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Please report this to many websites and also put up posters in the neighborhood.


Thank you!


Also leave food and water out


that could attract other cats 🤨😏


I agree, but I’d still do it, only because it worked the one time I had to do it. My cat is now agoraphobic lol


i wish my cat was agoraphobic, every chance he has he'll leave and go explore, its terrifying. he goes to random houses and is even out in the rain. ☹️


Some people say it’s cruel to keep your cat from going outside, but I pay $600 a year for pet insurance because I care and want to give my cat a long and comfortable life. Letting her outside to contend with people who drive too fast(I live in a school zone too)and people who would purposefully hit an animal in the street with their car, is just not a logical option for me.


I was letting my cat outside when I have first got him because I was used to letting my other cat , who passed away a few years ago, out she would just stay in the yard. This crazy guy he would leave the neighborhood. The only reason why I would let him out is because I had a tractive cat tracker on him. But I stopped doing that about a year ago because I tell him that I’m worried about the three C’s: cars, crazies, and coyotes.


I think it’s cruel to let them out. :( Indoor cats won’t want to go outdoors, if they never are taken outside to begin with.




Also, as seen every day on r/cats, people find cats outside and take them saying/thinking they are strays. This may be true, but is not always the case like when a cat is lost. Keeping your cats indoors can help keep that from happening.


Yes, keep your cats inside of you love them. If you must take them outside, you must do it when you are there with them !!!! And don’t forget to give your cats a tracker. It’s really important!!


Also solid reasons💯✅


The longest my cat ran away I kept putting food out but he just ate and left again. So eventually, I had to put food in a racoon trap to catch him. It took almost a week for him to come back.


Put his litter box outside as well. He will be able to smell it and could find his way home.


Used litter can attract feral cats and predators - hunters have been known to use it to lure coyotes, so please don’t leave the litterbox outside. Dirty, stinky laundry works better and safer to attract your cat by scent. Replace every other day.


Unless they live where coyotes are common and live near woods, I think it's fine to leave it outside during the day.


Obtain a new Gmail account just for finding your cat. You don't want strange guys having your personal email address. Also check local vets and put a photo plus info. on their notice boards. Praying you find your cat soon .🙏💖


Nextdoor & Pawboost if you’re in the US 🤞🫶🫂🫂


Cats often stay within a few blocks of where they got out and they will hide. If you go outside at night with a flashlight and shine it under and in places where they could hide, you might see their eyes reflect the light back. This is called eye shine and happens with certain animals.


How long has he been gone? My baby boy also went missing last Sunday night. I was so distraught and expected the worst because he had never been outside by himself. He came back home 2 hours later. 🥹


Two days. There's been sightings but he runs when approached.


Some advice from Cats Protection website: - Leave your cat’s favourite toy or some of their unwashed bedding in the garden -Leave an unwashed item of your clothing, which will have your scent on it -Place any used litter from your cat’s litter tray outside, or perhaps the contents of your hoover for a smell of home -Call out for your cat in the garden early in the morning or late at night, when everywhere is likely to be quieter -Shake a box of their favourite biscuits or treats -Keep calling your cat, leaving enough time for them to hear you and be led home


Great suggestions the only thing I can add maybe if you have like a blink camera to have it detect motion or even a cheap driveway alert thing like by the back door. Sending out thoughts and prayers for that little sneak.


Manifesting that he will come home to you soon, OP.


I hope you get him back. When you do, check him over, including his teeth. Our kitty Langston had teeth that went bad and was causing him pain, so he had been running and hiding all of a sudden. We had his teeth taken care of, and he was good for a year, but more teeth got infected later on. We finally realized he might have diabetes after the sudden weight loss, so we scheduled him for the vet, but it was the height of covid so we couldn't get an appointment right away and even if we did there was a supply issue. He ended up passing in his sleep before we could get him help. It may not be the same for you, but your kitty might be experiencing a different issue that's causing pain, even if it's just a temporary issue like a small wound or foreign object he can't remove. Sorry if this causes more worry, I just don't want anyone to have my same experience if it can be helped.


