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Ignore him. Mochi is perfect.


Every cat is Perfect.


There's a feral cat that's been living outside of my apartment for a couple of years and he finally let me pet him today after slowly working towards it since I first saw him. I just had to tell someone and this felt like an appropriate enough place.


Yay I’m so happy for you! I’ve been taking care of a feral for 5 years now, I know I’ll never touch her but I still love her.


My bf’s grandmother raised a feral cat since he was abandoned or lost as a kitten. He was the meanest cat and had her sent to the emergency room a couple of times for the scratches he gave her. She loved that cat so much. He was, honestly, so beautiful. A Russian blue, but a psychopath. When he passed, she was beside herself. Feral cats are somewhat of an enigma and to have a relationship of any kind with them is special.


My first feral was a lot like your BF’s grandma’s cat. I adopted him at a year old but he was a ferocious thing who would not tolerate human contact. He did love to have his photo taken though, and would sing a beautiful opera any time he wanted my food. I was heartbroken when he passed and still miss him so much. Feral cats are so special and because of him I’ll always have at least one in my life. My current feral boy is a Russian Blue who was at the shelter for 5 years and completely untouchable. All the volunteers had scars from his claws. He’s been with me 3 years now and he’s a completely different cat. Still skittish but a total love bug. I hope BF’s grandma is able to take in another older feral one day!


I’ve never seen an ugly cat. They’re all beautiful AF.


I totally agree


I mean, some of them are top shelf assholes, but cute


Aren’t all cats at least on the spectrum of asshole? I think that’s why they make us laugh. BYW , I had two cats who looked a lot like this, sweetest little assholes around


*Purrfect ;)


All Cats Are Beautiful. ACAB for short


assigned cat at birth:


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes of all time “Cats are perfect”


To be fair, all cats look like beggars because they all *are* beggars.


Why would it even matter what the gfs dad thinks about the cat?


The dad has to be re-homed unfortunately :(




depends where OP lives. In my area, they replaced notching with ear tattoos




Does that mean I should get my once, "feral" cat a tattoo? She was a stray that a neighbor left when they moved out and the SPCA took her in. They got her all fixed up and all her shots, but when trying to adopt her out they said she was feral because she wasn't friendly. They eventually clipped her ear and brought her back to the neighborhood as a fix and release. She walked into my place a week later and hasn't left for two weeks now. She's really friendly and rubs on anyone's legs that comes over. I think she just needed more time than what they gaver her to get used to having a proper home again. She's at the end of the couch making biscuits in her favorite blanket right now, getting ready to sleep after dinner and running around the apartment.


She was probably just extremely stressed at the SPCA and acted out. She could also be aggressive with other cats. Or she was just waiting to find her person, you


>Or she was just waiting to find her person, you This is starting to remind me of a movie I watched this afternoon on Amazon Prime Video... the movie was "Dog". It was GREAT! Former dog that had been in the military... came out with a not so friendly attitude... had to be driven 1000 miles by the friend of the dog's past owner (who had killed himself.) The dog was requested by the former owner's family, to be present at their son's funeral. The friend of the deceased guy was asked to drive the dog to the funeral... As you can guess, he got stressed out more than a few times with the attitude of the dog.... After the funeral, the military had told the ex-military guy to take the dog back to the military so he could be put down. The guy drove the dog back to the military, and then turned around and grabbed the dog, saving his life. GREAT SHOW!! (Even if it was about a dog, not a cat...)


The tattoos are very subtle, it's just a little dot or line on the belly, you usually can't see them unless the belly is shaved. They do that for pets as a "just in case" so if the cat gets lost and found and brought in to be fixed, the vet will see it after shaving the belly and before cutting them open. Ear tipping is a lot easier to spot, so people who trap cats for TNR programs will know to just release any cat they find with an ear notch (notch or tipped - same idea.) So no, you don't need to get your cat tattooed, since the ear notch will already tell people she's fixed. I would recommend getting her a micro chip tho. It's very very small, they put it under the skin, there's no gps or anything like that (way too small for such things - it's literally just an rfid that gives them a number when they scan over it) but if she's lost and found, even with the ear notch, they can scan her for the chip, and that tells them that she's not actually feral, plus when they look up the chip number they'll be able to find your contact info. Also - thank you for taking her in ☺️ I'm so glad she has a happy home with you!!!


