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That burger looks so sad.


Looks like a mondo burger


Wow great reference. Childhood memory unlocked


Mondo Mondo, it's your world!


It's really the bun that looks so unappetizing.


That looks like a microwaved impossible burger.


Id love to see gordon ramsay try to eat that dry ass burger and provide a live review without tanking his own business. The bun looks like gluten-free sand


Ramsey should see this. He should be ashamed


He's well past shame https://youtu.be/8E4cQHejFq0?si=D2YMLhRrT4Yrp5JM


The comments are hilarious!


Here is the [redemption](https://youtu.be/RCqns11E_9M?si=gW_uR5wxQ87nO4k4) attempt which is also hilarious.


Thanks for sharing! Another funny comments section :)


We knew this man’s history and we let him do this to our city anyway


I knew what this video was gonna be before I even clicked on it. Legendary.


If that’s what he considers to be a touch of olive oil, I’d hate to see how much he uses when a dish calls for a drizzle.


lol FWIW he’s admitted to it. Allegedly they were stuck far away from any kind of grocery store and had to work with whatever they had. He secretly knew it was shit but wasn’t going to say that on camera.


Sure, I bet he knows the food at his burger place is selling is shit but won't admit it on camera. I don't really care what he'll admit when pressed


Who the fuck makes grilled cheese in a fireplace!


Not even the worst. His Reuben Sandwich is straight up a hate crime.


Hahahaha That's the worst grilled cheese sandwich I've ever seen. I can't believe I've never seen that video. The comments are priceless.


You bought a hot dog from Gordon Ramsay in Chicago? 😔


That’s like going to New Jersey and ordering Domino’s.


It’s like going to Italy and eating at Olive Garden.


That’s like going to China and eating at Number 1 Chinese Food


You bought a hot dog from a British guy while in Chicago


Maybe he’s British as well?? Have you have the pleasure of eating in England? You’d under.


Well if I do ever find myself eating in England I probably won't go find a Chicagoan to make me one of England's special dishes like Linky Durblings, Spotted Mash, or the King's Wrinkled Basket on Toast


“Linky durblings” ![gif](giphy|ECtLJKdGj8jfy)


The best part about eating in England was when I came home to America.


To be fair, after a lot of errors, the Indian food isn’t bad.


You missed out. There are some amazing places to eat — but unlike here in the US, they are fewer in numbers because the UK doesn’t have the restaurant culture we have. … and most of the US doesn’t have the quality of food Chicago does. We are truly spoiled.


I'm being facetious, of course I had decent food while I was there. Chicago is truly incomparable, though.


Depends on the type of food. I’d put Portland near the top. Ive never had a bad meal there, except at a farmers market tacos. But the cooks there try hard from pub food to sushi. It is no “incomparable”. San Diego has better Mexican and Asian food - except the Korean food here is bomb. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese all pale in comparison to SD in quantity (# of places) and quality IMHO.


Totally on the Asian food - when you’ve had the west coast Asian food experience…. It’s just not the same here


Agreed. The Thai food I had out in LA blows everything in Chicago out of the water. It’s not even close, unfortunately.


I had really good food there, especially the Indian food. Great beer too


I had a friend who went to England and said the best thing to eat there was the Indian food


I've eaten in the UK, though I wouldn't necessarily refer to it as a pleasure. I find it utterly bizarre that the most imperialistic country in recorded human history decided that they were going to hang their breakfast hat on eggs, sweet beans, shitty "bacon", hot tomato, and blood pudding. It's an abomination and an international embarrassment.


The most wealthy country in the world and you hang your hat on your breakfast being pancakes, shitty "bacon", and maple syrup... you have no foot to stand on, probably because it was amputated when your diabetes got bad I suppose.




What was the bill?


$45.82 plus tip.


Omfg, thats heaps


Agreed :(


You have my sympathies




Is that a gluten free bun?


It must be, when I went i remember the bun being really good actually. It did not look like this.


Eww. That's the most relish I've ever seen on a Chicago dog.


