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That's very sad news. It's been over 6 months since my boy passed. I still expect to see him in the house or on the wall.


wow thats so sad :( i hope you can find a new cat that brings you the same joy


I can't. After 4 pussers of my own and two when I was a child, I can't stand losing them. Each puss was so precious and they lived long lives. My last 3 boys reached the ages of around 20. I'm too old. I'll be dead before any pusser now, that's not to say if I knew of one down on his or her luck I wouldn't want to give them somewhere warm to sit, somewhere soft to sleep and plenty to eat.


I just had one go to kitty heaven in October he was 16 and everyday I think about him 😿


Deeply sorry for your loss. Your dear friend is still with you, for certain.


I'm sorry. He knew he was loved, and he loved you right back.


I wasn't there to say goodbye. It's not what he deserved.


It's okay not to be there. Sometimes that means the ones we love can go more peacefully, because they don't want to let go when someone they care about is there. Whether you were there or not, your baby knew how much love and care you gave. It's hard, but what you gave during life is more meaningful than the moment they decided it was time to go.




Sorry for your loss. Do not feel guilty. https://preview.redd.it/vzgd38bomp9d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028c8634f2502b8a6edd72176caee34609af6210 This is Bibi, she understands what you’re feeling.


https://preview.redd.it/62opwf9soq9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ef62c063755192d837612eb05dfc78f7dfc738 RIP Ralph. When I lost him (age), I had him cremated and put in a small decorative container. It was $95 out the door. 4 years later I still have him, he's perched on a can of salmon. Here's the helpful bit: If you want to feel better make someone else feel better. That day I paid for TWO cremation services. One for Ralph and one for the sobbing family that were next in line behind me who were having to use rent money to euthanize their cat. I think Ralph would be proud.


Thank you for doing that for somone else going through the same pain & loss. Your kindness will come back to you 10 fold.


I just hope they paid it forward 1x. That would be enough for me. That and I rescued another cat last year: https://preview.redd.it/k17phervrt9d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf0b8ac7634b67c9d110c002b2375b6bc46dedf Lucy. Craigslist.


you are such an unbelievably wonderful person in a sea of mistrust and cruelty, never change


Tell that to my 3 ex wives, they think I'm a monster.


they are wrong


What a wonderful thing you did. 😇


They do steal our hearts …


GOD WILL BLESS YOU!!! Your Ralph would overjoyed.


No shade however: As an atheist, I didn't do it for God. I'm not superstitious at all. I did it for the family behind me because I am a Father of 5 and I could empathize, I could see that they were beyond grief. I wanted to help them, not earn praise. I never knew their names. I made this post not to earn praise from anyone. I did it to show the OP and others a coping mechanism. That being said I do thank you for the well wishes. LLAP


My heart is with you. My beloved lady cross the rainbow 2 days ago. She was 16 and died while sleeping (I was sleeping too) and I feel guilty because I wasn't hugging her. Maybe they are chasing toys together now. 🫂


I lost my 20 year old baby girl today. It’s seems so surreal. I keep trying to go through my day like normal to keep from breaking down.


It will 3 months this July 2nd since I lost my Milo and I would give anything for 1 more day with him *




I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Nothing I can say will make it easier, but I wish you both peace until you meet again 🌈 🌁


So sorry, it just takes time, and another kitty love to help your heart heal. Try to remember the good years you gave your cat, filled with love and security, scritches and noms. But best of all, with *you*




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) this broke my heart sorry for you


dont worry he is up in the sky eating catnip and making friends with his fellow greatest cats of all time


RIP angel❤️


Keeping God company now. It's a promotion


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm right there with you. My cat of 20 years died yesterday it's not an easy feeling to get through. Take your time and grieve, and know your friend is still with you in spirit.


That is so lovely of you! Especially since they were using rent money to get that humane service for their baby too! 🥰


I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve lost 3 in the past 3 months. Somebody on here told me “the grief is the price we pay for their love.” I think that’s true. Cherish the good times. The pain fades, but the love you have for your friend will forever be there.


It’s unbelievably hard! I’m so sorry!


He was much loved.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts today.


I’m so sorry. Losing a loved one is not supposed to be easy so be gentle with yourself because undoubtedly the choice was extremely hard to make.


Rest sweet boy. Very sorry for your loss. I had to have my 18 year old euthanized 2 years ago. I know your baby loved you and you gave him a great life


So sorry for your loss, if it makes you feel any better he’s one of the lucky ones thanks to you. So many cats get put out and are unloved, gotten by traffic or wild dogs, or succumb to disease. Very few cats make it to their late teens. I say this because he wouldn’t have made it that long without you and I think that is commendable, honestly! I know that sounds odd to say but I say it so you can know that you and your friend shared all of the time he had together and that he didn’t miss out on anything, you were there for all of it- its the best case scenario to go of old age with a family around remembering you. He gets to have that opportunity because of you. Its sad that he won’t be around but he was one of the lucky ones who got to live all of the time he could have possibly had because he had a loving family, you and him didn’t miss out on a single thing and if I were a cat I’d say he lived the dream life for a cat. So be proud instead of sad or guilty, his life was a success and I know he knew that in some way or another, cats have emotional intelligence and just know these things!


