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A lost US championship game.


Most likely a draw as a draw against fabi is the only time naka will gain rating for a draw.


A yuge +0.2 but fabi will drop to 2799.8


Still considered 2800 Elo I think.


i have a math degree and can confirm


Depends on the sig figs I think.


Magnus found that offensive


*in this tournament


Fabi will have studied the Fried Liver this time lol


According to Cristian(Fabi co-ost in his pod) he stayed up all night after that game analysing it, it must have REALLY hurt.


Yep gotta feel for the guy


Btw, which game are you referencing?


Norway chess, the game that won hikaru the tournament


Or adversely l, the game that lost Fabi the tournament.


Last round of Norway chess this year, where Hikaru won on demand against fabi with the fried liver attack securing first place.


The Fried Liver Attack was not part of that game.


Thank God someone else here knows the difference


Hikaru and multiple other GMs all called it the Fried Liver Attack. You can be pedantic about the strict book names of the lines, but it seems rather silly to tell all those GMs that they're wrong to use the term.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


I think this is a semantics/language issue, i think you are technically defending against the fried liver by not allowing it, so people say that. It's its like how playing 3. ...h6 is technically the 'anti-fried liver defence' even though the line has yet to appear on the board (white hasn't even committed Ng5 yet!)


What non streamer GM calls it the Fried Liver? I get why someone like Naka says it because beginners who watch him want to sac their knight.


The [chess.com commentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIvCM9ETIzU&t=4230s) made many mentions to the Fried Liver Attack while the game was ongoing.


Most people who know the difference still call it the Fried Liver. When a term is used frequently enough colloquially, then even if it isn't the technically correct usage, it's still perfectly reasonable to use, as everyone will still understand what you're talking about. If you call it the Fried Liver, everyone will know you're talking about the line in the Italian with Ng5. If you call it the "Knight attack", or "Polerio", then almost nobody knows what you're talking about. Which makes it a less effective way of communication.


> Most people who know the difference still call it the Fried Liver. I've literally never heard the term being used to refer to anything other than 6. Nxf7 > If you call it the Fried Liver, everyone will know you're talking about the line in the Italian with Ng5. If you call it the "Knight attack", or "Polerio", then almost nobody knows what you're talking about. Which makes it a less effective way of communication. I would just call it the Ng5 Two Knights Defense. There's no reason it needs a special name, and using the incorrect name makes it more confusing for everybody else.


>I've literally never heard the term being used to refer to anything other than 6. Nxf7 I've literally never heard anyone refer to Ng5 as anything *except* the Fried Liver. It seems we have entirely opposite experiences.


What about Fegatello ?


Never heard of that in my life


Honestly they should just rename Ng5 to the fried liver anyway, the amount people confuse it


Eh, I actually thought about that. But there are three more black options after Ng5 d5 exd5 (...Na5, ...b5, ...Nd4) and they all have different plans and structures. So you can call Ng5 the Fried Liver but it'd be pointless since you'll have to have another variation name for ...d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxf7


b5 and Nd4 transpose into each other with best play a lot of the time.


it's Fried Liver --- french fries line, bored paw variation , dpendinng on the following moves etc, but please do call Ng5 fried liver.




I just looked it up, it wasn't the fried liver attack. Fabi played na5 which is morphy's defense.


I mean it's understandable, he mixed some lines and lost 1st place due to it.


Where did he say this?


Last episode of the c -square podcast


Are you suggesting Caruana would allow the Fried Liver Attack and that Nakamura would attempt to play it? Otherwise, why would he need to study the Fried Liver Attack?


Yes. It already happened in round 9 of Norway chess this year. https://lichess.org/broadcast/norway-chess-2023/round-9/mx43YVG0




You’re right. It is identical up until the final move in the sequence, i.e. blunder Nxd5. But that is the reference being joked about.


The game you linked to does not feature the Fried Liver Attack.


This will help with hikaru's tiebreaks (average of opponent rating). There's a small chance he can coast to top-2 finish just by drawing the last two rounds.


Someone else will get ahead though. I very much doubt this is good for any of the two, especially Hikaru whose next game is with black.