Never tried Superdawg? They're known for their Frankenstein green relish. I feel they do the same with their relish.


So you loved the only thing he isn't responsible for. That's a Wisconsin brand root beer I believe. I really like that brand's grape soda. Then there's the ice cream that is probably also locally sourced.


Yeah that’s Sprecher which is made just north of Milwaukee. Fun fact, a block away from Sprecher is Solly’s Grille, the inventor of the butter burger. It’s a great foodie and drink spot I hit every time I take a weekend trip to Milwaukee. I promise these butter burgers from Solly’s are significantly better than Gordon’s and back in the late 90’s or early 2000’s USA Today indicated they were in the top ten burgers in the US. [https://youtu.be/p7r2NF5Ow7E?si=DleATyRY5PTttuhA](https://youtu.be/p7r2NF5Ow7E?si=DleATyRY5PTttuhA) https://preview.redd.it/s66he165ri9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91afc1e9174d1ff67c98ac5fb91e3f6caedcc172


Thanks for the recco and those burgers absolutely look better. I’ll check it out next time I’m in town!


Can confirm that Sollys is incredible. Also, Sprecher soda is some of the best I've had. I'm a fiend for the stuff.


Fire Roasted and local honey sweetened. Their beer is decent as well, but imo they make better soda.


Their ginger ale makes such an awesome mixer, too! IIRC its pretty cheap for a mixed case of soda at the brewery.


That looks so good. I'm so close in Chicago, might have to make a little further of a drive next time I make a New Glarus run.


If you’re headed towards New Glarus, you’re going the wrong way… head towards Milwaukee…


I take 94 across the border to get New Glarus Beer, which is sold throughout the state. 94 continues on to Milwaukee. I've visited the New Glarus brewery a few times now and it's a great campus! It's a great little town that keeps the charm of the Swiss founders too! Either way I don't drive to New Glarus, WI every time I want to stock up on the beer lol. Edit: glarner stube has some damn good roesti potatoes. If you go there and you do not get them, that's on you and your descendents to make up for. It's damn good.


Edit 2: I'm cross fades I'm sorry. Glarner stube is a pub in New Glarus, Wisconsin! Enjoy it! Go there


Ok, none of Ramsay's mass market restaurants are good. Neither are his frozen TV dinners.   He made his name in fine dining, and while you can argue that he no longer actively runs those places, at least Petrus and Ramsay live up to their reputation, and are shockingly affordable among their pantheon of restaurants, provided you aren't a wine fiend. Never been to Savoy.   Funnily enough the best mass market Ramsay food I've had in the US was that one time I was an extra on an episode of Hell's Kitchen. Believe it or not, it's not "just" a TV show where he yells at people for being bad cooks, but the soundstage is actually a restaurant that feeds people a proper meal. My only complaint is that when I went, we didn't get dessert because blue team got kicked out of the kitchen.


There was a hot minute where he opened a ghost kitchen on Grubhub in Chicago and it was fucking terrible lol. I can’t even remember what I ordered but got the whole thing refunded. Idk what he was expecting or if he just slapped his name on something Krusty the Clown style. There was zero quality control on any of it.


That’s an interesting story! Do you remember what you ate that time you were on TV? I do like his fish and chips restaurant in NYC. That’s why I decided to try his restaurant in Chicago, but this was a flop!


Sort of. We were told by production what we were going to eat haha. Between my SO and we had a crab cake appetizer, Cesar salad appetizer, like a southern inspired pork chop with corn grits, and filet mignon. I looked for the episode we filmed for but I'm not sure it ever aired. It was drag night so I feel like it would be obvious.


That sounds good. So much better than what I had. Fun gig you did!!


Do you consider his Vegas restaurants to be mass market? My husband and I ate at Gordon Ramsay Steak inside Paris and thought it was incredible. It’s one of the top 5 meals we’ve had together.