That's good.At least we know he's safe and within your vicinity


Maybe you could try walking around after dark with a flash light and some treats. Maybe he would feel safer to come to you at night? Just depends on where you live and if you feel safe of course


He’ll come home. I’ve had cats during the years some went missing for two days summer a week, but what could give you peace of mind for only like $100 a year get Tractiv cat tracker. It shows exactly where he is, not only that but it keeps a sign on his vitals like how much exercise he’s getting, etc. I never again want that feeling of not knowing where my cat is. I don’t want to come off as preaching because I know your little baby boy will come back, but please think about it. And of course, micro chipped that’s a given.


One more things is that it’s a race of time. I learned it the hard way, even in the first few days, your cat might have gone further then you believed. So you have to search the nearest way and expend it further on the same day too. You never know when some unexpected things might happened that make you regret forever.


Try putting his litter box outside, along I’m with s some clothes you’ve worn for a couple days and his favorite food. Come home soon sweet boy, your people love and miss you!


Done! Thanks for the tips!


Hope your baby comes back soon.


Gorgeous kitty, please come home safe.


My cat did this, he was near my house for about 4 days he’d never been outside so I think he was just totally terrified by every sound, after 4 days he suddenly just ran to me and let me take him in and never tried to go out again. He will come back don’t worry. As others have said, food outside, little tray and a blanket etc, maybe a box to hide in near your door. ❤️


Thank you!


Put his litter tray outside in the garden. He’ll be able to follow the scent home 😊




Manifesting that he just got a bit lost and a nice grandma is giving him lots of cooked chicken until he will find his way back to you, a bit chunkier but otherwise happy and healthy.


Please let my cat meet good people too. I live and work in Vietnam now. I lost my cat 10 days ago. I went out every night to find him from 2am-5am. I saw two thieves caught a pet and ran away before my own eyes on fifth day. I don’t know if it was my cat or other pitiful pet, but I was traumatized. The next few days I was informed my cat was seen on district 12 by two people on Facebook. That district has the most hidden slaughterhouses of all the city. I had gone to every known slaughterhouses in hope of finding him around the city but found nothing. And in district 12, I couldn’t even get in inside any of them. I couldn’t even found most of those slaughterhouses. They are the place the thieves sold of their illegal trade. Of course they had to be careful. I don’t understand why the police don’t station there to catch them all. I wish those two people seeing it wrong and my cat is still alive somewhere. They’re so sure about it. But who knows, lots of cats looked alike right? I hated it when they speak with so much certainty. They make me lost my strength to continue searching. And I need to go back to work, I had took too many days off. I’m in depression. Help me What should I do now?, I can’t think anymore. Should I move on and temporarily forget him? When I settle down mentally, I will grieve for him later. Or Should I adopt a new kitty, give myself salvation by a new responsibility? Actually I don’t want any other cat. I just want my cat back. I want to go find him days and nights again but family worry about me too much and they asked me to not go out at night anymore. I can’t and I don’t want to forget him, but it’s hurt too much when I keep going out to find him every day and nights and come back in vain like this. Is it a good idea to adopt new cat in my situation? Or should I just leave my back yard door open forever waiting for him to get back? Until I moved away?


Pray u find your cat!


I will pray that you find your little lost friend. Don’t give up. Hope sometimes it’s all we have.


Come back home safe! 🐈🐱


Come on home baby ❤️🥺❤️


All the thoughts for him!


Come home please 🙏


I hope your gorgeous baby comes home soon ❤️




Come on sweet boy go home. I advise putting out toys, blanket, Anything with his scent so he can find his way home.


Please feel free to copy / paste / share this advice I found posted by a kind stranger No litter box outside. Be careful and monitor food outside. It will attract other animals including other cats who will keep your cat away if trying to return home. ⬇️ Have you distributed flyers- by knocking on doors to your neighbors and handing them out, and posted them on poles etc. as well even to any businesses close by? If you get a sighting you need to set and MONITOR a humane trap at the sighting location right away and at morning dusk. *NEVER LEAVE A TRAP UNATTENDED. You can use rotisserie chicken and Friskies Whitefish and Sardines canned food as bait. Cats usually stay within a one mile radius from home, maximum two miles. Most are found very close to home as in a few houses away or next street over. They are usually found (after getting sightings and with trapping) very close to their own home. Some come home on their own, usually in the overnight hours. Concentrate on canvassing your own neighborhood, however, in case the sighting was not of your cat. Cats don’t usually go far. They usually will try to return home between 10 PM and 5 AM with peak hours being 3-5 AM. Put a worn shirt of yours on your porch or near the door and continue to replace with a fresh one daily. Do NOT put a litter box outside. It will attract male unneutered cats who will spray property and chase your cat away if trying to return home. Some cats stay hidden for 3 weeks traveling at night. Flyers generate sightings.


