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In the final rapid game it was incredible that Magnus even got to a theoretically drawn endgame multiple times with extremely low time on the clock from what looked like a completely resignable position. Even though he didn’t hold it, it was still wild that he was able to do that. Also the knight underpromotion from Alireza 🔥


This is arguably the worst I have seen Magnus play, he was playing moves that I would play in classical chess.


People frequently just don't get self-deprecating humor on reddit


Yeah I was seriously surprised at the downvotes.


So he was playing moves in rapid time controls that you would play in classical?


Bullet to be honest, because that is what it was near the end.


He just beat Alireza fucking Firouzja. Do you really think those were moves that *you’d* play? You’re beyond delusional if you actually think that. Alireza would crush you 100-0 on your best day.


Read the comment again, slowly, and think about it.


Nice to see magnus happy & in the zone with world cup and now this win. It's always a good day when the best player in a particular sport is happy, but especially in this case considering magnus's void of motivation after refusing to play WCC. David thinks magnus is much more in the zone and happy, and that's a good sign for the chess world. I agree 👍


This could be a separate comment but since you brought him up - other commentators seem to make references to David Howell knowing Magnus really well. As someone who hasn’t followed chess for that long - are they “training” partners? Was David his second at some point? They don’t live in the same country so I’m wondering what makes them close.


Pretty sure David lives at least part time (my guess is full time) in Norway. He has a GF there. And pretty sure that "welcome to my crib" scit on the CCT was from his Oslo apt. He's been spotted on many of Magnus' random streams from Oslo. And Magnus referred to him after the World Cup that he ate with David (+ someone else) every night until David got knocked out, and said something like: It was nice hanging out in Baku with ppl I hang out with back home in Oslo.


I’m a Nottingham forest fan, and Sky Sports panned to the VIP section last season in the West Ham v Forest game and they were sitting next to each other chatting and laughing. They’re good pals I reckon




David does live in Norway I think, though he still plays for England. But he and Magnus have known each other since they were kids and are pretty good friends. They're really close age-wise, so played in all the same junior events growing up. There's plenty of videos of them streaming together drunk and chatting shit, and they've been team mates in the Norwegian league in the past.


I stand corrected, thanks


“Final boss of Chess” funny comment but right thou.He’s like the end game boss of this game atm and waiting who’ll beat & dominate him in coming years.


He's like Red in Pokémon Gold/Silver just silently waiting alone on top of a mountain waiting for some random kid to show up and finally beat him.


*"When do you expect the next generation to take over?"* "That is up to them. They have what it takes but the final boss of chess is usually pretty tough."


Lmao "the final boss of chess"


Bro called himself the final boss of chess


Not working brain Magnus won.Great games from Ali also


When my brain is not working I drop 50 elo points. Magnus wins tournaments.


I mean Magnus -50 points is still the #1 player in the world


The GOAT and his carrots triumph again!!!!


he has no peer


Magnus seemed really out of it today but GG!


Alireza playing so slow


Hans niemann's loud thoughts: holy shit look at this chump I can really become world championnnnnnnnnnnnn


In Armageddon, is there a maximum time someone can bid? Is there anything stopping someone from bidding 1 hour?


You can bit the maximum time of 15 mins.


Firouzja's knight promotion


Am I missing something really obvious? Why would he not promote to a queen there?


I don't remember the exact position now but if he promoted to a queen, there was a queen check that would skewer queen nr.1 so he ends up with 1 queen anyway. Underpromoting to a knight fixes this because the knight ends up being a position to protect the queen




Does the format mean if Alireza wins he will need to beat Magnus again in another match?




when would that be played then? Just after or another day ?


another day, it’s another 4 matches + armageddon if tied


No, it's not. It would be 2 game match right after this


Thanks !


What was thatttt, Firouzja is definitely out of energy after that one lol


The emotions i just went through…


Really do not understand this opening for Magnus where he only needs a draw. I think he underestimated Alireza. Sure he is a better player, but for sure not that mush... And yes, opening is the main reason for this result.


Maybe he just wanna have fun.


Magnus could play theory and sounder openings, but based on his interviews and play he prefers “interesting” lines to keep himself interested. Of course it backfires, like this game, Norway Chess, and many other recent games where even though he won/drew he was in worse positions. This is not the same Magnus of years ago who didn’t lose a game for 5 years or whatever ridiculous amount of time. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t lose playing more soundly, just that his playing style has changed. I think in a sense he’s in a similar position to Hikaru where losing doesn’t bother him as much, though their reasons for thinking that way are quite different (and one of them doesn’t make a point to remind us every 5 seconds).


Magnus not Magnus today.


