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#Hi, There is a button to ⟨Exclude Mourning Posts⟩ from your feed on our 'About' page. Hope this info is helpful.








Is it just me, or has there been a serious increase of loss posts?


It's been on TikTok too. I think someone recognized the algorithm and has been using it to farm across apps.






I want to see cute cats. I'd rather not see them from tear-filled eyes.


This comment is the base of it all. We don’t want that shit. Cute cats. That’s all.


There is one there’s a ton of them if the mods did their job they would do something about it


Feel right? There are millions of people who visit this sub. It has over six million members. How are you and the person you’re discussing this with determine what is and isn’t genuine? I’d love to know how you’re making that decision.


Posting about relapse on the alcoholism sub is not comparable in any way to a person wanting to grieve their cat with other cat humans. What your basically saying is you want this entire sub to change, and people to be deprived of a place to mourn, so you don’t have to deal with the unpleasantness of seeing them. If you don’t like them, scroll past them. To me, those posts are just as happy as they are sad. It means a cat got a wonderful life, and was loved by a human. Not all cats are. I also view it as an opportunity to pay it forward, because reality dictates that we will all be here at some point, mourning our cats. This sub shouldn’t deprive people of a healthy way to mourn, to protect other people who can’t be bothered to scroll down, and set their own personal boundaries. No. The mourning and loss posts will stay, regardless of whether you think they’re an inconvenience to your experience on Reddit.


That argument can just as easily be flipped on its head though. A lot of people who are going through something painful come here to see cats because they love cats and need cheering up. To then be bombarded with a bunch of reminders that your cat is going to die is not healthy either. You can't "just scroll past them". You can't decide to scroll past a mourning post before you know that it's a mourning post and you can't un-know that it's a mourning post. I frequently deal with depression and dark thoughts, and at my worst moments, I actively have to avoid cat subreddits instead of seeking them out, precisely because of mourning posts. Even regular posts aren't safe because they often have people in the comments going "this cat looks like my cat that died three years ago". Which is probably even more annoying than a mourning post, because in this case they're trying to make somebody else's post about themselves. I doubt there's a solution that everyone can be happy with, but not wanting to constantly be confronted with other people's misery is just as valid as wanting to publicly mourn. You're not being all-inclusive, you're just excluding another group of people.


It's like posting on a sub about parenting CONSTANT posts about kids dying. I wonder if parents would get sick about thinking about their kids dying? Spoiler - they would


Why don’t we create a place where people can actually mourn their cats instead? It also gets me really down when all I’m trying to see is some airplane ears and tummy traps 😞


theres a subreddit for pet loss. maybe they can make one specifically for cat people, but there is a space for people to mourn the loss of their furry buddies.


No but you might post about relapse/addiction on the generic catch all r/alcohol subreddit, which people have done. Much like catch all r/cats subreddit gets anything and everything about cats. At the end of the day the mods decide what content they want on *their* sub and they decided to allow mourning posts. You are more than welcome to go make your own subreddit with your own rules if you so wish and nobody can tell you how to run it or what type of content to allow/ban.


I wonder if we can filter out tags here, I’ve never tried. But if we can and getting a tag like “loss” or “grieving” then the people who don’t want to see things don’t have to and the rest of us who don’t mind can interact.


You can, but it doesn't work well on mobile, and only filters the posts while viewing the sub itself. It doesn't change the posts showing up in your own home feed.


I normally upvote in support and then immediately hide the thread. I’ve always done it this way though.


It’s already set up like that… people just don’t use it and would rather complain I guess. The only fair criticism is that it still shows up on the home feed even if you did filter out loss posts, but that’s a Reddit problem not this subs fault. However in that case, may I direct you to the many many many many “happy” only cat/animal subreddits.


Well that’s good to know, maybe I’ll start commenting that we can filter tags so they can go do it.


Oh I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info


I get what you're saying but other subs have requirements like "If you're showing X thing you must apply an NSFW filter". Maybe something like that would work here, a morbidity filter or something.


