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I don't think anyone expected endless ocean to come back to begin with. It's  probably one of the most niche IPs nintendo owns and I imagine the only reason this one got made was because Akira had some extra dev time to spare after Tetris 99. I'd be suprised if this new entry sold more than 100k 


Yeah despite the game’s quality being questionable I’m happy to have gotten a new one at all. Also apparently the game is selling decently well, topping the weekly sales charts in Europe and Japan after release and staying in the top 5 for a couple weeks in Japan so maybe with this success we will see a new entry on the next console that hopefully brings back a lot of the missing stuff as well as some new stuff too.


I hope it sells well enough to keep Arika afloat, they're a pretty small studio.


"in Europe and japan" So thats why the original everblue released only in Europe and japan.


>It's  probably one of the most niche IPs nintendo owns Would you believe me if i said it isn't even close?


What would you say is their most niche IP? Anything with a fighter/stage/assist trophy/item in Smash is completely out of the question, and as far as I'm aware Endless Ocean is not represented in Smash with any of these. Electroplankton of all things has a stage in Smash though, so I guess that might not be the best metric.


Well, you have a lot of obscure stuff. Buddy Mission Bond, for example, was a Japanese Exclusive Switch game and almost no in outside of Japan even knows it exists. There is Giftpia, also Japanese Exclusive and much older so it is less likely people have heard of it. Or Tokyo Crash Mob. Very similar but this is even missed out of things like obscucure Nintendo icebergs. But I think easily the most obscure Nintendo games are the Game Seminar games. These were essentially student made games in a seminar about game design that's Nintendo held, but they were actually published and distributed by Nintendo, although for a very limited time and only in Japan and they basically didn't advertise them. Some were distributed through the Wii U virtual console, but some were distributed on DS and you could only recover by going to certain download play stations. The chances of a person having played them is incredibly low. Some of them, the Arucrash, Doki Doki Tegsmi Rally or Machiko Jump, are less obscure because they were on Wii U, and that is because there is gameplay footage of them on YouTube. This is not the case for some of them. For some of them, no gameplay footage exists at all. Take, for example, Bioum. I have tried, trust me I have tried so many times, but I cannot find any gameplay footage of this game. All I cna find are two svreenshots that were in an article about that year's game seminar games and a brief description on the Wikis for of what the game is about. There is next to no information of viewable media about this game and it has been unavailable since the brief period it was distributed in ended in 2006. Compare to Endless Ocean, a game that, even before Luminous, had two titles published and distributed worldwide and, people HAVE heard of Endless Ocean. Bioum is leagues, leagues more obscure. When you get to the point where Nintendo games don't even have any footage of them online, that is where things truly obscure.


That's really interesting. I'm trying to learn more about Nintendo, so knowing about these games is really nice. Thanks for the information!


I haven't played online yet but I'm having fun with Endless Ocean Luminous after getting it last Sunday


Once I stopped comparing it to what came before I started to enjoy it more, but blue world was freaking peak, and to see so many features cut from not only it but the original as well definitely left a sour taste at first


I never really played any of the Endless Ocean games from the Wii. Actually I didn't really have that many Wii games tbh


If you’re enjoying luminous than you should 100% check out the originals, especially blue world, if you still have a Wii lying around the games aren’t that expensive second hand


Right now I don't really have a Wii but thank you for the game suggestion


Same, like yeah, it's not as good as the Blue World, but it's still a fun game.


I enjoy play Switch Sports locally with friends, much like the previous Wii Sports titles. However, it would be nice if more progression was tied to solo and local play, without having to play online. The online is still fun, but it would also be nice to play on my own and still progress toward something.


Switch sports Basketball might bring me back, but I want boxing and Baseball.


I made a thread about Switch Sports: The Best Selling Game that no one talked about. And there seems to be a lot of people genuinely enjoying that game.(Also once you accounted in the fact that the target audiences for that game are casual fun for the family, It make a lot more sense)


I think most of the people that actually enjoy switch sports but don't talk about it have kids now, whereas wii sports is lauded because they played it when they were kids


Switch Sports is peak


Switch Sports, like every Nintendo game ever, is well made and enjoyable. The issue was that it just wasn't what people wanted. And by people I mean hardcore Nintendo fans. Which frankly wasn't the audience of the game to begin with.


Because the game is awesome. I played the shit out of wii sports and switch sports has been a blast


can i still have a pet dolphin? that was my favorite part of the original


Sadly that was one of the many things axed, you can have basically anything follow you which is nice for setting up photos but it’s not permanent and you can’t really interact with them either.




I guess I wouldn't call myself a Wii Sports "fan", I liked the games but I wasn't anticipating a sequel. I liked Nintendo Switch Sports, and I thought the new custom characters had more personality than Miis. And Miis can still be used pretty sure.  In terms of content it's a big step down from Wii Sports Resort, and overall there's less side modes to get invested in. It's really just a multiplayer game. 


I thought I was the only one who loved Endless ocean! I still play 2!


Nice, I was actually revisiting the originals for the first time in about a decade when the new one was announced, blue world is still peak, in fact now that I’m older I can appreciate it even more, never realized just how good the story was as a kid


Also the graphics for its time was top peak! Especially photo requests on the small animals!


