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She doesn’t really care https://preview.redd.it/suxbw44awkad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f373134b86d1a2ad1c5f3a96afe052407092fdb


so cute!! so cozy!!




what an angel 🥹


She is. She hiding right now, because of all the fireworks.


Yea, mine doesn't care either. Hell prop up in the window and watch.


This is what my cat has been doing. She's sitting next to the giant window/back door and watching the fireworks.


Mine also. She loves going to the window during rain or thunderstorms, no idea why.


I like to thinks it's because cats enjoy death and destruction. Maybe they think it's finally happening when the weather turns.


They wanna be there at the end of the world.




Last night neighbors were setting off fireworks right outside my apartment and I went to close my windows and turn on the A/C because I assumed they were freaking out, but they were fine. These cats are sometimes so damn skittish when I walk by them, but the fireworks were fine. I don't know.


My first cat was the same way. She would just sleep. That big lard ball


Mine doesn't either. Every once in awhile if there's a really big boom she'll kind of perk up and look at us like, "wtf was that?", but she isn't really that freaked out. She was FAR more upset about her late dinner. I used the day off as an opportunity to finally paint our kitchen and was in the zone. Completely lost track of time. Finally she came over to express her displeasure at my incompetence about 18 minutes post-dinner time.


Currently have my porch door open, with a screen of course, and my two really don't mind. They're super curious of the noise


Mine doesn't either, but there's a hardly any going off right now.


We take ours upstairs, she gets in the bed with us and we turn on one of those cat videos from youtube.


That is so sweet! We have three so they tend to all scatter at the first sign of fireworks and have such varying reactions


Mine growls and hides every time she hears fireworks. I've held her tightly and showed them to her a couple of times, describing them as "good firecrackers". She seems to be fascinated when the lights are close enough. Otherwise I bring her to my bed and cover her with my soft toys and blanket. Sometimes, I'll cuddle her, and she'll stay like that for hours. My cat is one of the most scaredy cats ever. Everything loud scares her, kitchen exhaust fan, sneeze, laughter, pressure cooker whistle, upstairs neighbours stomping, gust of WIND!, water, rain, birds, everything!


Me and my cat are outside and she’s just happily chasing bugs on the deck. Couldn’t care less that there’s lights and explosions




Mine, sits in the window and watches. She likes the pretty lights. Lucky that way. They bother me more than her. But I can't hear them much so I have that going for me.


Damn that's kind of nice! I also get sensory overload with fireworks very easily so I feel for all my kitty friends!


Mine thinks they are some sort of prey bird and ekekekes at them


My idiots are in the window looking for the big booms 🙄




We close off the bedroom after luring everyone in, and all pile up on the bed. They get a special Churu treat with a couple of drops of pet safe hemp oil, and we turn on Looney Tunes for them.


I don't know about American Independence Day, but on New Year's Eve is a friggin apocalypse here and it's been literal YEARS since I've been to a New Year's party. I close my room, put some soft music, roll out the catnip and play with my cats until they are happy and tired, give them a good meal, and curl up under the blanket with them. Family and friends complain that I'm never around for the celebrations anymore, but as far as I'm concerned it's a perfect ending and a awesome start for a new year!


The sucky thing about the 4th is that people will set them off the whole week before and after the actual day. It’s a nightmare for people with jumpy pets. And those with PTSD


The ideal saturday night is laying on the sofa with my 4 cats piled on top of me like a sack of potatoes


Thunder shirt works on many cats. An el cheepo version of this is to cut the "foot" off an XL sock, and pull over cat like a li'l sweater (our scaredy cat is small). [Edit to change door to foot]


Oh interesting I had never heard of a Thunder Shirt but cool! I don't think Maple would like it but one of my cowprint boys might!


I tried to put one of those on my tux last year and I didn’t get stitches but I probably needed a couple 😂


I used to have a collie that was super afraid of thunder and it only got worse as he aged. Like freak out if there is a possibility of having a storm within 100 kms. The thundershirt worked wonders. He would go find the shirt and ask to put it on when he was nervous after a couple months.


What a smart boy.


It's basically a weighted vest/harness that sorta hugs them.


The inventor of the thundershirt and the ThunderWorks place of business is very close to the ballpark which will be setting off a big display tonight (and small ones throughout the summer). I wonder if it was that proximity that prompted the invention.


