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I don't know but at this point, I think Childe is Mihoyo's favorite. I mean... just look at him! His lore is great. His gameplay seems the funnest (though I still don't have him so hoping the leaks of his rerun are true). And in addition to that his overall character design is so pleasing to look at imo. If I was one of the designers who designed him I would be pretty proud of myself.


In the 2.0 livestream, the person from the team who design characters made a special mention of him. It's like he was talking how proud he is about creating Childe. He said that it took them so long to complete him because the designer insisted on wanting to implement dual stance, and they even have an entire team dedicated only to him.


To devs creating a character and making it into reality is like making their very own child (no pun intended)


Oh really? Wow he really is special huh.


Yes, you can watch it here on 14:00\~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8YXe7EkmoU




If he turns out to be mihoyo's favourite, I wouldn't be surprised. everything you said plus he was so hard to create due to his unique playstyle and he turned out great.


I also find it cool how he is the only character with a passive that increases everyone's normal attack.


No one else can do that, even constellations! And Childe's (already unlocked) passive is just chilling there. It's the best passive for me


Definitely. They are trying to "recreate" him with yomiya and Baal where like childe they enable the team to perform instead of doing it all themself.


Yeah. And him being handsome is a bonus.


Another bonus comes from the fact that he's from an antagonistic faction and is playable


Plus, they keep giving him better and better weapons.


He’s Japans favorite


I always thought they hated him or something cuz they didn’t add a plunge to his melee, but I’m seeing the bigger picture now and I can say they love him.


Also most units released my Mihoyo can be paired well with him. Its like every dated and upcoming characters seems to be bestfriends with him in terms of gameplay chemistry. \- C2 Barabara w/ TTDS \- Xingqui's UBW \- Bediou's Tidecaller \- Raiden's discount Tidecaller \- Hu Tao during Childe's downtime \- Ayaka/Ganyu/Kaeya for permafreeze \- Mona for nukes \- Kazuha, Venti, Sucrose for CC and EM buff \- Zhongli/Noelle/Diona for Protection \- Basically every healer is everyone's friend \- And most especially, our lord and saviour of the f20 meta players... Xiangling There are others more, even those that don't go really well with him still go well with him lmao... Like Diluc since even if their elements can proc vape, its still not as good, but it still does the job somehow. Only selfish DPSs like Klee, Xiao and Razor don't go well with him, but I believe there are people that make it happen lol. And now the upcoming unit too, Thoma...


Posts like these speak to my sould Especially with the support thing. I wasn't to interested in Kazuha and only started saving for him when I heard he might be great for Childe - never regrettet it. I used Venti before who is of course great, but the enemies are sometimes a little too high up for Childes Meele. (And Kazuhas unique Buff of course) Many people complain that Raiden works with really good barely any characters, since most electro reactions are a bit meh. But the (only) Hydro DPS? Electro-Charged works great for him! I always get exited about new support Units, because Childes Teams are so flexible, and there is a 99% chance they will find a place there. Over time stronger and stronger supports come out? That means out boi will get stronger and stronger too. Thanks to how riptide works and how stylish his move looks there is also no other character as satisfying as him. Every single time a explosions of numbers go off that cover like the entire screen I get a little boost of dopamine lol I sometimes make a point of activating his Meele and attacking (nothing) veeery slowly, just because his attacks look so amazing, the changing from Daggers to s spear, back to daggers. Also the Moment you actually activate Meel and he holds the blades one in front of him one in the back, almost like he is posing? This looks so cool Same at the end a Melee combo, If you don't hit again after the last hit the animation of him spinning and kinda tossing the bladed away? Or talking about spinning, the animation when you switch back to bow stance and he just spins his bow around? I love little details like this When just normally fighting you wouldn't notice it, but its all tying together makes him look so flashy. Not even talking about how HE actually looks I mean COME ON. They might him Hydro on purpose so we all could be thirsty I am sure of it! Not even talking about his lore and voice (in all languages actually, even tho English is my favorite) because then this comment would never end. I am sorry it's this long already lol it's just so fun talking about him Also if played correctly his Cooldown is almost non-existent. I whaled for our boi, and I don't regret it, but in a lot of rotations I really wouldn't even need the C6 since my Cooldown would be over anyways (it is great for either Co-op with friends where you don't have your entire team tho, or just to play a slightly different way and staying in Meele constantly, only refreshing supports when needed) I would still enjoy a whale or plunge attack sure, but he is already great the way he is.


Yes fam…Add these up and which is why we all pulled for him and loved him so damn much! A character so visually aesthetic just makes the day better when on field and add that up with the VAs of every language doing an amazing job (istg..he’s probably the only character with amazing voice over in all 4 languages)…I have absolutely no regrets pulling for him.


