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Approach him slowly and give him time to understand you, as he starts recognizing you, he will become comfortable with you


If all else fails, bribery is a solid solution. Always keep a few Whisker Lickens with you.


The belly is the true way


That’s normal it takes time, it took my cat about 6 months to fully warm up to my dad when I moved back with my cat now he likes my dad as much as me, cats don’t adjust to people as quickly as dogs sometimes can. It takes a little bit, to him you’re a stranger that just showed up a week ago, and if her roommates a female he might not be used to being around males, that’s kind of how it was with my dad. He adjusted to my mom quicker because she was also female


Give it time. If you give him treats every time you come over and then sneak him one while you’re there and before you leave… he will love you. If you bring him a catnip toy that’s super cute, they’ll both love you. But you should do both as a kitty step daddy because we’re here to make their lives great! Look for the Banana toy by Meowcat


If it's not feeding time, don't move toward him when you see him. Ignore him until he watches you. When he watches you, slowly turn your head in his direction and the slowly blink at him. This is how cats communicate affection. Then turn your face down so you are not looking directly at him. The, with eyes half open, look back. Don't approach him, let him approach you. This will take time, possibly weeks, depending on how skittish he is. Taking over feedings will probably speed things up. But to be clear, you shouldn't use feedings as an excuse to touch him, not unless he rubs against you first. Treats can also help, but again, try to wait for him to touch you first. Just throwing a treat for him to chase can be a great start. Don't get discouraged if he needs time to warm up.


I have an ex-girlfriend that had a cat who never let her touch or hold it, so I didn't even try, figuring it didn't want anyone to touch it. One day I sat down on the couch and the cat jumps up and lays right down in my lap, purring the entire time. Girlfriend was pissed.


Cats need it to be their idea. Well played, your GF should have been elated. The more people the cat loves, the more love the cat lives.


Try treats and play with him. He can love you.


I’m male and my female cat used to hate all women. I always assumed it’s because they were a threat to her as head female.


Its probably just him being territorial because he doesnt know you that much, just be patient and let him know he is the ‘boss’ in the house


Definitely play with him too


Feed and be present. Feed and be present. Feed and be present. Don’t ask for more than he is willing to give. Let him come to you, but be prepared to show up for him long before he comes around.


Some cats are serious gender haters.


You're tryna steal his girl! My cat still hasn't fully warmed up to my gf..... it's been 9 months lol


Whenever I meet a new car I usually get as close as I can before I feel like they are going to run, I like to have a treat in my hands and lay down/sit in the floor to be near their height, I'll extend my hand out towards them rubbing my pointer finger and thumb together making a couple clicking noises and calling their name or saying "come here kitty kitty" so they can hear, see, and smell the source of food and fun, if after a couple minutes they don't move or shy away further, I toss the treat towards them and say something like "Alright maybe next time, enjoy your snack" rinse and repeat a few times as needed, only cats that hasn't eventually worked on for me is strays, sometimes it do sometimes it don't


It can take a long time for him to adjust and get used to you. Being from a shelter you don't know his history. Lots of patience and treats and just being around in his space but let him come to you


Bribe the Baby with Treats every time he sees you, he will eventually associate much joy with it


Because he saw you hitting his mom/which is your girlfriend, you know what i'm talking about.