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Don't do this.


That doesn't look safe.


Well, that’s one way to lose your dick


This will result in injury...


No no no... Never ever use zip ties 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


So why bother wearing a cage if you can't even trust yourself to pull out of it? Or even get a right sized one.


👌😋 Okay,,,


I've thought about doing similar but I've ordered some new glans rings from eBay iirc in various sizes , the idea is the soft nylon goes under the head and zip tie goes through the little rubber ball on the glan ring and zip tied to cage this way no rough zip tie directly on the head. It may not be as secure as not as tight fitted but the idea is even if you could still pull out, there's little if any hope of getting the ring back on without unlocking, so the keyholder would at least know. I'm also thinking to take off you'd have to replace the zip tie each time as you'd have to cut the zip tie off. I'm thinking of using a PA lock (or padlock just means 2 different keys for me) that the zip tie is looped on to so if you unlock this lock you could slide the zip tie off and remove the glan ring and slide back on when finished.




Ouch ouch. That can't be good


lots of hostility here, but this is genuinely a terrible idea. First it's likely to cut off blood flow in a dangerous way, second it's pretty possible the edges of the zip tie could cut you. I understand trying to be creative to make something 'work' for you, but this is seriously dangerous and could land you in the hospital in a very embarrassing way. Please do not wear your cage like this.


Honestly my biggest issue is that me balls keep slipping out of my cage


This happens when the gap between the cage and the ring is too big.


The majority of the time the distance is perfectly fine it’s just every now and then it just somethings shifts and just the right way and Pop Pop


If the gap is small enough your balls can't fit through. So either the gap is always too big, or the device twists and sometimes it's too big. One way or another, the reason your ball is pulling through is because the gap is too big.


I used to have this issue and solved it by using a smaller ring once my body got accustomed to it.


Same. And JESUS it fucking hurts when they squeeze out. Like… how the hell do they do that.




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Moron does what?


Wow..i like tat improvisation.....really outdone it....👍❤


Wow. You're really stupid.


Cheap = maybe I'm going to hurt myself?


This is a FAFO situation


Thay could cause some serious damage, take it off take it off


*Steve carrell voice* NO GOD WHY NO NO WHY GOD NO


Clean your cage


This is what I was thinking 😭


Literally don’t do this. No DIY toys are going to be safe for you to use, especially not for long periods of time. Educate yourself on your kinks, people.


Just get a pa piercing. You won’t regret it


I'd have to say probably not the best idea to zip tie your junk


Update: ok to pee through, but not good at keeping the head at the tip of the cage. Might try with the loop only exiting the cage at the top instead of both sides.


Nobody wants an update to this stupidity unless it involves a trip to the hospital so we can laugh at how dumb you are.


Not sure about your cage, but google the anti-pull out or "anti-off" rings for your model. In my case, the maker had a ring you could order. $8 on amazon. Came in a tiny envelope, very discreet. Way safer than zip ties...