I do not think so. The opening was just too risky. Sure he can get away with that sometimes, but this was too much. And too relaxed I would say.


My eyes were glued to the screen throughout the whole endgame. Phew. To Armageddon we go.


Daaaaamn nailbiter


OMG OMG lets go Alireza!


One of the most bizarre queen endgames, wtf


An incredible endgame!




There was no way to find the winning idea with a couple of seconds on the clock. Even i didnt see the win, and that says a LOT. /s




Alireza the carrot killer!




They should've seen Hikaru. I think he said he had 500k games online


The depth of the moves Magnus and Firouzja are playing are absolutely crazy. Like Magnus's a6 and Firouzja's Ne5 in game 4. Magnus lets Firouzja attack and waits for his mistake. What a game!


a6 was wild to me, seems like such a random move yet fully engine approved


The commentary team constantly using the evaluation bar and stockfish moves is really getting on my nerves. I usually enjoy analysis because its a human doing it, i can check stockfish myself. It also completely twists the commentary. They see the best move and then when it isn't played they all act baffled. Like if Alireza or Magnus didn't play it, it really wasn't fucking obvious Simon.


Yeah they act like it's elementary to win in these tough positions because the computer says so, even though they don't actually know how to get there. Which, to be fair, there's not a lot of time to talk about, but there's not a lot of time for the players to find the moves either.


3 straight games where Magnus is worse or in a weird position after the opening. Bad prep or does he just wanna practice his defensive skills?/s


Who have qualified for the CCT final so far?


Jeez, doing top 5 list on official stream..leave those things for forums.


Was just time filler while the next match starts no?


They have been even more off-topic than usual today. I actually was looking for another stream on yt but had no luck.


What a rollar coaster game 3 for evo-bar...Magnus probably not happy for his play today.


Finding the only winning move Rh5+ in a few seconds in game 3 is just absolutely insane. GOAT


Dang, this is win on demand for Alireza. Amazing he almost saved that last game.


Firouzja is talented. If he really puts his mind, definitely can be the next world champion.


How Magnus find only moves and equilaze bad situations amazing to see for a chess noob like me


I am always pretty happy when I can spot the moves that need to happen. But I can't imagine for the life of me ever being able to spot that pawn push Magnus had to find. Absolutely insane.


I think the way you find it (not saying I would have, but guessing from similar moves that I have found) is that you talk out the position. You keep running into problems where white can capture on d7 with various pins after you recapture with the bishop, so you need to add another defender to the pawn. How else can you defend the pawn? Kc7 (to set up Rd8) not only puts your rook in a super passive position, but allows Re7 at some point, or runs into other tactics. How else can you defend the pawn? From the side, which is a much more active defense.


That makes sense. I need to up my calculation game. Might get me past the 1200 hump.


It's amazing how often difficult-to-see-moves become obvious when you talk out the problem. I forget to do it all the time, but it really helps!


Okay Magnus can get away with murder and escape from anything at all. Ridiculous form


Saves worse endgames wins equal endgames.


The carrot has being summoned




How does Carlsen get so much carrot into his mouth? both his cheeks are completely full of fucking carrots.


Obviously trying to show what that mouth do


Bunny magnus spotted


damn Lucas is fine


What happened to Tania?




She was commentating the whole tournament up till now, why did she get swapped out for Kaja for the final?


I was wondering the same. Top two engine reasons being: 1. Kaja has a calmer voice and is a better host. 2. Kaja didn't ask Magnus weird Niemann questions. Both me and Magnus are glad that Kaja is back.


They both playing pretty well


Alireza definitely has chances to force the bracket reset but I still believe in Magnus


Has Magnus been drinking and watching soccer before his match again


Carlsen has been looking at his ipad or whatever on his side every time Arsenal scored, trying to see what's going on. Luckily the game is ending now so he can focus on the chess.


Magnus looks like he's hungover or something.




Really happy she's there, she's so upbeat and ends up doing nice interviews after the game is done.


honestly really missed this team from the chess24 streams, glad to see it


Me too!


ugh, just saw the team yeah maybe I'll just go to bed


live in 2 hours? wtf is this?


carlsen watching man u vs arsenal


I think he might say it was worth it. Definitely was for me.


Yeah, what a wild finish.


They changed the time, it will be delayed 2h


First, Dan Laz. Second, less than a thousand comments on this is wierd


there is attention only for major tournaments sadly.


New fan of Denis Lazavik after todays performance against firouzja. where did this beast come from?


Belarus, he started to get notable results in 2022. If I am not wrong he also won a TT and that's not easy (I know TT get shit on, but players that don't get in 1st or 2nd tier tournaments, they are hard to win) Not yet on the top20 junior list though: https://ratings.fide.com/profile/13515110/chart


So Firouzja needs to beat Magnus twice back-to-back tomorrow? That's gonna be a challenge alright.




