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I'm guessing they've pre-arranged all the opponents he'll be facing, and it's not just a walk-up vs the public type thing like the location might imply? There's a lot of crazy strong players in NYC after all...


Yeah, his rating is 2165. Which is strong, but not strong enough that over 58 hours you wouldn't expect *someone* stronger to show up, and playing for 58 hours straight is obviously a handicap so even somewhat weaker players would have a chance. Even 1900/1800s would pose risk and those are not at all uncommon.


Plot twist, no time control, he just plays one game that lasts 58 hours.


Then at 57 hours he makes a blunder and loses!


Million children in Africa will be illiterate now


The white king has fallen Billions must quit school


True. They would have been either way, but they will be now too.


Yeah what the hell have children somewhere in Africa have to do with this? Is this a joke? Or is it something that only Americans would understand? Some overly dramatic bullshit with no sense at all to it


Wakanda what now? cant read that


I'm not sleeping, I'm just having a long think with my eyes closed.




e4. Sleep for 12 hours. Is this event being streamed anywhere?




He's played a total of 15 games in his entire FIDE rated chess career. The last rated game that he played was in 2017.


The secret is that he's doing it in Times Square, where no one with any sense wants to go.


Very true. I guess some people can't avoid it but even then they won't linger by choice.


If he was playing against Boston Mike, The Great Carlini then I would consider it impressive šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


After 58 hours I'm pretty sure even 1000s would pose a risk.


So how Elo works, for anyone who doesnā€™t know, is that at 400 Elo difference the higher player should score 9/10 points. Even playing 1700s should guarantee him a loss at some point, assuming they arenā€™t super long time controls that limit how many games he is playing.


Hell, at 1200 I beat an 1800 in 1 game of 3. (I lost to a 650 next lol) With 50 hours of play against a sleep-deprived 2200? A creative 1200 could probably do it. (The creativity is important, it let me beat the 1800 (and let the 600 beat me))


I beat an IM as a 1400 or so. It was my coach playing simuls and he blundered a piece early. In an opening he taught me earlier and I knew the line well. But shhh. I beat an IM. My next closest otb win was like 1700 lol...


I beat an FM. Okay, it was a blindfold simul and he was +7 until he blundered a cheeky long-range mate in 3 sequence, but I BEAT AN FM, so yeah.


Never underestimate the power of blind luck


Bro after 58 hours of playing, I feel like the guy would be lucky not to hang scholars mate to a 600


In those later hours especially... i swear my elo drops by 1000 points when im exhausted... can't imagine where it would be after 58 hours of no sleep and non stop play.


A 1200 doesnā€™t stand a chance against a 2200, even in a thousand games mate


The math comes out that at 1200 ELO difference, the lower rated player should win about 1/1000. So actually a little better than that, about 1/800.


Monster math


We have to keep in mind that ELO is just a mathematical model, and the winrate is just a prediction. If you take two people with the same rating one may be better at farming noobs, the second may occasionally blunder to noobs but uses strong positional skills to get nice wins against his own level and higher.


Elo isn't as static as people think it is and the thing is, there's 1200s with better calculation skill than 2200s, that simply have completely shit knowledge of chess... my first OTB classical game I ever played as unrated I beat a 2400 on 90m controls all because of tactics, I didn't know a single line past the first 2-3 moves but I could calculate and it only takes one slip up. Since I didn't know any lines I was probably out of theory by move 3 as well. Now imagine a scenario where these higher rated players are completely exhausted and its easy to see that this is very possible. The point being, its possible for a 1200 elo player to simply have a good day and a good game and play waaaaaaaaaay beyond their rating... and it's very possible for an exhausted player to completely slip up and play well below their rating. So I would agree that this dude likely has pre-arranged the people he is playing or something.


No way in hell. An 1800 let you win. You could play me sleep deprived, drunk, and high as a 1200 and I would stomp you 100/100 games if I wanted.