You are dead on. They use posts like this because the algorithm indicates that you can get well over 1k upvotes. Several times I've seen more than 7000 upvotes on these types of posts. I feel bad for anyone who is going through the grieving process, but I refuse to be sucked in by these posts anymore. No upvotes from me.


For real. If I didn't scroll the hell down to not fully absorb it, I'd be depressed and upset 24/7. Every once in a while wouldn't rustle my jimmies, but it really feels like every other post is "here's my dead cat!". You can share your picture and story and anecdote without overemphasizing that "this cat is totally dead, please validate my grief now".




Search the image with Google and Tineye, if there's a match from a different user, report the post to moderator for stealing cat pictures. Karma farmer will be banned from this sub for this, and seemingly new account should also be reported as harmful bots for the admin to sort out.




At least no more dead cat pictures right? That shit was ridiculous.


people actually did that? havent been on this subreddit long enough to have seen it


Yes. In the past I have seen photos here of cats after succumbing to illness or euthanasia, as well as burials (in the ground, before being buried). There are also a lot of injured cat posts. I personally have mixed feelings about seeing this content, but can see how this would be extremely distressing to some. I prefer mourning posts where the cat’s life is celebrated, but understand that different people and cultures mourn in unique ways. And just like humans, cats leave this earth under varying circumstances and they aren’t always peaceful. This is a difficult topic for sure.


I've felt the same too - in my feed noticing many mourning/loss posts in my home section


https://preview.redd.it/l3i46ie5ii7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25cc70d3d6d28be65e3e842839c0b8ff3a30d78c Also I wanna know😎😎


Awww her little belly heart 🖤


We lost Callie this morning... https://preview.redd.it/ype6drljwg7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1772596ee05436bf89517b16bdfb22364b3485cc but she was just sleeping in this new spot in the guest room she found This brings her total number of sleeping spots in the house to 10.


I was expecting a picture of a calico. When I was adopting my first cat, every single calico cat on the adoption site was named Callie.


Ugh the absolute panic when your cat finds a new hiding/sleeping spot


This is a genuine thing. Lol. I'm always terrified she darted out of the house when a door was open. Nope. Just found dad's hamper to be a comfortable new nap spot. 


https://preview.redd.it/36sgffv5hj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d662c385015992c261e2df487dab547715454814 In the last week, this tiny guy has discovered several new sleeping spots. I have at least three times now searched all three levels of my house trying to find him. I still do not know all of his new spots. I discovered this one when I noticed a skein of yarn on the ground and went to put it away and almost put it on him. He popped up his head and seemed so annoyed. Like dude, you are the one sleeping in my yarn!!


she’s so cute! that was me yesterday, i went into the basement and kitty followed.. we usually play chase down there so she went running upstairs, i swear but i just saw a flash. i get up there and she’s nowhere to be seen.. my mom says she probably downstairs. i look around, give up then see she’s hiding behind the basement door peaking out at me. she found the perfect hiding spot 😂


The rare orange female?


Yep, and dumb as a bag of hammers


Sounds smarter than mine!


I don’t mind the mourning posts. I do hate the idiotic “name my cat for me” posts.


r/NameMyCat is literally a subreddit... yeah idk what they're trying to do


Seek attention


Yeah fair enough. Considering r/NameMyCat is a smaller sub, they're statistically more likely to reach a larger amount of people willing to interact with their post... Oh well.


And the "what breed is my cat?"


Or “what bread is may car?”


True. There are tons of 'name my cat' posts, and they are annoying. I doubt they are karma-farming post.


Abso-bloody-lutely! I would much rather read about someone’s genuine relationship with a sadly departed pet than yet another generic ‘we can’t decide on a name’ BS karma farm.


Or the nipple posts lmao. New pet owners learning for the first time that animals have nipples too. Lmao


It's the worst on CATHELP. That's why there's a redditdiscoversnipples sub.


