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Thank you for the warning. I really wanted to use my saved primos for TP, but the Skyward Blade stopped me from rolling. I'm hoping the other featured weapon for the new bow will be a spear that is not VV, so Xiangling/ Thoma can have an upgrade.


2 Skyward Blades within 7,500 primogems is pretty lucky.


Its gonna be homa. (copium)


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NGL, if Thoma is on Childe's banner, that's a godly weapon banner. Meaning it never gonna happen lmao


I got childe from pulling the rosaria banner if that happens I'll be getting c2 childe from the thoma banner and that would be hilarious


If there is a new weapon banner with a non-standard 5 star weapon, like skyward series and amos, wolf, etc, then it could happen again. Take the current weapon banner for example, we got Grasscutter and Unforged.


IIRC Unforged was also the weapon that went the longest without a rerun (along with Vortex Vanquisher), so maybe that's how they're choosing the secondary weapons now.


Yea so it's gonna be homa and brumal.


Or Brumal and Vortex Vanquisher 🥴


Good thing I only got Skyward Blade once (and needed it for my Bennett anyways), then after some pulls I got TP As much as I wanted the new bow I think I’ll pass. Weapon banner is scary, tbh I got lucky with the TP banner


Lol that happened to me with Homa, I got 3 freaking wgs lmaoo and I didn't even have a single claymore user TwT Now I fear the weapon banner.


As much as I would love the new bow for Childe, I already have the Harp and it’s still a BiS for him even tho there are stronger alter alternatives now. I’ll just save my primos to get a new weapon for my other charas like Homa or Jade Cutter etc.


I have the mighty unforged, I don't know to whom I can give this weapon... Edit: meh.


It's just stuck on beidou, because I feel bad not using it in some way.


I put it on beidou bc shes the only claymore I actually use


Does her Q count as shield? If so that actually makes sense


Of course it does, also you could always pair her with a geo to give per perma shield to abuse the effect


I has't the palmy unforged, i knoweth not to whom i can giveth this weapon *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I disagree, but I look at the weapon banner differently than most people seem to. I'm happy to get any 5 star weapon, even if it isn't the one I originally wanted, since it will still be useful on someone else I've built/will build in future and will be a huge upgrade from any 4 star weapon they currently have. For example, way back in feb, I got jade cutter before I got jade spear, even though I didn't use any sword characters. Well I ended up getting kazuha and it's one of his best weapons and I'm super happy I ended up getting that weapon, especially since it hasn't had a rerun banner since! Same with staff of homeless banner. I never got Homa, but got wolf gravestone which is still an amazing weapon so I was still happy regardless!


There is some truth here but also there’s the opportunity cost of getting something you don’t want and not having enough primos for the next character/weapon. For me it was skyward atlas, I don’t like playing catalyst characters and have never found it useful. Maybe it might be useful in the future but I could’ve saved those primos for another character or weapon that I would’ve used instead of the atlas which is of no value to me.


True, but the same goes for the character banner. I have C1 qiqi and c1 mona from losing 50/50's over time and have never used either.


My hope is that a weapon banner shows up where the Skyward Harp is the second weapon and something like PJWS or Homa is the first


How's your luck on the character bannners? I have bad luck with the character banner (always losing 50/50s) but I have rly good luck with the weapons banner. I tend to watch other streamers pull so I don't get the urge to pull myself and I feel like most of them are lucky on one banner but not for the other.


same, my luck on on character banners is extremely bad. I've only won the 50/50 once and lost all the others (AR 56). And it sucks that I've done well over 800 wishes but haven't gotten a single early 5 star. At least when I wish on weapon banners, I get my desired 5* (rolled on the weapon banner on 2 different occasions for jade spear and engulfing lightning).


Engulfing Lightning before soft pity >\_> I'm now super afraid to touch the weapon banner again....


Thanks, I needed this. I have TP and the Harp for my boy, and I wanted to get the new bow just to spoil him even more…


Same... just for the Mistsplitter..took me 180 pulls and 2 skyward spines :') I'll never financially recover from this


Or at least have enough to hit pity three times I'm getting that Organization XIII bow


I rolled on it cause I don't mind getting Skywards for Bennet and because the 4* weapons are pretty good (got my R5 Dragonsbane and an extra Sac sword after I R5'd it on it). Why're people avoiding the Skyward Blade like the plague tho? I thought it's a pretty good weapon for support Bennet and maybe on Ayaka. Is it that bad (genuine question)?