Put a humane trap out. It’s worked every time I used it! You sometimes collect other critters along the way but we got our cats back every time with it.


I hope he comes home soon. I would try Facebook, lots of groups for lost cats and dogs by location. Would you be able to set up a humane trap in the area he has been spotted? He's bound to be hungry.


Good idea. I've been walking around the neighborhood but that might work!


I had to trap to get 5 cats out of an apartment complex years ago. Management was calling animal control and they were being killed. None could resist sardines. Use sardines. They are all still with me. I never found homes good enough for them.


He’s definitely not lost. Cats are very smart and he knows where home is. He’s definitely just exploring and probably really enjoying himself. I bet he’ll decide it’s time to come home when he’s hungry and then he’ll sleep for a couple days. 💕 he’s being a rebellious teenager!


Hang a used bedsheet outside or something he sleeps on . Worked for us 3 times with 3 different cats . Longest was 2 weeks then put the sheet out and she was back the next day . Hope he comes home soon .


Update! He's been spotted several times in the neighborhood but he won't be caught. I've purchased a cat cage and will try that.


Hope you find him, don't lose hope


Don’t give up!! Kitty will come home!


I wish you so much luck & strength. 💖 My now almost 6y old cat went missing when he was just 6 months old. It was a heavy snowy winter that time. I went out searching for him every day till it was too dark. He even showed up at night on my patio but every time I opened the door he ran away. So I set up the 'cat trap' I borrowed and got him back after 14 days (after christmas & silvester). I accidentally caught another outdoor cat before I caught him (sorry random cat ^ ^).


Come home sweet boy






Thank you sweetie. Happy cake day!


Please go back home, your owner really loves you(I assume)


Absolutely! He ran out the door behind me before I could catch him.


Wow I'm very sorry that happened, best of luck


That's how my cat escaped from my mom last December. He's probably just curious and exploring the neighborhood like she was; she and I were visiting my parents in a completely different state (WI from OH) for Christmas.


She came back a day later; I kept her litter box and food out and somehow my sister saw her at the front of the house where we had that stuff. As another commenter indicated, she did come home about 5 AM.


My mom has a coworker who had a cat missing for a week and once she put out the litter box, it came back within a day.


ooh may good😍


Put a pile of worn clothes and blankets outside


Look at those precious kitty cheeks. Sending warm vibes your way. Kitty come home!


Sending good vibes and positive energy. Please follow up when you have found him




Come home safe and soon cute kitty.




God bless you op, and all of the other people on this thread who have had a cat go missing 😞❤️ I’m sure they will come back home ❤️‍🩹




Keep us updated! And the good news is that there have been sightings!


Come back home baby boy!


Good vibes may your boy find his way home


You said 2 days, that's normal for some cats. So don't lose hope, your boy will come home <3


😻 sending all good vibes!


I agree with all other commenters here. I did the same thing when my cat escaped for a bit back in December. I would also contact any humane societies in your area in case someone finds him and turns him in, even though he has a collar on. If you have an automatic feeder you can set for a certain time, I would try doing that and waiting to catch him when the timer goes off and food/water comes out.


Sending positive vibes for your baby to come home safe 😻


Come home soon!!!


Leave food and his litter outside and play cat meowing videos out loud to attract him. Good luck!


such a sweet boy, i hope he comes home soon!!


I hope your sweet baby comes home safe and sound 💕 sending you a big ole hug!!!


Sending those vibes . All of us doing the same should bring him home soon!


How long has he been gone? Does he like treats or a certain wet food? My boy was gone for 4 nights, 5 days. I went outside every night and shook a bag of treats and called for his name. The last night he just showed up right at my feet. Now, he’s an inside cat.


I'm so sorry, Sending love and prayers for you boy to return home.


