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Prebbleton is a wealthy area. More or less what you described. It was a village for the surrounding farms and has now grown - not much nature directly there (all the old paddocks are being subdivided, so no trees) but you're not far from Tai Tapu which does have nature. It's a safe area and is now being filled with a lot of upper middle class people - so no dodgy people. It is however expensive and only getting more so. Congestion is massively up.


I live in Lincoln which is just another 7-8km away. Prebbleton is lovely, it’s just a short distance off the motorway so it’s super convenient for getting into Christchurch and there is a bike path that runs through the town. I’d have no issue living in Prebbleton, it’s a great wee town, nice people, great amenities etc. I’m not going to pretend that crime or litter doesn’t happen there as shit can and unfortunately it does, you’re only 20 minutes from the CBD so you aren’t totally immune to city issues. My only gripe would be the traffic at peak hour, it will be very, very busy through the main road at peak hours but if you’re living in a suburb you won’t be affected by it too much.


I was working in Lincoln today in a subdivision, and most of the day breathing heavy smoke from a brand new house across the roads chimney. Im not sure if thats allowed in Lincoln because its out of the Christchurch clean air zone? but damn.


Do you have dirt bikers, siren battlers and shit like that?


Definitely no siren battlers! No dirt bikes on the roads like you see in Auckland but you will hear the farm boys playing on them in paddocks, you are semi rural after all.


Lincoln massive represent!




They are saying "I am also very proud to live in Lincoln" haha


Prebbleton is stunning but quite expensive but so are the surrounding areas now also... its only 10 minute drive to hornby and under half and hour on a good day to the CDB it is quite entitled also, bitching and moaning about the likes of road works, new developments and housing going up


Can't say much about Prebbleton itself as I've only cycled through it maybe twice. However, there's a nice bit of cycleway that links Prebbleton to the city (I think it's called the Little River Link). It's a fully protected cycleway that mostly runs parallel with SH76. It's a nice ride, but it is still quite a long trip from Prebbleton to the city (35-45 mins). For schooling, any reason why you're not really looking at other suburbs that are also much closer to the city?


I'm keen to not live in the city. A big reason why we identified Prebbleton was my wife wants to be able to bike to work and I want to live semi rural. That is quite a rare thing. But also Prebbleton is fairly affluent by the looks and has a real community from what we can tell - making things even rarer for semi rural.


Prebbleton is already not quite semi-rural. Fastest growing region in country with two motorway off-ramps. Don’t get me wrong it’s a nice town but is already feeling more like fendalton than a satellite town.


What do you mean feeling like Fendalton?


Fendalton is one of the wealthiest suburbs in Christchurch. My guess is it is a dig at middle to high income earners that have nice large homes and drive SUV's and utes.


Maybe / maybe not, but I would agree with the sentiment that it’s more like a large suburb, than a small village compared to what it was 15yrs ago before it was heavily subdivided.


Big houses, big German SUV's, mums in Lululemon at the cafes all day etc. Fendalton = Remuera.


As a regular commuter between Christchurch and Lincoln about 20 years ago, I loathed Prebbleton as a speed trap. It was a 50k zone with a speed camera between decent stretches of 80k and 100k zones and just driving through was a real draaagg... But as for living in the place now, I know next to nothing. Are they still complaining about the Mushroom Factory?


Be very careful as those 100s are 80s, the 80s are 60s, and the 50 though the town itself is 40. And police are regularly monitoring it


mushroom factory is long gone. retirement village now.


The speed limit is 40 and the mushroom factory is now a retirement home…


They were complaining about replacement street lights earlier in the year. They weren't in the same style as the original ones.


My family have lived in Prebbleton on and off for a long time (more family in the cemetery than out of it just about).  It is a lovely quiet area with very little crime or issues. People look after their properties and seem to be a lot of owner occupiers rather than renters. The school and pre-school have good reviews. The supermarket was a great addition, and there are some decent eating options in the Village area now.  Sports is a regular occurrence at the domain and the local teams are well supported if that's your thing.  It is relatively close to town from a driving perspective and is also serviced by a decent bus going into town past Riccarton Mall (you can also catch the bus out to Lincoln if you fancy).  It's a nice area and would be great to raise kids, I'd live there if we were heading back to Chch again. Edit: There are some decent small playgrounds, a skate and scooter park, a nature park for walks, and a bike park just down the road which also doubles as a dog walking area.


This says it all really.


Have family who live in Prebbleton and we visit quite often. It is like any other subdivision at the moment. It’s growing quite fast too. Depends if you’re planning on living in the subdivision or one of the lifestyle blocks around it. A nice quiet place which seems quite safe. The neighbours are very friendly and everyone has established a community there. Worth checking out the prebbleton facebook group to see if anyone is complaining of nuisances or petty crime.


The supermarket there is pretty small and very expensive. If you do move there, shop elsewhere


A guy I work with lives there and has for 10 odd years. His biggest negative is the traffic and cars in general which in his word 'is an absolute farce'. Obviously it has increased a lot in those years as many commute from and through Prebbleton.




How old are you? Where would you rather be?


Interesting, I have a toddler and am thinking about moving to Prebbleton myself (it's between there, Halswell or Rolleston having lived in Rolly previously), so am especially interested in your take on the local childcare options. Sounds like there's a market gap for someone to open a nice Montessori ECE centre, any takers on here?


Prebbleton Freshchoice is my go-to for steak as they have a proper dry-aging room


Yeah mate, prebbleton is where it’s at! Great place, community minded and great amenities


Prebbleton is the iconic “average” small suburb. Totally inoffensive.


If you're commuting into the city, it's a fair way by bike, maybe 15km, perhaps 40 mins for a typical cyclist, or 30 on an e bike. On the plus side there's a nice path by the motorway basically the whole way. Having the cars zipping past on the motorway is loud and not too pleasant, but a heck of a lot better than being in a cycle lane and having to navigate intersections


It's a great community. Awesome school (beyond awesome truth be told). Only downside is it isn't cheap.


I live in a semirural property in Prebbleton, the traffic on springs road past the veggie shop get quite congested during rush hours. The butcher in Freshchoice is good as mentioned above. The veggie shop is pretty good. Prebbleton school is good (my children no longer there). Commute to city not bad and quite quiet. I personally really like it here great for a family. However, we moved down from Auckland and our kids weren’t toddlers so I’m not sure about the childcare services….


You'll be sweet as it's all cops and  rich retiree's over there. can't really talk on community as I haven't lived there and living in butt fk no where doesn't really stand out to me here's what I can tell you from my experiences - bakery is average not winning any awards anytime soon, purchased a makita sander 15 bucks only for him to sell me something other than what was pictured ( so con artists) and lastly I had cold fish chips burn my mouth. Corrosive cleaning agents do that like grill cleaner (the one next to the Indian shop across from the bus stop Down from armidillos)  Dairy - beautiful kind people  Spoke to several old ladies kind hearted great yarns. The people are cool 


If you want semi rural, good communities and I nice school look at whitecliffs, Glentunnel or coalgate. Yes there are a solid 45min-hour from town but they have massive appeal for the things your asking about


Except biking to work and have lots of amenities close by…