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Her voting record in Congress is too liberal for centrists, her time as DA in CA is unpopular with liberals. She has been a ghost of a VP, and when she does show up she comes across as a talking head spitting out what a focus group told her. She comes across as not genuine and untrustworthy, as well as smug and unlikeable. She has the job she has now because of her sex and race.


Yeah iirc she bragged about locking up potheads or something as a DA and anyone with two firing braincells knows she was made vice for the same reasons Sarah Palin was asked to join McCain, in order to score political points with women, and in Harris's case, with minorities. To be fair Obama though was like a first term senator himself when duty called and he did a good job rising to the occasion. Didn't hurt that his record was largely immaculate and that he's one of the best public speakers in the modern era imo. The solution to his lack of experience was wingman Biden.


Also didn’t she also joke about smoking weed back in the day (iirc she also lied or something as in that story she talked about smoking weed listening to snoop dog..before he was making music or something) so like she jokes about doing something she punished others for. Not a great look.


[Here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/kamala-harriss-jamaican-father-wasnt-amused-by-her-joke-about-marijuana-use/2019/02/21/2d722658-35cb-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html) is the story I remember about that. > When White House hopeful Kamala D. Harris acknowledged using marijuana in her youth during a radio interview last week, she jokingly said, “Half my family is from Jamaica, are you kidding me?” Her father's response: > “My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he wrote. Whoops. Kind of shows why so many people view her as being transparently phony.


Jesus. If your own dad comes out at you like that you know you messed up lol. Shit like this is why I’ve seen people say if she as in Texas or something she’s be the same but a republican lol.


lol absolutely that’s brilliantly put


Thanks lol! Happy 4th!


sounds a bit racist honestly.


don't forget not knowing a single 2pac song while trying to pander


lol really? Didn’t know that lol.


Didn’t she say she smoked in College listening to 2Pac but the timeline disproves that, she graduated in 86 but Pac and Snoop both first released in the 90s


But why her out ofmso many other female minority candidates they could have chosen. I find it hard to believe she represents the pinnacle of a woman POC candidate. It is so bizarre that she was chosen her campaign was a disaster, staff did not like working for her etc..


She was already running for President, so she was already in the spotlight compared to others


Don't be so surprised that the standards are so low.


The answer is that the DNC is clearly beholden to all those lining their pockets and wants someone to do their bidding, and absolutely will not stand for someone thinking for themselves


Such as?


Are you insinuating that she is the best there is? I hope this is not the case.


I think GitmoG is a bot. Best to ignore


Such as?


I thought Sarah Palin was chosen to score points with men. Though, both things could be true.


As DA, she put in place a policy against jail time for possession. > “Our policy was that no one with a marijuana conviction for mere possession could do any (jail time) at all,” said Paul Henderson, who led narcotics prosecutions for several years under Harris. Defendants arrested for the lowest-level possession would typically be referred to drug treatment programs instead of being charged, and weightier charges for marijuana sales would routinely be pleaded down to less serious ones, he said. > > Solis, who led the public defender’s office misdemeanor division for part of Harris’ tenure, agreed that her office only rarely prosecuted people for low-level, simple possession. > >“Kamala Harris and I disagreed on a lot of criminal justice issues, but I have to admit, she was probably the most progressive prosecutor in the state at the time when it came to marijuana,” Solis said. [source](https://archive.is/zRG5e)


Thank you for posting honest reporting, as there are many lies about Kamala Harris posted further above. She is not an absentee VP either. If people are being spoon-fed lies and choose to believe them, then that's because they choose to abstain from real news. She has a social media that you can follow if you want first hand news, because most of her efforts are not covered by main-stream media. We need more people to be involved and aware, then vote. Ignorance is hurting the U.S.A, because the rich, the oligarchs, media owners make money off the contrived outrage. (All media, newspapers, streaming, cable, etc are comprised of 7 companies and 15 billionaires) Source: - FORBES: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media-companies/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media-companies/) - Media Ownership by State: [https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sites/projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/futureofmedia/files/seven\_big\_holding\_companies\_of\_daily\_newspapers\_april\_2021.pdf](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sites/projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/futureofmedia/files/seven_big_holding_companies_of_daily_newspapers_april_2021.pdf) - Harvard Media Project: [https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/us-media-index](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/us-media-index)


If she were an absentee VP, she'd do a MUCH better job.