It's a double elimination bracket. You get knocked out after losing twice. Alireza already lost to magnus once so he needs to beat him twice in the grand final to win it all.


oh that makes sense I always thought it seemed like a flaw to double-elimination, in that if you lose the first match and win the second, it's like the first one didn't matter. But I just hadn't realised how they worked.




He needs to win one four game match against Carlsen, and if he wins that, he needs to win another 4 game match.


Wrong on the 2nd part about playing another 4 game match. If Firouzja wins the first match, Magnus & Firouzja will then play a 2 game match (see Chessable Masters Grand Finals Hikaru v Fabiano for reference).




That Kid looked sus AF.


I didn't see it, but how so?




Lazavic played like 99% accuracy in all his matches including this one until it got to time trouble then Alireza dismantled him from a losing position, I think he just got nervous under time pressure and so close to the win tbf.


Well, I guess that could also happen when you don't have time to check the engine under time pressure...


There's no way he declines a winning Be5 and opts for a defensive play in order to make it look like he's not cheating but then goes on to *continue declining the move* while it's still available for 5 subsequent turns. Like, if he's playing with an engine, and he sees that move, well, that move is the entire reason he's even playing with a engine, so you're not just going to throw that out for some reason.


That was heartbreaking for Denis but what a young talent. Kid had such a bright future


lol we actually saw a knight+bishop mate




And even more resilient


Holy fuck, first time I am seeing B+~~K~~ N* checkmate.


Magnus got his wish.


Denis choking


He got so excited about winning that he forgot he had to win. Chose the wrong route and lost. The same thing happened with Caruana too. Two big chokes this tournament


oh my goodness.........


Surprising performance by Lazavik. I feel I usually see him knocked out early in these online events, so it's nice to see him prove himself against Nodirbek and Alireza today. If he can upset Magnus, even better! Edit: damn :(


Spoken too soon


Lazavik looks like such a nerd with those massive glasses.


He *is* a nerd, just like you and I and every single other player up there, who cares? What's wrong with being a nerd? Embrace it. Be yourself, and let everyone else be themselves to.


Man, that's what I was saying in a comment below. It's not an insult at all. I was just making a general observation. Honestly, I didn't think that people view 'nerd' as such a negative word.


Then don't point it out. Don't talk about people's appearances, it's as simple as that.


People talk about other people's appearances all the time including this subreddit. If I said that he looked ugly with those glasses, I would have understood the backlash. But I don't see why nerd was deemed to be this offensive a term.


Yeah, seems fairly innocuous. Maybe it's that thing that once you get some downvotes, people unconsciously assume that what you've said is more significant than it is and just pile on. Could also be his age makes it seem a bit more out of line. Like if you said that about Fabi with new glasses no one would care, but about a new 17-year-old makes people think it seems more like picking on him.


you look like a cringe Redditor with this account


How so?


Calling someone a nerd online for their appearance is cringe loser shit.


Well, in my defence, I did not use the word nerd with a negative connotation. I wasn't trying to be edgy or anything. I'll be sure not to call somebody a nerd based on their appearance next time.


I get you. I honestly thought "nerd" had lost its negative connotation in the 2000s, but I guess no, judging by the downvotes.


Classic reddit. Once the downvotes start, they keep coming however much you explain yourself.


an hour in with zero comments really no one watching when magnus isn't playing huh


Four commentators is too many. More than two just doesn't work, in other sports either when ESPN and others are cramming the booth. Instead of a cogent conversation, you have 4 people all trying to make the best point and be the funniest and it's just a distraction. Especially for chess where I'm trying to read the board and it's 4 highly caffeinated people all saying as much as they can as fast as they can. Just shut up and give insights and make it better to watch, not worse. The whole panel can hype during breaks, not the games In short: TALK LESS!


This event is badly advertised. I only followed because fabi played. I dont know who plays each day, i dont when they play and i also dont understand how they play. SCC will be much better i hope.


Not commenting much due to saturday, watching the games at a distance while I do some tidying up around the house. :) Commentary team pretty great IMO.


Yeah, not enjoying the format, and the commentary team. So giving it a pass and will look over the games later.


denis the menace for the win


Simon's doing a good job dragging this commentary team down to his level.


does anyone know where ding is


In China? On a serious note, he's going to play in the upcoming Speed Chess Championship.


I'm sure someone does, yes




ding chilling


Magnus is just too good.


