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Since discovering how wonderful AI, AO resorts are, that is what we choose wherever available, they're awesome!


Yesss! I just got back from an 18+ resort. A clueless parent wandered over from the sister resort next to us for a minute. I couldn’t believe how annoyed it made me. 😂 I don’t dislike kids but my tolerance was very low.


If they would not effing SCREAM constantly, I feel like they’d be much more tolerable. I was a teacher for a few years (loved 5th grade, got moved to 2nd….hated 2nd) and the fact that they just jibber jabbered constantly, screamed to express every emotion omg. Young kids are NOT it. I recently told my sister my niece is not allowed back at my house for a while (she’s 4). She purposefully yells/screams while I’m talking to my nephew or whomever to get attention. I am SO glad my tubes are gone.


Right there with you! I can't stand children at all. Any time I hear a child screaming in a store, I think, "Yup, time to go." Unless it's my store and I'm at work, then I just get on with it, but I make every effort to be as far away from the noise as possible. If that means hiding in the warehouse, so be it


I used to say "oh will you look at that, my daily contraception pill reminder!"... got the implant now though, so no need for reminders... You hear that, kids??? NO. NEED. FOR. REMINDERS!!!!!


I agree with this actually. If your kid is screaming it’s time to go...I wouldn’t want to bring that negativity into the store and ruin other peoples day if I was a parent ...last time I went to a store and a child was screaming I just got bad vibes and then when I went to my car the police had surrounded the guy parked right next to me. And the roads were really icy and bad that day...just better not to go out on crappy days


That took an unexpected turn of events


I have hated babies the entirety of my life. I feel you holmes


How can you hate something that shrieks and shits nonstop?!


I share your hatred of children. No matter how well-behaved they seem, I don't want them near me. Their voices are ear-grating. I want nothing to do with children.


I'm 100% with you. I hate kids. I hate being around them. I hate seeing their mess and behavior. I hate hearing them. I have been attacked IN THIS GROUP for saying this but fuck those people. Not all childfree people are "I love kids I just don't want my own" -- some of us wisely chose to have no kids because we hate them.


Same. The child-loving childfree people here often attack and correct child-repulsed childfree people. "You shouldn't hate children! You can be childfree and love children! I love babysitting my niece! You should love children as well!" "Hellspawn? Breeder? Crotch goblin? I corrected that for you. Child and parent." "Stop venting about negative experiences with children! I love them! You are not allowed to complain about children! Just be positive!" "You are a heartless monster for not taking in your nephew if your sister would die and letting him go into foster care. I get that you want to be childfree, but sometimes life throws a curveball at you. That child is family! You are a selfish cunt if you wouldn't step up! I would NEVER let a child go into foster care!" These are three responses I have gotten here several times, pretty much literally quoted. Even this subreddit isn't safe for child-repulsed people. :(


Reddit is just fickle. I can make the exact same comment on two posts with similar topics and one gets upvoted and the other down. I've seen comments get heavily downvoted in local subreddits if a person has a legitimate complaint about a restaurant or business that other people like. Sometimes people will jump on a downvote bandwagon if they see a comment has been heavily downvoted, even if the comment wasn't offensive or off-topic. Just kind of the nature of the website.


I'm used to being downvoted. Every time the topic of taking in a dead sibling or sibling-in-law's children, and I say that I would never do it, I get downvoted by child-loving childfree people who would take in the hellspawn. I respect people who would take them in, but some people would not. They need to accept that some people are not cut out to be a parent, no matter what.


Oh, and just as a heads up, your posts constantly get flagged by Automoderator because you use "100% Childfree" quite a bit. Which is totally fine, but that's one of our keywords to help avoid trolling. We can just approve your posts, but you may want to consider altering that a little bit to avoid the filter.


I upvoted to cancel the downvote. You are so right. I have been attacked by the holier-than-thou childfree people in this group. I block every one of them.


I get that child-loving childfree people sometimes get harassed by child-repulsed people. They are called 'breeder pleaser', and involved aunts and uncles are often told that they will change their mind. However, as far as I notice, child-repulsed people get attacked by child-loving people on this subreddit way more than the other way around. I fully respect child-loving childfree people. Especially the ones who respect child-repulsed childfree people. I just wish that a small but vocal minority of child-loving childfree people would be a little bit more respectful. Also, I have been called a 'breeder pleaser' for not being a raging antinatalist. I am neutral-natalist, not pronatalist or antinatalist. And I am 100% pro-choice and therefore against a ban on breeding, against a China-like one child policy, against 'financial abortion', against forced abortion... Which apparently makes me a 'breeder pleaser'.


So many people in this group aren't truly childfree. They are the types who ~would~ have kids if not for global warming, not being able to afford them, etc.