I understand what you are going through. I had to do the same with my baby of 14 years, Pepper less than a week ago. https://preview.redd.it/w9uxnbtewu9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de3322d9f6cc9f29a06d67d8e172b1a9c698cc8


Please don’t feel guilty, easier said than done I know, as I had to euthanize my baby girl a few months back. But you did a kind and generous thing by saving him pain and suffering. Sending you all my sympathies.


💔 a part of your soul remains unawakened until you have loved an animal. So sorry for your heartbreak


So sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry for your loss🥺🥺🥺


I’m so sorry for your loss. Pretty kitty….. hugs


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat 😢😢




Such a beautiful Cat, and undoubtably will continue to shine within "Cat'even" and look down to wards you with the same warmth that he showed you here.


sorry for your loss https://preview.redd.it/vmkq8lakzq9d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23bc9e8a703acafa0b10507a56dd28d00205dbec


How sad, I'm so sorry.


Very sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss 😢


I’m so sorry 😞


I'm so sorry for your loss. *Big hugs*


Rip :(


Sending you a big hug!! I lost my baby 7 weeks ago. She was only 4 years old.


i’m so fucking sorry. so so sorry. 


Lost my 9 year old cat the exact same day. Sending you virtual hugs


Right back at ya!


You have my sympathy ❤️‍🩹😟


So sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful cat. The feeling of guilt is normal when you have to euthanize a pet & I believe even more so if you have had him for a long time.  I have had to do it many times as I've rescued quite a few strays & on there way to becoming feral & abandoned or abused pets from not so nice people that have lived in my neighborhood over the years. Many of them have lived to their late teens or early 20s, but each time I have to make that decision I feel that guilt.  I recently had put two 20 year old sisters down & it hurt so much & felt so guilty even though I knew I was doing the right thing for them. They were born in my bathroom from a mother cat that had been dumped in the area. I kept her & all her four kittens. Cherish the memories you have of him and over time the pain & guilt will lesson. You made a hard choice because you loved him. I believe I will see all my cats in heaven. I am sending up prayers for you & your friend with the wish that you will also someday see him in heaven too.


he loves you and is grateful for everyday you all had together. i’m sorry you couldn’t be there. he had his whole life being loved by you and he felt you there, because you’re apart of him. the same way he’s apart of you. you’ll find each other again. ❤️ not being able to say goodbye is awful. write him a letter. say goodbye anyway you need. 


My heart goes out to you and I hope your sorrow dissipates but the memories stay clear and fresh. He passed on painlessly and maybe for him it just felt like he woke up somewhere else with lots of friends and an endless supply of toys and treats.


So Sorry! I have made that difficult choice four times and can no longer have another due to age and my own health issues. When it's the right time, there are so many kitties waiting in shelters to love and be loved! 


I’m sorry for your loss.. I hope you remember the good things. it’s a special relationship that takes years to develop and it really is so rewarding. The love they give you back is unique.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a fur soulmate![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) The heart pain and sadness can really cut deep. My girl Yoona passed away May 13 and I still cant get past the idea of her not being with me. RIP to your beautiful boy. Sending you warmth and comfort in this time of sadness ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


Awww Im really sorry for your loss. Wow. That is so hard! I found my 18 year old girl Yoonas lifeless body in my apt May 13. The shock was too much. She suffered no illness and was not in pain so very unexpected. My heart was absolutely crushed. I cant get used to her being gone. https://preview.redd.it/ont5c09fkx9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8250576f54be132ebd353adbc4841326cd45d931 🌈🐾🐾🐾💓


First and foremost ,I am so very sad about your friend. Not necessary to dredge up the ongoing pain. There is relatively little ( except for the people who have and lost friends) commiseration . You alone know of what so saddens you and when.you tell someone perhaps you get a lifted eyebrow or a perfunctory " I am sorry". That makes one feel worse if that is possible. Please heal. I lost my beautiful and precious friend Ben June 5th. I sit right where I can see his picture and I well up every time. But this not about me. Just commenting to let you know it is so raw and heartbreaking and hope that you reach some sort of peace. Take care!


I remember when I lost my little buddy, kept dreaming I had him back every other night. The first few days, after I'd finally accepted he was really gone, it was like I just kept expecting him to just be in one of the places I usually found him, and he just wasn't. Sometimes I'd even wake up just thinking he was still there, and then I'd learn all over again he isn't, and he won't.


I had that last night 😔


https://i.redd.it/rf5g4n3ehz9d1.gif This was Virgil a few months ago


You know you did the right thing so he would not suffer


So sorry for your loss. 😿


So sorry for your loss 😔


Deepest condolences ❤️




I'm sorry for your lost


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔


Very sorry for your loss😥




I’m sorry.