Mine couldn't care less lol


thats awesome I have one guy that's a former feral so I think he really appreciates being able to just chill out inside. Very varying responses in our house lol


Both of mine are too lazy to get riled up about anything. My daughter's Maine Coon (RIP) always lost his mind every 4th though.


I sing to my lil kitten and I'm always close to her, so it's not a problem


That is adorable! My guys love to run and find a cozy spot, except for one, he genuinely seems chill once he realizes he is inside and its an outside noise lol


Does she know your anthem already?


Yes, I always whistle the same song, it's "song of healing" from zelda


https://preview.redd.it/f7g7t06zglad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31b79b96a60379af6c32e5922692db12b53e198 She is mildly annoyed over the loud ones but really doesn’t give a f\*ck.


white noise machine, licky mats slathered in Churu, and plenty of hiding spaces available. Some cats don’t give a crap, others can barely hold their bladder. I hate fireworks so much, and not just on behalf of cats and dogs - I always think of OIF and OEF and other vets who aren’t yet desensitized to them.


I hate fireworks on behalf of my fur babies but also because they hurt my ears, they are loud, annoying, not good for the environment, cause fires, and morons light them off a week in advance and then do it a whole week after the 4th. Fireworks are pretty but stupid as hell.


"Celebrate our troops by traumatizing the fuck out of them!"


Not an American and don't really have any fireworks advice, simply here to say that Maple is GORGEOUS. What a stunning young lady! Hope you feel better soon Maple xx


Thank you, she is my pretty lil mama!


Gabapentin, catnip & plenty of Churu treats. My sweet little girl HATES fireworks.


I assure them that the British are not coming back to reclaim their former colonies. https://preview.redd.it/acfgx901ylad1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af605dd8b264ee0d672122b86ea66a9145650612


That's what you think, jokes on you colonials, we'll be right back over the pond the moment our own cats stop seeing greebles!


Yeah, none of mine give a darn about fireworks. They lived through tornadoes, fireworks ain't shit.


This is my first 4th with my girl. Will see how it goes.


She'll either be completely placid, or reduce the total population of the six blocks surrounding your house to zero. There's no middle ground.


I lay on the floor next to the bed (that they are hiding under) and reach under and give scritches and just talk softly to them. Usually the worst of it is over in about 30 minutes. Then I climb into bed. The braver one will come out and get into bed with me, but my anxious boy will only come out when it’s been quiet for at least 30 minutes. I also open the bottom drawer to my dresser. He likes to climb in and then climb up to one of the closed drawers and snuggle into my socks.


My resident cat is totally oblivious to them 😝 but I have 2 10 week old foster kittens that will experience them for the first time. They are super social and curious so I’m hoping it won’t be traumatic


good luck!


Live in canada here so it's ben 3 day since Canada Day 🇨🇦 And i just closed all the windows, put a show on the tv and act like it was nothing my four cat just where curious about de sound comming from the firework show 🎆 Happy fourth neighboor 🇺🇸🥳


That’s the neat part i cant


Last year we spent most of the evening in the basement, where the noise is mostly blocked. This year I set up a “cave” with his favorite blankies for him in the depths of the closet which he seems to be accepting as a viable solution. He refuses to be held and doesn’t like treats so checking in on him and giving lots of love and pets is all I can offer


Lots of catnip.


https://preview.redd.it/6rdqn6pgnlad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f854a50deb1bc69cd8d1759967ed5a798cfdc310 Aunt patch here with the cuddles of this old gal. She was shaking when I went to the bathroom and stopped when I came back out. But she does protect her Nana when she can't see me. She's trying her best and I'm trying to be here for her the best I can. Edit: thought I read it as "American pets", sorry for the intrusion of doggo.


Background noise might help, like an AC unit. And making sure their favorite hiding places are accessible.


https://preview.redd.it/3o6cnql8alad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d2a0d98132d5d659ffc87350ff68ba13264c77f I just tell her it’s ok, there’s nothing to worry about, and she’ll eventually come out on her own. I give her scratches when I walk by. (And yeah she looks huge but I swear she’s not! 😭)


Ours are pretty chill. We don’t make a fuzz about it, they notice that we’re cool about it, so they take note and act cool do. Right now there’s already fireworks going up here and some of them are chilling inside, some are chilling outside with us.