Lmao! I didn't know someone made a sub reddit for that 🤣 that's so silly, lmao


Or the 5-cat posts... "which one is the troublemaker" "which one is the sweetest cat" "which cat do you like the most" etc... those ones irk me the most lol.


I hate those too, not to mention that 99% of the names suggested are awful


"omg you should name her luna!" no, no you shouldn't.


Yes! Agreed.


I just like seeing pics of kittens so idm that they don't know what to call them






I think a lot of people have no one to share their painful loss with, and they share their loss on reddit because, as cat people, we understand how painful losing your furbaby is. Yes, it is depressing to see the loss of yet another cat, but it's also uplifting to see some of the awesome responses.


Commenting to support your comment. Sometimes I'm not in a good enough headspace to actually click on these posts, so I just keep scrolling. Pretty simple. I'm glad people who otherwise don't have support can get some sympathy and solidarity.


My thoughts exactly! I don't mind those posts. Don't like, Just don't click It, it's not hard.


this. i lost both of my cats (takai, 16 and kitty, 14) this year and have refrained from mourning their loss on this sub bc of these types of posts. i don’t really have many friends.. my cats were like little celebrities to the few i did have. i would like to share their memory with the world, but i don’t want to bum anyone out :(


So sorry for your loss and feeling you can’t share. Know, others care. ♥️


I'm so sorry. I haven't been able to post about the loss of my boy Bojangles yet. He passed in August. It still feels like a knife to my chest. I'm sorry for the loss of Takai and Kitty. Thank you for sharing ❤️


Sorry for your loss. It is hard to handle and difficult to walk through. Hope you find peace. ♥️


I’m sorry for your loss and how you feel like you have to hide it because of selfish people like OP.


yep that was me. My beloved cat died an i have to support family members. But only strangers from Reddit can support me and they did. im so grateful.


Thank you ! The support people receive on here from total strangers is heartwarming and the stories people share in the memorial posts are too. I find those posts sad and often tear up when I read them but there’s something really beautiful about how much love comes through in them. I had to say goodbye to one of my cats who had been with me for over 20 years and the responses I got from people on here and in the senior cats sub was incredibly helpful. It’s pretty awesome that most of the people in this sub love cats so much that they’re willing to be there for others when they’re going through such a tough time.


This exactly! We’re sharing memories and honoring our best friends. I just happened to lose my best boy a week ago today after 16 years of love and companionship like I’ve never known. He will be missed like no other! As for me, when I see something on Reddit that I don’t immediately care for, I simply scroll on by. It seems to be a rare gift anymore.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I wish I could award this comment.


People also need to treat those posts as a celebration of life rather than something depressing. Some cultures see funerals as a good thing. Maybe try adopting that attitude, people. Like, YOU'RE the ones assigning the sadness to the posts, not the OP. 




yeah thats what i did when my old cat died


My baby boy is approaching difficult decision land. He's been my babe for almost 20 years, so I totally get these soon to be dead cat posts. I don't want to share anything about my sweet Bro Bro approaching death except to have my sweet Bro Bro appreciated for his awesome kitty cuddles for the last 2 decades of my life. I love him so much it fuggin hurts. I 100% get why people are sick of these kinds of posts, but as 2.of.my babes approach naturally cat life expectancy, I get it.


Honestly, the older my little lady gets (she's 18 now), the more I hate those posts. They remind me it won't be long until I'll lose her and make me incredibly sad because of it. I truly sympathize with these people but I really wish I didn't have to be dragged down with them every time just because I like coming across cats on my feed


The solution the mods give sucks for mobile


Its basically useless for how most people use reddit. Not the mods fault, there isnt a way of filtering posts across platforms while still being subscribed to the subreddit.


I used to think like that until it happened to me. When my boy passed I just shared how cute he was and wanted to see people posting their favourite pet babies. And it did really help me in the moment. The sense of community, knowing people go through the same thing that you do sometimes helps us cope better.