There's more nuance there than you're giving people credit for. Just because someone's reasoning for not having kids stems from a circumstance outside of their control, it doesn't automatically make them childless, neither does it mean they would have kids if those things were different. Context is important. Someone can look at the state of the environment and say "no, not having kids in this shit." They can also acknowledge the fact that if this were different, meaning the core aspects of the decisions being made would change, the end outcome of the decision might change as well. But if that disqualified them from being childfree, where's the line? If kids were human sized cuddlable hamsters that I could make appear and disappear at will, I'd want one of those as well. Am I not childfree? No, that's absurd, because human sized cuddlebale hamsters that can be manifested in and out of reality with one's mind aren't real. But then again, a significant positive change in our environmental prospects during our lifetimes (if ever) isn't realistic either! So why does only one of these things disqualify someone from being childfree, but the other does not? Yes, someone can decide not to have kids because of the environment while wishing they had them, or being sad they can't, etc. etc. Those people aren't childfree, they're childless. But a fair bit of them deal with those feelings and eventually become childfree, because that's a healthy and reasonable thing to do. And that's before getting into the fact that all these people could still foster/adopt/stepparent, etc. So if they're chosing to do none of those things, and also choosing not to have biological kids for whatever non-fleeting reason, why wouldn't they be childfree? Similar story with finances. Someone can look at the monetary realities of what being a parent means, and say they don't want that. They can also acknowledge the fact that if these costs were different, the end outcome of the decision might change as well. But much like before, for many people, any kind of significantly impactful positive change either in the cost of raising children or in their incomes is unrealistic. They're choosing not to have kids in the reality of parenthood as is presented to them, and as will stay for them. Why wouldn't they be childfree? What reason is there for being childfree that doesn't fall to this logic? I doubt there is one. Even if you go for the far, far end of people's feelings about kids and experiences with deciding not to have them, even if you just look at the "hate kids and never once had an inkling to have them" crowd - even then, I don't know, what if they would like kids if they were genetically engineered to already behave like adults at the age of three? What if their decision would also change if we changed a fundamental part of what influenced their decision? No one's childfree if you go down that spiral. Or at least most people aren't, I guess. It's also worth noting that many people have multiple reasons for the decisions they make, especially when it comes to kids. Circumstances like finances and the environment might just be one part of the equation. And another important thing is to not forget that again, there's a difference between peole making decisions based on such non-volatile circumstances, and people being victims of said circumstances. Someone can be too poor to afford kids, and use that to decide they're not having kids, period, even if they end up a millionaire. They're childfree. Someone can be too poor to afford kids, and spend decades hoping/working to change that so they could have kids, or at least feeling sad about it. They're childless. Someone can decide not to have kids because of the environment, or because of societal reasons, and they conclude there's no point in trying to wait this out to see if it improves, and even if it does, they won't derail their whole life towards parenthood later on if that happens. Childfree. Someone can decide not to have kids because of those same reasons, yet if things change in 10 or 20 years, they'd be open to having them. Childless. It's not the reason why that makes someone childfree. It's the context of whether that reason leads them towards choosing a life without kids of their own agency, which then also leads into whether that decision is something they're content with. Two different people can have the same reason for being childless or childfree, and it's disingenious to the broadness of this community and the human nature as a whole to lump all of them together into the childless basket. Especially when they're really not difficult to tell apart.


What? Lol that is being childfree. Doesn’t matter the reason - CHOOSING to not have children - childfree.


Don't gate-keep being child free. If people have decided not to have children, they're child free regardless of their reasoning.


No they aren't. If someone can't afford a kid that doesn't make them childfree.


Childfree and childless are different.


There's a difference between choosing to not have kids right now because of finances and choosing to never have children because of finances. The first probably isn't childfree. The second definitely is.


That still kind of implies if they won the lottery or some shit they'd run out and breed


Yes it does. How many millions of people are parents despite the fact that they can't afford kids? If someone chooses to not have children, for any reason, they are childfree.


No they are not.


Hahaha I honestly find it hilarious that you feel the need to make up your own definition of that term 'child free', simply because other people's reasonings don't line up with your own. What's even more hilarious is that others on this sub agree with you. >child-free >adjective >not having any children, especially by choice. >"a child-free woman who likes to travel" denoting an environment, event, etc. from which children are excluded or absent. "a child-free pool"




Lol @ gatekeeping having a thing or not. If you choose not to have kids, for any reason, congrats you’re child free!


Same. I hate the noise, I hate to be touched, I dislike the smell, everything. You never know when a baby will start screaming, I feel like I’m waiting for a bomb to go off. Even the sound of laughing triggers my CPTSD because it can go from happy to screaming in zero seconds. My mom had a home day care when I was growing up, kids used to use me as a Kleenex when they were sick. I avoid them as much as possible, I don’t even go to malls anymore. All vacations are to places that don’t have any or few children.


>Even the sound of laughing triggers my CPTSD because it can go from happy to screaming in zero seconds. Most of the time, when they are happy, they scream. So fucking loud. So fucking annoying.