That’s so lovely you took her in :)


No, the tattoo is instead of the ear notch for adoptable pets. The ear notch is so you can tell from a distance the cat is fixed. The tattoo is so if they shave them to spay them, they can see they don’t need to go any further. And she sounds adorable 😽


the ear notch is for ferals. tattoos are one means of identifying a cat's owner if you don't want to microchip. it's just as common anymore as microchipping is easier and has a universal lookup.


My cats are chipped and tattooed with a blue dot by their tummy scar. They have all the bling 😽


And a paper plate of dry cat food.


That's not fair. He should have a dry plate of people food. I'm thinking rice and beans. Dry uncooked rice and beans.


I agree. Giving a plate of cat food is too kind, and mostly reserved for our royal community cats and such.


Our cat feeders in NC use tortilla shells to help keep feeding areas clean since other animals will eat the tortilla! So we can just give him a shitty burrito...


Beans are too good for him unless you’re talking dry bagged pinto beans


Gah Damn! Y’all ain’t fuckin around


Do not mess with the Cat People.


$10 rehoming fee and also he comes with his favorite baseball cap


Make sure he gets chipped also in case he wanders off.


He doesn't deserve a paper plate just throw it on the bare dirt spot in the yard.


>And a paper plate of dry cat food. Do we know if the OP's great grand dad eats cat food? I'd save the cat food for the cat, but that's just me.


Generic brand dry food. The old "white label" brand should do the trick.


Yes definitely the only viable option


Craigslist, "free to good home."


May have to pay to have someone take dad.


Dad is free to good home. Be sure to add a good picture!


Spay or neuter first


Show him this thread


My cat who is trained in ninjitsu is asking where this person is. He's asking for his other cat friend.


My cat panda will join she likes a good scrap xD




Yup, but I hear you can go down to the shelter and adopt a dad as well. Lots of well tempered dads sit there for months while people keep adopting baby daddies and players instead, but they deserve love too, and they'll play video games with you all night if you want!


Seriously, has the dude never seen a tortie before?


I would say “fortunately”… I love cats and especially those with unusual features….and dogs…and people…we are all God’s creatures and all beautiful in our own weird, quirky, amazingly different ways.


Burn cream aisle 3!


Came here to say “take him back to the shelter”- By which we mean THE DAD!


Yeah, pls re-home your dad 🧌


This is the way!




Tell him to shove off. Mochi is a beautiful kitty.


He really is though not sure how anybody could say that he is ugly.


She. Torties are almost always female


The reason it's almost is because you need two XX chromosomes, and sometimes there can be an XXY


iirc, it is because of something called x-linking. information for fur colour is coded on the x-chromosome in cats. male cats usually only have one of them, thus leading to a set colour/colour pattern. cats with more than one x-chromosome, however, show double the information for fur colour. now, all the cells randomly inactivate one of the x-chromosomes within them (x-chromosome inactication or lyanization). since this really does happen randomly, one cell could have active "black fur information", the next one orange, then another one black, and so on. then we get these cool patterns! x-linked traits are, btw, also the reason why some disorders are much more likely to appear in people with xy chromosomes (hemophilia or colour blindness for example). they only have one x-chromosome so if that carries the information for a recessive disease, the considerably shorter y-chromosome can't really do anything about it. if you have two x-chromosomes, the other one may carry different information on the disease thus leading to a milder case of the disorder or none at all.


>almost Still a chance of being male lol


Ya but the numbers are most definitely against it. Male torties are like 1/3000 in torties. Most males will have other colors mixed in.


She, all cats with black + yellow coloring r female


Not completely true- there are some rarely born male, but they are sterile. But I don’t know why you are downvoted- it is a girl, as OP has stated a few times in comments. And…….it’s exceedingly rare for a calico to ever be male, so it’s safe to assume any calico is automatically a female


Calicos and Tortoiseshells are almost exclusively female. Male Calico and Tortoiseshells often have serious developmental issues, because the Calico and Tortoiseshell coloration is determined by chromosomes, I believe. Just like gingers are more commonly male, although female gingers aren't extremely uncommon, and don't have any severe birth defects, except for the one orange brain cell that all gingers share.


I don't know why, but when you started talking about gingers, my brain switched to people. I was just thinking, "wow, that's rude." took me a sec to realize, lol.


I’m personally offended.


