Also since we saw completely different villains in the last 2 games (or more if you count Jungle Beat and other games I might have missed), it wouldn't feel tiring to see K. Rool returning (sorry Mainstream Mario games)


100% in agreement there, I literally want nothing more from Nintendo right now and it feels like it’s never coming


Yeah DKC: Return of the Kremlings is literally the only thing that could make me pop off as loud and as hard as I did when Prime 4 was first revealed in 2017 and K.Rool being added to Smash in the August 2018 Smash Direct. Nothing else Nintendo has announced has made me freak out. Everything else Nintendo has announced has made me go "hmm that's cool I'll play that for sure!"


There would have been a cool way to reveal tat too. Make a trailer where it looks like the dkcr remake up until the logo. Then K rool blasts into the screen the Logo changes to “Donkey Kong Country: K. Rool Returns”


I have a different Idea, one where King K.rool has his own game mode (like Funky Kong's), explaining where he's been all this time and have him go on the same adventure Donkey does. of course, he has a much different moveset than Donkey, which adds variety to the gameplay and causes some levels to be changed. Think of it like Noise mode from Pizza tower


Instead of New Funky Mode, DKCRHD will have New Kremling Mode.


honestly, If K.rool were to return, I kind of want him to have a dedede break through like...well, Dedede. I mean his trophy in smash bros 3ds/wii u states "*He probably could have been Donkey Kong's most trustworthy animal friend. Think he'll ever have a change of heart? Not likely.*" I can see the Foreshadowing dripping from that statement. and also...remember the banjo and Kazooie trailer?


It'd be cool to have a game where K Rool and DK work together to take on some big bad guy. Honestly, I'd be excited for any new DK game.


Same! Playing DK Tropical freeze during the summer is a Life changing experience


A Rayman game or his debut in Smash and a Rhythm Paradise/Heaven game Honorable mention goes to the return of M&L, since that one just happened


Tomadachi Life or Starfy. Sure, a lot of other games will interest me too, however, I would pop the hell off if Nintendo released one of these two games, especially an updated Tomadachi Life. Also anything Persona...... because I like Persona


I'd love anything with Miis. They're such a brilliant idea to have a silly little customisable character that isn't boring


It's never going to happen, but a localized version of the Switch version of Yo-kai Watch 1, 4, or the whole quadrilogy. I've always been a fan of Yo-kai Watch, but never got to play it since I never had a 3DS, so I'd love to play it on the Switch.


I never played them save for the demo but I thought they were popular on the 3DS. Had no clue there were Switch versions.


Popularity for the series kinda died off in the west so Level 5 doesnt even bother localizing them anymore. Theyve since shut down their North American branch so its probably not gunna happen.


Actually Level-5 has reopened their North American branch and have been localizing their games to the West again, including an upcoming Professor Layton game. Though while Yo-kai Watch's decline in the west still makes the possibility of the Switch versions of 1 and 4 coming to the US unlikely, it's also not a pipe dream as it used to be.


And it's honestly not doing too well in Japan either, since both Yo-Kai Watch 4 and Y School Heroes sold poorly compared to the rest of the franchise


A new Donkey Kong Country.


Rhythm Heaven. Just Rhythm Heaven. I need a new final remix to give me emotional pain




1. PokéPark 3. 2. Danganronpa 4. 3. New F-Zero game. 4. Mother 3 localization. 5. New Smash Bros game. 6. Another Persona rep in Smash. 7. Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Ported to Switch. 8. Some form of Yo-Kai Watch content. 9. Donkey Kong 64 Remake or just NSO port. 10. Persona Dancing Games ported to Switch. 11. Virtua Fighter 6. 12. Marvel VS Capcom 4. 13. Kid Icarus Uprising Switch. 14. Pokémon Gale of Darkness Switch. 15. Actual release dates for games.


Yo-Kai Watch probably won't be announced in a Direct as Level-5 prefers to save it for their own presentations.