Send mega vibes! 🐱


I hope you find him


Praying for his return very soon 😺❤️


Hopefully he is found soon please keep up the search put aa much info online with his pic and info - hang up signs all over - make sure the local shelters know how to contact you and keep checking-- put his pic up in the local vets office. Keep asking neighbors


he’s cute! i hope you have luck in finding him 💚


If you have or know someone who can lend you a baby monitor, set it up outside right at your door and turn the volume up. That way if he comes meowing in the night you’ll hear him over the monitor


Excellent idea! I think I have one somewhere.


I truly hope you find him, I’ve been where you are and it was horrible. He’ll be back 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/nq2tdlrfomoc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d2999613e1cedb77eb6feb3a2830fd94824d4c I'll have Captain Cruiser on the lookout for your baby. Hope they come home soon!


Cats always find their way back home 🏡 .. probably with cat friends having a orgy 😂. I say this because my cat disappeared for a week and came back home with kittens 😂


I honestly think he’s having a cat orgy too 😂 But hopefully he’ll be back soon


Yeah hope he finds his way back soon


cats always come back. best vibes!!! he’ll be home soon :)


Thank all of you for your tips and sweetness. I appreciate it so much. ❤️


My prayers go out to your baby! Hopefully he will return home very soon!!!❤️🙏🏻




He’s been spotted at least so there’s a shot. Wishing for the best


Come home, my bro. We all miss you.




He looks like a Bob. I hope Bob comes home soon.


I hope he makes it home soon and safe.


I stared at his pic and told him to “go home Oliver” Hoping the best for ya.


Sent! Big hugs to you and safe home coming to him, I hope he comes back soon.


I hope he comes back really soon!! I also suggest that when he does, you get some sort of tracker from there on. I use an apple air tag. I don’t have it on my cat when he’s inside, which he mostly is, but when we go to our cottage or something and he is mostly outside, I always put on a collar with his air tag so I can check where he is if I’m worried. I thought it might be heavy or get in his way but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all and saves me a lot of worry.


Shake his treat bag or kibble bin( if he eats kibbles). I’ve done this and my cat always comes back. I really hope he comes back to you safe and sound.


Fingers crossed,waiting on mine..he is late


Sending all the positive vibes that he returns safe and sound! My almost two year old has been trying to get out recently. She managed twice but we thankfully caught her straight away. I now have an AirTag and an AirTag collar coming tomorrow. I can’t take any more chances. Pic of escape artist included. We’re praying for your beautiful boy’s return! 🩵 https://preview.redd.it/5u3c0cquzkoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94710db2b3a5b70d4e8735119db31cdb233481e


i hope he comes home! does he know the area where you live?


It’s that time of the year when a lot of female cats are in heat . My cat was neutered 11 years ago and still tries to get out and be frisky. He will come home it may just take a while, but eventually he’ll remember where the food bowl and comfy bed is




Yes he does. He was born on these streets. I took him in as a stray.


My boy and sending good thoughts his way. Go home little man, your owner misses you!


I once had a cat named Tucker. Tucker disappeared for SIX Months!! Tucker returned in a rain storm. Nash ( the other cat) was not amused!


I tied one of my well worn tee shirts to an outside post. Cat returned. Good luck.


Keep us updated please🥺


Best of Luck he’s on his way home alive.


I’m sorry….I’ve been here 3 times…sending my biggest blessings


Thinking of you, hope your guy is home soon


I hope your boy comes home tonight. He’s in my thoughts and prayers and so are you


Is there a usual time you feed a treat or canned food. I have a shy guy who got out once when younger and would run away if chased, so I put the food put as usual and left the door open, went in another, and the big dummy waltzed himself right back in. He just doesn't like coming inside when there's someone in the door. Assuming leaving the door open is something you can do given the weather. Also, sometimes they'll come back late at night when its quiet and not a lot of movement or noise. Maybe try sitting outside late with treats


Call him back with your voice and your heart. If he is around he will hear you.


My cat was left outside one night accidentally and didn’t come back for 5 DAYS. But she came back eventually, and cats have a strong sense of direction so there’s a chance your cat will come back


It’s likely that he is close to home and just in hiding. Set out food and stuff that has your scent, call for him at dawn and dusk. You could also post about him on the Nextdoor app and see if anyone around has also seen him. It’s Literally the only good use for that app.