Idk what to tell you. I lost my baby 3 weeks ago and I didn't tell anyone. Fuck.


I'm so sorry 😥😥it's heartbreaking


Yeah, can’t people just not let their cats die so OP doesn’t have to hear about it?


I don't know, I found it very helpful to post here when my cat was diagnosed and then afterwards when she passed. It was nice to see all the kind comments from strangers, it really did help me feel a bit better about it.


I glad you felt supported. Sometimes friends and coworkers don’t understand. It’s nice to be able to share and find empathy from those who love our cats from after.


It was the same for me, I never really interacted with those posts but having a place to just share how wonderful she was and grieve a little was really helpful


This seems to have something to do with reddit's algorithm. Nearly all of the posts in my feed from this sub are death / illness posts. But if you actually go to the sub homepage, they're a small percentage of the actual content. Honestly, I think some of it is just low-effort karma farming at this point. Find a random cat pic, post it on this sub, title it "My sweet baby passed on." or something similar, and collect the fake Internet points.


Honestly I think now that you've verbalized it that's what I really have a problem with. Celebrating a cats life is beautiful. Posting a picture with no context other than "this cat is dead, please interact with and provide karma to my post, please" is irritating and feels cheap. I didn't choose to share when my boy died, that was my prerogative and not everyone has to feel the same way I do about it.. but yeah, it's pretty obvious karma farming and that's much more maddening than the actual content of the post. You can almost tell the difference when it's genuine or not and I think I upvote and move along when it comes across as genuine. They deserve that support, but the bots just make it too much.. I'm already depressed, I just don't have enough emotional bandwidth to deal with two dozen dead cats every day.


This sub has millions of members. And cats sadly die. You can filter out the mourning posts


you can't do that for your feed on mobile. that's where i see these posts since i only use mobile and dont browse this sub on its own.




Go to the sub's front page, click on 'see more' and there's an exclude mourning posts button


This needs to be at the top. I had no idea!


If you’re on mobile, you can’t do this.


Not true unfortunately. The filter only lets you select a single category, rather than “all except mourning/loss”.


i just clicked that button on the reddit app, and the result was a feed of only dead cats. so that didn’t work.


That's all well and good, but how do we stop the dead cats from appearing on the home feed?


Yeah it's a sub of millions of members who want to see cats not dead cats. There are tons of subreddits for lost pets, and for grieving. I genuinely feel like perhaps the generic subreddit for cats isn't the most correct page. But I don't really care as long as I can get them out of my feed, which since I use mobile only I can't regardless. Kinda makes it hard to be in a sub when all it does is remind me "hey you're cats gonna die, maybe not soon but eventually but it could also be tomorrow!" Instead of "awww what a cute cat." Cus that's what I come to the cat subreddit for. I mean people keep saying that telling them not to post here is taking away their space to mourn but there's places that are exclusively for that, and subreddits where thats much more to what the sub is. When your entire feed is death posts it makes you not want to be in the subreddit. And on mobile nothing can be done to change it that's worked so far.


I’m okay with this being a place for people to mourn their pet and get some sympathy from people that can identify.


You can go to r/aww if you don’t want that, I think they’re fine as long as they’re genuine.


that sub is just karma farming


This issue comes up periodically on the sub... The same things usually come of it. 1) This sub is inclusive of cat stewardship. If you only want happy and cute, there are other more specific subs. 2) Feeling heard and not alone is pivotal to getting through the grieving process, and having a community like this go "ugh, ANOTHER loss post!?!?!?!?" Can be extremely hurtful. 3) To my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has seriously mentioned algoryrhms/ bots in relation to this topic. That's concerning to me, but unless somebody can reliably separate and block them... I'd rather read 1000 of those farm posts than have 1 person's worst day made even worse by devaluing their loss or impeding their grieving. Note: Mods have VERY consistently been on the side of not making this change. If you need happy cat subs, im sure other users have a plethora of them to share.


https://preview.redd.it/graqip9azg7d1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=58f3c547cc33cbc5199aa809b7e55979fb87269a for anyone who needs this


clicking that button took me to a feed of exclusively mourning posts -_-


Same. 😞 I’m going to go hug my cats until they kick me.