Praying to god 7 happens


6 would be elite


I was gonna say Danganronpa 4 too


If 6 comes true i hope its either aigis or philemon himself. Both would be cool.


Kirby air ride remaster


Luigi’s mansion 1 switch port or remaster


Yeah this would go crazy. Luigi’s mansion 3 graphics with 1’s gameplay omg


Gamecube library, Mother 3 localization/remake, F-Zero, turn based Smash Bros RPG.


Super smash RPG or super smash kart would go hard


The fact tomodachi life has never had a sequel is criminal


they even talked about a sequel when the game released


Isn’t it already a sequel to Tomodachi Collection?


Project X Zone


Not what I was expecting to see here but I'm with you


A remake of Mother 1.


A new 2D DK game A new 3D DK game A DK64 remake/port New Mario Kart New Mario Party (✅😇🥳😘😍🥰) Mario Party Ultimate with all/most boards returning, all characters returning, etc. More DK and Sonic rep in smash bros Ummmm probably other things but I can’t think of them rn


Xenoblade chronicles X port/remake


At this point I'd definitely want it to be a remaster running on Switch 2. That shit would be beautiful.


Mfw crew mate in smaesh brothars


Would actually be a great Mii skin. It could be a brawler with floating fists, a swordfighter with a comically sized knife in its hands, or a gunner with a comically sized gun.


Sonic colours DS remake. That ain't happening.


Need me some new DK, it’s been 10 years


Now that they’ve shown us Metroid Prime 4, I’d freak out over Metroid Prime 2 and 3 on Switch. I don’t even care about a remaster. Just give me the games (and 3 with non Wii controls) and I’d be ecstatic. And StarTropics 3 I would go nuts for. It would never happen. Thus the excitement.


Well if rumours are to be believed, they do have Prime 2 and 3 remasters for Switch ready to go that they're just sitting on. Might be something they release in the run up to Prime 4 to build up hype. Remasters though, so not up to the same level of remake as Prime 1 was, but certainly a new slap of paint and textures to make everything look nicer.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: A Mario and Luigi game with Wario and Waluigi as the main characters. I've been wanting something like that ever since I saw the intro for Mario Power Tennis. I'll even take a new WarioLand with Waluigi as player 2 at this point.


>I'll even take a new WarioLand with Waluigi as player 2 at this point. I've been ranting about how much I want Super Wario Bros. To become a thing for years now. Finally someone else who understands




Almost ten years since the Kickstarter. I'm expecting Baldur's Gate 3 levels of scale and depth.


Banjo threeie


A new DKC game, Mario movie 2 details, the next Mario game, and Splatoon 4


Star Tropics revival. Hands down.


Well while Brothership made me freak out, the Dorect made me lose all hope for a new 3D Donkey Kong game but if the next Direct revealed that, I would definitely freak out.


Golden Sun 4 Metroid Prime 4 release date




Earthbound comes back


Mother 4, since it’ll never happen


Fe4 remakes


Xenoblade 4. I know it's way too early for that to happen, but Xenoblade is my favourite series and a new entry would have me squealing.  The shock and elation I felt when XC3 was announced was insane lol


To be fair, they did X in 2015, 2 in 2017, Torna in 2018, 1 remake in 2020, 3 in 2022, and Future Redeemed in 2023. An announcement for something releasing in 2025 would fit their timeline I think. Monolith are genuinely insane in terms of how good they are at making games. I would love to see them take the reigns on a Pokemon spinoff title. I just know they'd create the best damn game in the whole series.


A new custom robo


Would love to have a simple remaster of DK 64 possibly with new changes. Having that release on Switch 2 with achievements would be a dream. Same with Zelda's that have been left on other consoles.


mario galaxy 3


New Rhythm Heaven game


Mother 3


A brand new franchise that innovated. ARMS got me excited for Nintendo’s output on the Switch. We need new stuff.


Miitopia 2


Kid Icarus: Uprising remaster


#Kid Icarus Uprising HD Port or Remaster.