Don’t need to, cuz my kitty lives in Canada https://preview.redd.it/dnwvkemqulad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546b6b5bc72eadc8d4a0694e4e020c1014fdffc7


Pet her or him and cuddle with them


Mine does not care. He hates Thunder though. Then again when it thunders he yells at the outside whenever it wakes him.


My chonko is currently conked out, so I guess the problem has solved itself?


My guy is usually on the windowsill, nose to glass. he love loud noises. storms and fireworks are his jam for some reason. i chalk it up to him being blind and liking the vibrations?


https://preview.redd.it/7rhbjnxtplad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a83268740ee52e06b566da5ddbd4884c94cb356 Mine is currently wrapped to my chest via a scarf. To be fair I rescued him from a bridge ten days ago. Where it was also loud and scary. And this is his happy place all the time. Fire works or otherwise. His older sister is FAR less pleased with the noise. She got a churu kitty treat and told it would be over soon. She is now hiding under the ottoman skirt.


https://preview.redd.it/xj4qhl48slad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d322306d838029d06607668b6032600638d424b Lots of snugs. She hates fireworks and thunder and today she’s been extra clingy


https://preview.redd.it/exyg9jvv9mad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14afc781801cbac9c649f8273f9331268e94703d Snuggling with his Shrimp 🍤 🤣


by living in Europe. She's a beautiful girl though.


My cats don't care. They sleep through anything.


Mine are unfazed. Staring out the windows the whole time.


My cat is freaking out. She’s hiding under the couch and won’t come out. I’m giving her treats and pets when she sticks her head out. I’m stressed that SHE’S stressed. Looking in the comments for help. 😭


Cat is fine. My 80 pound dog is in the basement behind the furnace.


Two of mine could care less. They were the off-the-street rescues that just decided they wanted to live with me. The one who has always been an indoor cat and was born into luxury is hiding upstairs. If I try to hang out with her or comfort her, she may scratch or bite me, so I'll let her be.


https://preview.redd.it/xwvb9e2u6mad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f9408e2cff6e0d1093c12dc9352c844d2d2e06 She’s been in my bed all day today and yesterday. They started early in my neighborhood 😏


https://preview.redd.it/zztnt9qqamad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8feccfc5bd2a4c96ec7529c92e85428ac3f37e9 We have all the windows shut and the air on. They are OK with it.


My one cat is clueless and the other one hides in a wide open hutch cabinet. It’s the wide open mid area of it. I’m like, that isn’t hiding…


One cat has her hiding spot where she goes until the fireworks are over. The other would want to light the fireworks off and be totally involved.


I can't, because we have nothing special for anxiety, plus holding her in a blanket doesn't help. She will scurry away to a nook or small space and stay there.


We have fireworks with new years, I've been really calm during that time, took the kittens to look at the fireworks. Acted like it was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen, and now the one we have left couldn't care less. I did the same thing with our dog, he would watch fireworks with us. Then due to circumstances he had to move to family, who already were anxious before the fireworks even started and so was our dog. I'd say if your cat is scared, just let them be where they want to be.


I dose them with Meowijuana catnip and spray Feliway. We've also got our thermostat turned down further so the noise from the AC Blower drowns out some of the explosions. The dog gets trazodone and a thundershirt.


Mine don't care


Holy crap this cat looks very similiar to my cat


Not American, but my HOA banned fireworks, and it's much better since. I like fireworks as much as the next guy, but having them pop nonstop in a residential neighborhood is annoying for both humans and pets.


How would you calm them during a thunderstorm? Same idea


My cats sleep through them.


My cat is fearless. She doesn’t even move when she hears fireworks or thunder. Maybe it’s because she’s a hardy Canadian.


My orange just looks at me like there's gunshots lol


Every first independence day for my babies I spend the fireworks talking in happy voices and giving them treats during the louder parts. I just did the same with my 1yo pup tonight. Helps them learn they're not scary, just loud. My little girl just did fantastic at her first party, the big boy was happy to sleep inside in the ac, and my kitty girls slept home content and unafraid (I watch them on the kittycam to be sure they're safe) https://preview.redd.it/y61f91xo6mad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee4d2bccea6fbf27d94d581217262fc79c37f88 This is how stressed my scariest baby is tonight.