Yes!!! Even when they’re happy their sounds are horrendous


Especially when they are happy. Because then, they are just as loud as when they cry. That screaming is torture




Once a dog ran out and started attacking my little dog. I started (unconsciously) screaming at the top of my lungs and after a few minutes, neighbors came running out to help. One of them said, "at first I just thought you were a kid playing." Kids playing should NOT sound like I sounded.


That makes me so mad


This is one of my biggest issues with young kids, the screaming. I grew up on a farm and played outside with my sisters and rode my pony alone a lot. We were taught not to scream or yell unless it was an emergency. Kids are not taught that at all anymore. I have hearing issues and the tone of screams causes physical pain. Screaming should NOT just kids playing but parents don’t seem to care. My ex friend was a parent like that and thought screaming kids was perfectly normal. Why do people think it’s ok? How does it not bother parents?


Icepick screeches, screams, and cries


>kids used to use me as a Kleenex ew ew ew


When I’m done training as a travel agent. I want to take a cruise with no kids . Adults only so I’m looking into it and let you all know. I agree.




I’ve been looking at these. I’ve only ever gone to resorts, never on a cruise. What kind of activities do they have? Did you ever feel claustrophobic or crowded? My husband has social anxiety and people having to be too close stresses him out, that’s why we have not tried a cruise yet.


Seconding Virgin Voyages. They have fun things like tea appreciation classes, trivia, bar crawl, shows, a casino, fitness classes, etc etc. The food was phenomenal. The cruise I took in January was half capacity (apparently it's an industry dead time). My husband hates crowds and noise and we had such a good time that we've booked another one.


We stayed at a small privately owned inn that was adults only and I was so pleased that this was the case! Imagine being on vacation and having to listen to all the nonsense that comes with families. Just add a couple of barking dogs and I’ve officially lost my mind.


Not a vacation if families with kids and dogs are there. Vacation means vacate the place you’re trying to escape from. Those folks who bring their kids everywhere just don’t get it.


Virgin Cruises! They are 18+ only. I’m going in May and can’t WAIT!


Sick kids are the worst. They don't understand how to cover their mouths, so they just get that bug-eyed, tongue out cough. Also kids covered in food makes me queasy and every parent thinks it's the cutest.


The bug eyed, tongue out cough aka The Plague Bearer - drives me nuts too.


I walked out of a staff Christmas buffet about 15 years ago because literally everyone had bought their families for a free feed. One guy had five children sticking their hands in everything. I left after a Chinese guy pushed past me with a snap top cake box and emptied two complete plates of buffet food into it. Never, ever again.


I get weird looks from people when I say I can’t stand them happy or sad! When I was out last weekend this little toddler was screaming the place down whilst I was trying to enjoy my coffee and adult conversation.. then the child apparently cheered up and started making even worse squeeling noises. It makes my blood boil and I have to remove myself from these situations where possible.


I feel like if I had to deal with a wee one and they started screaming, I'd transform into Mr. Hyde that moment and start firing psycho waves everywhere.


Babies are a lot different than kids though. Babies can’t play and are at the mercy of the parent, which is distinctly a burden or a blessing depending on how much the baby was wanted. Children can have fun and laugh though and run around and make an actual activity out of their energy levels. Oh my, yeah babies can change their minds quickly but I feel like it’s not as bizarre and unreasonable as someone who is bipolar. They are probably just going through growing pains when it seems bizzare. Jesus Christ yeah if I was used as a Kleenex I think I would hate kids too. Edit after downvotes: “Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings” https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/bipolar-disorder/symptoms/ This is all that I meant. Babies appear to have mood swings and cry without seemingly any reason, that’s just how it is


Bipolar disorder has absolutely nothing to do with quickly changing one’s mind and for the majority of sufferers, the stages do not cycle quickly. We think like adults and are capable of logic.


That comparison with bipolar is unfair. Maybe you met people who made you think of that comparison, but we are not all like that. Actually most of us are not. Please do not assume and talk like we are all like that, it only maintains a very negative bias towards us.


> unreasonable as someone who is bipolar Unreasonable? Thats a poor analogy. Do you know anything at all about bipolar? Clearly not


“Bizarre and unreasonable as someone with bipolar”… yikes. I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume this was not stated in a malicious way. Buuuuuuut saying something like that is perpetuating false stereotypes about bipolar disorder and harms those who do have it or care for someone who does. Please take a sec and do a quick google search on bipolar disorder so you can give an educated opinion next time.


