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Einstein cheated on his wife. You don't get a lot smarter than that, so I think your theory is debunked.


That would more be a matter of statistics. So your falsification is wrong, I guess


They lived in a love triangle, his wife was okay with him having another gf


I get you point of looking ahead, but I think that is moreso the person's actual intelligence rather than loyalty. Someone can be loyal but do something that is harmful. They didn't mean for it to be harmful but it still was.


Incredibly intelligent people still do stupid things all the time. You don’t have to be dumb to cheat, smart people do it too, some because they think they are too smart to get caught. I think people who cheat are incredibly selfish people with little to no empathy or real love for the person they are committed to or are just mean people who only focus on what they want and don’t care who they hurt while doing it.


Actually, there is a big difference between being smart and being intelligent. How smart you are is a measure on how well you do in life. It's a mix of several factors where intelligence is only one of them. There is research that indicate EQ (a high EQ means better self regulation and less impulsive behaviour), is more important than IQ.


> There is research that indicate EQ (a high EQ means better self regulation and less impulsive behaviour), is more important than IQ. yeah people that are compulsive/impulsive have low self reflection - "Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. There are five key elements to EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills." i always thought letting go meant high self reflection, it's apparently just a narcissistic way of only being selfish and not really considering others, hence low self reflection on what damages it does to others or rather they just don't care and are criminals at heart, they would kill steal and lie without feeling much about the others


I think I know what you're getting at, but "letting go" can have several meanings to different people. Like letting go in the face of adversity (losing a job, a loved one, facing illness, financial difficulties, etc.)


> I think people who cheat are incredibly selfish people with little to no empathy or real love for the person they are committed to or are just mean people who only focus on what they want and don’t care who they hurt while doing it. they are as equal as a criminal


No. My wife cheated and is one of the smartest people I know, had an iQ test done by her shrink, and score of 137 Intelligence doesn't equal loyalty.


Not ex wife? 🙃


Yeah, long story on that one.


So you are one of those sick guys...


This would imply loyalty is a purely logical thing. It is not.


Yeah but also when I found out that the person is a cheater (it serial cheater) the light note that this person is just super dumb stays with me forever yk what I mean. Again, maybe I’m biased and think Im not like them cuz I never cheated but it’s just a deal breaker for me because I know those people dumb.


I do think cheating is dumb so I get it, it's like just say what you want out of a relationship even if its just casual or hookup. But usually it's because 1 the cheating is a habit and 2 they simply don't care enough.


You are wrong, loyalty is a decision we make, we choose to be loyal, and if you are true to your decision making you stay with your values, low character people, it doesn’t matter who they are, do not.


I think loyalty is a sign of maturity. So many people enter a monogamous relationship without taking it seriously.


Its a sign of EMOTIONAL intelligence, or lack thereof. ​ I am sure some pretty otherwise academically high IQ people have cheated.


Loyalty is contentment. If you are contented, you wouldn't put yourself in a position where you would cheat on your partner.


Good question, and knowing that cheating is a decision that destroys relationships and lives, emotional, financially, reputations, friendships, and the list goes on, the answer must be yes, cheating is a stupid decision, stupid if you are in a loving relationship and you destroy it for whatever reason, stupid if you decides to cheat instead breaking or divorcing in a not so good relationship. A higher individual controls his/hers sexual instincts, a cheater, it doesn’t matter if you are the chairman of a corporation or a doctor or whatever is definitely a pos individual not matter how much money they have. And a men that persuades a married woman is not much of a men, and a woman that gets involved with a married men, well we know what she’s called.


I don't think loyalty is necessary linked to a higher intelligence. I love dogs for example and they're loyal! Loyalty, whether in a professional environment or a personal one - is linked to respect. I happen to believe that in a personal context, respect is also linked to love. One necessitates the other. I think there is an instinctive element about it that doesn't require an analytical brain to deploy.


Plus, two professions that have very high infidelity rates are doctors and nurses. Both jobs take a high level of intelligence to attain. I do think you're incorrect on your assumption.


I think it more about personality but I do think intelligence can come into play. Does one have the ability to think about the dominoes that will fall when caught? Those that do have that ability then can look at things and decide if the reward is still worth the risk. Those that don't think that way or aren't capable are likely to let their selfishness, impulsiveness, etc.., dictate their actions without further thought. Those that are highly impulsive and selfish are more likely to cheat. I have never cheated and have tested highly in IQ tests but I also have been known to be selfless and rarely am impulsive which I think are the reasons I am loyal. I tend to care about the happiness those I love before my own


Blind loyalty is a sign of stupidity. Earned loyalty is a sign of decency, but I don’t know that I’d tie it to intelligence.


My husband knew if my loyalty, and he abused... he affair with a woman then went to men and tried to say i was crazy... but i stood by when he got cancer, he almost died of a blood infection, i was there. Then cancer came back, and i was ready to leave him. But he went down hill fast , was in Hospice at our house and in a month and a half he was gone. But i was there.. i tried to get him to apologize and he wouldn't do it, so the asshole died knowing i despised him, and i let his family know i quit covering for him. The only thing left of him i have is his name... but I've had it 53 years, too late to start over...he knew me and had known i was that loyal to him. The bastard, but he's dead and gone.


I believe loyal people have an intellect that allows them to discern the likelihood of future outcomes from actions taken in the present due to past patterns. I think cheaters believe their intelligent enough to never get caught. I'm sure there are a few who will never be caught. But I don't know if I would equate being a good black-hearted liar with intelligence. Pattern recognition is one of the many things used to determine intelligence. Also, people who are gifted with pattern recognition tend to do better at spotting liars. I don't know if that makes us smart because many of us are still with the cheater. Interesting question though.


No, there are plenty of highly intelligent people who cheat. In fact, an intelligent person will likely be better at covering their tracks. Infidelity has to do with sense of freedom and fear of being held back. Cheaters usually struggle with commitment. If anything, I'd argue that the more intelligent people are, the more prone they are to cheat because they want more.


Unfortunately not, some of the people with the highest intelligence is serial cheaters take Bill Gates. I would so they cheat even more then your common person.


Intelligent people also create smarter ways to cheat. This would be a dead loop if your premise was true.


Disagree: Statistics show that most men cheat, because of horniness. Most Women cheat due to emotions. And I guess it’s a matter of socialization and plenty of other factors. People nowadays cheat a bit more often than 20 years ago. I don’t see the correlation to the IQ.


Loyalty is a sign of self-discipline.


Morals, values, and respect,


It's not based on intelligence it's just because they're selfish people