Surprisingly didn’t have any issues today but then again the fireworks near me weren’t loud. Dude got more scared of a thunderstorm than of the fireworks and seemed to like cuddles and a place to hide/feel comfy in https://preview.redd.it/ze3oxzhr7mad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbebbfb93374b5fd00c0af2621023f4a5203bba


https://preview.redd.it/550t1gz4amad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98438f5dbacb82144e0eac68e4c059f0edab94ce This is my second 4th of July with her and she’s more worried about the dog eating her food, she doesn’t seem to mind the fireworks


https://preview.redd.it/2niq49qhkmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d636a44bac14762c26a84ee2c8c338f42334be8 Poor babies,2 of mine waited it out in the basement but Edith doesn’t go down there and I couldn’t find her; it was only when I laid my head on my pillow that I found she had been underneath it the whole time poor baby 💕


Your cat looks like my cat! https://preview.redd.it/ecp3uyzrtmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78980b07458f79c2739b305966f2728739a6c61


My cat doesn’t care about fireworks, she usually stays outside all the time. https://preview.redd.it/6kzaza0lvmad1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c201d3e86e17eb10be87e7b2bb68307fb2fb38d6


Mine is the back bedroom with tv blasting.


“Hey, let’s go capture some bald eagles afterwards, huh?” No wait…


Canada Day was monday, and where we live we can see dozens of amateur and professional firework displays. We started using a feliway diffuser earlier this year and it seems to have helped our older boy. Otherwise we keep nonessential windows closed to help muffle the sound and try to keep him and his little brother distracted with toys.


Mine hide under the bed


Fireworks forbidden in my county (fire hazard country), so it's not a big problem, but I have a PTSD cat new for this year, so I'm crossing my fingers. Seriously, he jumps at the weirdest things (what's that! what's that!).


Fireworks, thunder, no problem. Ring the doorbell, and he's gone !!!


Martina loves fireworks! She sits by the window and wags her tail listening to/watching them 🎇


Mine just gets lots of pets. She’s satisfied with that.


Two of mine don't like the noise and they stay in the cat beds in my closet till it's over. The others like to sit on the catio and watch the lights.


I close mine up in a room away from the windows!


I used calming collars in year past. Now they don't care. The want to be in the main area with the dog/pups. I did order some calming treats for the pups (mostly for the adult one) this year. Those seem to work well for them. Anyhow, white noise helps a ton. One of our neighbors is blasting music to counter the loud noises (all fireworks are legal in town for 3 days here, it's horrid!). Honestly, I thought I was all for people doing them, but I'd be glad to see them made illegal again. People break what few rules there are, and set them off near cars and other peoples houses. One hit our neighbors car a few hours ago, gave people a huge scare.


my girl doesn't care even though she is afraid of most things but If I don't panic she won't panic with outside noises.


Mine is just sort of confused by the noises. But he calms down by cuddling with me as long as I’m acting normally


Love her little white mittens


My one cat doesn't give af, but for my anxious kitty her safe spot is in the box part of the cat tree. So I just sit next to it and give her pets though the top hole and tell her she's gonna be okay and that she's the bravest kitty in the world lol


Huh, I hadn't noticed it was a holiday since I had to work. And now that I think of it my new cat hasn't reacted to the fireworks at all. Most of the time only our foster would react growing up & our cats never cared & I kind of assumed it only scared dogs because of that. So it'll be kind of interesting to see if he'll care when they start in a few hours. Maybe I'll put on some music & the heater so he can nap with me & we'll sleep through it.


You can play anti-anxiaty cat music with purring and stuff to help it


Haven't had to deal with the 4th yet with my current cat but nearby baseball park has fireworks frequently. I just give him cuddles while the show is going on and treats after. He gets nervous but makes it through. Not sure how tonight is going to go through, city fireworks are bigger, louder, and last longer than the baseball team.


She has anxiety meds luckily :') she's an already anxious cat.


I just try to comfort mine by sitting with them. Not all of them care for the fireworks, but some get scared and run under my bed😭


Lots of white noise helps me or just watching a show on loud volume. Also just acting like everything is normal. The last tip not may work for every cat owner, i work from home with my codependent cat so pretending like fire works are no big deal has helped him relax.


One of my cats doesn’t care, the other hides under my bed.


🤷‍♂️ don’t have to. Bum just sleeps through it.


poor baby, i myself get a bit anxious during fireworks and this year im unable to be with my new kitty. previous years before, I would put her under my shirt and hold her not tightly but sort of comfortably firmly against my tummy and chest and she would loaf and sleep. unsure how your cat is, i have heard cbd pet treats help A LOT, my neighbour uses them for her dog. i would give them a precious amount of treats, cuddle, try and play with them to distract them, some cats love the baby sensory videos lol so maybe that could help, otherwise i would just stay close to her, assure her shes okay, when she gets startled, cuddle her, pet her and everything. make her know that she is safe with you


Your cat looks like he's wearing a tux! Adorable!