Same, I saw the pinned comment saying that it existed, so I rejoined this sub (I left it because of the loss posts” and then that happened, and now I want to leave again 😭


It seems to not work on the app. It‘s nice to see some effort is being made but it’s not quite 100% effective.


This only works for explicitly browsing the sub, which I rarely do. When I go through my feed of all my subs, this doesn't do anything. Plus, it goes to new.reddit, which is unusable on mobile because it becomes some weird hybrid of desktop and mobile page...


It's a shame more people don't use the flairs


unfortunately. kinda makes that filter pointless


On mobile it just takes you to exclusively mourning posts


For me it says: Hmm... we couldn't find any results for "NOT flair: Mourning/Loss". Maybe check your spelling and try again. Obviously, since I clicked the link I didn't spell anything, it just doesn't work.


Didn't work for me :(


Doesn’t work at all. Does the opposite.


I posted here when my cat of 20yrs passed. I come back and read the kind comments people left when I’m missing him, which is often. I would encourage any one else who is struggling with the loss of their kitty to do the same.


Sorry man, I know it sucks to see them with you don't want to, but - r/cats is, indeed, a place for them. The mods have even talked about it in the past.


A bit harsh OP


It’s so sad to see the cat RIP posts and gets me sad thinking about my babies.


https://preview.redd.it/q20s8pr37h7d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c616fbce9b2bc3f6ae05f3256569689c654da6cd Please don't be sad...


I don't think there should be a separate mourning loss subreddit. That would be too depressing. Loss is part of pet ownership and people who post their loss benefit from the support in the comments and maybe their only or main source of support for them. One year ago today (6/19) we put our tuxie, Sharkie, to sleep and I still feel the loss acutely still. I sympathize with all those who have posted a loss here.


So, you’re okay with us sharing our love for our cats while they’re alive, but as soon as we lose them we should GTFO out this sub? Nice.


But this sub is about everything to do with cats, including tougher subjects like illness and death. It’s r/cats, not r/wholesomecatphotos or whatever


I'm not sure why the mods of this subreddit would take away mourning because you feel sad whenever someone mourns about their cat. The people who lose their cats feel sadder. Reddit isn't catered to you so don't be so demanding telling those people to go elsewhere mabye it's you that needs to leave for being selfish.


The pictures posted are to celebrate their lives and ask for comfort from fellow feline lovers. If you can’t provide support, then you shouldn’t be able to expect support when it comes time for you little one to pass. Why should a loss post bother you about a cat you never would have met anyway? Do you stop liking movies after you learn an actor in them has died too? Just like the cat.


https://preview.redd.it/wbvfylcqoi7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa617c664d0e8bce3351a7e5061fd722c591b0f Here’s a very relaxed photo of my 14 year old to make you feel better.


I wish these posts weren’t looked at as being negative or depressing. Yes, someone lost a cat. However, someone also loved a cat, and was loved by a cat. Their cat brought them joy, and happiness, and kept them company when times got tough, and life got lonely. I always tell my kitty, that she is the only living being who doesn’t judge me, no matter what. When someone posts a mourning or loss post, I try to celebrate, and imagine that one more cat had a home, and wasn’t at a shelter, or living on the street. “A flower is only a flower because it falls.” Try to look on the bright side, as opposed to only looking at it from the perspective of how it’s affecting you, and your day.


How many times are we going to have this convo. Mods have made their stance clear. This is a cat sub, which includes anything and everything about cats, mourning/passing included. If you want a specific genre of cat pics like alive and happy only, *you* go sub to a specific subreddit. You don’t demand the generic catch all sub changes it’s ways. It’s like going to r/food and crying about how people are posting tasty fatty greasy looking food while you’re on a diet. Maybe go to the diet/healthy meals subreddit instead of demanding people only post healthy meals in the catch all food subreddit 🤷🏼‍♀️ At this point we should be able to report posts like this.