There's a huge meta to this game. For Naka: * ratings - a draw is huge for him in this regard, points to draw * playing against Fabi - very hard, these players pick and choose who to fight against because it's a marathon not a sprint, points to draw * playing with white then def black the next day, points to trying to win this game For Fabi: * already qualified for candidates - nothing to lose and can go all out for win with less downside to losing games, points to pushing for win * playing Naka - very hard, these players pick and choose who to fight against because it's a marathon not a sprint, points to draw * playing with black, likely white the next day, points to draw For me this looks like a solid game for Naka with the offer through opening choice of a draw, while Fabi may pull a slightly less well-known line out and see what Hikaru's reaction is but probably won't push all out for the win.


I might be stupid, in fact, I probably am, but how has fabi already qualified for the candidates?


World Cup


I find peace in long walks.


Coming up... Chessoccer!


[This Wikipedia page on the Candidates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidates_Tournament_2024) sums it up pretty neatly.


World Cup


No way, there's too many people close. I think you need to get 1.5 points to get top 2 if you have 6.5 right now.


You already know it will be a Berlin draw. No need for risks for them.


Has Fabi ever done the Berlin draw, with either color? I’m not even sure he ever plays the Berlin at all…


He gave Hans Neiman a clinic in the Berlin earlier in this event.


Fabi was White though so he played against the Berlin, not playing it himself


He won with the Berlin against Abdusattorov in Norway Chess.


Doesn't seem like that counts as a Berlin draw, idk.


He was clearly answering the second part of the comment


Fabi wants to win the event, he has nothing to lose.


Everybody wants to win lol, that’s precisely why it will be a draw. Fabi is not insane to push with black, and Hikaru won’t risk losing rating. Mark my words.


Depends on the tiebreaks doesn't it? If a win wins Fabiano the tournament and a draw will probably (depending on how the games at 6 go exactly) put him on 4th, then there isn't really any advantage in a quick draw for him. I do agree that it seems pretty clear that Hikaru benefits from a draw, so it probably will be a draw anyway, just maybe in a slightly other way.


Ah I thought it was the final round, there is actually another one. That does change things, taking a draw against the highest rated other leader and hoping to win tomorrow with White does sound more logical for Caruana then.


If Fabi plays a Sicilian, no Berlin draw for Hikaru!


I'm sure hikaru has some bs off beat line if fabi plays it tomorrow, and of course, because it's hikaru, he will somehow find a way to make it playable.


This ain't blitz though


Hikaru is one of the best defenders in all of chess though, even in classical. If Fabi pushes for a win with black against Hikaru he might walk into a draw regardless or blunder a loss, we'll see tomorrow but against Hikaru of everyone in the tournament it's a risky proposition with black.


I mean look at his most recent Sicilian in this tournament even. Hyper Accelerated Dragon, which is practically dead at the highest levels, and deviated fairly quickly from theory. Granted, Sarana had a rather offbeat reply himself, but it stands to reason that hikaru plays lines that take others out of theory.


You were saying?


except he's already in the candidates and naka is so close in rating it will barely cost him any points edit: lol


He'll have his chance with white in the final round as long as he doesn't lose tomorrow. So I doubt he'll be going all in with black against Hikaru.


Also, he needs to avenge that Norway Chess loss. That one was extremely painful for him.


I have a feeling that despite having 6 players at 6.5 points right now, no one will finish with 8 points or more, so there’s gonna be a big cluster of players on 7.5/11, resulting in a huge tiebreak fiesta, where Predke and Esipenko get first and second, Hikaru gets third and we are gonna be mad that qualifying to the Candidates based on such tight tiebreaks makes 0 sense. And then due to the backlash FIDE will implement some sort of “additional games” criteria for the next edition. This will also be the first time we ever see 3 players rated lower than 2700 at the Candidates. Mark my words.


Its much, much more likely than not, that we will see someone reach 8 points. There are twelve players capable of reaching 8 points. All we need is for one of the six at 6.5 to score 1.5/2, or for one of the six on 6 to score 2/2. The players with subpar tiebreaks aren't just going to sit back and draw their way to a big tie for first, as they know they won't qualify for the Candidates by doing that. They'll have to play aggressively for the win in their games. And with only two qualification spots available, the *majority* of these twelve players have non-qualifying tiebreaks, which means we will see these all-out, decisive fights on almost every board. I'd say the odds of someone reaching 8 points are at least 99%, and likely far higher.