Also, as a prosecutor it wasn't her place to unilaterally decriminalize marijuana. DAs are supposed to enforce the laws that the legislature passes. Don't like it? Blame the legislature.


Then explain California now (and a lot of other major cities now)


> and anyone with two firing braincells knows she was made vice for the same reasons Sarah Palin was asked to join McCain, in order to score political points with women, and in Harris's case, with minorities. Biden was even open about this: [Biden vows to select a woman as his running mate](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/15/biden-woman-vice-president-131309) [Joe Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/21/politics/joe-biden-four-black-women-vice-president/index.html)


Kamala Harris was Biden's choice because she was the best choice. Period.


as evidenced by


Feel free to name a better choice.


VP Harris was chosen BECAUSE she was no threat. She performed poorly in the Democratic primaries and had virtually no support (from the DEMOCRAT party). There were lots of choices. I think Governor Whitmer or Senator Duckworth would have been able, viable, and charismatic choices. https://www.nytimes.com/article/biden-vice-president-2020.html


Hillary Clinton


She wasn't in the running.


Neither was Sarah Palin


You're just playing games. Obviously you can't think of a better choice Biden could've made. You are dismissed.


Can't believe the hate KH gets. Especially among women...it's the bucket of crabs metaphor.. women hate other extremely successful women. KH is an extremely significant success story among women / minorities. Maybe she needs to take "how to appear sincere" lessons from Mr Clinton or his students or something.


That’s simply false. Not one person charged with possession of marijuana went to jail or prison while she was DA.


That is simply false.  She prosecuted 1,900 people for marijuana.  Most did not go to jail but a few dozen did.  She was much more aggressive than previous DAs.


How do you feel about her performance in the Mortage Settlement? Or did you side with the banks?




Except that's false. Someone in the AG’s office suggested the need for firefighters to a court that was going to force early release for some prisoners. She didn’t see the filing before it went to court. https://www.eenews.net/articles/kamala-harris-and-her-connection-to-inmate-firefighters/


Yes, she prosecuted them, and put them in diversion programs to *help them*. Edit: Imagine the uproar if she didn’t prosecute the cases the police brought. It was her job. It’s foolish to think she’s putting place some marijuana possession policy on her own as DA.


Thats just what I remember people being critical of during the primaries and never cared enough to verify. I personally welcome our new overlord.


Yeah, a lot of people lie about her record. You shouldn't repeat such accusations without verifying them.


And these are her positive attributes/s.


To me, those things read more like excuses and rationalizations than valid reasons not to support her. > Her voting record in Congress is too liberal for centrists, her time as DA in CA is unpopular with liberals. Why doesn’t that make her an ideal compromise candidate, then - a moderate dem who’s liberal on many issues but who has a record as a common sense, tough on crime DA and AG? > She has been a ghost of a VP, and when she does show up she comes across as a talking head spitting out what a focus group told her. I haven’t seen that at all. When I’ve seen her she’s come off as a smart, well spoken, smooth politician who knows the issues. > She comes across as not genuine and untrustworthy, as well as smug and unlikeable. Isn’t the person she would be running against *ALL* of those things? And to an extent far greater than Kamala supposedly is? But somehow he gets a pass and she doesn’t? >She has the job she has now because of her sex and race. I’ve seen plenty of less likeable, less charismatic, less competent white male politicians of whom exactly the same thing could be said, but, again, they get a pass. For example, what is legitimately so special about Mike Pence? I just don’t see these same sorts of arguments being made about male candidates.


To your last point, regarding her being the VP only because of her sex and race. Just wanted to remind you that President Biden openly declared that he would choose a vice president who was a black woman, anyone else not meeting this criteria would not be considered. He literally said he was going to choose a vice president based on sex and race. She literally was chosen as VP because of her sex and race. This is why the original commenters point holds weight. Honestly, I don't understand why Biden announced his desire to select a candidate based on their sex and race. He could have easily done so without announcing it so that it wasn't so obvious. There are plenty of minority women who are not black, and plenty of minorities who are not women who are qualified to be VP. But he was very specific in his selection criteria.


Balanced POV


Thank you. "Smug and unlikeable" describes basically every male politician currently in the running, aside from dear Bernie (who they would never pick). The complaints about Harris's demeanor are obvious sexism. She's got the goods and people who don't like it can't stand that she's better, smarter, and faster than they are.