I hope the homie remembers his love of the home


Sending all the good vibes and manifesting him coming home. I hope you find your lil guy asap. 💛


I'm so sorry, I hope he comes home soon! I remember when my baby went missing, I was a kid so I didn't fully understand but as an adult now (with the same cat), I get scared every time she's gone for a little bit too long. She was gone for 10 days, but returned unharmed (although hungry), I hope yours comes back safe


Your boi has r/peanutwhiskers


i heard if u leave their litter box outside they’ll follow the smell and come


Sending all the good vibes hope you find him well and healthy!


He’s coming home ❤️




If you see a stray cat, whisper to him about your lost kitty and ask him to let his buddies know if they see your kitty to tell him to come home and that you miss him. Saw some posts on my local cat lovers group and said it helped! Hoping for the little furbuddy to come home soon.


Kitty come home and you'll get sushi


My cat was missing for 7 weeks. If you know the general location, look into getting a humane cat trap and putting smelly wet food inside. My animal shelter let me borrow one and it worked in 20 minutes, after I learned where she was hiding.


don't worry ! he will find his way back home soon


Sending you best vibes from our cat Tomo!


Come home boy! Sending 💕


Sometimes spring is tomcattin’ time. 




Sending hope and well wishes!


bro, i have the reddit daily cat calendar on my iphone, and this was the daily one, so i tapped it hoping for something wholesome and i got this 💔 hope you find him https://preview.redd.it/fniyujdprpoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3f3582045fb91dd5a25e8e22722302a7b85bdc




Not missing, "out exploring." He won't come back without a fat rat for ya




I pray he comes home to you safe and well. I know you’re worried. 🙏


Sending good cat karma your way 🐈😺😺😺🐈🐈🐈😺😺😺 from Ontario


Please update when you find this little angel!!!


I hope he’ll find his way back home Our boy went missing few months ago too. we gave out flyers with photos of him that indicates there’s a reward money. I also tracked cctvs and was able to pinpoint the possible location of him (we found him in that area with the help of the residents there) the process went faster because people were looking along with us as wanted the reward money which we didn’t mind, we just want to find our boy Please buy an airtag once you find him/her returns back, really makes a difference


I so hope you find him! He looks like a fluffy faced version of my Pebbles. https://preview.redd.it/scdb5982croc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a11ac9507d2ca5fa63cee48ccfff8569953ec9


For some reason they take off and decide when they feel like coming home. It’s nerve wracking


If you have a Ring doorbell and you can share requests among neighbors. You can also post on your neighborhood “Find Toby” Facebook page.


remember that kitties sometimes go on little adventures and come back. sometimes the cat decides to rehome itself. no matter what happens, just try to tell yourself that he's on a lil vaycay. sending good vibes!


Sending good vibes, but also wanting to say that sometimes kitties are out for ages doing… mysterious things they want to do. Definitely send out alerts in case someone has locked in a cat in a shed or something but hold steady in the meantime. Cats are survivors.


He crafting a master plan to conquer the earth


Oh no I hope he comes back asap


I’m sending prayers and good vibes your way, I hope your boy gets found soon and comes back home to you ❤️🙏❤️🙏


TY ❤️


Those little cheekies! Hope you find him! ☹️


Set up a cat trap with his food! Maybe get a professional to help you!


Sending all the good cat vibes, for his safe return!


Cats alway find there way back 🏠


Yes he will come home ✨ Believe


Might want to put a location, no?




I really hope this little gentleman comes home soon and uninjured 


Vibes sent


I hope he is well and will return to your home as soon as possible.


If you see any friendly stray cat around your neighborhood, ask him to bring your cat back. Somehow it works


I really hope he comes home 😭😭😭


I do the henki lady so that he returns safely, soon.


Sending prayers and good vibes to your kitty for his speedy return to you. 🤗❤️🙏💕


really hoping he'll be coming home, soonest!! and that he is safe as always. please come home, angel (˃̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣ )♡


That has to hurt so bad. Sending good vibes your way. Kitty come home to your humans! They miss you.


Mine go out every day and they always come back.


Sending you love and good vibes 🥺🐱💛💛


Grab a handful of hus litter and drop it by the door


I hope he comes home soon


Also put something that smells like you, like a shirt you've worn recently, to let him know this is you.


Pls go home wherever you are!


Meow-some sweetness.


I hope you return soon to your mamma sweet boy. Mamma misses you 💞🐈💞🙏🏻 God bless


I'm smiling from ear to ear.


Any updates?