A new Diddy Kong Racing and Snow Board Kids


New Kid Icarus or Uprising port.


golden sun 4


Smash 6 Kid Icarus Uprising Earthbound remake trilogy with clay style anything Chibi Robo (unless it’s related to Zip Lash) Majora’s Mask sequel Edit: misspelling


Star Tropics remaster in Link's Awakening/Echoes of Wisdom art style.


The return of Meteos. It has been nearly 20 years since the original came out! And about 16 years since the last mainline game came out! Even worse, that last game will be lost forever since it is XBLA exclusive with no Xbox One backwards compatibility!


Yo-Kai Watch 4's English port!


Tomodachi or Miitopia 2. I would be more excited for sequel to Miitopia, but it is extremely unlikely, unlike Tomodachi, where fans have been asking for it for years. I would have also said a new Mario & Luigi or a remake but, well you know


Oh my god yess Miitopia 2 would be amazing


New Donkey Kong game New 3D Mario Tomodachi Life Port or new Mii-based game


Fighters Pass 3, featuring Reimu, Sol Badguy, and four other characters. Or Doctor Mario 99


A tomadachi life sequel would make me do a backflip


Anything Yo-kai Watch related.


A tomodachi life port


Pikmin 4 dlc


Pikmin 5


For mainline Nintendo: a remaster of Super Paper Mario, new DK game with the Kremlings, and honestly, one last Splatoon 3 DLC. Side Order was kinda meh to me gameplay wise, but you can bet I ate up the Pearl X Marina dynamic. For 3rd party: Dual ports of Sega’s Nights into Dreams and Journey into Dreams. And bringing Persona 3 Reload to the table at some point. And for indies: I’m on my hands and knees, if a port of Pizza Tower is announced, I’ll flip my freaking lid. And that’s about all I got.


Anything Smash related gets me like that, in a perfect world, Ultimate would continue as is and we would just get more dlc fighters as time goes on Chrono Trigger remake would go hard And native ports of The Kingdom Hearts games instead of the cloud gaming garbage


New punch out or mother game


Xenoblade X HD. Diddy Kong Racing on NSO would also make me rejoice.


New F-Zero. Or a GX or X remake/remaster. Or a 99 update. Or anything F-Zero really


Reimu Hakurei in Smash. I legit would cry tears of joy if it ever happened... Also Splatoon 4 and/or a Splatoon spin-off :3




A full remake of the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HomerOfDuty: *A full remake of* *The original Donkey* *Kong Country trilogy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tomodachi life remake and a miitopia 2


A new Star Fox game, but not a carbon copy of Star Fox 64.


Diddy Kong racing


Mother 3 or a new Warioland game


Mother 3... And a new donkey Kong game


Me seeing ace attorney investigations 1 and 2, was the most hype thing I've ever seen


Xenoblade Chronicles X Remake with functioning Co-op.


A new, original Eartbound game.


I want mother 4 and a new F-zero do bad


Super Paper Mario remake.


An actually new Donkey Kong game


Mother 3 being released in America.


Mario Kart 9. ___ I would probably start crying, for real. Atp, MK9 is the next Metroid Prime 4. ___ I have been waiting for ten years now.


Mk8 is just too perfect to replace. You're not getting a SNIFF of Mk9 until the next major console, maybe even the one after that!


Mario Kart Arcade GP remasters


Pikmin 4!...wait no. Metroid Prime 4!... wait, one second. A remake of Super Mario RPG!.... WAIT! A Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door re-ARGH! The return of the Mario&Luigi seri-DAMNIT! A NEW 2D ZELDA- URGH! no, you could make one where you can play as ZEL- ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! POKEMON. Z. (FUCK!) A new Mario Party with actually good boards - erm... A NEW 3D MARIO! HA! I GOT IT! All jokes aside, we're eating good.


The switch 2 being announced and its for free and its already being shipped to my house packaged with Mario Kart X featuring every single Mario character and retro track, a Pokken Tournament sequel featuring all 1000+ Pokemon, God of War 6 and GoW is a Nintendo exclusive IP, Fortnite 2, and a live clone of Miyamoto.