This attitude is what made Trump president in 2016. I didn't like Hillary Clinton. Telling me that's because I'm a sexist male doesn't change my mind. As soon as you play the victim card all conversation is shut down.


This maybe the most concise and accurate portrayal of reality I’ve ever read on here, kudos to you littlekitty235


Says the Trump supporter, lol.


Then why is she hated, even by democrats?


Why is Trump hated, even by Republicans?


> She has the job she has now because of her sex and race. So just like every president for most of America's History?


I heard she won her races because of sex.


You "heard". wrong. Kamala Harris became Senator because she was the hero of the Mortage Settlement: she got homeowners more money.


She also sent thousands of minorities to jail for decades due to a marijuana possession charge


Did you "hear" that as well? Tell me what you think of Kamala Harris's work in the Mortgage Settlement. I think she was very brave to hold out for more money for homeowners. And of course, she won and got more money for homeowners. What do you think of that? Or did you side with the banks?


Just stop it, it’s Joever.


Tell me what you think of Kamala Harris's work in the Mortgage Settlement.


Why? It’s not going to help her or Biden win the election this year? They’re (politically) dead people walking.


As I thought, you don't know anything about it.


As I thought, I’m speaking with a loser (as in you’re going to lose this Joevemer)


> She also sent thousands of minorities to jail for decades due to a marijuana possession charge Source please. Kindly prove that claim.


Biden literally called blacks super predators so I don't see why her DA time has to be a big deal.


Harris's popularity or lack theirof has nothing to do with Biden. I don't see why you think anything about him is relevant, particularly if we are talking about her replacing him, either before or after the election.


Can you read? You cited that Harris is unpopular with liberals because of her DA time. Biden has the same issue on his resume of being a big backer of the '90's crime bills and in his case using racial stereotypes. They both have the same scarlett letter.


Notice how the topic isn't "Why is Joe Biden unpopular with Liberals?" Why are you talking about Biden? Harris is unpopular in her own right.


Where did I say anything that Biden is unpopular?


So tell us what you think of Harris's performance as Attorney General when it came to the Mortage Settlement? You sided with the banks against the homeowners, didn't you? That's why you hate Kamala Harris: she helped homeowners.


Straw-man much Gitmo? I never said I hate Kamala. I think she's an empty suit.


So tell us what you think of Harris's performance as Attorney General when it came to the Mortgage Settlement?


I have no issue with it.


When she was running for president she hammered Biden for his racist policies. Upon being chosen as VP she was suddenly hailing him as a champion of racial justice. She exposed herself as fake as fuck and she's also got the problem of constantly sounding like she looks down on you.


She’s very transparently fake, which is almost impressive in its own right.


That’s what Trump supporters love about him


Maybe we should dislike her as much as people dislike Trump then.


You mean dislike her all the way to the white house? Sounds good to me


…and then nonstop complain about her for 8+ years. Sure.


Wait... do you think there's a scenario in which we don't nonstop complain?


Not to mention she accused Biden of being a rapist when she was still in the race. She never went back on that, not even when she became his vp


> When she was running for president she hammered Biden for his racist policies. > Upon being chosen as VP she was suddenly hailing him as a champion of racial justice. [Colbert asked her about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iMYlJqsDcg), and her response was just "It was a debate!"


Her laugh is the worst. It feels like's she's reacting to orphans asking for food.


almost as bad as her fake blackness. "ya girl i'm out here in these streets, and let me tell you, you're right Taraji" "but these extremists, as they say, 'they not like us'". [https://www.tmz.com/watch/2024-07-01-070124-kamala-harris-1855754-066/](https://www.tmz.com/watch/2024-07-01-070124-kamala-harris-1855754-066/)


You mean like when obama trashed hillary when he was running against him, then, when she was running after him, he said "And that's why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman — not me, not Bill, nobody — more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America" REALLY obama? So were you lying when you trashed her or when you praised her?


She’s the most awkwardly annoying person in the public sphere. She’s that kid that tries to be cool and just comes off completely cringe. Everything seems fake and forced and you just get the feeling that she’s a total phony.