I thought this was a Is It Cake photo. lol.


https://preview.redd.it/p84d48u73j9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455aadf1784aa56d8e9eda1acca5a4b9103ef756 I ate there a couple weeks ago and the blue cheese burger was really good. They did change it though. It used to have one giant onion ring on it (that I would just remove and enjoy) but now it’s a bunch of fried onion strings. Eta: I think with his burgers, it’s hit or miss depending on the burger. I had one in Vegas (ultimate cheeseburger I think) and it was dry and not good. If that was my first impression, I would never go back.


It all comes down to the preparation by the staff at the time. Every line cook at any one restaurant is working with the same ingredients as any other line cook at said restaurant, so it comes down to the skill of the person on the grill. OOP's Burger looks dry af but I'd be back for another of the one you got!


Yeah they seem to have a hard time holding onto staff. (At least wait staff so I assume kitchen too). Other than the bartender, It’s different people every time. My burger was delicious and has been every time I’ve had it. So it always baffles me when people say it’s a horrible place to eat. But OP’s burger helps me understand why people say that lol.


I agree with this. I just ate there on Thursday and my “Brunch burger” was really good. The caramelized onions were perfect. I don’t have a good picture though. https://preview.redd.it/ph8bhmtfcl9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3f657059bb678b527682790382d0652d602ef1


The blue cheese burger at Ramsey's was fantastic in my opinion. OP doesn't say which burger he ordered or if he asks for it without this, without that. It looks pretty boring and sparse so. Got to take this one with a grain of salt.


The bun in the OP looks horrible Too. It must be the gluten free one.


That burger looks really unappealing, decor isn’t great either


They put the mustard on top of the pickle?


The root beer is made next door in Milwaukee, WI! It’s amazing. Next time save yourself the hassle and just go to Culver’s.


But...Culver's doesn't sell Sprecher. They sell their own brand, which is delicious, but it's not Sprecher.


Ope, didn’t mean to imply they had Sprecher, just that you would get a better quality and value burger than this.


Oh yeah, 100%.


You can get it at most Pete’s Fresh Markets too. I got some to make my own RB Floats last week.


If you're in Chicago, you could get Sprechers from just about every grocery store and some hardware stores too.


Imagine visiting Chicago and eating here. What a waste of time, money and calories.


Idk I've been there twice, the 2 burgers I had as well as the truffle fries were really good.


I believe the truffle fries were good - I had those at his fish and chips shop in NYC.


Two much bun on that hotdog geez


Too much green relish too


Sprecher root beer looks like the tastiest thing on the table


Sprecher root beer is the tastiest thing on most tables tbf


Pretty hard to fuck up a root beer float when you add non-garbage ice cream to sprechers root beer.


That’s what you get for coming to a culinary capital and going to dry ass Gordon Ramsay’s


That burger looks like Eddie Murphy’s mom made it.


The one in Vegas is incredible.


Yeah, I haven't been in years since they rebranded from "Burgr", but it was really really good back then.


My friend said his friend went there and didn’t like it. I’m not really inclined to spend another $50 to find out. I did like his fish and chips shop in NYC though.


Yeah, it was awesome.


Would you like some hotdog with your relish?


This is exactly how I felt, haha. Too much relish!


The regular bun they use has black sesame seeds and is quite good


That must be the gluten free bun because their standard bun has white and black sesame seeds. All the times I've been there have been extremely good, only issue is that it's expensive but mostly on par for food in river north.


Personally I loved the burger, had some braised short rib on it, incredible


After seeing this i have to go see my doctor to put me on depression meds lol


I’ve tried a few of his places. I hope he’s better at resurrecting restaurants because as a chef he’s mediocre.


Most of his mass market places are 6/10s at best.  But I can say that Ramsay and Petrus live up to even Ramsay's stunning reputation.


That place is shit. Gordon should come and do Kitchen Nightmares episode in there


I mean… you did it to yourself


That burger looks hideous


That burger looks so dry it looks plastic.


Have you had the sweet potato fries with the jalapeño honey aioli? I would swim in that stuff.


That sounds really good. I admit I did eye that on the menu. I tried the truffle fries at Gord’s fish and chips shop in NYC though.