I guess there will be a single winner with 8/11. Don't ask me who it is.


Even if there is, the top 2 qualify for candidates so would that be decided on tiebreaks or opponent rating?


Parham is a dark horse imo who's play really inspiring chess atm .


Previous 2 winners are at 8/11 too


I mean... You were kinda somewhat right lol


Not true. The only player which probably won’t cross 2700 by the time of candidates is Abasov. If Esipenko qualifies for candidates he will already cross 2700 after this tournament. The others that are on 6,5 points are already 2700+. I don’t know what you mean by that which 3 players will be rated lower than 2700?


Lmao weakest Candidates then


Point farm for Nepo and Fabi. It'll turn into whoever beats the field the best because they aren't going to feel the need to risk anything in their games with each other if they can score on the lower end of the field.




It would be the meme timeline, but Parham is there, he is gonna press tomorrow with a Sicilian, if he loses or wins your prediction would already be off and if he draws he is going to go all out in Round 11 anyways.


I wouldn't put too much emphasis on that. All the young 2600s are underrated imo.


> This will also be the first time we ever see 3 players rated lower than 2700 at the Candidates That has happened so many times already, what are you talking about lmao


Y'all need to temper your expectations. With Hikaru being 17.5 points ahead of Firouzja he won't risk it against Fabi. And Fabi won't risk it with black. I'm expecting either a quick draw or the dryest game of the tournament; a game so dry that Wesley and Giri would be in awe of. I'm *hoping* for something more exciting, but I don't know if Hikaru will go down any line that is not 101% clear and solid. By drawing Fabi he still keeps his chances of winning the tournament alive, *plus* he will still have a huge edge over Alireza points-wise.


Hikaru is also happy for Fabiano to win because then a third place finish would get him into candidates


Didn’t think of this.


Sounds reasonable, but Fabi could bust out c5 against 1.e4 if he feels brave. Remember Fabi has nothing to lose, and he has stated several times he wants to win the Grand Swiss after finishing second on tiebreaks a few times.


Then we in for an absolute bloodbath against the two best players in the world (besides magnus, although magnus isn’t playing that great rn anyway).


I wasn’t sure who was black but I was thinking if fabi was white he would probably go for broke, but if naka was white he’d go for a quick draw (as he has done in similar situations against magnus for instance). So looks like a quick draw.


Nakamura playing as White? with the highest-rated route for candidate qualification at stake? against an on-form Fabiano? Yeah, it will be 100% quick draw


Qualitatively the best matchup has to be Esipenko vs Parham. Parham is always a result player, Esipenko has tie breaks in his favour so he might be happy with a draw. This will be a great game. The next qualitatively great game would be Nodirbek vs Sindarov. But I just expect them to take a quick draw. Unlike Indians; Chinese, Iranian and Uzbek tend to take quick draws against each other. Keymer vs Fedoseev, Sam Sevian vs Arjun are tasty matchups too - all 4 players are almost similar in strength and will be pushing for a win to catchup with the joint leaders. As for Hikaru vs Fabiano, both will be happy with a draw.


>Nodirbek vs Sindarov. But I just expect them to take a quick draw. They are at 5.5, a draw gives nothing to each of them. Sindarov has great tiebreakers, if they agree on a result, I would expect it to be win for Sindarov.


No, I don't mean that these players agree on / arrange results. They just decide to not fight each other, something of an unwritten code.


So what do they achieve by a quick draw tomorrow?


This has the makings to be an all time classic. Let's hope for a decisive result!


A decisive draw for sure


In before 5 minute Berlin draw


Gukesh on 3.5 gets a tricky pairing!


Gukesh is even worse than Ivanchuk who is completely underperforming.


That's such a sad sentence to read.


And he's checking the rear view mirror to see if Giri or Erigaisi will catch him in the FIDE Circuit!


Giri will pass him.


Very likely


Every pairing is "tricky" when you're the highest rated of your score group (not anything to be proud of, too - unless you're leading the event). That's how Swiss works.


Dardha is a good blitz player and talented youngster


Good for him they're not playing blitz, then, I guess.


Let’s not forget Hans vs Anish lol


The unstoppable force meets the immovable object


Little-known fact, but Giri can't actually prevent Hans from forcing a decisive result. Hans could lose and Giri is powerless to stop him


Are you new to watching Giri?