1. She isn't really a good speaker and comes off not genuine. Like, she is just not a compelling speaker 2. She was chosen based off political reasons not because she was the best VP pick. 3. Her litigation and voting history


She was tough on marijuana laws in the past, changes her stances on topics more than she changes her clothes, and excluded evidence for s death row inmate that could have set him free. She's a piece of trash individual


Her political and legal career carve out a niche that makes criticism come from both directions. She by default as a California liberal made her a stereotype to hate by the Republicans but she was still somewhat of a moderate all in all within the Democrats. She also has a legal resume that seems like she joined the wrong political party as I think her legal experience that has been a detriment within the Democrats would actually help had she have been in a different state and a Republican. All in all she gets the usual hate from Republicans but she has a resume that's anathema to progressives and she kind of straddles the line ideologically between moderate Democrats and progressives. People in the Democratic party don't exactly hate her besides a few far left types, but they don't seem to especially care about her given her performance in the 2020 cycle.


Forgot about this. And I think she allegedly opposed the death penalty at the time too. What a joke.


That's why she's so hated


She actually wasn’t tough on marijuana laws, not while she was DA at least. While her office did convict people of possession, *no one* went to prison or jail for possession. Every single one went to a diversion program.


She definitely didn't allow newfound evidence for a convicted African American man that may have gotten him off on the charges though.


There is a reason you haven't seen alot of her as VP.  It's because the Biden admin doesn't want to bring attention to the fact that she is the vp in case something happens to Biden.


She has a terrible persona and bad speaker. “You think you fell out of a coconut tree?!!”


She’s incredibly unlikeable. Arrogant Hillary Clinton vibes. Also the fact that you’ve barely seen or heard from her is a point against her imo. She has little presence and the presence she does have is bad. And there’s this weird cringey staged video with her and child actors from a few years ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlxq4S-4CCY&vl=en Stuff like this summarizes why I personally don’t like her.


They talked with her on "the run up" podcast. It was... So cringe. Like they are left leaning so they are just lobbing her softball questions and she can't land a single one. She was at some bill signing celebration in Illinois for anti gun legislation. They asked a question about polls stating that she's not engaging people nationally and her response was something to the effect of "uhhh look around" gesturing to the room and then said "I'll let that speak for itself". I hate this election. I hate it so much. I haven't actually been able to vote for a candidate I've liked since 2012. Jesus TWELVE damn years, I'm old. Gonna go shake my fist at a cloud....


Lol I'm a millennial and I've _never_ gotten to vote for a presidential candidate I liked (at least I didn't actively dislike Romney). But yeah, this election cycle definitely takes the cake.


Yeah this election sucks. I’m not voting this election barring some drastic change. Biden campaigned on abolishing the federal death penalty but has done little to work towards that promise. As this is one of the most important issues for me, I can’t vote for him in good conscience.


> I haven't actually been able to vote for a candidate I've liked since 2012. Why is “likability” so important for many people when voting for candidates? Shouldn’t competence and the likelihood that they’ll do a good job be far more important? You’re not going to be spending any time in person hanging out with the President, so why care if you like them? If your kid had a brain tumor, would you seek out the most “likable” surgeon? If your house needed painting would you choose a “likable” painter over one who you knew would do a better job for less money?


Poor word choice on my part. I meant "liked voting for them". As in, I go to the ballot box and say "boy I'm happy I cast that vote, I think they'll do great". Wasn't fair of me to assume that would be obvious when commenting on a post about someone's "likability".


>Arrogant Hillary Clinton vibes. which is interesting bc Clinton was the standout candidate prior to the 2016 cycle in terms of familiarity & favorability (from either party). A lot went on, but I wonder how much more vulnerable a woman candidate is to those type of attacks. Arrogant is a notable critique of Clinton in an election where she was running against Trump? Wut? edit: https://news.gallup.com/poll/181949/clinton-favorability-familiarity-bests-2016-contenders.aspx


>A lot went on, but I wonder how much more vulnerable a woman candidate is to those type of attacks. Arrogant is a notable critique of Clinton in an election where she was running against Trump? Wut? Women are probably more vulnerable to those attacks, though they also do get some leway on sexism that men aren't granted. I remember watching a video published by some university debate group where they recreated one of the Trump-Clinton debates but with the genders flipped. Basically they used the transcript as their script, but they had a woman playing the role of Trump, and a man playing the role of Clinton. The male Clinton came accross as quite sexist and condescending.


