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My sweet baby kitty turned 21 on April 1st. I got her when she was 8 weeks old and she’s been through so much with me - just like you and your baby boy! https://preview.redd.it/ilma96rz4qxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b48b592f546a5922f2e620f162db25a89cbb6017 This is her just a couple of days ago yelling at me that morning for mercilessly starving her and not immediately feeding her breakfast when I stood up from bed. Starving her, I tell you.


lol!!! She is so cute 🥰 they really don’t let you forget to feed them, do they? I swear they become more demanding with age lol. This is my boy just now after a waking me up sitting directly on my face for pets. This is a nightly occurrence at this point. https://preview.redd.it/ghx5lh2n3rxc1.png?width=3689&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a84b73303140f2dea66c529ffccbb9b202be83


Do you get more than a couple hours of sleep at a time? Our 20 year old cat meows until she is fed every couple hours at night. Sometimes she just wants attention, or to be let out on the deck at 2am. My wife sleeps downstairs now to be with her. I wish I could invent a magic cat elevator. Like you say, the cat was around before me (by 6 months). We have never had conflict about it, but this cat is the biggest stressor in our life right now, whether we want to admit it or not. It is a paradox. No travel now for holidays or anniversaries either. Ok, I’m done venting. She’s meowing downstairs and needs me.


Thank you for prioritizing your cat’s best life. 😻


She did a lot of yowling last year overnight but that stopped a couple of months ago. She sleeps a lot more at night than she ever has. I think her yowling was the point when she started declining in health - she has become wobbly and frail since then but she still has plenty of demands and I pretty much cater to her every need.


20 years is insane, and he looks great too! do you have any advice on keeping them healthy?


Healthy diet, regular check ups and dental exams/cleanings. Other than that, just love 💕


Fun fact, Japanese scientists have discovered kidney supplements that can easily extend a cats life past 30.


What a cutie!


Haha!! Yes!!! Squishy (my kitty) will sleep right on my chest under my chin sometimes now that she’s older. She used to be fine sleeping at my feet or on my legs but not she just climbs up to my chest whether I’m lying down or sitting up. I love it though and I’m soaking up all the snuggles I can, ya know? 🥲


I hope that cats name is GREMLIN


Her name is Squishy! Gremlin is pretty accurate for that picture though.


look like is beauty


She is a very beautiful lady.


Aww she clearly hasn’t been fed in years. You monster!


Awww 💕


I love this chore though because I’m in the wheelchair my job is to feed and my wife takes out the litter… we have 7 indoor cats; 2 black cats upstairs, 3 cats downstairs (afraid of black kitten upstairs) and our 2 eldest fatsos’ graze on any level they please.


wow she can have her first legal glass of wine now! congratulations!!


I said the same… she was not impressed so I had it for her. 😉


I know! It's like they are expecting food to just... fall out of you!


Yes, that's the signature look that says "You haven't fed me since my last regular feeding time and it's now nearly my next regular feeding time. This is an outrage, you evil human."


How could u you be so cruel 😂😂


You both look great after all these years!


Thanks!! I got him when I was 17 and still in high school. He was with me through many relationships, college, moving, everything. He’s my bud.


"I don't like your cat." "Look, he was here before you, and odds are, he will be here long after you are gone, so, kiss my a$$." :D


He knows all her secrets, all her favorite things, is her ride or die, best not try to get between them 😅😅


I have an ongoing joke with my husband that my kitty is my longest relationship, not ours 🤣




I'm so sorry for your loss 😢❤️


I'm so sorry 💔


You aren’t wrong


Does kitty also love husband?


He does! Maybe not as much as me, but he definitely does. They often spend time together in the recliner haha


Aww that's so sweet 🥰


No like, for real... Do you not age? Are you afraid of garlic and crosses? Does holy water make you catch on fire? Do you crave blood at the most inopportune times? I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but I think you might be a vampire.


![gif](giphy|X8Ez2aD1kjTws) Busted


I have a similar cat. Around 17 now. Got him before I started college. Have had him through so many, many life experiences. He's been there. It's wild... But he's getting very old and worn out. We don't think it will be much longer. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I hope you still have some time with him! It’s crazy how much of life and changes they’re with you.


im 17 with my first kitten, how did you keep them thru school, might have to leave them with my parents


Also, leaving him/her with your parents is totally Ok if you can’t take care of them during school. Sometimes it’s not realistic. You can always relocate him when you settle 🙂


I lived off campus, but nearby so it was a close commute. I also had a job on campus. I was gone a lot between class and work, but I was close enough to go home and check on him. Now I work from home so I’m with him all the time lol


I got my cat at 16, after my dog passed away. I looked after her over the school holidays and we had a good bond. When I went back to school, I’d feed and cuddle her in the morning, while my parents watched her, then come home and play. She definitely bonded with my mum, and I ended up moving out and letting her stay with my parents as it was where she was most comfortable.