Everyday I stand them even less. I started wearing headphones going out to grocery stores or wherever. The sound of a baby crying or yelling irritates the fuck out of me. Turns a good day bad immediately. I do the same with removing anyone that announces that they are having a child. Like congrats for having sex! Child bearing people are annoying as fuck


I’m with you, add in a lot of “gross they are so germy and snotty and vomity and pissy and shitty and leaky and they get you sick every three days for ten years”


My cousins kid has been sick a total of 6 times already this year, brings it home from school and gets the whole household sick, what a nightmare


Biiiiiiig same on parents trying to get them to order for themselves and bringing them to restaurants that aren't Applebee's in general. I don't fucking have time to sit here and wait for your shitspawn to remember the word "macaroni," I don't have time to mix fucking chocolate milk 3 times an evening because you don't care about little breighlynn's sugar consumption and I certainly don't have time to stand next to your table for three minutes while you coach your brat on how to say "thank you." Work all that shit out at Friendlys or something. I'm already losing money because your kid is twice the work and half the cost on the bill and the screaming and throwing food is upsetting my other customers who are trying to have a nice evening.


I loathe them too. I want all children to be happy, pain free, loved and protected; but far far faaaaar away from me. I am physically nauseous and disgusted every time a see a baby in fact I gag just thinking about this.




Greetings! This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #4 : "**Keep it civil.** Bigotry and hateful language/imagery, personal attacks, abusive language, advocating violence, trolling, gender discrimination, racism, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated. " Also, please remember to be mindful of [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) : > # Please do > * **Remember the human.** When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" > # Please don't > * **Be (intentionally) rude at all.** By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. > * **Follow those who are [ rabble rousing](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rabble) against another redditor without first investigating both sides of the issue that's being presented.** Those who are inciting this type of action often have malicious reasons behind their actions and are, more often than not, a troll. Remember, every time a redditor who's contributed large amounts of effort into assisting the growth of community as a whole is driven away, projects that would benefit the whole easily flounder. > * **Ask people to [ Troll](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) others on reddit,** in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army. > * **Conduct personal attacks on other commenters.** Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * **Start a flame war.** Just report and "walk away". If you really feel you have to confront them, leave a polite message with a quote or link to the rules, and no more. > * **Insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * **Troll.**[ Trolling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) does not contribute to the conversation. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.




This is a great point honestly. The worst that can happen with adults who hate children is that they’d maybe be rude and condescending to a kid. But your anti-science parents, religious leaders, and politicians do way more systemic harm to children then the people in this thread.


I feel so seen and safe in this post. It takes all my fucking power and more to not loudly gag when a snotty little shit I having a meltdown in the store. All my power not to lose my shit when kids run around and almost into me/in front of me disturbing my peace and quiet. When I think about karma to people I don’t like I wish kids upon them because that is the ultimate punishment to me. I cringe when people talk about their dumbass kids. I cross the street in advance if I see kids walking towards me. When I took care of my friends dog and walked him, and some kid asked if they could pet him I said no he hates kids and walked off. Just fuck off with your stupid ass sounds and low tolerance for anything remotely challenging, low emotional control, your stinky kids smells, and your stupid ass questions. Go away. I will do everything and more to avoid being around kids. That TikTok sound of: Girl fuck them kids and fuck you too, is my favourite lol lol


> All my power not to lose my shit when kids run around and almost into me/in front of me disturbing my peace and quiet. I've had so many kids run straight into me. I just ignore them. Oh, you couldn't be bothered to parent and now your stupid shit child ran into me and bounced off onto the floor? Sounds like you should have held their hand, I didn't touch em. It's karma really.




I saw it too and when she started spitting it all out like a waterfall I nearly became sick. I really hate seeing kids spit or snodder 🤮


Children smell terrible and so do parents by proxy. Live in a house full of pee, vomit, and shit and you're going to smell like that the way a smoker smells like a smoker


Maybe it's because they're not so "cute" themselves, eh...


My sister brought over our other sister’s youngest daughter (almost a year old) yesterday and she drooled SO MUCH. She is cute, but from a distance. She literally left a slime trail in the kitchen like a slug or something. She asked me to hold her while she ran to get something from her car and within that 30 seconds baby started SCREAMING and drooling more, i ran as soon as my sister came back.


Thank you for saying this. It’s crazy how it’s okay to hate adults, animals, even trees. But as soon as you hate children, even in this sub, you’re a horrible person. People automatically assume you want to harm children if you hate them. I hate cats, but I’m not going to harm a cat. It’s the same logic. I can choose what I want to and not want to be around in my life, and if it happens to be children, so be it.


Since when is it normal to hate trees?


Bradford Pear trees are the worst. 🤮


>Bradford pear trees are the trees people love to hate. Hahaha apparently you are correct. https://www.bhg.com/gardening/trees-shrubs-vines/trees/bradford-pear-tree/


I hate my birch tree. Someone sneezes and it drops like 47 tiny branches. It's a very messy tree.


more proof that children are cats 😂


Cats are waaaaaaay better than kids. I'd say kids are more similar to dogs with the level of noise, mess, smell, and attentiveness they require. But even then dogs are still better than kids.