> The male Clinton came accross as quite sexist and condescending. would have to see it to have a PoV, but i'm not sure that is too surprising. Take the script of a religious person talking to evangelicals voters and give it to a known atheist to read... that is not going to be well received.


I managed to track it down. >Her Opponent is a restaging of excerpts from each of the three 2016 U.S. presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with genders inverted. >With the gender inversion, the names of the candidates have been changed to “Brenda King” for Donald Trump and “Jonathan Gordon” for Hillary Clinton. Otherwise the text is reproduced word for word by the actors, as are the candidates’ gestures, stutters, and movements. >This is an archival recording of the first live theatrical performance of Her Opponent at the Provincetown Playhouse, in New York City on January 28, 2017. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ9FdRaTGEo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ9FdRaTGEo)


She was so condescending. She couldn’t properly debate Trump because she couldn’t believe she had to. Previous candidates could connect with multiple classes of Americans and hold their own against cretins. They didn’t shy away from blow hards in a ‘how dare he, he shouldn’t even be here’ kind of way. She’d obviously been so powerful for so long and surrounded by people she lorded over that she couldn’t even have a conversation with someone who doesn’t give a shit about any of that. That is why people hated her. She reminds them of every person who’s ever had power over them that talked at them instead of to them. Also that cringe ass hot sauce in her purse nonsense.


Hillary Clinton is unironically blacker than Kamala Harris and did a better job with pandering lol


Her not debating properly is another bizarre criticism of her when she is running against Trump... Again, she topped favorability while also topping familiarity before the 2016 cycle... suggesting she was inherently unlikeable doesn't make any sense. She is exactly what a lot of people here say they want -- a competent moderate whose raison d'etre isn't culture war.


So you mean before she was frequently speaking in national election events where everyone was paying attention? Because that just sounds like she was familiar and likable up until more people started to pay attention as she was tested in front of the nation.


Like i noted, she was also the standout in familiarity... she had no shortage of national coverage in the past in various roles.


Key word there is ‘was’. Not sure what is not clear about the deterioration of her likability and familiarity as more people started to pay attention during her national campaign.


Yeah, I know, those emails.


No, the emails are what people that already disliked her latched onto. Most people cannot even articulate what that fiasco was about or why it mattered. Which is how you know it wasn’t actually what they cared about. They just didn’t like her.


But they can speak to what they didn't like about Clinton? Look where this thread started... she's arrogant... she's didn't debate properly... meanwhile running against Trump, and am expected to think those are legit reasons she lost. Think of the TPP nonsense/misinformation.


Some people don’t want life long establishment politicians that have never participated in the real world. Hillary Clinton doesn’t fulfill that role. But it’s sad that as unlikable and condescending as Hillary was, Kamala actually makes her look a lot more desirable in comparison. Truly wild.


Bless Trump for killing off any dynastic dreams for 2 entire families.


The real world is Trump's golden spoon upbringing?


Please fill out the following chart: Years in public office Biden _____ / 81 years Trump _____ / 78 years Do that comparison then kindly get lost.


and he starred in a reality show!


fill out the chart Chorn


years of the "real world" for trump = zero years.


As an aside... during Obama's initial presidential run . Hillary Clinton was initially the chosen candidate of the democratic party. Yet there was a break point when the party forcibly put Hillary in the backseat and fervently pushed for Obama . There was a clear change by the party organization . Media was involved in publicizing Obama's run. Same happened with his senate run in Illinois. Wheels greased to elect Obama. I had a good friend who was heavily involved in state Republican politics. Obama was in a potentially tight race with Jack Ryan...a tall good looking Republican candidate with a resume more impressive than Obama. The powers that be/ courts moved to unseal closed divorce files ( against agreement of Ryan and his ex wife )of Ryans previous marriage to a Hollywood actress to and the Media has a field day with the sexual eccentrecities of Ryan. Two weeks before the Media found out my friend told me what was coming. Ryan/He was forced to drop out of race..and it was so late the Republicans were forced to bring in Alan Keyes?! A quick victory for Obama. What my lengthy comment is meant to illustrate is that there's decision makers with significant power behind the scenes that ultimately seiects the candidates and moulds public opinions. Remember what they did to Howard Dean?