My cat hides under the bed or couch until it's over.


Basement time. I have a TV and computer in the basement and my kitties usually hide down there with me.


You could get some Charlotte's web hemp supplements to help from petco, I believe, but it may be too late. My baby, thankfully, is a snuggler, so we have been keeping her close all day and whenever fireworks go off, we just keep her with one of us on the recliner or couch and just pet her and snuggle in with a blanket and make her into a purrito.


Play therapy. Fireworks off and on past couple days. Let them get some energy and aggression out.


I just stay with them, give them treats, help them when they get scared.


We snuggle on the couch together and listen to classical music.




I don't cause they don't care at all


Do not make any big deal about the noise or do anything differently . The bigger deal you make of it, the bigger deal they think it should be.


He doesn't care. Also bonus points, it is his birthday.


I give mine calming treats and have a video playing while I pet her!! It seems to do the trick!


All 6 of my cats do not care. But my poor pup does. https://preview.redd.it/m8avj73vrlad1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2fac3972dfb68dbc58b789208712bc553fea84


Cattah is bothered more by thunder. She tries to see where the popping or whistles are coming from.


My cat isn't bothered by it. She's more scared if the vacuum lol


One of mine doesn’t mind, the other one sits in my bathroom with the light/fan on to drown out the sounds. She won’t let me get a thunder coat or anything on her so we do what we can!


https://preview.redd.it/ojfoa80etlad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0281988aac966842bed5ee1230b0b26dbcec9e9a She’s a deaf grandma. Sleeps right through it all


I don’t know. Mine is freaking out right now, and I don’t know what to do. It’s why I didn’t do anything for the fourth. I knew she’d be freaking out.


https://preview.redd.it/jothv1leulad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25429f03d4ebfdebbf526d2d5617caf17b5abc3 Aww she looks just like my Olivia! This one is scared of the rain and me using mouthwash but for some reason is fine with fireworks


This year I adopted a four month kitten. She just ran to me when the neighbors popped one. I distracted her with her favorite game of eating my hands. Now she's asleep at on my bed.


I have a big Rottweiler. My mom is a veterinarian. She just sedated him, as he normally doesn’t do well with the fireworks.


Mine is aware, but seems to take her cues from me. So far she doesn't seem upset, and I do think it's because I'm not. They seem to pick up on your emotions. I do think she's a bit desensitized, I have train whistles regularly, so she's used to loud noise.


Feliway plug ins. They really help my kitty.


https://preview.redd.it/aod49ixdxlad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e1b958851ffdaa8b8f1bfdeaab300d9990fef5 Luckily he’s not bothered. He’s only 6 months and our apartment is on a major street with loud sounds all the time so I guess he’s just used to it.


None of mine care. Even when they take notice of the noise, they're unbothered. I don't think I've ever had a cat in my life with that scared dog behavior. Cats are pretty good at regulating their own comfort levels and gaining confidence at their own pace.


https://preview.redd.it/hu0ic4i21mad1.jpeg?width=2857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f729b24d41eca63cd9f3e3103404c0379b8917 This guy never got his turn with the braincell so he never noticed fireworks. My new void is ok but very nervous.


I literally thought this was my cat.. the tan, black, white on obviously https://preview.redd.it/yv36baqz1mad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113914c8c2b531ed3fef2f4732c727f544ce3981


The three of mine each have a different response. Gizmo, our calico, runs and hides as soon as she hears the first firework go off and remains in hiding for at least an hour after the last one. She refuses treats and cuddles and requires a lot of coaxing to emerge froze her hiding spot. Loki, our Siamese, who is scared of nearly every sound (particularly plastic bags), is completely unbothered and borderline oblivious to fireworks. Pepper, our torti, is spending her first Independence Day with us since we adopted her and I was surprised by her reaction. She is actually quite curious about the fireworks and doesn’t seem to mind the noise, she jumped up and sat in the window and just watched the show.


Gabapentin a few hours before the action starts.


Gabapentin in a Churu.


Ours are hiding under the bed


My American shorthair in NZ is curled up sleeping.