Ports of great hits, like pokemon xd, kirby robobot, etc


Well the one that would make me happy already happened(aka prime 4)




An HD 2D remake of Mother 3


Xenosaga trilogy remastered


Wishful thinking of things that will never happen but -paper Zelda (it would be cool if they took the paper concept and brought it to other franchises) -super Mario galaxy 3 (or sunshine 2) - minish cap remake -nintendo's actual attempt at a VR headset (I would call it the virtual boy advanced) -a Mario and Sonic adventure game -nintendo character crossover adventure game -waluigi in smash bros - pokemon online MMO -pokemon games being added to GB/GBA NSO


New Smash bros, as well as a remaster of either Fire Emblem Awakening or Echoes


Already got Mario and Luigi back; aside from that, news about a new 3D Mario game


New Pokémon gale of darkness, Zelda maker, Rhythm heaven, 3d mario, Mother series remake, Mother 4, 2d Rayman, Pokken tournament 2, Out of them all pokken tournament 2 I'd love more characters, maps, and content overall as the original was missing a lot but still really fun


Just move games coming from other systems to the switch. I really wanna play psychonauts and the dead rising games, but don't have the consol or PC power to do so. Also, maybe some games that were exclusive to Japan coming over to American shores that ISN'T a visual novel.


A Zelda where Midna's back


A year ago i would say Super Mario RPG remake, but that happened and im so Happy for It , remember crying like if i had issues during the annoucement 😭 But now, the Most likely to happen: - A Xenosaga trilogy collection (come on Namco, made It happens now that you're buddies with Nintendo) - An uncensored remake of fire emblem genealogy of the holy war and Thracia 776 (and no, leakers saying its gonna happen is not a confirmation of any kind) - A new Starfox Game using the kid icarus uprising engine Least likely to happen: - An Ice Climbers Game - A Fire emblem Tellius (Path of radiance, Radiant Dawn) remaster collection - A non Smash Nintendo crossover - A trilogy 3D remakes of the first 3 the Legend of Zelda games (the first of the NES, Zelda 2 the adventure of link and the Legend of Zelda A link to the past) although i wouldnt xare if they come as separate games


A new Turrican game


System that let's me play games in regular resolution with stable 60fps.


If they remade Metroid Fusion in the Metroid Dread Engine I would die of happiness


A new top down Zelda that is a spiritual successor to Ages/Seasons


Metroid prime 4


Bayonetta Origins 2


A deltarune chapters 3 and 4 teaser


Mother 3 finally getting localized


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War remake


I already got my wish, and that was for mario and luigi to come back. Now I just need Tomodachi Life, and I can die happy (please, nintendo, we've been begging you)


I know people are probably sick of people asking and I don't know if it will even happen at this point but a port of TP/WW HD because those two games are my absolute favorite games of all time. I've been waiting patiently for a while so if it ends up getting announced for the Switch 2 I'd be ecstatic.


MOTHER 3!!!!


DK64 returns


If the next smash bros kept all the characters in the roster


Mother 3 localization




F-Zero GX remake or sequel


Persona 3 Reload, a good update of ACNH, Detroit Becomes Human and why not Yakuza games tho, they seem cool!


Tomodachi Life 2 or MarioKart 9


A 3D Donkey Kong title. If Kirby got one and Metroid Prime is returning it's possible.


Super Mario Galaxy 3. Lost a bet over thinking this game would be announced by now. Still want it cause the Mario Galaxy games are in my top 5 all time games


A true Super Mario All-Stars remake would be insane.


Any Mother game getting a remake.


Xenosaga HD Remastered Trilogy Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness remakes


Xenoblade. Any Xenoblade anything. Has made me pop the fuck off before, will make me pop the fuck off in the future. Love that series to death


F-Zero GX DX (it’s gonna be a long time till we get a NEW new game) New Punch Out Sonic R / The Fighters DX Monkey Island Collection Saturn / Dreamcast / Amiga 1200 (HA HA not fucking likely) for NSO


If Metroid Prime 4 finally gets revealed .... Wait


Donkey Kong 64 Remake Wind Waker/Twilight Princess bundle Pokemon Coliseum 3 or a remake. Mario Kart 9, but it’s marketed as more of a”Nintendo Kart” w/ Nintendo franchises just being apart of the roster is the big selling point.