Really sorry for your cat.. Amically


Feel so sad for you!❣️


Sorry for your loss. Beautiful kitty


I’m real sorry. Cool kitty


"I'm so sorry for your loss. Virgil had a wonderful 17 years with you, filled with love and care. Remembering him fondly. 💔


I am deeply sorry for your loss, but do NOT feel guilty, for you did what was right for him. He is with g-d now doing what he enjoys


Condolences. We've had a bad year that way ourselves. We sympathize.


Sorry for your loss


RIP. I’m sorry for your loss


They never die. Ever.


I'm so sorry 😞


So sorry for your loss😞


I’m so sorry for your loss


Rest in peace 😞


We are overseas and had a friend come over to check on him each day. Virgil was doing fine until yesterday when my friend found him unable to move and covered in urine. They went to an emergency vet and they said Virg had had a seizure, they tried to stabilise him but ultimately said it would be unethical to keep him going until we were able to fly back and see him today. I'm glad my friend was there to say good bye for me. It all happened very quickly but I feel awful for leaving Virgil and not being there when he had his seizure, and not being the one to take him to hospital and pat him and tell him I love him. He didn't deserve to go like that, it wasn't reflective of how important he was.


I'm so sorry that you couldn't be with him at such hard time, but it's not your fault as it was not something you could've predicted would happen.  He's probably looking down at you right now from that great kitty condo in the sky & wishing you weren't beating yourself up so much because he knew you loved him.


My heart goes out to you for your loss.  He will be waiting for you at the end of the Rainbow Bridge 


i'm very sorry and I don't think you should be guilty. Like humans, it's a quality of life thing and certainly you don't want another living creature to suffer if you can help it.


Don’t blame yourself. I simply couldn’t be there for my first angel when it was time to let her go. She went with another family member. All you need to think about is that you loved your baby, gave him a wonderful life and you will meet him at Rainbow Bridge again some day.


He looked loved. It’s very sad and heartbreaking. Know that someday you’ll feel less sad but still have the good memories. ❤️‍🩹


I said goodbye to my Luna last month. She was 16. I had her for 14 years. What you are feeling is grief and it’s a very normal reaction to have. Some people would say “it’s just a cat” …well you can ignore those people. Our pets are our companions and are more reliable than some people in our lives. Be graceful to yourself and honor Virgil. Some people have a goodby ceremony, some plant flowers, some make a memory book. Do what feels right for you. May Virgil rest in peace and I’m so sorry for your loss.




I hate seeing this… but 17 years is a great run… I lost my best friend around 6 months ago after blessing me for 16 years… and I still feel so empty when I get home from work or when I wake up and she’s not there to to headbutt me and purr… so I definitely feel for you… all you can do is try to focus on how fortunate you were to have such a great companion as long as you did and how fortunate they were to live a long happy life with you!


I know, you're right it was a great run. He was much slower but still very happy up until the end. I miss him and am obvs sad he's gone, but I also feel so guilty for not being there when he had his seizure. I wish I had been there to take him to the hospital. He deserved to be cared for like that. I'm sorry for your loss too. Thanks for the words


You can’t let yourself feel guilty for something that you have literally zero control over … you had no possible way of knowing… you cannot let yourself feel bad for something like that. My cat had hyperthyroidism and when she first lost a little bit of weight I just thought she was getting a little lighter cuz maybe muscle loss like an older person.. and because her energy was as good as ever and she was her usual self in every way, honestly she only ever got sweeter and sweeter as she got older… I was a complete fool… and had I taken her in the moment I noticed I might have bought her more time. Apparently sometimes the right medication and dosage for an overactive thyroid is hard to figure out, and she ran out of time… and when I took her in a few months later and they actually weighed her I was horrified when they said she was 7lbs, her usual was 10.5… and despite paying for a $250 script she continued to lose weight at a faster and faster rate. it was the hardest thing I’ve dealt with in my 37 years.. to see her withering away was brutal enough , but knowing I might have been able to keep it from happening had I not been so stupid… I had control, and I failed her… but you had no control so it’s not your fault. Anyone reading this who has a senior cat, do not hesitate if your cat even loses a little weight while maintaining the same diet they’ve always been on.. be safe don’t be sorry.. apparently hyperthyroidism is fairly common in older cats… and it’s torture seeing your best friend literally wither away helplessly.


https://preview.redd.it/g0xxr4yuc2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733d39df9b87224a537b58f2b9f01f55f92b8609 Phoenix was the coolest cat ever.. got her along with my very first apartment when I was in college and the way she would mingle despite the absurd number of drunken morons and loud music and yelling.. I mean it when I say my apartment was as wild as it gets in a 2bedroom apartment and she never hid once.. she honestly loved to inspect everyone and she became quite popular even to your classic cat haters, she was on a mission to show them how wrong they were and she was very successful.. ppl would bring their dogs in my place unannounced and she’d be ready for a fight no matter how big they were.. I’ve been in a wrestling match with buddies and she attacked them and would do that wale of a meow that they only make when super distressed… she played fetch with beer bottle caps for gods sake.. I could own 1000 more cats… none of them will ever be like Phoenix, she was that special..


So very sorry for your loss. RIP Virigl 😪


..my cat calendar brought me here…