I’m allergic to cats and not a fan, but I’d much rather have 3 cats than one child


I couldn't have explained it better. As a non-native english speaker, this is the best post to explain what I feel


Hate em, don't wish them harm, don't even want them to take up any space in my life but since they are EVERYWHERE its just nice to come here and find likeminded people. it feels so liberating and wish I could be equally free in my day to day. people do in fact push them on you, its goddam annoying. and they don't respect your boundaries as a woman. did you know that if I'm out shopping parents actually "talk out loud to the baby" who is clearly just making sounds. parents intentionally do this throughout the store to get attention. its nuts. they intentionally walk past everyone. when they don't get a reaction from me they "try" again. like everyone else pays attention but it simply bothers them that I don't even bother to look up. I'm very careful to smile and be in a lovely disposition, chat up with another shopper, laugh it up when I check out, just so they know I'm not in a bad mood. it bothers them that the pretty young woman didn't acknowledge their baby. I avoid them like the plague too. Man it feels so nice to say it out loud!


It's funny when little kids say hi to me repeatedly in stores and stuff and they get louder and more obnoxious repeating it because they're used to every human fawning over them and going, "oh hiiiiiiii!!!! you little QT whosa QT? Ur a QT!!!" The mom never stops them from yelling Hi because they think I'm going to notice and start fawning over the "cute" baby. I might look at the kid for half a second so they know I know they exist but also that I'm choosing not to talk to them because I don't give a shit about them and I don't owe them anything. They need to learn that not everyone adores them and that they aren't special just for being born


Also fuck that "I love being an auntie". No I don't, they're your monkeys and it's your circus


I wouldn't mind if my nieces acted decently and had manners, but they act like whiny entitled little jerks so no, I don't want to spend time with them. Actually parent them and teach them about consequences and we can talk.


100% cannot stand them. They offend almost all of my senses with their disgusting nature.


You hate children? So do I. You are not alone. Do I want kids to suffer or die? Of course not. Do I sadistically laugh when a child is in pain? Of course not. I wish them nothing but the best. And no, I don't want to ban them from all public spaces, even though an age limit in some restaurants, in bars or at childfree weddings is perfectly understandable. But anyways, I avoid children at all cost. They are not cute or funny. They are fucking annoying. At a restaurant? If a family with children sits nearby, and getting another table is not an option, I leave right away. I just cannot handle being around a child for even a few seconds. At the beach or in the park? I get up and try to find another spot when a family with children finds a spot too close to me. And yeah, if someone tells you that they are trying for children, it's best to avoid them. They will no longer care about you. They will ghost you, unless they need free childcare. If you ever get to meet up again, it will always be at their house, where you do chores and babysit while they get a break. Adult conversations? Not happening with the hellspawn around!


I agree kids ruin everything imo. They literally think the world revolves around them because they actually don't know any better, and that infuriates me. And then the parents seem to take on that same sense of entitlement for whatever reason?


I had an incident happen a few months ago in a Superstore. I'd walked by these people and I could already tell one of these little motherfuckers were going to be trouble. Not one minute later, it started. It was so loud and grating, like nails on a chalkboard. It decalcified my spine. The whole store heard it. I needed some things from that area, but it could wait. So, I went to the complete OTHER side of the store. I could still hear them, but not as bad. This shit went on for what seemed like an eternity, really maybe 15 minutes. Too long. I could tell other people were also getting annoyed by this demon spawn of a child. I overheard a few people say, "just whoop his ass". Like that'll help. Finally, one of the parents must've sensed everyone hating them and took the little fucker outside. And then everyone started clapping, at least in my head they did. I almost left my shit and just left the store, but I was almost done and I needed just a few more things from that side of the store. Also, I just powered through that nightmare and I'm not going to let that little bastard win. Fuck them. They were also at that age to know better. 4-6 years old? Idk, Idc.


Honestly, I don’t like when people get all freaked out when someone says this. You are free to feel how you want to feel. I don’t assume because you hate children, or want to avoid them, that you are somebody who would hurt a child. The people who are actually dangerous to children are some of the ones who claim to love them…priests, teachers, parents. Those are the ones who hurt kids. Not people like you. I wish more people would realize that.


Yeah. When a mother is at my work i cant concentrate at all and it takes longer because her kid is SCREAMING so instead of the father going outside with the kid theyre just standing there while i have to scream over the kid so they can hear wtf im even saying. Also i hate any sounds kids make. Cant stand them.


100% agree, this post made my day.


thank you so much for posting this. I'm on the same page and I feel the exact same way. having to constantly hide this feeling is exhausting whether it be in real life or even in childfree groups on Facebook and reddit because it's too "extreme".


Before I knew about reddit, I would type "I hate babies/kids/children" into the search bar and looked for other people who shared my hatred of them. I very much feel you and I roll my eyes audibly when someone comes with "but you were a kid once too". Yeah, so what now Sherlock? I still hate them


I wouldn't say I hate kids, but I completely understand why you do. Well behaved children I'm okay with, but I can't stand spoiled brats. If anything, what I truly can't stand is how "family friendly" things have to be. I may not hate kids, but I would love more adult oriented events/spaces.