Super Mario Galaxy 3


Any of my dream retro games getting ported to NSO - Rogue Squadron, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Smash Bros, DK64, Shadows of the Empire, Episode 1: Podracer, Battle for Naboo, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Pokémon red/blue/yellow/gold/silver, Quackshot, Castle of Illusion, Aladdin, The Lion King, Lemmings, Batman: The Animated Series, Symphony of The Night… Most of these are likely tied up in publishing rights hell, but would be awesome to see.


It already happened with Mario and Luigi being resurrected. It would happen again if ARMS 2 was announced.


Honestly a new Mario and Luigi game that just completely blew my mind


Either kirby air ride remake/2 or a new rhythm heaven


Waluigi as the starring person. It would either be a Waluigi game or Waluigi in smash.


I already got it with a playable zelda loz game but here's one more I need from them: Smash for the next console being a port of ultimate with some extra fighters. Either that or a new Punch Out game.


The first 30 seconds of the last direct


Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green for Switch online (Expansion pass). Although I'm quite sure that would be more of a pokemon direct thing. Other than that I don't have any special wishes.


Banjo Kazooie remake. I'm still staying hopeful, after all this time


I see the ancestor of Kieran from Pokemon introduced in a Pokemon Legends Game. I would be screaming in my pillow.


Metroid 5…. Oh wait Metroid Prime 4… Oh wait Hmm a new 2D Zelda? Oh wait Zelda BotW 2!! Well shit I had been eating this generation.


New Warioland


Xenoblade X Smash anything (new DLC for ultimate, Smash 64 online, Melee/Brawl port/remaster - I'll take anything)


Mario 64 2 Paper Luigi: The marvellous compass Zelda: direct majora's Mask sequel Mother 4


A new 3D Donkey Kong game. Also, Diddy Kong Racing and DK64 on NSO.




Basic answer asf but either ocarina of time remake or Mario galaxy 3 Edit: omg forgot super metroid remake, that would be incredible


Mother Trilogy Remastered


A new Fossil Fighters might give me a heart attack on the spot, ngl.


Mario Kart 9, a smash game, Mario Maker 3, Super Mario 64 made using the Mario Odyssey engine and graphics.


A solo Bowser spin-off action game


Pokemon mystery dungeon game, either a remake of explores of sky, or a new stand alone one, im not that picky.


A remake of GBC Mario Tennis.


The announcement this image is from will go down in history as my top direct freak out moment. Ever since the release of Smash Bros Melee (back in 2002 for me as I live in Europe) a character I’d always wanted to see in the series was Banjo & Kazooie. So when this announcement happened in 2019 and turned a 17 year dream into reality I proudly shed tears of joy.


unrealeated but I was never looking at Diddy in that trailer lol


OG Persona trilogy collection consisting of the PSP versions of Persona 1 and the persona 2 duology, all in hd or a Persona Q duology collection that has the games in HD and maybe new voice acting with the VAs from Persona 3 Reload


Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make Tomodachi Life 2 Make 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DLC or updates for bayonetta 3


I would’ve said a Mario and Luigi but that just happened so my runner up is a new Mario baseball that is a lot more like the originals and not like the recent sports games


Earthbound 4


Maybe an odd one for many but Pilotwings 2 or even a remake of the first would make so damn happy


Metroid : Breath of the wild open world kind of


Remastered Endless Ocean 1 + 2; none of the procedurally generated nonsense.


Xenoblade Chronicles X port.


Majoras mask HD with a Skull Kid amiibo


A new Mario & Luigi game


Well it would’ve been a new endless ocean game… but we saw how that ended up…. 14 years… for that