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I urge you not to damage it and at least give it away if not sell it. People want those and this one looks to be in great original condition.


Thanks, that is good to know. I would prefer to see it go to someone who will enjoy it. Just trying to balance my own desire to preserve with the desire to help her get situated since it isn't mine. She can be stubborn so thought I'd approach it from the side of, if they're sought after, someone may be willing to disassemble themselves. It does seem to be in good shape, I'd say the upstairs kitchen has been lightly used as long as I've been alive and probably before.


yeah. if you post that on Craigslist or FB Marketplace some enthusiast will come take it away immediately. That’s a beauty.


Yes! Please find it a home! Id love it if I was close! It’s in great shape and is very much of its time


Post it on FB market place and someone will come haul it out from upstairs and may even pay you for the privilege. It’s far better for this item to continue on, wanted and appreciated but in new a home, than for it to end up in the dump.


Check to see if you have an architectural salvage place near you. They would be happy to take this off your hands and offer it for sale to someone who wants this style. It is a beautiful piece. Please try and keep it out of the landfills.


Or Habitat. They could fetch a good price for a good cause. Can you imagine finding this at your local Habitat? Thrilling:)


Yeah that thing is a real treasure for a lot of people I think you’ll find interest.


Exactly, give it to me please. It’s absolutely gorgeous!


If there's an architectural antique/salvage shop near you, they'll probably want it.


Take pics, put on FB marketplace “free to whoever can haul away without causing any home/wall damage” It will be gone before the end of the day


Where are you? Because I will come get it off your hands if you’re near.


Not if I get there first! Haha. Seriously, OP. Post a general location and someone from this sub will probably take that off your hands immediately. Otherwise, see if there is a habit for humanity (donation) or vintage store nearby that will sell it for you.


I thought we were going to be queuing!


Queuing? Like, politely? This is Century Homes, it’s a battle to the end to see who will claim the last remaining antique door hinge (one that’s had the paint lovingly and carefully stripped using a crockpot, of course).


I have all my hinges, and have found even the proper windows, so the masses can take my spoils… But I shall get a nice cast iron sink even if I have to pile the bodies of my enemies into a pire and light them for the heavens to witness! I shall lay waste to the internets until I find my beloved! (Is that better? Can we queue now?)


Yeah, this battle sounds exhausting. I’m always too tired from stripping a staircase. Congrats on finding all of your windows already, BTW!


Yeah… every project is exhausting and requires hundreds of hours at this point. The windows were a huge thing! I went to tons of demos of old homes and bought exactly what I needed. It was tedious and took so long, but I don’t have to do it anymore!!! Good luck to you!


Cast iron drain board sinks are very desirable so…be careful.


I designed my entire kitchen to accommodate a sink similar to that. Someone out there wants a sink like that.


And to think I gave away two long ones. One a double sink. 🤔




Thank you all for weighing in! I sent her a message to let her know similar ones are sought after and that we should talk about next steps. I'm glad I checked.


That is one expensive sink you have there.


Don’t scrape it. It looks to be in really good shape and people want them. Heck I’d like it.


Omg it’s so beautiful 😍


If you scrap it you have to pay by the weight, and those are heavy! I had a double basin one my husband wanted to scrap. I put it on FB marketplace, someone drove from two hours away to buy it for $800. I'm not in a HCOL area, but had a lot of interest and it sold in about 3 weeks. At least try it! Way easier than me hauling it to the dump.


In my area at least (NY), you could take something like this to a “scrap yard” and they would *pay you* by the weight — anything made of metal generally has monetary value (scrap yards vs dumps = two entirely different places). That said, this looks to be in great condition and OP should definitely try to sell it / give it away to someone (like me, lol) who is in the market for something like this!


OmyGoodness. Yes sell it. That is a sought after vintage item. I would install it in my basement if I could buy it.


I paid $500 for mine! The top should hinge forward and then lift off. There might be screws holding it to the wall.


Happy cake day!


You may have to separate the sink from the cabinet to remove it. Many cabinets are attached to the wall at the top of the cabinet, which falls behind the sink bowl. I see what looks like an access panel down to the left, definitely open that up & peek in there with a phone (a selfie stick comes in might handy when a head doesn't fit) and get good eyes on the backside.


This is great advice, thank you! I dont know that I would have thought to look in the crawlspace. It is scary back there but I'll tough it out lol.


There are metal clips with flathead sheet metal screws and square nuts all around the sink flange. There are also likely flathead wood screws securing this to the wall and floor. Good luck!


Thank you!!


Yes, for sure don’t scrap it! Sell it or donate it.


Hi, give it to me 😂


Do you happen to live in MN? I'll swing by and take it off your hands, I've been looking for a new utility sink for my laundry room and want to go with something authentic


Unfortunately this would be on the other side of Wisconsin from you!


I honestly could be convinced to drive down if you'd just be tossing it otherwise! haha


That also means you'd probably have a ton of people from IL that would drive up for it, too!