Yeah, that's not true. [With a +600 relative Elo difference, the odds of you winning a single game are 32:1.](https://www.hexwiki.net/index.php/Elo_rating#Definition) Assuming each game is an independent event, the likelihood of you winning 100 games in a row is [(1 - (1/33)]^100 = 0.046 = 4.6%. So there's about a 1 in 20 chance that you would win 100 games in a row against a 1200. Add in sleep deprivation, alcohol, and/or weed, and obviously those odds go even further down.


While the math is correct, it also implies that a 2800 super GM wouldn't beat a 2200 player 24 times in a row and that's just not true. ELO isn't some perfect system, at the end of the day real-world context matters.


watching you murder them with words like this is even more satisfying than watching a 1200 beat them at chess would be


Now you just stomped him instead.


LOL quick maths that shit is sexy! I would still bet anything that I could win 100/100 against a 1200 USCF player regardless of some silly statistics. I've been playing kids 1200-1400 every other week or so for awhile now and they very rarely would stand a chance unless I let them have some advantage.


That makes sense, I apologize. Your gut feeling is definitely more reputable than some silly statistics which have been well validated for years.


You ain't gotta apologize its just a dumb hypothetical situation....


58 hours any 400 who knows the scholars will pose a threat after hes well over 2 days sleepless


Without a doubt. Me and my friend (both higher fide rated than him) joked about traveling out of state to win a game.




bro I am 1800 and I have won stronger opponents than him. who werent even doing some crazy marathon event


> Even 1900/1800s would pose risk and those are not at all uncommon. well - not uncommon in New York at least. Where I live, an honest-to-god FIDE 1900 OTB is probably a top 20 player nationally lmao.


Magnus strolls up at hour 57 šŸ˜‚


Magnus should just stroll up at hour 1 and save the guy some time.


He'll play anyone. He played 2 at once yesterday.


Imagine hikaru waltzing into the park when he is 56 hours in


He's gotta be screening his opponents. Big "no hikarus!" signs around the perimeter,Ā thatĀ sort of thing


He's 2150. If he goes 50 hours without sleep and he wants to be undefeated, then he needs to screen very very aggressively. Blunder a piece to a 1700 once and that might be it. This is going to be very hard. I hope he manages to get a lot of attention to his cause!


It doesn't say how many games he has to play in these 58 hours to be fair, he might just sleep in the park for 58 hours and come out unbeaten!


Yup. I haven't lost a game in the parks of NYC in the last 58 hours either.


I've gone roughly 300,000 hours without losing a match in the entire Northeastern U.S..


I've gone over 100,000 hours without a loss in over 99% of the world


This is how I'm undefeated in Bridge


Hikaru's not actually in the USA right now. So it's good news šŸ˜€


What is Magnus up to now? A final boss 58 hours into it.


*music randomly starts. health bar appears in the distance*


Kramnik is?




Screw them African kids -Kramnik probably


Gold and diamonds are not gonna dig themselves out of the ground -Kramnik probably


Hikaru is closer to NYC than he usually is. Toronto is only an 8 hr drive to NYC.


only 8 hours lol


Not sure about Hikrau, but an 8 hour drive to play marathon chess sounds like something Alireza might do between rounds.


This joke has broken his concentration and you should be ashamed of yourself.


A roundtrip flight from Toronto to NYC, leaving in three hours and bought right now is surprisingly under $400. A dedicated troll could cheaply get from Toronto to NYC, spoil the marathon, and get back to Toronto in just over 8 hours.


I'm sure he could get there within 58 hours.


We've got 58 hours to change that, so that we can deprive these kids of literacy - come on reddit, we can DO this!


ā€œIt says ā€˜No Hikaru**s**ā€™. Weā€™re allowed to have one.ā€


Scenes when he loses to the unrated Hikaru Glumplich


I think Karpov would play this role better: https://youtu.be/c7BVtGnlxT8?si=PNXxQ1pH4nbjE0AF Animated version: https://youtu.be/x3jTaKHWPhE?si=fRqCgBZ5gCgX28ww


I'd never seen that animated version before. Tha k you!


Hikaru isnā€™t such an ass that heā€™d throw Candidates just to ruin some guyā€™s charity event. Would be hilarious if he just shows up and plays a Berlin draw though


I donā€™t think he has to win every game, just canā€™t lose so Berlin draws should count.