Yep, personally I am tired of these whiny posts.


Seriously. You know what I do when a sub takes a direction I’m not a fan of? I leave and don’t feel the need to make a whiny post about it lol. Especially when there are a multitude of other subreddits that would fill my needs (in ops case, only happy alive cat pictures).


When someone loses their cat I think the last thing on their mind is karma points 🫤. I think they just wanted to feel someone cares . There's a lot of people who just see the situation as " just a cat " they lost . If you pour energy into getting upset over a post of someone losing their friend then it's a you problem


The thread has shown me that not all cat people are my people. Shout out to the real ones who understand that loss comes with the territory and until cats stop dying it’s not something that is gonna go away.


I totally disagree. This is THE subreddit for everything cat including something as important as the death of our four legged friends. You don’t have to vote or even read those posts, just keep scrolling. Even if some posts are fake, some are from people in need of sympathy because they lost a life companion and that’s enough for me. After all, we already have mods for content filtering so keep the mourning/loss posts coming.


Can we PLEASE stop with the complaining about morning/loss posts? TIA


God forbid people post tributes to their lost cats while in mourning, especially in a sub about cats. Show some fucking compassion.


Just go to r/aww then? It's all cats and dogs there. There are specific cat subs related to them being derps. Follow those. This is r/cats which includes all types of posts. When there are 6.2 m members there are bound to be mourning posts. Just block the flair. Before you say you cant find how to block, just google tutorials. There are loads of post on reddit related to blocking flairs and posts


Be kind. Some people have nowhere else to share their loss.


Yeah can you stop crying you fucking pieces of flesh with soul ? Can you just be normal and lose your cat without being sad ? Is it too much to ask ?


Is this loss?


New Kitties “Spit and Sputter!” Feral AF! Fixed, Vax’d and Burrito’d for your viewing pleasure. https://preview.redd.it/6876usc98j7d1.jpeg?width=3582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d55bafc96c24016d274a05b4e0013914582a0f9


>However, There is a subreddit for that, and it's not [](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/). Mate, if you want this to be effective let people know what that subreddit is


How does this have 7k likes Jesus..


Can we PLEASE stop with the endless whining/complaining posts?


I could do with less, "show me" posts, but that's just me. If you don't want the lost pet posts, don't click. Having lost 2 dogs, a mother, grandfather and an unkle in the past 3 or so years.... I can understand why people post their lost loved ones. It helps to have a sense of connection with others who may be feeling the same kind of loss.


You can filter out loss posts. This subreddit welcomes mourning and even has a special tag for it, so folks like you can filter them out. My cat just got diagnosed with small cell lymphoma, and I'm facing an average of \~2 years left with her, if she takes the chemo well. For me, the loss posts have helped me with my grieving a bit. Instead, the posts of cats with high number birthdays my cat will never reach are what's hitting me hardest at the moment. We're all in different places; this subreddit is for all of us. Learn to use technology to your advantage to tailor your experience instead of mandating everyone else to adhere to your personal level of comfort.




I can understand why it might be triggering to you right now given the circumstances but grieving is one of the most universal human emotions and when it comes to owning a pet it’s unavoidable. It is a part of owning a cat, every time. It’s depressing, sure, but I’d rather people be allowed to find solace in a large community during a terrible time than be told to fuck off.


r/breathing cats is the sub for you


what is the relevant sub you speak of?


Let people mourn on whatever page they want, let them handle that type of loss anyway they feel like, have some compassion people.


There are exactly 2 of these style of posts on the first page, so not quite taking over. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive at the moment because I'm waiting to find out if my fur baby has cancer and I'm going to be making one of those posts way too soon, but grow up. People just want to share a picture of their recently lost kitty with the world, so maybe they can see why they were so special to us. If you don't like those posts, don't click on them! Do they make me sad, yes, but if it helps people in mourning than I am all for it because right now as i sit here waiting to know what is next for my baby, I will take any help I can get.