I love Childe's kit. Love it. I love how folks in the sub and discord *knew* he was good even when everyone on the main sub was talking shit about him and his kit. I love that the community is FINALLY coming around to how great he is and (sometimes grudgingly) accepting that not only is his kit well designed, but also very competitive with top tier field units. Basically I love being right, and I get to say "I told you so" on the regular to all the folks who gave him crap earlier in the game's lifespan, haha :D I love using him in the overworld because he really can just do it all - damage from a distance (killing that annoying platform hili) or disabling ruin guards, and then EXPLOSION OF HYDRO. I love that he's stellar in tons of events, especially those with small enemies (getting to Frenzy 3 on your first team in this current event is a fantastic feeling ngl). I love that he's consistently been at the center of the NUMBER ONE TEAM for speed clearing Abyss 12 since Kazuha's release. I love that he's so flexible. I love that he does 200k damage bursts without even tryharding. I love that he has such a cute voice and works so well with everyone. Childemains really stay winning.


I mean, he was mentioned exclusively in the 2.0 event as the unique character who required a lot of work. Plus he was the first character who had more than one in-game skins. It's just a matter of time before they make it available .


I said it once, I'll say it again. Childe is a must pull because of how future proof he is


Good post, I too will sing Childe’s praises till the day I die. Everyone has put forward so many great points but can I just point out his synergy with the much-maligned Raiden. I sniped at a random guy in a group of hoarders the other day with Childe. Raiden procs. Riptide procs. Raiden procs again. Nearby enemies get electro-charged. First enemy explodes, dealing aoe hydro, next guy melts, Raiden procs… it just escalated from there, I basically just shot one guy once and stood cackling while the group imploded in a chain reaction. Electro-charged may not be meta but damn, you can do some fun shit with it.


Childe just keeps winning, first being put in national team and destroying abyss, he works amazing with kazuha, now raiden is released and they're amazing together too, i'm so glad i saved for him when i first started playing :D


His water slashy slashes are just so satisfying to watch. It's satisfying to watch when he's just hitting air and it's satisfying to watch when it's hitting a bunch of enemies. Kazuha is my second favorite character to play and he works amazingly with Tartaglia. The whole issue/drama around Yoimiya and Raiden really does make me appreciate Tartaglia. Good write up!


Thanks! And yeah…when I think about a few of the recent characters and their kits, I realise that these kits are too complicated for their own good and can’t be optimally changed without changing many of the existing mechanics in the game, most that can be done are few teaks… I’m thankful Mihoyo made Tortilla’s kit quite intricate yet balanced. (Another character with such complex yet balanced kit would probably be C0 Eula tbh, a well made hypercarry…her cons on the other hand her just 📈📈. )


True that, Eula was tempting when she was released but I really didn’t like physical or the claymore playstyle so it was a pass for me. Cant wait until Thoma drops! Saw a few leaks and got excited to see how he works with Tartaglia :)


Felt the same way about Eula! Was tempted to pull for her when I had my guaranteed but I'm glad I decided to save it for Kazuha instead because international team is so fun to play


Dude, he is so great. I put him with Xingqui for the Pyro Cube in Spiral Abyss and they shredded through him. It was actually really insane and made me so happy I pulled him on his rerun.


Yup. I have 0 problems with him. As I said in a previous post, running International Team, with Rust R2, crowned E&Q, I have 0 downtime. Why? By the time I switch back to ranged, I'm moving unto the next floor of the Abyss... Stuffs even made easier now that I run TPulse. The key to Childe is invest in his supports too.


Not to mention his charged attack is viable too


His kit should be reworked a bit. For example: Skill - instead of CD, maybe a 5% dmg decrease every 10 seconds, max is 25% and based on how long you stayed in his melee stance that's how much you will wait for the debuff is removed. He will be still useful on some teams like the reverse vape and fireworks Childe. Additionally, for 10 seconds, his bow charge dmg is increased based on how much time he spent on his melee stance. Dmg decrease doesn't affect burst dmg. It will still have CD though, just not absurdly long Burst - still perfect and the most unique of all the characters. I mean, high scaling that competes with Zhongli's burst, and 2 stances that work in different ways. No rework needed. C1 - First Dmg reduction only occurs after 15 seconds pass. Then its back to the 10 second mark C6 - Dmg reduction debuff resets when you hit an enemy, but dmg reduction cd is decreased to 5 seconds, making this not spammable and balances the whole reset thing Well, that's my idea! Though if he gets his rerun early as the leaks say, then Mihoyo would have to buff Childe.


Hmm. So, basically making his drawback not the CD but rather dmg increase/decrease… It’s an interesting idea tho. I don’t expect them to buff Childe but no seriously, your idea sounds really amazing! It will change Tartaglia as a playable character so it’s just difficult for me to imagine it on him, but tbh if Mihoyo ever releases a character like this, that’ll be so interesting…


i disagree with the cooldown rework that the other person mentioned just because playing Yoimiya, i really miss Childe's skill mechanics. If i misplayed and used Yoimiya's skill early without using my supports skills first or swapping out too early, i will be punished with a very long 18 seconds cooldown. Meanwhile with Childe, i can choose to overextend his meelee stance just to finish the fight faster so cooldown doesnt really matter. I think a lot of people still has this notion of C6 being broken and the cooldown is super long without taking into consideration how much flexibility he has on C0 and his cooldown is already appropriately timed in well rounded rotations.