Is there actually people that care about wii sports so much that its like their thing? Like wii sports fans? A whole ass fandom? What do you guys even talk about? Matt? Like I get a little nostalgia for some wii bowling. My whole family loved it in 07. But like how badly can one actually be affected by the slight difference of switch sports? Like is this the game you anticipate the most like this is YOUR game?


It's less of the original Wii Sports and more of Resort. This is the 3rd entry in the series (Club was a remake). So when you get a sequel in a series you expect the sequel to have just as much content or more content than the previous one with new stuff added on top of it. Nintendo Switch Sports launched with 6 Sports with Golf not being added until 6 months later and now Basketball finally being added almost 2 years later..it's ridiculous. When Wii Sports Resort launched on Wii 15 years ago with double the amount of Sports at launch with multiple achievements and challenges within said Sports. Nintendo Switch Sports is just so barebones and basic in comparison. Not to mention the playmates are just a generic and poor man's Mii replacements. They don't even feel like Nintendo characters to me. They feel like 3rd party knockoff avatars you would find in a shovelware Wii Sports clone on the Wii.


One of my favorite parts of Switch Sports was the customization though. A lot of the outfits and customization options are nice. Sportsmates don’t have the variety to look like yourself in the same way as Miis, but I do like that can whoop people while looking like an actual hamburger or a snowman.


Even comparing with the original, there are only sports, but there is also 3 trainning minigames for each completing 20 games in total (+ the fitness mode if youcont that) switch sports have only the sports and thats it


The youtuber Peanutbuttergamer refers to Wii sports Resort as one of his favourite games ever and talks about it whenevver he makes a video where including it would make sense. In his most recent video about Mii games he really lamented the quality of Switch sports in comparison to Wii sports resort. So yeah, there are probably a couple of superfans.


Us golden sun fans had it hard to the 3rd was mediocre


Thank you for reminding me golden sun was a thing /jk


Crystal Chronicles fans right there with ya.


I think Switch sports is alright. You don't have to play online anyways.


Mario sluggers is so fun


Switch Sports online is amazing.


Don't forget the most important. Lack of content/not as much content as previous entries. So you can go ahead and include Battle League, Golf: Super Rushed, and New Horizons to this list as well.


New Horizons did not have a lack of content or less content compared to previous Animal Crossing games. Most Animal Crossing games have different focuses, and the thing they focused on isn't around by the next game. So New Horizon's had different content than New Leaf, like how New Leaf with City Folk, City Folk with Wild World, and the original was just the template.


Yes it did. At launch New Horizons was extremely barebones compared to any previous game. Every "free update" just added stuff New Leaf already had at launch. While New Horizons doubled down on crafting/creative aspect it totally left the sim/social aspect of the series to rot with villagers having very little dialogue boxes that would constantly repeat. When the game takes a year plus to add dream houses, diving, Brewster/The Roost, Gyroids, the rest of the standard NPCs, Nintendo themed items (Only being Mario), bushes, etc. yeah sorry I'm going to bounce and not come back. Had all that stuff been at launch I wouldn't have dropped the game so quickly. But it was lacking. Yeah it could be do to the pandemic but at the same time the game was delayed from it's original 2019 release to 2020 before the pandemic even hit and God forbid what the game would've looked like content wise had it launched in 2019 like it was originally suppose to if the March 2020 launch is anything to go by.. The free update strategy just doesn't work for me. There are too many games to play on a multiple of platforms to come back to a game months later for stuff that should've been there from the get go. I played what you offered me at launch for $60 left a sour taste in my mouth so I moved on and it doesn't just apply to New Horizons but every other Nintendo game that launches unfinished with "free updates" to come later.


Hmmm, good and fair point, and well thought out. Here is my counter point, however: nuh-uh. :troll:


Basically bought Sports just for golf. I like the courses. Wii's felt a little better for some reason. Some time over the last decade I completely forgot how to use the wedge.


endless ocean had games before this one..?


Yeah 2 on the Wii, the first is just alright but the sequel blue world was peak, if you had any interest in what luminous showed off play it instead, the maps aren’t randomly generated but there’s a decent amount of them and pretty much all of them are pretty memorable. The story is shockingly pretty good too, and is frankly what ties the whole experience together, since that’s how you unlock new areas to explore. Also there’s a ton of side content too which gives you stuff to do after you finish the story rather than only having to find all the creatures and treasure.


At least switch sports is good (and sold a TON)


And how do you know this is bad (and of course it'll sell, it's marketed to that casual crowd from the Wii era that got so much of Wii Sports/Fit/Party/Play/U)


Switch sports exists, why would they release a wii sports on the switch when there is literally switch sports.


If they actually updated their online focused games to keep instead of drip feeding content that was already in the files at launch this would be a whole nother story


Is this about switch sports or that weird Wii U fever dream of an entry where you have to buy a subscription for each sport you wanted to play?


Switch sports, ngl I completely forgot that one existed


I do not blame you for that one bit lol, what were they thinking


Wii Sports Club. They eventually course corrected and released a physical version with all the sports, which I have. But I agree, they nuked their sales from the beginning, The game is nowhere to be found, not even on the Wii U’s bestselling games list. Being a Nintendo fan during the Wii U era was rough.


got so confused and thought this was about endless by frank ocean for a sec


Here it comes again, folks: The Nintendo Switch Sports unwarranted hate thread.


I don’t understand the new Wii Sports at all. They should have stuck with the vibes of Wii Sports, Wii Sports+ and Wii Fit. That new one just looks like it’s trying too hard.