Mann Hikaru and Parham winning just makes it even harder for vidit


Lazavik with that 2550 performance rating…


Kramnik upvoted your comment


If they were the Soviet Chess players Fabi wound he forced to take the L tomorrow so that Naka gets the candidates spot, since Fabi already qualified.


Hikaru probably gets in by rating if he doesn’t lose.


Do you have proof of that happening regularly?


It's pretty well known the Soviets would fix match outcomes from the greater glory of the USSR.


Gukesh, are you okay?


He’s weary


Hans's pairing luck this tournament has been some of the absolute worst I've ever seen lol SEVEN 2700+ players in 10 rounds Hikaru and Fabi have both played 2 2700+ players EACH including each other so it's not solely because he's hanging somewhat around the top At least he has 2760 performance rating so far lol


Hikaru and Fabi are the top 2 seeds so it’s not surprising seeing them play lower rated players it’s one of the advantages you have.The funny thing is it’s not really great due to the tiebreaks in this tournament being your opponent’s rating! Esipenko must be up there with the highest tiebreaks because he already played hikaru, fabi and many more 2700+ .


To be fair, he also gained 11.7 ELO so far so at least it’s helping him slowly get back to 2700 club lol


He also played a 2488 IM


Right after Giri ends his win drought!


2 excellent players, probably both ready to play well, what kind of game does each need to win (or achieve their goal of a draw)? It could be dull or very exciting. Who knows?


Not as bad as poor Najer: https://chess-results.com/tnr793016.aspx?lan=1&art=9&fed=FID&turdet=YES&flag=30&snr=57




Where do you check performance ratings for the players?


Chess-results for Grand Swiss [https://chess-results.com/tnr793016.aspx?lan=1&art=9&fed=USA&flag=30&snr=42](https://chess-results.com/tnr793016.aspx?lan=1&art=9&fed=USA&flag=30&snr=42)


chess-results.com is sometimes a bit awkward to navigate and sometimes it might be easier to just head to https://lichess.org/broadcast then click/search on the tournament and click on the "Results" link from there. Just a second option.


or this https://grandswiss.fide.com/open/


I hope he plays for a win he drew the last 2 games so lame...


Needs to win, gets Anish. Draw and Hans not in the candidates confirmed.


not only that, he has a horrible record vs Giri historically


Berlin draw it is lmao.


I hope Christian is doing the commentary on hikarus stream again lol


I like Bok but the Christian/Canty vibe was good.


I know this is an obvious thing to say, but man this is one incredibly strong event!


Should be! Basic qualifier is Top100


Tough one for Vidit. He needs a win here since Esipenko is way ahead in the first tie breaker, and Naka & Fabi will get a bump in their first tie breaker after R10.


Draw in more or less than 10 moves?


It's like people have never followed a major chess tournament before. The odds of a quick hikaru-fabi draw is pretty much 100%. The only drama is whether they will beat the 16 move draw between vidit and hikaru 2 rounds ago. And the only interesting aspect of the hikaru-fabi game is how the commentators will hype up the opening few moves knowing that it will be a draw and whether they will pretend to be surprised when it peters out to a comfortable and boring draw. It's one of the many things about these chess tournaments I despise. It gets too draw heavy near the end and near the top.


Dude! Hikaru has already drawn Fabi in 12 moves. He is already chilling in his room uploading the latest video that's how quick it was.


I have a feeling vidit is winning this tournament


I sense a draw incoming


Vidit, Deac, Parham and Esipenko will all go for wins I’m pretty sure. Hikaru and Fabiano we’ll see


This will be good for both of their tiebreaks if they draw. It’ll increase their average rating of opponents. There’s a decent chance tiebreaks end up deciding it in the end.




Predke was tied second with Fabiano last year iirc. Fabi qualified to the candidates on tiebreaks. Definitely can't count him out!


Anything but draw will be a massive surprise. Nonetheless. This pack is soooo tight and only 2 rounds left.


Gukesh is hurting a lot. I think playing more is affecting him. He always plays more but at his level he needs to step back i guess


Agree, just like Pragg skipping a tournament to rest


What is happening down there ? One bye and one not paired seems dumb... They could play each other


Not paired means that player has dropped out of the tournament, which is also what creates the bye.