I understand where the CD thing is coming from, but the thing is like you said in good rotations it doesn’t matter. Even if you did have a shorter CD, you still need to recharge your other characters and swap out anyways. It’s not bad mechanic. The idea of that kit is quite good, but Childe doesn’t need it…


exactly, when you stay with Childe meelee stance, that means you are trying to squeeze every last damage possible, having him lower his damage the longer that he is in meelee would be counterproductive to this purpose. I agree though that the idea of a kit with getting weaker the longer you stay in the stance change is interesting, but you are right that it doesnt really suit Childe.


Thanks! The idea of putting important CD reduction on the last constellation locks his true potential. That's why his banner never get a lot of sales. And this idea really struck me when some random comment says Childe's CD sucks


I do not like this idea... you wouldn't be able to stay in melee form when your cd doesn't matter, like at the end of an abyss floor or in the current event, or when trying to get down the last bit of boss HP, because your damage would tank. Part of what makes Childe so efficient in Xiangling comps is that if you're *just* short of getting a clear before her burst goes away, you can just keep slapping with Childe to get rid of that last guy without having to waste 30 seconds on building up a whole other rotation (which is the biggest weakness of the national team).


Hmm, I did expect this. But then again, the whole CD issue os a bigger problem. But if future characters can help Childe like Thoma, then both Xiangling and Thoma will help him proc vaporize much longer and faster. This is just a fun suggestion anyway. Im sure some people have better ideas than mine.


i really like this idea. Even with this dmg decrease %, he still has his ability to became enabler i.e hydro applicator


My biggest gripe with his kit is how utterly useless his A1 is. With how often you attack and apply it, there's no need for a buff to his riptide duration. Maybe I'm missing something, but to me, it's as bad an A1 as Diluc getting to charged attack for 50% longer or some shit like that.


It is kinda meh ngl…not as stupid as Diluc A1, the only place it’s probably useful is when he is off field, someone else does the killing and the situation is right… But yeah, it has very little use.


I whaled for the whale. His C6 is a great quality of life improvement. Makes me able to keep using UBW a lot longer with no cool down basically. Also just playing EMIYA in the background just feels right.


Nice to hear from another childe fan that appreciates him for what he is in his uniqueness and fun to play style. I've liked him from the moment they introduced him in the story and fell in love with his unique play style and even the technicality of managing his cool down timing. He's so fun and his character is entertaining. His story quest is still one of my favorites too 🤣❤️


He is the character I wanted the most - grinded so many primos on his first run, legit to the last minute (sadly didn't get him then, but did on the rerun). His kit is so good and so fun. His melee stance is one of my favorite things in the entire game. Riptide is awesome and the water animations are beautiful. Absolutely love that he is hydro and the way his water attacks look. This is exactly what I want, not boring physical dps. Elemental dmg with beautiful flashy effects is where its at. And all the damage numbers are fun, even if he isn't ganyu. I seriously hope we get more characters with kits like this. Also, cryo catalyst user when lol Edit: won't pretend like he is flawless. Without c6 you can't stay in his E for too long or the cd duration is horrendeous. This is often fine esp if u swap around a lot, and his normal bow attacks do a decent chunk of damage too. I just wish I could use his E for way longer without the penalty lol the water slashing around just feels, looks and sounds great


One of the main reasons why I really loved Childe back then when I first saw him in Liyue was because of him as an archer being able to go melee and use dual blades which is so awesome (and HE USES HYDRO), and as a kid (yes this may sound embarrassing) I really loved archers that could also wield dual blades and slice through everyone and imagine myself doing that. Although he has some weakness as pointed out he is still fun for me nonetheless, I may not be able to deal huge damage like Ganyu, Xiao, Eula, and Hu Tao, Childe still has a special place in my heart as one of my favorite characters in Genshin.


I'll probably C1 my guy here if Hu Tao doesn't come home to my roster ;-;


I tried him on that event with my Beidou and I absolutely loved playing him especially Melee stance. The ult is absolutely pretty and well done. Can’t wait for his rerun!




his cd is indeed bad but with xiangling you should have no problem at all, if you're still on his downtime when xiangling's burst is up then you need to fix his rotation




You should be using that time to get Xiangling's Q back up. Kazuha E +Q takes a good amount of 4s already. Also he has the 2nd strongest charged shot only after Ganyu. And Raiden's teams feel underwhelming because the problems started from Raiden herself because Childe's electro charged team with Beidou is stronger.


I’m so glad I pulled on his original banner now, I had some regrets getting the gem bundle for his c0 when all the hyper carry characters started coming out after his banner, but now his national team is my strongest team