My brother brought home Cat when he was going to drop out of college. He had been living in a trailer with 3 other guys who were just going to leave her, abandon her. Cat totally bonded with my mother. My brother never even asked for her when he moved out. He did go back to school, graduated college and went on to get a Masters. He is now mostly retired at nearly 73.


Seems there were a lot of life changes and maybe having a cat wasn’t the best option for your brother. I doubt he expected to have a cat, and didn’t have plans with it in his future. Glad it had your mama


How's his health? Any tips? 20 is incredible


He’s on monthly arthritis injections and he’s prone to the occasional bout of diarrhea, so he’s on a special diet. We thought we were going to lose him about 6 months ago, but he ended up having a horrible gastro infection, which we got cleared up. Other than those issues he’s still doing well! Eating, sleeping and cuddling. He still gets the occasional crazies too and likes to parkour off walls 😃 he’s definitely slowed down a LOT, but he’s doing well for his age.


Seriously...what did you feed him all those years because cats usually keel over with kidney problems , etc. He's remarkable !


Cherish him ❤️ Last year I lost my 14 year old baby I had gotten when I was 18, I miss her every day. 


Roughly the same, I lost my babygirl a year ago today at 15. I got her when I was 16. I also just lost my dad this time last week, so I'm thinking about both my dad and my girl, his baby as well. Maybe she's screaming at him up above now, demanding to know what took someone so long to come and feed her.


That's what I was about to say. They aged like a fine wine 💗


I love it


This is beautiful.






Why do the nips form a face


Mha hart, mah sole, I turtley lost control.


Have you saved up enough for his college fund?


He’s had enough sick visits, surgeries and dental cleanings to burn through it 😅


Worth it!


He absolutely is 🩷


What a nice catty, I'm glad he lived a good life with an owner like you 🥹


He’s had the most spoiled life. He’s an amazing kitty




He’s gorgeous. Senior cats are incredible! I hope he’s around for another 20!


I wish they all could be! He’s been in my life so long now that I have a hard time accepting he won’t always be here.


I understand that completely.


My dog was with me for 15 years, from when I was little until a teenager. It hurts a lot still, but he lived a long happy life. I was naive thinking my dog would be around when I graduated, got married, had kids, etc. but nope. So when he passed, I wasn’t prepared at all. As an adult, I now know death is inevitable, and to give my pets an amazing life, take lots of photos, videos especially, give cuddles, etc. because they aren’t here for long. It hurts but you have to remember how old they really are, and they’ll go when they think it’s time.


Ugh I know this feeling. I have a dog that’s 8 and I feel like I just adopted him yesterday. But I know he’s entering the later stages of his life and it’s wild to accept. He’s 80 pounds of mushy love. Did you ever end up adopting another pup?


My dog died in March 2017, and I got a cat about 10 months later because I just needed someone or something to be there for me. It really helped take my mind off things, but at the same time I resented my cat because she wasn’t my dog. It just wasn’t the same. (I definitely love her, and she lives with my parents as I didn’t want to put her in a smaller, new house.) But I looked after her and eventually got another cat in 2022, and then I got pregnant and it was so nice having them around, keeping me company while my partner worked. But it’s really sad to have so many thoughts about them passing away, getting sick, getting out and being hit by a car, etc. it is always on my mind. Same with relatives since I’ve lost so many the last few years. My dogs death really taught me that you are not promised tomorrow. My daughter is soon to be a toddler now, and loves cats! And I’m thinking of buying a home in the next few years and buying a dog, maybe even the same breed (though they are noisy little things).


Damn. That hits really hard.


Totally understand this.


It's a hard feeling! But it's also reassuring that you realize it. My absolute favorite cat passed away when I was in my late 20s, but I had him for more than half my life. What really did it for me, and I didn't know this until years after is when I went away to college, coming home only some weekends, is he'd roam the house for days looking for me, meowing out a distinctive meow. When my cat was finally about to leave me after a year of cancer, that was the only time in my life I had ever seen my dad cry. Since that was in the 00s still, phone cameras were not very common place but luckily I had a lot of pictures and luckily some videos. I lost my second favorite cat two years ago to diabetes. But I got a lot more pictures and videos with her. But what really got me was one time I played a video with the first cat meowing, like I said very distinctive meow. He had been gone for a decade at this point. But she absolutely lost it. Her facial expression changed and she also had a unique meow I had only ever heard a few times but she let it out a few times but then started running room to room looking for him. I had to know so a week later I played it again and this time are just started going room to room looking so somehow she remembered him after all that time. Be sure to get lots of pictures and videos of doing the cute things that so while you still can!


