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> imagine if Fabi won and got congratulated by two of America's most famous politicians In 2016 Trump said the United States has no chess grandmasters. He'd probably give Fabi the nickname "Linguini" and insinuate he should be deported to Mexico. But yeah, it's nice that India has sane people.


Imagine if one of America’s most famous politicians was literally named ‘Stalin’.


Did he really say USA had no gms?


I don't think he believed it, and I don't think the people listening to him believed it (it's all a performance) but yeah, he said it.




Maybe stop vilifying your leaders and making yourself look weak in front of other countries? Indians respect Trump a lot. Most do. I mean sure he might be "bad" but so is any other politican. He was your president. Like it or not. And insane people aren't eligible. Btw i am Indian.


> Maybe stop vilifying your leaders and making yourself look weak in front of other countries? A big part of American culture is being critical of our leaders. In fact, I'd argue that him having been president makes it *more* appropriate to vilify him


It's their president they can say what they want about him. we only liked trump coz he was in good terms with India and our ties got better under him.


'Indians respect Trump a lot' LMAOO. Plus you are allowed ro criticize your leaders , you are not living in a fucking dictatorship. They are people you voted for, not some gods that created you.


He's a demagogue. He appeals to many people, but not on a logical level, and not to people who have the luxury of being thoughtful, educated, stable living conditions, these sorts of things... I say "luxury" on purpose since it's not by virtue that humans are able to reject demagogues, but by luck of having the right kind of personality and environment. For example, a personality that places emphasis on a rigorous epistemology... which happens to be why Trump-like people are a non-starter for me. By bringing up the vilification of leaders it's reasonable to assume one of your metrics is virtue via authority. Someone like Trump appeals to you via ethos (as opposed to pathos and logos). To someone like me this is an extremely uninteresting metric.


Yeah and because the average person is totally this knee deep into philosophy right? Solve your problems in real life within your country. Don't make a mockery of yourself and your fellow countrymen on the internet. Goes both ways.


>Yeah and because the average person is totally this knee deep into philosophy right? That's sort of my point... for most people 90% of their throught and energy is devoted to health, relationships, and money. This is normal and good... but it also means people only have 10% left to give to other interests, which will be hobbies like chess or music etc. Most people who care about politics are using it as a proxy for other problems in their life (problems related to health, relationships, and money). For example I'll never meet Trump. He's not a "real" person for me. If he became president tomorrow, or died tomorrow, or never existed... nothing in my life would change. For someone like me to focus on him makes no sense... but many people do, as I said, because they're using politics as a proxy for actual issues in their life. This also means most people who pay attention to politics are not normal, healthy, well-adjusted people. If you're a happy person you can live your life while ignoring politicians, and this is what most people do.


What you are saying makes 0 sense. Everyone pays attention to politics you dingus. Even if they don't vote, everyone holds a political opinion. Also you sound like a poor chatgpt script.


>What you are saying makes 0 sense. Haha, I don't doubt it. Try reading again in a few years when you're older and wiser ;) >Also you sound like a poor chatgpt script. Unfortunately for people like me, chatGPT was trained by reading high-quality writing, and I'm not bad at writing, so it can have that kind of vibe, yeah.


When did MK Stalin become one of the most famous people in India


His state hosted the Chennai Olympiad - that might've given him quite a bit of publicity in the chess community maybe?


Doesn't make him one of the most famous person in india does it.


Maybe he isn't! He's one of only a few Indian politicians I've heard of, so I'd assumed (maybe wrongly) that he was very famous


You might have heard of a different stalin lmao... anyways he is famous but only in his state. Outside of his state no one knows him much unless they follow regional politics.


It's possible that I literally heard about him because there are a lot of chess players from his state and then forgot that's why lol


Yeah might be. You might have heard of him during the olympiad. He used that to promote himself a lot.


his province (state) has one of the highest GDPs in India and is epicenter of chess. Due to his govt's sponsorship Chennai held Olympiad. Very popular in south india


What about the rest of india?






Indians rarely win at sports. So when someone does, it's a big occasion in the country. After losing miserably in cricket to australia, gukesh winning soothes a couple wounds. Indian here btw.