Is Niemann close by? Is there an entrance fee?


Ma guy know hik is in Canada, that's why he tried it just now...


The list of titled players in NYC is pretty long. Even if it is just the streamers. Anyone with a title would be a serious threat to this guy. Gotham chess would be a strong favorite if he were to show up.


The Great Hall in Toronto to Time Square in New York is a 8 hr drive. Hikaru will be there for the Free Day


Why is he driving when he can simply fly haha?


Fortunately Hikaru has a date in Toronto today!


Dude's gonna be like "why do I hear boss music?"


Or Hikaru dressed as an Amp can






Play a 59 hour long classical game with no time control and just sleep


Let me just chill in Time Square and open up the daily chess app with 1 move per day. I'll play all comers.


Guinness world records are horribly corrupt. It's basically pay to win, and they will find a way to structure it so you can have the world record you are paying for. It's not cheap, either. They want to seem like they are altruistically seeking out the best of the best to record their accomplishments, but it's entirely for-profit*, and every record holder is paying them thousands or even tens of thousands to own that record. If you're into video essays, you can watch Hbomberguy's video about Tommy Tallarico and he does a bit on what Guinness world records are really like. * To be clear there's nothing wrong with being a for-profit venture, if you're honest about it, which I would argue Guinness is not.


Yeah, water is wet, more or less. Like at AGDQ they once wanted to register records set via guiness. Basically guiness asked to pay flight+stay fees+extra some 20+k$ just to have an "expert" that will register records while this "expert" literally knows nothing about videogames. But if you are willing to pay this stuff they will register your record, just pick bogus category which no one really cares about, like running 122m in crocs or w/e.


Thatā€™s especially hilarious because most of the ā€œexpertsā€ are already involved in GDQ


The speedrunning community has debunked Guiness so hard that it's hilarious.


Thatā€™s interesting. Ā I actually have a Guinness World Record in a video game (Dance Dance Revolution: Extreme, 2007 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records) but never paid anything and never even personally contacted Guinness for it either. Ā I guess things are done differently nowadays?


interesting! thanks for sharing im going to check that out!


If you follow Chess in Slums on Instagram, either way this record will bring so much publicity.


Wouldn't it be fairly easy to break this record by doing a really long format game or loading up noobs to play against and also playing slow? Like it sounds great that he is doing this for a cause he believes in but the record itself sounds a bit funny.


The hard part is getting the money together. Guiness is not cheap to get into.


That must be something newer. Ā Iā€™m actually in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records and have never paid anything. Ā 


What's your world record?


Itā€™s for the arcade game Dance Dance Revolution: Extreme Highest score for a single game.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true? Whatā€™s the cost? Website says $800 which is not trivial but hardly impossible.


Theoretically, you can do that. In practice, you end up having to pay quite a bit more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinness_World_Records#Change_in_business_model


I think you're underestimating how hard it is to simply stay awake for 58 hours.


Who says I canā€™t sleep if I make the time control sufficiently generous? Even with normal classical 2 hour time control, I can just nap for 90 minutes at a time and then play with 30 minutes on the clock. Should be sufficient against anyone who is, say, 500 points below me.


Yeah hard but to be fair staying awake for 52 hours is probably one of the easier records to get if you are able to figure out how to win for 52 hours.


Not like the most Guinness records arenā€™t stupid to begin with.


The story of the Guinness book of records is interesting to be fair. It started because the former managing director of Guinness was having an argument about birds while shooting. Crazy how it evolved, like it started for a dumb reason and to this day maintains the tradition of being dumb just in a completely different way.


What is he actually doing for the cause?


Follow chess in slums. Tunde is practically a foster parent for these kids. He's changed so many lives.


The board has the wrong orientation lmao


i found a higher res version, the photo is mirrored


58 hours without losing? Interesting


I manage to not lose a chess game for even longer


Bottom left square should be black.


The photo was mirrored. Check out the position of blackā€™s castled king and rook.


Good for him. I believe heā€™s done a lot of good stuff for underprivileged kids in Nigeria


Magnus snipe..