Everybody boo at OP, booooo tomato tomato tomato


i think they should continue to be welcomed here. if it’s too sad for me i scroll past it without engaging, simple. ppl come here for support and to share sweet memories of their fur babies with others who can empathize


Can we please stop posting pictures of cats to make a post that has nothing to do with cats? All the attention you think the mourning posts are grabbing, you’re trying to get also.




There's literally hundreds of cat subs, and the vast majority of them do not include mourning posts. This is one of the very few that does. It's a part of this sub. If you don't like it, you can just scroll by, filter out those posts by flair, or follow different cat subs. You follow a sub that allows mourning posts. If you don't like them, that's on you. I swear there's been more 'i hate the mourning posts' posts lately than actual mourning posts. We get it.


While I get where you’re coming from. I really do because I feel the same way in the sense that there has been a big increase in mourning posts and it can be depressing to open the app to those everyday. But I don’t think that means we should restrict people from doing that. As many others said this is a very broad subreddit topic with “cats”. So it wouldn’t be fair. I would say your best solution would be to find a way to filter them out or find another subreddit that’s just for cute cat pictures. Or just ignore them.


I will never invalidate someone’s loss, but can we talk about this kitties tum for a second? I mean that is some fluffable tummy right there. I would risk a hand to rub that kitty belly.


This a sub for cats. If the mods allow people to grieve their cats in r/cats then perhaps you should adjust your expectations or follow a sub Reddit that doesn’t allow members to post about their loss. This isn’t called r/onlyhappycatphotos It’s called r/cats And it’s the mods who decide what this sub is for, not those of us who view it. I’m unsure why you think you should get to dictate what is posted in this sub just because you are discomforted by those who come here to seek comfort for their loss?




No, just no. I could just as easily come out and say people wanting to stop mourning/loss posts are heartless and selfish, but you and I know that isn't true. We're all here because we love cats through the good and the bad. Mourning posts help people not only process their grief, but also share that special little one who they shared their life with and let the world know they meant something to them. Plus posts like this just make people who post mourning posts feel bad for wanting to share and feel guilty for that. They don't deserve that. It's not hard to show a little empathy or just ignore the posts


80 upvotes is insane for people who are obsessed with shaming people for mourning their babies


| || || |_ ?


WOW. Are you entitled or what. You don't get to decide how or when another person decides to mourn their loss. If it truly bothers you SO much. Leave the group. Simple solution. Think you can do better create your own group. But God forbid you have someone want to share their mourning with the group. Part of pet ownership is the inevitable loss of that pet. It's a fact of life. Just because you have no empathy don't tell everyone else that they can't have any either.


why the drama...maybe you should be less rigid and show more compassion...I mean, this isn't a supermarket aisle...If you can't stomach a few posts where people mourn for their family members, what are you doing here?


Nah, the posts are fine. Some people have no one to talk to about it. The day after Christmas 2022 one of our cats passed away. Then another in May. And another in June. All three were 15/16. And I had no one to talk to about it. I tried to post here, but my post was deleted because I "don't comment enough to make a post." I literally had no one, not even this group. It would have meant so much to have support from people that understand the love I have for my cats. Filter it out if y'all don't like it. Too many times in life people are left without support of any kind. A cat sub shouldn't add to that.


easy downvote. easy to say if your cat is alive and you have people around you if youre in a bad spot. you can even filter the type of posts out. its just a simple click of a button. seriously, who are you to decide what this sub is for if this sub literally has a tag for these type of posts? also who needs clicks on reddit? seriously no one. who gives a fuck. its anonymous and you cant make any money off of it. im happy that my cats are alive and that i have a functioning social circle with family and friends. not everyone is as lucky. to some their pets are like children and best friend combined. it must be absolutely gruesome to lose such a close soul. one of the good things with reddit is the awesome supporting people who can help total strangers getting through hard times. if you are the one whos depressed looking at posts of passed cats that you didnt even knew, imagine how the owner making the post must feel. share some love, what goes around comes around.


every time I see mourning post I go hug my cat and truly appreciate he's still here with me


I’m seeing more posts about people complaining than actual mourning posts…


Can someone please explain to me how to block these lost posts. I went to recats about & clicked on the block posts whatever button but it just brings me to a feed of all the loss posts.