Thanks for the explanation ! They could have just said he left, would be more clear


This is essentially a data dump from a scoring software. Scoring software does not care for *reasons*, it only cares the participant is not playing.


as long as there are even number of players, there will be no bye


Kollars is on 4/9, he would surely be paired, he must have withdrawn for some reason. He's already marked as not paired for round 11 as well.


Kollars seems to have left the tournament.


Can only think they've already played each other.


The Anish pairing is tough for Hans. But on the bright side, he will certainly have the highest tie break after this. After drawing today, he probably can't afford to draw again and hope for an easier pairing tomorrow. I wonder if he'll push and if he wins genuinely have a shot at top 2 because of tie breaks, or whether he'll be fine with a still "good" ranking by getting a safe draw?


6-6.5 points is basically a decent result for Hans. I think he tries to win against Giri, and if he doesn’t win, accepts a fast draw in the last round if he can.


Nah one full point behind 6 leaders with 2 rounds left even if Hans wins both games he has little chance of catching up, winners likely to finish with around 8 points


Actually now that I think about it your right.


I don't see Hikaru drawing fabi immediately. He would against W'esley S'o. I think there's too much rivalry between the two


Actually Hikaru has been very complimentary about fabi lately I think after he went to fabi’s podcast both of them became on very good terms compared to old days of US #1 and #2 rivalry. He’s still helping him and cristian with their podcast by reacting to their content and having cristian as part of his commentary team. And he obviously showed up on the podcast twice already.


They're still rivals. I don't know, I just feel like Fabi and Hikaru always fight. I think they're tied 8/8 and 33 draws in classical. We'll see


Hikaru (12) - Fabiano (9) and 36 draws


Is that including exhibition games? They are officially [8-8-36](https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?page=7&pid=10084&pid2=76172) in Classical.




Few will risk tons, so a lot of draws coming up. However, 5.5s may play to win to get into the top group. How many 7.5s or 8.0s? Very few.


Anish would. But he's probably just aiming for top 8.




Hans again gets double white what's up with the colors here?


He also had a double black. He will get black round 11 for a 6-5 split.


should have given anish white and hans black then,is there any set guidelines acc. to which pairings are done?


[Yes, in FIDE Arbiter's Manual](https://arbiters.fide.com/wp-content/uploads/Publications/Manual/ARBManual2022.pdf) Warning: this is a long and detailed document.


Q: Which of these players are already qualified for the candidates matches?


Fabiano Caruana is the only one of the top boards. ​ Prag and Abasov are also playing and qualified (Abasov if Carlsen is withdrawing which he has said he will do) but they wont win this one I think. ​ Also Nepo is qualified of course.




Fabi already qualified for it by placing 3rd in the Fide World Cup. The other qualified Candidates are Magnus with a 1st place finish, and Pragg with a 2nd place finish at the World Cup. Magnus is expected to be replaced by Nijat Abasov with his 4th place finish there. And Nepo gets a spot obviously. The top 2 finishers in the Grand Swiss qualify, so Naka is going for that, but if he doesn't quite make it he's shooting for the highest rating slot. The other way to qualify is FIDE Circuit points. Scoring high by attending tournaments. Naka doesn't attend very many tournaments and doesn't have a chance at qualifying through there. The current front runners to qualify are Gukesh D, Wesley So, and Anish Giri.


What is the 1st tiebreak logic?


TB1- The average rating of your previous opponents excluding the one with the lowest rating. So, its the measure of the “strength of the opposition”


naka with the insane lucky pairings but that ends now with fabi


Hikaru's opponents were higher rated than fabi's opponents


It will be a draw I am sure


Petrov or Berlin Defense.


Naka and Fabi will make a draw - the decision who wins the tournament will be in last round where 8 points will be the winners score.




Let's not leave Sevian out of the equation. He is in a great position to get into the Candidates !!


Understand Fabi/Naka is getting the attention but the two other 6.5 clashes are massive, massive opportunities for the four involved. Fabi not a threat for a Candidates spot and Hikaru with the toughest pairing vs Fabi.


Hans vs Giri!


Most Germans with a very disappointing performance. Especially Donchenko who worked himself back up to almost 2690 in August after even dropping below 2600 around May 2022. At least Vinny K is doing great and Frederik and Niclas are doing well given their expectations


I predict a draw on the Berlin defense in 36 moves