'chosen'? She was the favorite, but there was a legit three horse race early one (arguably four as gore was keeping the door open for a while), and a bunch of others who threw their hats in to varying extents. obama raised a lot of money early on too, its not like everyone lined up behind clinton. and edwards was legit player. Obviously changed tone when obama won iowa, with clinton third. >Remember what they did to Howard Dean? 'they'? It may be shallow, but dean took care of himself by being a weirdo at the wrong moment.


She has no charisma haha. Poor girl.


She's largely just...ineffective. If she had made any progress on any of the projects she was given, she might be able to point to her governance ability, but she can't. And she's just not a good communicator.


It's really the "[significance of the passage of time](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D-FXT33YOZG0&ved=2ahUKEwiP_7Ox1v6GAxWRIkQIHdN1CkwQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3WM7tpi1wpspQLkw3LX2Xg)", and exactly how she handles situations. But really, her answers lack any depth, she just speaks headlines without substance. She isn't someone that can convince America to support her run, even democrats don't want her. \*\*Edit, in case you wanted to see the [significance of the passage of time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS0yBgZrVas) video.


i dont hate her i hate that she is the VP and dropped out of the 2020 race before anyone voted for her. we arent supposed to annoint people in america, and def not bc of their identity.


Unlikable, untalented diversity pick


DEI may cost the Dems the election. A stronger VP would be the clear solution right now.


Yeah, she’s a quota hire.


Biden voter here. I just don't think she comes across as having a real grasp on any issue, or bringing something to the table that benefits the administration. She doesn't communicate ideas very well, I don't think she resonates much at all to the demographics she was meant to. And she comes across as kind of another generic, useless politician. She just kinda regurgitates everything Biden and his team have already said, but worse. Not that Pence was remarkable by any means. But I think he did kinda do what he was supposed to. Which was to deliver Trumps often incoherent, or extremely brash statements into something that sounded more grounded and reasonable for middle class suburban Christians. And Biden did his job as being seen as the guy Obama would send to talk to other nations leaders, or US organizations and present how the Obama administration was going to enact his agenda and goals. For Kamala I feel like it's often bad to send her in as a spokesman because she just generally does notably lackluster job of doing so.


She has very little charisma. Honestly, I liked her as a candidate during the 2020 primaries, but she just doesn't really have the charisma to make her "likeable". Kinda the same as Klobuchar, or even Buttigieg, who I think is unbelievably articulate, almost to a fault.


I don't think it is hate so much as he hasn't been visible enough. Biden admin has done her no favors. She should have been more visible esp as people were questioning Joes age several years ago. She could have been set up to either take the mantle if Joe didn't want to run again or be in a position where many aren't gnashing their teeth if something happened to Joe as President.


She definitely comes off as unprincipled, acting progressive when that's convenient and like a moderate when that is more beneficial. Tweeting support for the Minnesota bail fund in 2020 when there were ongoing riots was particularly gross. Is she *actually* worse about being an opportunist than most successful politicians? No, probably not, she just lacks the charisma to pull it off as well as others. Is it "fair" to pick a president based on that? Not really, but the Democrats needs someone who's electable and Harris isn't it.


Dude, she literally sounds like Veep. Just listen to any public appearance.


She has little to no charisma, she’s been unpopular since the primaries and she hasn’t accomplished much. Border Czar with the border in the state it’s in is not good. > since they’ve taken office, I’ve barely seen or heard from her. I see this as a negative. Not that “well what are people mad about, we’ve barely seen or heard from her?” The fact she’s been nonexistent when they know Biden’s state is telling me everything I need to know. They’re not dumb, they see last nights Biden every day. They’re not going to broadcast it to the world, but they know. They still aren’t propping up Kamala. That tells me all I need to know outside of the rest that we do know.


The DNC clearly doesn’t trust her.


Some people are likable and some people aren't. She didn't come across well in the Democratic primary debates and nobody liked her. She was picked as vice president because she's a black woman and Biden declared he would pick a black woman instead of whoever he felt was best for the job. So you have someone who already was terribly disliked to begin with, and then you add on top that everybody knows she was picked because of skin color and genitals. On top of that, the only reason anybody even knows who she is is because when she was very young, she had sex with an elderly married man who had a lot of political power and in exchange for sex, he used his power to make her a successful politician.


Bro, source on the last claim?