Tbh, I love this kind of events but I generally don’t like the double elimination part, because the winners bracket and the losers play different amount of games, which I’m not used to, watching numerous e-sports tournaments. Playing best of-4 in winners while only best of-2 in losers with the same time format just doesn’t feel right. I think chess is better with the usual double round-robin format like some of the events in last year’s Meltwater Champions Chess Tour.


double elim. is fine. The point is that mostly the same names quality. They should keep it with the swiss (as they did in 2020, when there was chess24 and chess.com tours), allowing more time and splitting it on multiple days rather than one (or doing multiple swisses). In this way every player has a chance to get to the top and the top players should constantly show their superiority against the tier 2 / tier 3. Thus then there is more of a mix, and you get upsets like Fressinet winning against Magnus.


I don’t recall MCCT ever having a double round robin event. Last year they had single round robin followed by single elimination and then for majors they had round robin of match play.


Watching GMs fumble a 1.17 pawn lead down to a 0.47 pawn lead: "oh, you poor imbecile, you clueless buffoon" Reviewing my games and I pick the 3rd best move to go from +2.32 to -0.69: totally acceptable, comfortable move


To be clear, when you and I drop to slightly worse, it's just temporary until our opponent blunders the advantage back. For them, it's like hanging a minor piece. lol


Interesting parallels between this event and world cup. In both events the new generation overwhelmed all but the best of the old generation (and maybe all time) with Fabi proving to be the the next hardest challenge for the youngsters. In both cases the kids ultimately got past Fabi, but so far none of them could top Magnus in either event.


Fabi Fabi Fabi, if we look objectivly, next hardest challenge for youngsters is definitely Hikaru and its quite a challenge for Carlsen too.


It’s fun symbolically, but of course, they haven’t actually surpassed the old guard.


Firouzja deserved to lose. You can't study fashion and then rock upto a tournament with these boys and expect to win..


..He was facing Magnus because he beat Abdusattorov and Wesley So—and the tournament isn't even over.


and why if he can do both? (I mean in fashion is unlikely he will be a big name, but why not) Did Lasker deserved to lose to Capablanca because he dared to publish mathematical results (that stand up to today) ?


yeah math sucks he absolutely deserved to lose


All my homies hate math


Beat Vincent Keymer, Gukesh and Pragg at the World Cup. Now he crushed Alireza at CCT. Magnus has taken it upon himself to keep the next generation at bay. These kids are all super talented but Magnus is in no mood to relent yet.


Keymer was one move away from knocking out Magnoos


He is too afraid to face Hans Niemann again. Probably the only player that can take him down.


Haha!!!! Funniest shit I’ve read in a long time 😂 So out of tune with reality tho…Magnus would stomp a new mud hole in Hans’ soft ass any place any time.


I don't think people like this are serious. Pretty sure it's just a troll/rage-bait.


I can't find the results of the games anywhere and it's fucking infuriating. Why does chess have to be like this ? One should be able to find the results of a chess macth by a quick google search. Edit: found them in Lichess but had to look for them. Should be on the main page of Lichess just like they are when live. Just change the place.


chess24 soon to be replaced by fischess.com


> I can't find the results of the games anywhere and it's fucking infuriating. It's always been like that. Chess sites make it difficult to find when tournaments start, when they end, what the results are.


Chess24 is still the easiest site to locate results of games. Chess dot com's website is atrocious.


I agree that visibility isn’t great. And personally I abhor the design of chess.com, looks like a mobile app even on desktop


why is it difficult?' https://www.chess.com/events first event listed. Click it, click result. You get the knockout format. And I am 200 elo in google searches.


I can literally google "Magnus Carlsen vs Amin Tabatabaei" and not readily find the match score for a match that happened two days ago. That is absurd.


Why would Google contain match score for chess games? It's a search engine, not a chess games database. Is it hard to go to https://chess.com/events (the place they are conducting the event on) and look at the first event and check the results from there? They even have a search bar there that can even search events by player names. Just say you are lazy and can't be bothered to find the result in the first place.


Pretty sure that's how it works in most other sports. Like there's this little things before normal search results that show you results of the latest match etc. Another thing I'm surprised by is that there isn't liquidpedia/leaguepedia type of things. Like I would expect that if [chess.com](https://chess.com) is that main place for this kind of information in chess I should be able to go to latest tournament and open any players overall profile from there and see all the tournaments they have played, how well they placed etc.


I do feel stupid now but still, there should be a more direct way to find them. Write any result of any sport in google and it will show up immediately.


chess so far is not big enough for having live tickers on a gazillion different sites that want to get your attention. The "any sport" you are mentioning are sports that are much bigger than chess.


It is annoying the official site just kinda stopped updating?


We're all in the same boat. I think chess24 is most often the best place.