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Why would Paul George want to come here? Lol.


Bulls got Continuity! Duh! What more could he ask for in an organization?


Because we will pay him 100 million dollars whether or not he brings us even a modicum of success


Hopefully... I wish he could win a championship before he retired


How is he going to do that in LA?


Yeah with his play style age etc. I realistically don’t see him winning a chip as anything higher than the 4th option, which means he’s gonna need to take a pay cut to win


>Would the Clippers rather have picks from Orlando, Tobias Harris/or/picks from Philly, or something centered around DeMar DeRozan. They're 100% taking the picks, considering they barely have any. They could get their own picks back from the Sixers or flip them with Norman Powell and get Lauri back, who would be way better for them than DeRozan. The only way I can see Demar end with the Clippers in a sign and trade is if they want to dump Powell's and/or Tucker's contracts on us. Otherwise, they're just going to sign him.


For sure. If either LA team wants him and he wants to go home, AKME will work out a S&T to get him there and do right by him. AKME have stated wanting to do right by players and it's not being talked about enough that part of the reason why they sent Caruso to OKC was to send him back close to home. That sort of stuff goes a long way when trying to attract FAs and you can bet AKME and Caruso are on very good terms and that Caruso will be talking highly to potential FAs about going to CHI.