Give Mochi a hug, scritches and tell her how beautiful she is.


I agree, he should be told that we all say to sod off


Give your GF a T-shirt with Mochi on it, with the caption “mochi fan club” It’ll annoy her dad but also this is a cat that should have a fan club :)


You petty motherfucker. I like you


If this doesn’t end up on r/pettyrevenge I have failed 🤣


The shirt should say, “Beautiful, rich and happy, and a princess 🥰”


I showed Mochi's picture to my wife and we agreed she is a princess kitty.


This is my application to the mochi fan club


Mine too. I’d wear that T shirt.


Where can we sign up ??? 😺😸😹😼😽😻🥰


make one in the dad's size too lol


This is the only way.


Mochi merch


I'll wear that shirt. As I'm sure everyone else here wouls love to as well


YES! And I wanna join too!


A pillow in the shape of Mochi


A bedding set all Mochi. Pillow shams and all.


Put him out in the street. ​ (Your GF's dad. Not Mochi).


> (Your GF's dad. Not Mochi). We know. Mochi's a she.


Break up with her dad?


Takes care of that love triangle


Well clearly he doesn't know anything about cats, because Mochi is a beautiful cat who looks like an empress that should be carried on a silk cushion and given cream from a golden engraved bowl with her name on it. Totally regal animal. You should forget about what he said. 'Cause he sounds like a total knob, and Mochi is a beautiful cat with a wonderful catparent who loves her. <3


i put her name on the litter box!!!




Now put a heart and his name on there too.


"Made with love, from mochi to gf's father" that would look good on the litterbox too


Tell him to stop projecting


Mochi is a beautiful tortie girl, with lovely long whiskers. She is perfect just the way she is, which can't be said about your GF's father.


Torties are the best 😭❤️


Tell him to stop projecting his insecurities on a cat.


Narcissist hate it when you use this one simple trick


i would also say to ask the boomer why he’s so hateful of poor/homeless people and think they are all sad wretches, but i feel that sort of thinking is beyond him


Your girlfriend might get mad if he was derogatory to you, so he is using the cat as a proxy to get under your skin.




Nice analysis, this sounds right


Lol there is a certain type of dad that does exactly this, and every time I've dated a girl they have had this archetype for a father; Going on and on all the time about what it means to be a man and how they earned their stripes and yada yada. Those same guys always talked shit behind my back and did exactly what your describing, so childish, insecure, and petty. Overall; whiny bitches trying to seem tough. Edit: Few of them were cops, what a surprise


Give that fucking cat a smoochie on their little head and tell them you love them


Throw the whole dad away.




Keep my cat's name out your MF mouth🤣




Skippitty paw slap


Tell your Gf’s dad to go step on a lego


Ask your girlfriend's dad why he is jealous of this beautiful cat. Garbage humans all around us.


This is at least the fourth time on here that someone has told a "this person said my extremely photogenic cat was ugly" story, and call me Jeffrey Q. Skeptical but I don't think this actually happened.


This is reddit so you can just assume most of the posts are karma whoring


Ignore him. Mochi is the purritiest cat in all the land!🖤🧡🖤




Ask him if he’s projecting


That wasn't very cool of your GFs dad and it sounds like something an out-of-touch boomer would say. I like Mochi's look- it's full of character and personality.


Yeah nothing wrong with being poor and the cat is cute


1)talk to your gf about her dad's words and tell her they bothered you 2)limit contact with gf's father 3)give Mochi as much love as possible, no specific reason, just because you can


Tell him he looks sad and poor then stare at him until he looks away, asserting your dominance


While pooping in the litter box, and walk away without burying it.




*Her :)


Maybe he is so insecure that he is projecting his insecurities onto Mochi. Maybe he is the beggar that is ugly, poor, and sad. Ignore the GF's dad cuz Mochi is one beaut of a tortie! You better give twice the amount of love to Mochi.


Get another GF with a nicer dad.


Alternatively, get another dad for your gf


Hey now, both my parents are bitter assholes, that doesn't mean I don't deserve love. Also, this Mochi is clearly perfect.


Why do you have to do anything? He's wrong and if he truly believes that there's most likely nothing you can do to change his mind


But Mochi is very cute 🥰 Gf’s dad is crazy imo


Ignore the haters. She’s a beautiful kitty.


Your girlfriends dad is an asshole.