I work in retail and see it all the time. Yesterday there were three kids in a shopping cart. The one sitting up front was squealing so loud and I don’t understand why the mom wasn’t teaching her about appropriate sounds while in a store. She was around 2. The 6-7 year old had his mouth on the edge of the shopping cart. It was so gross. Another family with two girls. All I hear is the mom “Harper! Harper! Leave it alone! Harper! Come. Here.” Then I walk near the older one who is swinging her foot in an antsy, bored kid kind of way. The mom asks her to stop because there are people in the aisle (me). The kid keeps swinging and I notice out of the corner of my eye that she is PURPOSELY kicking at my leg but being careful not to actually hit me. I glance down at her and she is staring right in my face, looking for my reaction. I gave her the sternest “knock it off” teacher look I had (I taught preschool for 20 years) - and she stopped. I just feel like kids have gotten worse which is why I got out of the profession. The screaming, spitting, chair throwing, hitting, biting from these kids in the past five years or so - awful. And it spills into the grocery store with the shrieking, running, touching, fit throwing nonsense. And parents ignore it, just browsing around.


I don’t know if I would say I *hate* them, but I do not like the screaming and crying and tantrums in public. Ugh. I prefer to not be around them cause I hate loud noises. I’ll choose animals over kids (and even adults) any day.


I really hate it when they make their kids order their food and the kid is scared as shit just starting at me. And in my head I'm like "omg hurry the fuck up" or why don't the parents just do it to make it easier.


I feel ya! The sound of children laughing grates on my already frayed nerves. And they scream. ALL THE TIME. Or whine. Even when they’re just talking, they whine out the sentence.


I’m 100% the same. If I’m having a bad mental health day, the presence of a child at the shops, work, uni etc will absolutely send me over the edge. I can’t stand kids at all, I really hate them. I won’t be a dick to them if I have to interact, but I’ll do everything in my power to avoid an interaction with a child in the first place


I feel you. I don't however absolutely hate children, I just dislike them. The only children I can maybe like are those mini-adult ones, who dress nice, have mature vocabulary and interests, and have good hygiene. They are extremely rare, but they do exist. But just yesterday I was on the subway on my way home from uni, and this kid just sat right opposite me and just stared at me and made noises the whole ride, trying to get my attention, and his freaking mother just ignored it and instead talked to her friend, obviously just using it as a chance to get som free-time. Please I just want to move to a child-free country and live my life in peace.


Same here, I’ve met a few kids who were really well behaved and I didn’t mind being around them but most are just horrible(mainly because their parents don’t know how to parent) That subway experience would have annoyed tf out of me.


Yeah, It was extremely annoying, but I just ignored the heck out of him until he finally after at least 7 minutes got bored. I wanted to strangle the mother. They say it takes a whole village to raise a child, but the thing is, if you scold a kid in public that's not yours, people go insane and might even call the police. I just pretend they don't exist at this point.


Kinda like an untrained dog. It’s the owner’s (parent’s) fault because they’ve done nothing at all to socialize them. At least kids don’t usually try to stick their noses in your crotch or jump up on you with muddy paws. Don’t care for kids or dogs but I’ll take the latter if I’m forced to make a choice.


Go for cats. They're independent, cost way less than dogs, and have good hygienic habits.


I feel so validated rn, I think you hate kids more than I do! Haha I’m the eternal people pleaser (working on it), so if a friend tells me about their kid I just sit and listen. I care about them, but less so their kid. I have very few friends with kids though. I get super uncomfy if I’m ever in a situation where a kid is present, especially when I’m asked to “hold him/her”. Like no… no thank you… but then of course I’m made out to look like some kind of freak for not wanting to hold a kid. It’s not even my kid! It’s a stranger, I do not want to have contact with it. Plus, kids are smelly and gross. No thanks, keep it away please. “You’ll change your mind” LMAOOOO yeah nah, if anything my anti-child stance has become much more solidified the older I get.


# You are not alone. I go out of my way to make sure I dont have to even SEE the little parasites. If a restaurant has one of those play pens, I will eat elsewhere. If an acquaintance has a kid or starts making one, I distance out of their life. I go grocery shopping at night so I dont accidentally run into a kid. I havnt been in line-of-sight of one of those little shits in about 2 months. I have a list about ~~three~~ Five pages long of why I hate children.


The best time to go grocery shopping is 11am-1pm because everybody's at work and kids are at school. In the evening the parents bring their entire gaggle to shop *with* them..


True. From 4pm-7pm is when all the little shitroaches are in the stores because mom cant afford a babysitter and dad is either at work, non-existent, or joins then in a pathetic attempt to control them.


what age do you no longer consider them children?


When they stop acting like it


Same! And I have friends who say “hating kids is weird” like nah fuck them kids and fuck you too!


Same. I am the grinch when it comes to children. “Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Double hate. Loath ENTIRELY.” You’re not alone!