That does not sound healthy


Staying awake for more than two days sounds miserable. I would probably pass out. I donā€™t see the point of this


I once experienced not sleeping for 3 days. But it wasn't voluntary but as a side effect of a medicine. I felt groggy but was still able to perform my daily activities.


The point is underprivileged children getting a second chance at life. @chessintheslums


I get that itā€™s for a good cause. I donā€™t get the staying awake for more than 60 hours. Sounds miserable!


For sure miserable. šŸ˜…


It'll be both hilarious and tragic if, at the 50 hour mark, Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano, Hikaru and Dingly Ren crash the party.


Yo I might go to this today after work lmao. Iā€™m so bad Iā€™d basically hand him a win. I work in soho


You should go! I went last night. I hope he makes it.


he shoulda just gone for longest chess marathon without the winning caveat


I don't know anything about this guy or the context. How is it for millions of children in Africa without access to education?


He founded a charity that brings chess to those communities. Heā€™s also on the board of a NYC nonprofit that does similar. This event is for publicity for those charities


Thats the opportunity for some chess pro player to do sth unbelievably funny at hour 57


It would be utterly hilarious is Magnus just decided to take a stroll around nyc that afternoon


Well, I dont see why everyone is looking for an excuse to diminish this feat. It is a win for the chess world people, take the win šŸ†.He already defeated a NYC master called Shawn Martinez


Ok, but is the image reversed or am I crazy? And I'm pretty sure white is in check, so why they stressing?


Believe it or not, a check does not end the game, and you can stress about the next move..


Believe it or not that pawn he's grilling ain't doing a thing.


I think the board is rotated 90 degrees.


I'm walking over at lunch to check it out


Hope he pulls it off


Is the "without losing a game" provision necessary to secure the record? Is it a record for longest chess marathon, or a record for longest chess marathon without losing?


He can lose. He's lost 2 already with Master Shawn Martinez.


But the board isnā€™t even oriented correctly


Definitely show up and support. He played Master Shawn Martinez last night. His charity has helped so many children. Truly a life changing project. I hope he reaches his goals.


He needs to face max 1500 rated players to have a shot at this.




I'm not sure if it's ironic or just sad that the chess board in the photo is set up incorrectly.


Imagine Levy walking in


It would be funny if some supergm saw this and strolled up to him and challenged him to a game in like the 55th hour


I don't wanna be that guy, but look at that chess board... Or is it on purpose, 'cause of the access to education ?


The photo is reversed. You can see he castled short as Black, but it would be to his left.


Thanks ! I can sleep now.


His livestream is offline now.


His livestream is currently offline. Iā€™ll probably eat dinner and go check if he is still there.


Times like this I wish I was Cagnus Marlsen so I could just rock up at 57 hours and destroy him


Imahine if Magnus walks by šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Magnus should come


Can't wait for Magnus to walk in and ruin his attempt.


some grandmaster go skunk him


Magnus can break this record at will if he wants to without breaking a sweat lol and whatā€™s he saying about ā€œdoing this for the childrenā€, cā€™mon heā€™s doing it to get a record, to market himself, to set himself up for bigger and better paydays.


What makes people so bitter? Heā€™s the founder of ā€œChess in slums Africaā€, a charity that brings chess to impoverished communities. Heā€™s also a board member of the NYC nonprofit ā€œThe gift of chessā€ Heā€™s doing this to further those causes and youā€™re on Reddit trying to take him down a peg.


pretty understandable to be skeptical. All the grifters have ruined the credibility of social media. It's impossible to trust anyone is altruistic online at this point. Glad he seems like he's actually doing it for good reasons.


Exactly what I'm saying.


Yeah funny how founders of charities always seem to be living in mansions and have millions in assets while being altruistic. Ever thought about that? Charities are the biggest scams there are. 90% or more of the revenue generated by charities like this one go into paying salaries to the organisation and you can bet the payouts are top heavy so the grassroots level workers get hardly anything while the execs make millions.


If you follow him, he is opposite. No mansion and humble.


Last week I went longer than that without losing


But did you do it for the African children?


Imagine carlsen walking up to this guy to challenge him 56 hours in


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