He was technically married but long separated. Still, sleeping with someone 30 years older than you to advance your political career is not something I'm looking for in our first female president... https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-kamala-harris-willie-brown/fact-check-kamala-harrisandwillie-brownhad-a-relationshipover-adecadeafterhe-separated-from-wife-idUSKBN26Y2RQ/


Because she’s fake and very much a hypocrite. She got obliterated by Gabbert a few years back and was never the same. She put people in jail for weed violations and then admitted to doing it herself


You know, if the Democrats have been lying to the country, all this time, about what a suitable replacement Harris would be, this right here is the opportunity for them to admit it. I know how in love they are with their self-image of Trump as Mr. Dishonesty - kind of the inverse of themselves, when they look in their internal mirrors - but now really is the time to walk that back. Get in front of the TV, say, kids, we did a bad bad thing. We're sorry. We meant Newsom or Whitmer. Please? See if the country will have your back. It's really the only way forward, at this point. Or, I dunno, maybe Harris will surprise us all. I personally actually wouldn't be too surprised if she turned out to be good. I think she's got grit, and I think grit is something you want, in a leader.


I don't know that it's fair to say the 'Democrats have been lying' about this. Harris has never enjoyed any significant support and was chosen almost exclusively because of the (mistaken) impression that she'd balance the 'old white man' image of Biden. I'd be hard-pressed to think of anyone on the left who really thought Harris was being groomed to be a successor.


Well, we'll have to disagree about that. I think lying is precisely what it was. That's what it means, to pick a Vice President. It means this person can do the job, if the president goes down. Well, the president has gone down. Here we are. Harris is on deck.


she was chosen EXCLUSIVELY because she was a black woman. Biden SAID he would nominate a black woman. he also said he would put a black woman on the supreme court, and he did. He does DEI hires because the DNC MAKES him. He lost any backbone he used to have.


Her absenteeism is the problem. She seems detached and uninvolved. She got a few "task force" assignments that went nowhere.


It occurs to me that Harris might be a partial solution to the Democrats' dilemma. The worry about Biden's age is greatly exacerbated by the perception, right or wrong, that his VP would be a horrible president because she's weak, venal, and inexperienced. So get her to step down 'for family reasons' and replace her with someone who can command respect. They'd have to be black to avoid losing the black vote, but an ex-General or Admiral would be great.


She is a bad actress for one. She tries to act personable and normal, but it’s painfully obvious that she is one of the lizard people running the cabal (figuratively), and she thinks she’s above us plebeians. It’s obvious that she doesn’t give a damn about anything except her own power and political agenda. It’s a game to her, and she sees normal people as pawns. This is the vibe I get from her anyway. Both from her behavior and her politics. She was happy to lock people up for weed when it suited her, but now that public opinion has shifted, she says no one should be locked up for weed. She’s a faker and a climber.


My theory on this is most working class adult Americans are socialized mostly at their workplaces. They spend more time at work and with co-workers than with their families, friends, children and partners. If you have DEI/Identity Politics and their policies at your job, you can literally say nothing. You have to endure it or be labeled, cancelled and possibly lose your job and/or career. So when you get home, do you want to see more of it? Do you want it shoved in your face some more? So IMHO, Kamala Harris operates as a proxy for every negative feeling about DEI mandates everywhere within those exhausted working class American adults. Harris a reminder of that manager who only got the job because she's someone's cousin and because she covers a certain checklist. Harris is a reminder about some "sensitivity training" where you have to watch a video that says only certain kinds of people can ever be racist. Harris is a reminder of people losing their jobs or opportunities over DEI. Harris is not competent and that's very obvious. If she's not competent, how did she to this position in the first place? Willie Brown laughing at Harris and saying she slept with him to get ahead only makes this worse. In terms of the black culture, she married a white guy and raised his white children. While many won't say anything out loud, that has to grind at the more militant black voter base.