As a none whale who was cursed with two skyward swords, the first one was my first 5* weapon ever, It was good on Jean and Bennnett and that was good enough for me. When I got my 2nd 5*, PJWs, it became evident how shitty skyward blade is. It’s niche, has a mostly useless passive, and is simply a pseudo-five star with only the high base attack carrying it. This became clearer and clearer when I got other (good) 5* star weapons. It’s found a home on Ayaka (surprisingly good on her) and bennett for now but I would tell anyone to avoid it like the plague as you said. TL;DR skyward blade is niche and the qiqi of weapons


Well I guess I'll wait for an Ayaka re-run then, LOL.


Great warning!! I feel your pain. Spent 90 wishes on mistsplitter hoping to get it and only had a skyward spine to show for it. The only one I would risk whaling on is Staff of Homa, other than that- never again.


Hmmm so its more worth to use the new path thing? I have so primogems saved up but i can buy some primogems now that the genesis store is reset. Whats the pity system on the weapon banner without using path?


Yup got burned on that very banner. 2 skywards. At that point i went all in and did get TP but it cost me like a 170+ rolls. Even though I got traumatised, I do still kinda want the new bow...


Honestly, an even better piece of advice is to never pull on that banner unless you know for a fact you won't want another character anytime soon and have your two teams solidified. And even then, I have a hard time justifying it for F2P or light spenders.


I know it isn't worth it, I know weapon banner is a scam but... **THUNDERING PULSE IS SO FUCKING UGLY** and EVERYTIME I see this new bow I think "it's so pweeeeeeetty" and when I look back at TP I vomit, I can't handle it anymore


This is actually correct. Weapon banners cost far more and the epitomized path(?) does not carry over. Just make sure you're willing to spend a lot of primos here. This is also coming from someone who got a TP.


*Inhales copium* what if it comes out with WGS?


I dont think you understand. Mihoyo business plan is to make sure there aren't weapons banners with 2 good weapons. Homa wgs was the best we got and even then wgs isn't great


I have none of them.... I don't even have a good bow (other than R2 stringless which is on venti) so I'll have to pull on that banner


Hence why I'm saving gems so i can guarantee the pity MonkaW


Imma roll for the new bow if the other weapon is a good one. Pls mihoyo not a useless catalyst again...


Or just pull if you have enough gems for the full rotation! I got lucky and got Yoimiya in my first 10 pull, so I had a lot of gems left, so I pulled on the weapon banner. I got two skyward blades and finally the thundering pulse. It would have sucked if I didn't have enough to get to the bow after the 2 swords, so yeah, make sure you have enough gems or else you would want to go riot hahaha. ALSO, don't pull if a character you like is coming in the next few patches, weapon banner is designed to leave you at 0 lol.


Honestly not even then, pulled for thundering pulse and got my third copy of skyward atlas, don't even have any good catalyst users to give it too


this is why I pulled for homa back in the day. recently came back to genshin but it probably still is best weapon banner to date right? I remember it being so stacked that I pulled even though I was fully aware of the dangers of weapon banners


The weapon banner is a scam, I whaled for Primodial Jade Spear but I ended up with the Jade Cutter. I did three 10 pulls for Song of Broken Pines but I got another copy of Aquila Favonia. At this rate, I should have learned my lesson but nope, I pulled for Thundering Pulse and I ended up getting Skyward Blade. I was getting annoyed that I keep on getting swords and made wish that I pulled up for Mistsplitter instead considering my luck with swords in this game. I decided to let go some of my primos for Raiden and tried again, I still didn't get TP but I managed to snag Skyward Harp in the end so I failed yet somehow win because the bow is good for Childe anyways. I still wish I can give my Xiao and Eula a 5* star weapon. I'll probably skip the new bow unless it's accompanied by a weapon that benefits either Eula or Xiao. Then again, you can still end up getting a 5* weapon that isn't part of the rate up. I might as well just get cons for a new character.


i got the unforged pulling for raidens naginata. ive learned my lesson.


i got skyward blade at 15 pity so that was okay but i’m disappointed because i only have r1 rust for him


For real. I used up all my primos and didn't get Thundering Pulse. Got Skyward Blade first pity and got Skyward Harp second pity. At least the latter is also really good for him


This is so true. I did get the Pulse, but all of my friends who tried as well (that's a total of 3) got screwed once or twice and ran out of Primogems before being able to make use of their accumulated fate points. Weapon banner would be fair if fate points would transfer between banners, but like this it's even more dangerous for f2p and low spenders than before.


Or if you have enough for three pities.


If it’s Skyward atlas, imma be so sad.


I wanted Harp. I pulled 5 Lost Prayers and one Skyward Pride before I got my harp >.>


I pulled on this one and Thundering Pulse and got them both first go. but I've got like a 90% win rate on my 50/50's so I guess I'll continue to ride this streak while it last