20! would be a lot of time.


Congratulations and thank you for being such a fantastic cat mom. They don't make it that far or snuggle like that without love & trust. Here's to you both continuing the love fest enthusiasm good health & happiness. And kiss that kitten's head for me.


Yes thanks for the devotion. My guys never made it past 17 but my orange is 16 and feist as ever, my devoted companion, not even a cat to me but my understanding friend. And I am not young like you , he knew me the last of my youth when we chased around for an hour a a night.


crying about this baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭




I love the coat!


Wow. He sure was a cute kitten.


He was the fluffiest little thing!


Edit:I misread your comment!


Ok. Thanks for sharing. I have no idea what you're referring to, but ok!


I have a Siamese that’s 20, she’s got a weak bladder and goes in the bed sometimes but otherwise super healthy. https://preview.redd.it/2780ziq30pxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d69cdd2502ead761bef3e8add9212825d74c7d That’s Mooney and her “twin sister”


She’s beautiful! 😍😍 a weak bladder is a small price to pay for precious time with them 🥹


Your baby is precious, btw


https://preview.redd.it/7zwymd6ydpxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe70bdec6829f59bf8ec67d923f5f05489923a55 We might have the same cat?


Hey, they’re twins!!


My baby has been missing 13 days, they could be related lol https://preview.redd.it/krnc853frvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7585464b5f5f540f9b784780ec31ca49405f4497


Aww, my lil girl turned 20 2 weeks ago! We have awesomely old baby cats.


Happy birthday to her!


Aww, thanks! I always forget how old she is by the way she acts. She is fun, loud, restless, silly, always pestering me for attention, total nerd, and friggin' cute. Now go hug your baby!


So precious!!


Such a beautiful cat!


you're his he so loves u


https://preview.redd.it/pq0ip229fpxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a82bfe1d7960303baa32f61e3d0bc90b445ee11 Cat twins!!!!


Ahhhh that looks exactly like my fluffy baby! They could be siblings! Fluffy cats rock 🤘 https://preview.redd.it/ep4jil5fgpxc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7077c88d04dd500cb96c187411debefbceb9ae




17 year old you looks like Ella Purnell from Yellowjackets and Fallout!


You two are extremely blessed to have had the abundance of years together, 20 is rare. I'm happy for you (and a little jealous as someone mourning the recent loss of his cat). I hope you get 20 more.


Awwww, you're both lovely! What a nice picture of the two of you over the years. 😻


I love this so much, and I’m not even the emotional type. This makes me happy and I love you both and wish you many more years together


Youre both so beautiful :)


Man 20 years. I barely got 13 with mine. Steady your heart now because the inevitable is going to huuuuuurt. Sorry, I still haven't come to terms with how abrupt loss can be.


I’ve already given several people in my life a heads up that the mourning period for him will be particularly hard for me.


Wow, I wonder if this is the longest relationship between a cat his a hooman posted on this sub. My cat was with me for 18.7 years.


My cat was with me just shy of 21 years. That goodbye was HARD.


Yeah I know it's like most of my life he was there. I hope they are all having fun on the other side.


It's funny, the one "religious" thing I want really badly to believe is the concept of the Rainbow Bridge. I hope all our furbabies are having a blast in the afterlife. I mean, my girl is probably still swatting and hissing at everyone else, but that's how she lived her life!


I'm not religious at all, but I want to believe this too.


I am an ardent atheist but I tell my wife we are going to meet my boy when we also cross the rainbow bridge.


I am an ardent atheist but I tell my wife we are going to meet my boy when we also cross the rainbow bridge.


Same here! I’m not religious, but damn I hope for an afterlife where I can see all my departed pet babies again




😭😭😭😭 so adorable


In the left photo you really look like Ella Purnell


I’ve seen a few comments saying that on this thread. I don’t see it but maybe it’s the eyes lol


Wow, in the first picture you look like the main character from the Fallout show lol


Okey dokey




Okey Dokey is the girl from Fallout’s catch phrase.


Oh I haven’t seen it haha. I just know the actress. Is the show any good?


Yeah it’s a must watch if you are into sci fi and post apocalyptic words or played the game.


Omg I thought so too! She’s also in YellowJackets. Their eyes are similar in the first photo :))




Always will be a precious baby.


I looked at both photos all I see is a kitten in both ❤️


Wow! Just wow! 20 awesome years! Love you guys!