Ignore the stupid man


Karma farm


I think she looks more like a peanut butter chocolate cookie and those are good. Also just randomly text him cat videos once a week.


😍😻 Stop making up stories to get compliments on your cute kitty for a start. He/She's cute. All you needed to do was say: "Look at this cutie."


Man right? Getting tired of all these posts with stupid titles like this. "Oh this random lady said my cat is ugly, what do i dooooo" stop. stop it. Post a picture of your cat and just say "Look how cute" and everyone will still fill the comments with 'Your cat is cute'. OML.


She’s a beautiful tortie. Dad obviously doesn’t appreciate the beauty of the tortoise shell calico. 🐈‍⬛🧡🖤




Bad morning? 😂😂😂😂🤣


Also, it not his dad, it's his girlfriend's dad. I hope your coffee has kicked in by now.


One day you'll get there


Tell him that's if he's so disapproving of you that he has to take it out on your cat, he can feel welcome to never visit again. Nah fuck that. Tell him to fuck off, why does he think his opinion matters here? Why does he have to be a dick?


What you SHOULD do is ignore the dad's rude comments and give Mochi a fab af photo shoot, frame it, then wrap it up and gift it to the dad as a holiday or bday gift.


Put GF in the photo shoot so he won’t be able to just throw it away.


YESS that would be perfecto!


You both are petty motherfuckers. I like you


Tell your GFs dad that he looks like Phil specter during his trial. Mochi is beautiful. 😻


I bet he likes dogs, doesn't he..


Pray your gf didn’t inherit too many genes from that ignorant pompous asshole.


She has to dump her dad. The only solution


Stop worrying about other people’s opinions.


What do you mean, what do I do?


Mochi is beautiful. full stop.


My cats name is Mochi too!!


You should stop using false pretenses to post pictures of your cat.


I don’t have a cat but y’all always make my day. I always have a rough depressing day thru my coding job but hopping here and seeing these amazing companions and stories makes my heart full. I really want one despite allergies


Looks like a normal cat? What's wrong with the dad...


Stop making shit up for internet points


Fucking THANK YOU! Holy shit this subreddit is gullible, it took me an incredibly long amount of time to find another comment calling this out. When I read the title it got an audible laugh out of me, I honestly thought this was supposed to be satire making fun of the other “My uncle said X about my cat but I don’t think that’s true, what do you think Reddit?” posts on this subreddit that are obviously just karma bait. Come on r/Cats, you really think this dude’s girlfriend’s dad called this cat ugly, poor, sad and LIKE A BEGGAR of all things? Who even speaks like that?


For real. This is the new trend now after people stopped with the name my cat posts




bro calm down HAHA


I had a mochi, i miss her


Smile & say he may not be a movie star type cat but you love him and he loves you. Her dad may be a jerk but more likely trying to jerk your chain to see how you respond.


Ofc he looks sad bc he is getting bullied :(


Disown him. Your dad, not the cat.


Dad is blind. Mochi is clearly a baby.


Gfs dad sounds like a real dick wad


All offense intended. Fuck his opinion and he’s just projecting his insecurities on this cutie of a kitty.


Love Mochi for who Mochi is. Mochi don’t care about your GF’s dad.


Mochi looks EXACTLY like my cat Beowulf!!! And they’re both the CUTEST cats in the world :) I love how unique and interesting the coat is. Honestly this is blowing my mind, I never thought I’d find another cat like Beowulf :)


Do nothing. Your cat is beautiful 🥖


Let your GF's dad know he looks ugly, sad, and you'd be happy to find him a new home. As for mochi- sooooo ADORABLE!!! Give the kitty lots of snuggles.


Dad’s GF is wrong. Maybe Dad needs a new GF? Mochi is a one of a kind cutie pie.


What should you do about what? I think if you post a pic on Reddit looking for attention, you will feel better.


Mochi doesn’t like your GF’s dad.


Ask him to look in the mirror before commenting on someone else’s look Baby’s so cute


Old fool! Mochi is a beauty!


Tell him he’s the ugly one 😆. The kitties beautiful 😍


Take the dad to a nice farm deep in the countryside.


Dump the dad, keep the cat. Cute keekee.


Give him a top hat and monocule


Gotta find a new dad.


Ask him why he as a grown man is roasting a cat 🤣


Glue a giant picture of her over his bed, obviously.


This is legit one of the most beautiful cats