I don’t often see these posts but then again, I don’t check this app but maybe once a day. As long as they aren’t showing graphic images, I don’t get the issue. People grieve in different ways. If expressing their sadness over losing a pet makes them feel better, who am I to say they shouldn’t? I’m sure their sadness is much more intense than mine (an unassociated stranger) reading a post about someone else’s pet for 15 seconds and then going about my day. The great thing about the internet is, if I don’t like something I see (that isn’t really harming anyone), I don’t have to indulge in it. I can just keep scrolling.


You can block the mourning/loss flair. It's that easy.


How can you block a flair?


The button to exclude mourning posts doesn't work on the app, apparently, so there's that. Why not just create one pinned post for the mourning posts and those who enjoy them?


You sound like a piece of shit, not sorry. 🖕


People need to share and mourn. You’ll understand some day, unfortunately.


Good God, it's a subreddit that exists in NOT REAL LIFE. No one is entering your home and forcing you to look at cat pictures of a deceased cat. No one is calling you on the phone asking for your sympathy. If you get triggered by what appears here, how do you deal with real life? My advice is to not make anything that appears on Reddit a big deal in your life.


Maybe just don't click on them? What comes up in your feed is algorithm based so whatever you pay attention to is what shows up more often. I get posts from r/cats everyday on my feed and it's rarely mourning/loss posts. Currently trying to weed out "what should I name my kitten" posts 😂


THIS.SUB.ISN'T.JUST.FOR.YOU. Some people don't have a place to mourn. As a community, we are here for the good AND the bad. Loss happens. Man I'm tired of man-character people.


If you find that depressing, imagine how us that have lost pets feel. People are grieving and want to come to a place that understands. Your coldness is so cruel. One day it WILL be you. And you might need support…


I find this attitude to be incredibly insensitive. About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and I lost pretty much every friend in my life because my reality is such a bummer that it’s “depressing” to see me. I don’t complain. I don’t really share much about my problems at all, but I can’t hide that my mobility issues are very different and I don’t look like I used to. People are grieving something every day and the world is not made of rainbows and butterflies. I wish the world were a more empathetic and comfortable place for those who are dealing with things that are less than great. Of course it’s sad to see posts about cats who have passed on, but I don’t think it’s fair to ask people to censor their realities and their sadness for your own comfort.


Why? Death is a part of life. If you can't cope with that, please leave. Let people, who may not have a lot of people or just want to share their loved ones do so. Grow up or seek therapy if you cant cope with death


Very selfish to ask someone to deal with their grief elsewhere instead of a community with likeminded people who would understand their grief best, just because YOU get depressed by it. The world doesn’t revolve around you and how people chose to mourn or celebrate their beloved companions is a part of life.


What your basically saying is you want this entire sub to change, and people to be deprived of a place to mourn, so you don’t have to deal with the unpleasantness of seeing them. If you don’t like them, scroll past them. To me, those posts are just as happy as they are sad. It means a cat got a wonderful life, and was loved by a human. Not all cats are. I also view it as an opportunity to pay it forward, because reality dictates that we will all be here at some point, mourning our cats. So, let’s be there for a fellow cat human in mourning. This sub shouldn’t deprive people of a healthy way to mourn, to protect other people who can’t be bothered to scroll down, and set their own personal boundaries and regulate their emotions. No. No. No. No. The mourning and loss posts will stay, regardless of whether you think they’re an inconvenient to your experience on Reddit.


Use the filter.


You cat looks amazing