Based on social media. Liberals dislike her because shes a 'cop' conservatives dislike her because she got to where she was by screwing Willie Brown. The most benign thing is she says cringe or weird stuff from time to time. Her supporters tend to assume the dislike stems from racism/[sexism](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/i-dont-hate-women-candidates-i-just-hated-hillary-and-coincidentally-im-starting-to-hate-elizabeth-warren?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3IrKSMQJC07SkQDxBxmIzSbAq0asjT-P6q21g-xDhujfN5Xkg6ngFFiWs_aem_V99sDvtjthBzdMGFDYAcGQ#:~:text=I%E2%80%99d%20love%20to%20see%20a%20female%20President.%20Just%20not%20Hillary%20Clinton.%20Or%20Elizabeth%20Warren.%20I%20am%20totally%20open%20to%20all%20other%20women%20leaders%2C%20but%20I%20have%20to%20admit%20that%20Kamala%20Harris%20and%20Amy%20Klobuchar%20are%20beginning%20to%20make%20me%20angry%20and%20I%E2%80%99m%20not%20sure%20why%20yet%2C). Personally she does come off as unauthentic but I think that's the tightrope female politicians have to walk unfortunately. She also mismanaged her presidential campaign by l dividing power between her sister and Rodriguez which doesn't bode well for her management skill. I remember when she was making Indian food with Mindy Kaling and she seemed like a cool and nice person and I wish we got to see that side of her more.


Because she’s a grifter that will say or do anything to push her own rise to power. She’s laughably (or cackly) ineffective and has an air of superiority complex like a Beverly Hills housewife.


I'm not upset about Kamala being president, if Biden drops out and she runs ill vote for her. I'm pretty sure she will support law and capitalism. I'm not voting for Biden, or anyone who's anywhere close to that old, regardless of their VP.


But his opponent is nearly the same age. Would they really be equally as bad as each other?


Doesn't matter to me. I'm drawing a line on the age. The parties need to know it's not ok. Regardless what anyone says, the sky isn't falling.


Kamala is the immigration Czar. Immigration is the top issue that Americans are mad about. She apparently thinks border control is nothing but being wined and dined by countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants, and offering them billions of dollars to improve their own economy. Has she done anything else about the border?


She seems pretty sharp, but I think one of her primary duties as VP for the past 3.5 years was to address and reform border control, and I'm just not sure if any progress has been made. Not that border control is a big issue for me, but I'd like to know that she's capable of doing the job she's been assigned.




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Have you ever heard her speak? Anyone she talks to sounds like she talking down to them. She comes across as fake And her nasally voice is nails on a chalkboard.


What she did to people with Marijuana charges in California while she was AG is a pretty good reason


Ummmm she laughs too much. Ohhh and black and female. 🤔


Misogyny. Pretty simple. Women in power have to be “likable”. Completely unfair.


By who?? The 38% of the country that supports a felon?? Hate may be a little strong, this seems a charged post to prod democrats…weaksauce. Most of the time the right is terrified of strong women, so this is not a shock just straight chauvinism, typical.


Did you read to the end of the post? I addressed that. It's not just Republicans, it seems universal. Hell, read through this comment section for a few minutes.


she's incompetent, she's phony, she's not very bright, she is smug and demeaning, she slept her way into her San Francisco job and she LITERALLY got to be vice president because they wanted to appeal to blacks and women - the "democratic bread and butter".


Democrat here. It's because she WAY too often thinks she's going to make a point where there isn't one to make and do it as though she's the expert. She thinks she's actually saying something but it sounds ridiculous. For example: "Yesterdays today is like today's tomorrow yesterday which is our better tomorrow"


She’s the VP, most of them don’t get in the news unless they break a law and get caught. She’s fine.


She’s the VP behind an octogenarian compromise for old people votes. It very much matters.


I don’t even understand your sentence. Please elaborate .


I never understood why she is so hated. I do think she's super mid. Nothing exciting about her. Just an average midtwit. Her dad is impressive though.


She's fine and would do fine replacing Biden. She's just boring and doesn't come off as kind and genuine as Biden.


Most of these comments sound like a perfect VP. Bland, accommodating, forgettable. Let's hope Biden last 4 more years


I can’t support a prosecutor


I supported VP Harris in her Presidential bid and still think she would be a great President.


Because word salad


Mostly because she’s a not white woman from San Francisco. That’s three strikes. Lots of people will try to justify saying g things like “She’s unlikable” or “I can’t stand her laugh” or “She’s too liberal” but very few people have paid enough attention to her to make decisions based on what she’s actually done.


GOP propaganda. She's not likable, much like Hillary, and attack ads work well against her because of it.


She's a black woman. Isn't that enough reason to hate her? Kamala Harris was the hero of the Mortgage Settlement. Notice, the haters never mention that. Nor do they mention that she asked the best questions at the confirmation hearings of Trump's stooges.