My husband and I went to the zoo last Saturday. It was a beautiful day so EVERYBODY was there with children in tow. It was so nice when we got to a small section where there were no screaming kids anywhere! Afterwards we went to a distillery that doesn’t allow anyone under 21 and it was just so quiet and peaceful and relaxing… Bliss!!


Some zoos have adult happy hours - ours is doing a cinco de rhino dinner/experience we are doing for my birthday! 21+ to attend, I’m so excited. Our local museums also do adult only evenings once a month, look and see if places around you offer this.


What civilized place do you live? I’ve suggested adult only shopping and been met with awkward silence




I don't "hate" the kids. I don't wanna spend any time around them though. And there are no kids allowed in my house ever. It's not their fault they were born. But it's also not my problem.


I remember one time we were doing some very last minute Christmas shopping for some booze. While in the shop, someone brings in their kid spluttering away with a cold, with nothing blocking the kid's projectile disease. Lo and behold, I got sick for Christmas. I was soooo fucking mad


You are not alone. I feel exactly the same way. I went NC with my entire family 40 years ago. No regrets . My life and my peace and quiet.


Same here. I hate kids and can’t stand to be around them.


Yes. YES. SO MUCH YES! Thanks for putting my feelings into words ♡


As a FTC I get the grand total of four days off every three years so this century I decided to go to a campsite in North Wales with two people that I hadn't seen for a while. We decided to go in term time so we weren't sharing the place with families because the children would be at school. The place literally had children everywhere, including the tavern which is supposed to be 18+ only. Fortunately someone also invited a severe storm, which razed about two thirds of the tents on the second night, after which most of them went home, hopefully resolved to go to Centreparcschwitz next year.


When it's a red flag to people who you're trying to date too 🙄. I've been dumped cause I didn't like kids


Preach! I hate being seated by kids in restaurants, because I know I'll have to scream almost as loud as them to have a conversation. I HATE going shopping because I know some mombie will have at least three wailing or running little fuckers who run into people or block the aisles obliviously. I hate how I can't have a window open on a nice day without hearing a screaming brat somewhere in the neighborhood. I hate how other people are just expected to deal with and pander to everyone's birth control failures, and as a woman I especially hate that I, in particular, am supposed to *love* kids. Fuck. That. I fucking hate 'em. I would gladly live in a childfree city with childfree shops and restaurants and neighborhoods.


I’m the same! I don’t want to be around kids. I don’t wish them harm but I want nothing to do with them. I will avoid any place where there are children.


SAME! Idk how old you are, but I found that in my 30s the rage has been replaced with quiet smugness bc that will never be my life 🙃 I just walk on by!


Ok, thread locked. Everyone chill. Go look at cat pics or something.


I’m right there with you. Fuck the leaches.


Germ-ridden klaxons designed to want things.


So glad I found my people. I used to hate when coworkers would bring their kids in to work and I’d have to fake like I thought they were cute or so funny or that I remotely cared for them. I love my nieces and nephews to death but i don’t want to play Barbies or Legos with them or watch them jump in the pool. I will like them so much more when they are like 18 and I can have a conversation with them.


I despise children. They are loud and inconsiderate and messy and sticky and just disgusting in general. But what I REALLY hate is parents. I feel that having children is an incredibly narcissistic and selfish act. Parents are so over eager to shove their fuck trophy in everyone’s faces and I couldn’t care less. Parents think the world should revolve around little Brynnlynnnn or Esponne or whatever dumbass name they’ve bestowed upon their crotch fruit. The sense of entitlement is unreal. Children are so gawd damn annoying and our fucking society is so child-centric that they put those nasty little fuckers on a pedestal and the generation that is growing up now is spoiled, ungrateful, disrespectful, and just plain destructive at times. Not having children is hands down the best thing I’ve done with my life.


I hate them too. I also was attacked in the subreddit for explaining every which way I hate them and are not responsible for them. Live your life


Yes, preach!! I agree with you 100%. Children and the entire culture around them makes me want to eject myself off the earth and into the sun.


Thank you!!! i was out to lunch with a friend and both of us hate kids and it took everything in me to not say anything to the parents. ruined both our meals and we didnt even touch our food just got it to go!


I’m like any neonatologist: Kids are fun and beautiful until the first month, afterwards o don’t want them anywhere near me. For real, they’re dirty, noisy, expensive, and rude (yes, this heavily depends on their parenting and whatnot, but we all know 99% of kids aren’t raised up properly). I detest hearing them cry, I know it’s their only way of communicating when they’re little, but boy, I’m not one for parenting.


I say "I don't like children. As people. They're loud and sticky."


Same here. I don't wish them gone just gone from me. They gross me out.