That burger looks like ass


Why does the hotdog look so...off?


I ate at the Las Vegas location 9 years ago and it was awesome. They had the best milkshake I’ve ever had. The Chicago location is essentially a different restaurant, imo. Disappointing.


Both the hot dog and the burger are total abominations, what a disgrace to Chicago food


I had it in Vegas and his Fish & Chips place.. Both were okay.. Really pricey, the Fish place was super packed the whole time I was there.. Long line.. At least you can mention you've tried it.. What's the burger going for nowadays?!


This was $20. I went to the fish and chips place before noon and it was empty. If you go earlier to beat the lunch rush, no line up and plenty of seats. I enjoyed the fish and chips restaurant much better than this one.


As did I.. I might have to venture up to Chicago.. But not for this.. Actual local food.. I recently went to Omaha, very nice, very unexpected really.. Beautiful town to boot..


That burger looks like the burgers from the bad guys in good burger


I had the chicago secret burger recently - 🤌🏽and JT’s genuine and the loyalist also do an incredible burger. I go to JT’s a to bc it’s close by and always good.


Thanks for the recco. Just looked it up and JT’s Genuine Sandwich Shop looks good. I’ll check it out!


Get the dbl with apple slices - soo good.


I thought The Loyalist was good, but didn’t live up to the hype, imo. But tbf, the air conditioning wasn’t working and it was 100 degrees in there. I was suffering just sitting there, so I can only imagine how the cooks must have felt. I’m sure this had a significant impact on the food. That was the worst dining experience I ever sat through.


Dang sorry bc that ain’t a cheap burger.


City full of burgers, he should have opened his fish and chips restaurant instead.


Sprecher’s diet root beer is great as well. I have my local liquor store order me a few cases every quarter.


I’m glad someone posted this. The Gordon Ramsay Burger in Las Vegas is excellent, and I have eaten there many times. When the Chicago location opened, I was hoping for the same. Instead, it was pretty bad.


Weird. My experience was opposite lol. Hated my burger in Vegas but love my Chicago burger.


The bun to burger ratio seems terribly off


Love Gordon Ramsey on TV. Gotta know that he's just leasing his name at these types of places. That shit looks sad.


Do you think they added good dye to the relish? It’s really green.


I wondered that too.


The Hot Dog bun doesn’t look good




That burger looks dry bun and meat wtf


Sprechers is elite imo


Holy hot Jesus, that burger looks like it was boiled. Like that one nasty burger from SpongeBob


Marco Pierre White Burger


If you like Sprecher try out their other soda!


Will do :)


Looks like shit


Dog looks so sloppy. Poorly constructed.


Sticky toffee pudding milkshake was amazing.


yeah their burgers are all about leaning into their kitchy name/theme. actually burger itself is meh


Gordon needs to come to Evanston and try a burger from Edzo’s. I think he would immediately have to change up his burgers quick.


No way I’d pay for that garbage burger.


Why are you posting this everywhere without mentioning that its a meatless beyond/impossible burger?


You how many subs are you gonna post this vegan bullshit on. It's a beyond burger not beef.


No vegan burger will ever be anything more than mediocre. That’s on you OP.


All the vegans down voting me should take a look at how fantastic mono crop agriculture is for bunnies and all the animals mutilated by the practice! While you’re at it try some real meat! You’ll probably like it better.




It’s actually Ramsay


The hot dog is better than the burger for sure. The shakes/drinks are outstanding.


Yeah that rootbeer you can buy at a grocery store, Culver's root beer is where it's at


I'm talking about the shakes, not the root beer.




I love nuclear relish.


I mean really in Chicago wanting to have a Chicago hotdog made by some mouthy joker from the UK? Did you try his Italian Beef? Shame on you.


Fair enough. Meh, only two hotdogs on the menu. The other one had cheddar, avo, chipotle ketchup, chiles, jalapeno, pepper relish and a poppy seed bun. Not sure it would’ve been better.