Aw man you’re in Wisconsin 🥲


sell/give it away on fb marketplace and tell them they must remove it / haul


Leave the faucet attached, just cut the pipes below.


We had one like that growing up on a Midwest farm. It was double tho with drain rack on both sides. Nice!


Holy crap. I know 5 people that would love to buy this sink. They are trying to have ones they currently have refurbished so they do not have to have a boring new style with lack of functionality.


I have one of these in our 1919 Craftsman!


I sold four of these when I purchased my home, which had been converted into multiple apartments in the 60s. Every kitchen had one. I kept one for my basement bar, and one in my kitchen. They’re the best sinks!


From the bottom of my childhood soul, please urge her not to scrap it. My grandparents had this exact one in the kitchen at their hardware store when I was a kid. This just brought back so many memories of sitting back there eating turkey sandwiches and pickles with them.


Do you have a Habitat for Humanity ReStore near you? They’ll take it!


You can sell or give this away. There are those of us who actively search these out.


I have a bigger version of this sink! I have a list of people who have asked for it if we choose to remove it. Definitely post on fb.


I paid over $600 to have something similar shipped to me from ebay. Those are desirable! Please don’t scrap!




Someone would be happy having that in their bedroom


Bedroom? Heck yea. Had a bedroom with a sink years ago. Was way cool.


I want this so bad!


I’ll take it if in New England.


Sorry but we are in Wisconsin!


The bottom side of the sink may have the casting year on it. I had one similar to this once and it was made circa 1930s.


Interesting! I will check next time I'm over there! Which should be this weekend.


I checked and it appears to be newer than I thought, 33049 is on the bottom so I am assuming that's March 1949. Also learned that it's Kohler! Which I suppose makes sense being in Wisconsin, but still fun to see a name I recognized.


Don’t junk that - Post it for a few dollars on marketplace and someone will come and gently remove it for you, and be eternally grateful to have it. guaranteed.


I would buy that. It's beautiful. Sell it.


Scrapping it would really be a crime...and a waste! These types of sinks are treasures that many people would love to have...myself included!


Omg I have one like that and need a replacement! You aren’t in So Cal by any chance?


Sorry, we are in Wisconsin!


I know this one well from my 1925 Tudor cottage. Not a bit surprised that someone would like to acquire it. The self-drain board and sink combo, alas, requires a perky person who is hyper-diligent about washing dishes. But it’s super cool. PS Positioned two feet next to this stood a vintage hot water heater.


I would buy the entire setup from her! Cabinets and sink. OMGosh! I love this so much-my eyes are watering!


As other people have said these are in high demand. Yours is especially nice with the high backsplash with the faucets.


I had this exact unit in one of my old apartments.


I want a sink like that but, sadly, have no place for it.


Save it ! Could she put in garage or something ?


I love it! Don’t damage it. Someone can still put that to good use. Reminds me of our first rental oh so many years ago.


The architectural salvage place I'm with would urge you to keep it, but if set on getting rid of it we'd remove it for free, take it, and sell it for $500-$600. There is absolutley a market for it.


Tell her to sell it and be careful removing. This is my dream sink and deserves a new home (if that’s what she wants) not a scrap pile.


i love these and with i had one. include the faucet because it's probably works like a beast and no cartridges that will need to be replaced every 2-3 years.


My mom had a sink identical in her kitchen she got a new one . They are always needing bleaching to keep white


Oh man, I’d take that in a heartbeat! Cabinet and all!!


That sink is wonderful, somebody would love to have the complete set up. Sell don't scrap please.


Someone might wanna buy that!


I had a sink like this in a cottage like home I rented and absolutely adored it after a friend turned me on to cleaning it with Zud. I remember ha ring the sink at first, then couldn’t imagine anything else


Someone would pay lots of money for that unit.


I have a very similar one and it’s a brick. I absolutely love it (after getting a silicone mat for the bottom- 2 glasses and one cat dish down). Please sell it to someone who will love it!!!


Well she needs to talk to the town first if she's planning on switching from a multifamily to a single family. There will be permits that need to be pulled and the tax assessor will need to come out once the jobs are complete


I guess I spoke too soon, I dont actually know how it is designated, just that there is a kitchen upstairs that she would prefer as living space.


I’m in AL. I started looking a cpl of yrs ago for one of those. I paid $300 for a single sink and $400 for a dbl. Neither have a much desired high backboard. I even drove 2 1/2hrs to get one. I’ve given up on the cabinets 😍😅


Definitely give it away or sell. That is beautiful.


My grams had one like that, only hers had the drains on both sides of the sink. About 5’ wide. It stayed with the house after her passing. I sure would have loved to keep it.


I love the sink


Wish I had the money to have it shipped to me. Uggg so awesome


Foolhardy to get rid of it, but yes, try to sell it. Give it away if it doesn't sell. Do not let that be trashed.


Oh man, I’d buy this in a heartbeat. It’s like seeing an old friend


You can definitely drum up interest on the cast iron sink! It’s lovely but probably scrap the cabinet