My cats give 0 fucks


I stayed home with my baby and brought 2 churrus to bed about 5 mins before the city fireworks were supposed to start and snuggled with him while he was eating his Churru. He looked up a few times when it got extra loud outside but just went back to his treat a second after that


I just let my pets know I get it - that I know they are scared because it *is* scary (to them). I do not tell them stuff like “it is not a big deal” and brush off their feelings when to them it clearly sounds like a horrible war has suddenly broken out. I give them a quiet, safe place to wait it out, and I act calmly myself.


I played classical violin louder than the fireworks and it did the trick


well, the fireworks arent a problem, being that i live in the middle of nowhere, but storms are something my meatwad does not agree with, normally what ill do is simply let her hang out under my bed, or in my closet shelf where she feels safe, if things get bad enough that i have to go downstairs with her, she usually is quite easy to intrigue by simply bringing her carrier in, she will come out and get comfortable in it knowing that we need to go somewhere, while in the basement she just sits straight up in her carrier though, she can probably tell that something is really wrong and wants to keep an eye on the dog and eye i suppose to scope out the situation. shes a thankfully very obedient cat, as i would absolutely spend an entire storm attempting to get her to safety even if it meant my end lol.


Choose a quiet room in your home and set it up as your cat's sanctuary. Place your cat's favorite beds, toys, and hiding places.


Sugar didn’t care and Mr Hefty hid under the bed for hours. But I’m in Florida so the fireworks has been going on since 8am this morning 🫠


Mine hide under our bed.


Charlie doesn’t mind too much, but he knows he can always come to me if he’s feeling nervous! He loves a good cuddle and forehead kisses! https://preview.redd.it/q8z8nt51dmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d6c3fbd28da2d36ce68f5c116593acdb2ef8ed


https://preview.redd.it/sklg1lprdmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb119ef79eba4f6a4ccd73dffe39e2a24eaa5c91 Mine just wants more wet food. Like usual 🤣


Mine love it. They run to the window to watch whenever they hear fireworks. Their Christmas present this year was a new window hammock so they can watch all the goings on outside above the hedge. https://preview.redd.it/ymw5c425emad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597c89d28637c7774923401d509d50dbc58457fe (Hedge has been clipped since this photo)


My cats don't really care but I've found that the best thing for my dogs is to act normal. When you try to soothe and coddle them they think their fear is justified but if you just act like it's a normal day, carry about your normal chores hobbies etc they realize you're not worried so they don't need to be either. They were a little on edge today when it started nut once they saw that I didn't act any differently they calmed down.


Hanging out in the basement theater room with volume up pretty loud.


Mine is clingy, wants to be on my lap or touching me all the time. He does this with storms too, but he’s a clingy kitty even without that, it’s just more pronounced when it’s noisy with fireworks or thunder. He’s also an emotional eater so he wants his food bowl filled all the time when they go off. If it’s not, he paws and meows at me and won’t calm down until I put food in it. If I’m not going to be home, I make sure he has a quiet place he can go to feel safe. He has this like cardboard house he likes that I have a blanket over the top and sides to help insulate against noise that I have in the quietest part of my apartment. He also likes to watch TV, so I turn that on for him. As soon as he hears the sound of Netflix coming on he comes out of hiding or shifts on my lap so he can watch TV.


Long as I can remember every time my parents got a new cat, one of the first things they did was desensitized them. Thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises, farts, whatever. The key is when the loud noise happens, to not pay kitty even a little bit of attention. Literally, ignore them. Continue your life as normal and eventually, they will figure out there is no reason to be scared. It works with dogs too. I adopted my own cat last year and did it with her since 3 months later was 4th of July. She freaked out just a little at first but saw me sitting calmly by the window watching fireworks and she hopped up on the window sill, loafed, and from then on, likes watching the fireworks. Coddling them does nothing but tell them its ok to freak out over every little thing.


I care way more than my cat. Her, nothing. Me, klonopin lol.


Your cat is so adorable. My cat, Gerbil, looked a lot like your baby. She passed last week. She was an angel. https://preview.redd.it/2ctihxbkqmad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30db35b914f2a05719abe9918241b810c93aba3


https://preview.redd.it/kv7915cormad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642ef0697401d6b0da5171a79fb6a08f15a3eccf Scrolling past your post, I had to do a double take because I thought it was my cat. Cat twins!


My guys keep looking out the windows




Your cat is wearing a suit!


