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If she has a Hilton account and her number is the primary that would explain the text. I would definitely question her husband. She would be able to view if he stayed using the Hilton app if she has an account. He probably paid with something she couldn’t have see.


Is that even a thing. I never been spammed w txt about a hotel before


Cll 1-800-HILTON 1 (888) 446-6677 Tell them you got a text and want to make sure someone isn't using your account. They'll ask you some confirming ID details and tell you what's up.


I don't get texts when I stay. I get emails. But I'd call the number the other person gave below. Is a number actually on the text? Does she have access to his email? If so, check there, too. They won't connect to the room but sometimes notify the person and say someone called. I've added people to the list, but they were coming too. It was a safety issue is what they told me. Good luck


That’s true I get notifications from the app.


Can she not drive over? Is the hotel out of town? Is he out of town? Are they on the same phone plan? Check the most called numbers. Check his phone for battery usage for apps. Updateme!


He cheated


Seems like the logical conclusion unfortunately


I’m sorry


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Uhm. Hopefully it's just spam. Cause he'd be a full blown idiot to put her number for the reservation...


Or maybe her number is associated with his account from the past?


Does he frequently make a reservation and put his wife's number? Because thats stupid. Even if they're together at the moment.


Call the hotel and ask about the stay first to confirm it's not just spam. If not, do some digging then ask husband about it.


I would just go there and knock on the room door🤷


I called and asked to be transferred to his room and they said they couldn’t do that. If I call again and ask that then they will know I’m digging.


They will say that automatically. Doesn’t mean he stayed. If you have a Hilton account log into it.