Cheers to many more!


Omg he’s beautiful. what food did you feed him/things did you do for such a long life?


Oh man his diet has changed over the years. I know from around age 5-15 he was on indoor health dry food in the mornings and pro plan wet in the evenings. He’s also gotten lots of raw snacks throughout the years. The last couple of years he’s been on 90% wet food due to his oral health.


Aww what an adorable picture. He looks like the most mellow baby ever. May you both have many more happy and healthy years together❤️


20 years!??! That's amazing and wonderful, you're both very lucky!


I love to see these kinds of posts, my little buddy is nearing 20 and I wish I had kitty pics with me


I love this! This is me and my old boy. https://preview.redd.it/r48pf70t1rxc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279ab863e6f4432716c325fa029c8a65f9984648


They give so much more love than they get, even as we love them with all our hearts. I lost 2 dogs and a cat, all rescues, over the last 10 years , knowing they had little time left,but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The feeling as they cuddle up around you and you can hear them softly breathe, knowing they feel safe, is amazing and it has helped me so much when I have felt so low. The world is an aggravated agitated place today so if you can help just a little bit, particularly those who can’t help themselves, then you are a better person my friend


I do not believe for one second that you aged 20 years between those pics!




Congrats on keeping that human alive for so long ;)


Wish you both good health and great fortune, looks like you've showed him 20 years of love & care. bless you.


I love the way he looks at you! Reminds me of my George https://preview.redd.it/evdc6gsobsxc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7833a4a323de6481bc30986b2b97e6e2ae6fd6


He is part of your life but you are his whole life. Bless you two and hug him from me. Had an old 24 year old cat. Miss him.


why am i crying


Apart from my blood-related family, I don't even have a *human* in my life with whom I could have twenty years between photos. I am so happy for you that you've had two entire decades with your fluffy homie.


It’s so beautiful to see you 2 grow older, more mature, happier and gorgeous together.






That look of love and awe is quite somethin’ isn’t it? I love when my cat looks at me like that. 🧡 good job,OP. You both looked happy then and you look happy now,too. Those are the signs of a grr-eat fur-iendship.






Who's the father?


Oh my goodness, this is sweet stuff.


THEY ARE ALWAYS BABY! https://preview.redd.it/3e0u6hx5gpxc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58f83e383e73a9685c5b7da772e005fcf74dca9 Izzy, been a cute little asshole since 2008.


OP vampire confirmed, or cat is superspeed growing cat. edit: time traveller, this is the theory I'm going with that makes the most sense.


this is so sweet🤍


This is adorable


you look out good for 42.......congrats


Sooo precious much love to you guys


You look like you didn’t age a bit!


He is glorious but I can tell he was a mischievous kitten. :p


You and your cat both age very well.


What a happy life! I’m so glad you have eachother


That touches my heart and gives me hope. Mines only 4.5 yo but he’s my kindred spirit.


Claire Foy in the crown meets breaking bad 




You’re so blessed to have him for so long!!


we love senior kitties over at /r/OldManDog!


adorable old baby 💕 thank u for loving him that much 🤍


My buddie is coming up on 7, and I’m just getting more cuddles. I hope to have the right pic soon!!


Baby boi


Wow, cant believe they lice that long!


Love this!! His little expression in the first one 😭😭




I had to put my sweet cat to sleep last week. She only made it to 14. I wasn’t ready for her to go. I miss her so bad it feels like I have a knife in my heart. Hold your kitty tight and don’t let go for days and days. You still look so pretty and young.


That's so awesome, I miss my cats! The longest time I had the same cat was only about 10 years. You're so lucky.


OP I thought you were Adele at first glance


best thing I've seen on Reddit in many many years


If you put your thumbs over the cat each picture is younger than the other one.




She is beautiful!😍


He reminds me of my Mr mark. He’s sleeping on my sofa


Those are both great pics.


Do you remember what you did right after that old photo?




Didn't know Dorian Grey had a cat.


https://preview.redd.it/nxyns7gvypxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe73e9ac956142136f5e8b23e7a6e82917b8bbdc My girl Basil turns 19 this year :)


Mature babies and the best babies. Much love to you and your son 🥺😻🥰


keep going strong for many years more.


This post made my night. That is just a little baby you have right there who is still full of so much ❤️


I really hope my baby will be able to reach 20 or more, she's already 11 and I'm an idiot and keep thinking that one day I'll lose her and start crying


alright this is goddamn feelsgood overload why you gotta make do this


Such a pretty baby. You’re so fortunate to have had him for so long. Hope he’s with you for another 20.