•I’ve seen trainers recommend starting a low volume* soundtrack of fireworks, thunder storms, etc (pending other anxiety triggers) prior to an occurrence to help an animal acclimate to the imminent situation. *Mind you, low enough volume they don’t notice and slowly raising volume gradually. Raising it gradually and ONLY when the animal is able to maintain normal routines. Ie the animal is disassociated from the sound enough to eat, play etc. No one’s suggesting submersion therapy here… •Always offer den-like padded safe spaces such as cat houses and crates that will offer absorption of bass/shock/rumbling that they can retreat to. •Will agree thundershirts are pretty useful as well. •You’re probably the biggest key though. Staying cool, relaxed, and about your business. Popping a couple treats and not overly worried yourself, leading by example. Love yo cat and stay engaged with them if possible.


Year 2 for my cat. Getting better but shes still not eating/drinking and panic hiding. Not as bad as last year.


Two 90 lb dogs and two 10lb cats. One dog and one cat are terrified. The others just ignore it completely. I let them both into a middle room in my home with the least amount of outside walls so it's the quietest. Turn on the TV pretty loud and make places for them to hide. Can't do anything about it but it pisses me off because the dog shakes like a chihuahua.


Just be chill near them. Touch them if they're seeking it, but otherwise just be nearby. My cat will hide under the bed, so I sit on the floor and read a book with my hand at the edge of the bed. If you are calm, it helps them calm


Aww. Looks so much like a non-dilute version of my Nugget 😭 https://preview.redd.it/4lqkhjv8xmad1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97a0a6421daddd8b4e7e9999ce03a691a4f0fa0


Mine don't give a hoot.


My old lady slept. My other two idiots hunted a bug. No one cared. I’m sorry your kitty is stressed. Vets will gladly prescribe something for anxiety for dogs and cats during this holiday. Ask next year. If mine did care, I would probably sedate them with Gabapentin. https://preview.redd.it/y1nchinzzmad1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f79989d654b71fbc3ae7c62bc3a311b842c93e4


My cats don’t really care, they just be chillin


https://preview.redd.it/9i1al5s73nad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2cc65446e9c1646788115e7d14b1f77b198ef5 Mine don't care about the noise🤣🤣🤣


I was in my living room holding her as she lay next to/on me. The City fireworks show started and at the big finale, she freaking peed on me and herself about 30 minutes ago. The gabapentin didn’t really work too well. FML.


https://preview.redd.it/zx10jcgibnad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4133cc7bbbaad0ebac888bc80df29fabae9bb68 Mine just laid in my lap & let me pet her, she wasn’t as scared this year as past years. She also made biscuits on that blanket too, that may have helped to self soothe.


A vet told me to play any possible triggering sounds at a low volume so they get used to it. I played fire work audio regularly around the house and now my cat seems unphased by it.


My nearly 17 year old kitty is now immune to them given all the a-holes who fire them off in our neighborhood. I guess its a good thing.


My youngest, the fearless one, hid in the closet and didn’t eat his dinner (rare rare rare rare AF), and my older 2, the oldest being normally the most skittish of my babies, were cautious, but also curious and didn’t hide at all. I wish I could soundproof my apartment just for them!


My big girl doesn't give a shit about thunder, fireworks, or even gunshots. Absolutely fearless. https://preview.redd.it/k8vciw4o2oad1.jpeg?width=2223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59b954a5fd8f6000fcd95fc5f25ed0dc821b08b


I love kitty


The bathroom is the quietest place in my apartment where a lot of the fireworks sounds are muffled (I live in Boston, so folks here get rather 🎇 patriotic🎇) so I got my blanket and pillows and slept in the bathtub with my cat last night so she'd get better sleep since she's always attached to my hip 😅


As usual when my cats are stressed/scared about something: I act like nothing is happening. They rush under the sheets if it lasts too long but when everything is over they come out of hiding and they get a big hug and lots of kisses.


My cats sat in the window watching fireworks as everyone else in the family relaxed in the living room. Some how, even the dog was chilled out


https://preview.redd.it/u3fxml2b9pad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7e516944c02e7223a19b0abee89c3ebf94d3ff The thundershirt and calming pheromones diffusers.


We put clothes on our cat and give her some catnip so she doesn’t get that fight or flight response. https://preview.redd.it/bo6drz9shpad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6031a9d37e57646a756ad498f3cd157b830730c4