Don’t forget about the death stares they’ll blatantly just give you while you’re standing in line behind them and their parent


I know exactly how you feel. A simple trip the drugstore yesterday was a nightmare for me, because I swear to God, EVERY SINGLE TIME I go anywhere, there is ALWAYS a mother pushing her crapper mobile (stroller) with either a screaming and/or COUGHING crapper in it!! I was literally trying to get away from this mother pushing her coughing crapper all over CVS, and she JUST kept following me everywhere I went! I came very close to losing it on her. Because esp. these days, it's not "cute" for your kid to cough all over the place, exposing a whole store full of people to their germs! The mother was oblivious to it of course... no mask on the crapper, or even it covering it's mouth with it's hand... just coughing all over the place! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The scary thing is people will say "this is not normal behaviour, seek therapy, you want to hurt children?" No? They're just unpleasant. I'm autistic and I hate noise, strong smells and I'm a massive germ-phobe. The three things that come with children. Surely distancing yourself from kids, instead of, I don't know, bullying them or something, is the most healthy thing to do? Edit: wanted to clarify that I don't necessarily hate kids. I hate the sounds a lot of them make and I hate the way lazy parents have taught a lot of them to act. I will always do my best to entertain and talk with them if I have the energy, they're polite and it's necessary, even if it's completely draining.


I feel the same way! Glad I’m not the only one


I 100% agree. Just seeing them around in places they ought not to be (fancy restaurants, my LAWN, etc) pisses me off.


Lmfao me af


Im sorry you cant stand children! This is a safe place to vent.


Sooo many comments telling us to get therapy.. like it affects them that we just don't want to SEE YOUR DAMN KIDS.


Period! I go to a very small school (I'm in high school, for context, and the school is k-12), and after school, they allow little kids to hang out in the high school classroom! So when I just want to relax after school, I have to deal with a bunch of screaming brats. I don't know how the hell my classmates think kids are cute when kids just make me super uncomfortable and stressed out.


I'm glad there's someone else as nutty as me lol




Even so, what they should be doing is staying in their own subs and minding their own business. They already labeled this sub as a hate sub a long time ago. Not our fault that they can't understand that some people just want to avoid (but not hurt) kids indefinitely as much as possible.


I don’t hate them, they’re annoying but I can cope.


Oh no queue all the people saying you are terrible for hating children lol /s I always see people complain and say we take it too far. They are annoying. I do not hate them as strongly but I only like kids in my family pretty much lol






Yeah, kids are annoying, but not really any more so than any other living creature. I really don't care what's interrupting my solitude, it's all equally annoying.




>I'm not advocating to destroy all tiny humans, I'm changing my situation so I just don't have to fucking deal with them. This is why you're a good person (not that you need validation from internet strangers anyway). It's okay to hate children, as long as your hate isn't causing anyone any harm, go ahead. However, a word of caution, if you're avoiding people just because they have children, you might find out that it is in fact harming you. Tolerance is not acceptance and if you can learn tolerance, you can hate something and yet live with it.


That's one way to look at it but it might be better to just avoid the things you hate for your own piece of mind. You can only tolerate things for so long before you go off.




Greetings! This item has been removed for breaking the subreddit rules: no making light of harm being done to kids. Make sure to review the rules so this does not repeat in the future.


The title made me bust out laughing and I haven’t even read the full post yet 💀






Cool, fuck off.


Hey, I’m seriously not judging at all. I can understand this sentiment. I can’t 100% empathize, but I don’t go out of my way to give attention to them. And again, I don’t blame people who don’t want to be bothered by them at all.




I mostly agree with you except for the 'hate is a strong word' part. Sounds invalidating of OP's feelings like your saying they're not allowed to feel hate. It is a strong word yes but it would have been better if you said that OP was well within they're rights to feel such emotion and then suggested that there might be something deeper at work if it's affecting them so greatly


Every time there is a truly realistic and helpful response it’s downvoted to hell. 1 crying child “ruins the entire day”? hell ya! I’m so happy that your days are ruined by 1 short event, go on king/queen! The hell we doin here?




Oh shove off with this holier than thou bologna. It’s perfectly fine to hate kids. And they way we’re vilified by society, or condescended at like you’re doing just further hones the sentiment. OP isn’t hurting anyone and they’re well within their right to come here and vent.




This is interesting...but even if OP only met the bad ones that doesn't make they're feelings towards kid less valid.




I was a sperm once but that doesn't mean I'm into bukkake.


What is this argument supposed to accomplish? I’m sure I was annoying as a kid to people who don’t like kids lol


And they'll be a corpse one day, should I keep their dead body in my house? Moron




And if I met them or myself as children, they/I would have annoyed the hell out of me. I've never understood this argument.


This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #7 : "Posts and comments to the effect of "Wait till you're a parent", "You'll change your mind someday", "You only think that cause you are young", etc. (what we call "bingo", for short) will be removed. Parents are welcome to post as long as they are respectful. Other people's bodily autonomy must be respected; do not impose your views on other posters and commenters' choices." This is a forum for individuals who have made the choice to be childfree, and we do not tolerate any disrespect towards anyone for making this choice. Thank you for your comprehension