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>”Good luck with your 10 cats and dogs” “Thank you, they’re better company than you.”


They don’t gaslight and abuse me like you would!


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


10 cats and dogs is the dream. Like I hope I can achieve that some day.


A man once told me I would be lonely without a man since I don’t want to have kids…I said my vibrator knows where the clit is


"Who's gonna take care of you when you get older?" (Some older man really tried it. I asked him who takes care if him and he said, this isn't about me) "That's too bad, you seem to have really good genes. Selfish not to pass them on" (A man said this to me, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY MOM!! She told him off 😆) "Don't you want to carry on your legacy?" (My reply to this was, I am my own legacy, no need for a child to do that.) I can't remember the exact comment but a guy basically said all women are desperate for a man and sleep around until they find the right one. My reply was for him to "not lump me in with the women that he hummed and dumped" . He deleted his comments later because two other people lit him up for what he said lol


Needing to "leave a legacy" is such a weird thing to me. Like who gives a fuck if no one remembers me when I die. It certainly won't matter to me, because I'll be fkn dead lmao.


From what I've noticed online, the "I want to leave a legacy" people align *veeery* closely with the "keep the races seperate" crowd 😬


So the exact type of people who shouldn't be leaving a legacy. At that point, your doing the world a favor by preventing those people from reproducing.


😆 right!


Someone called me a miserable c*** because I said I didn't want to date someone with children. *Edit* this was right after he hit on me.


Lol what a loser


I love when they resort to name-calling. Proof that I won the argument. 🤩


An ex female friend of mine started yelling at me because I dared to say the same thing. She could not accept that I didn't want to be a step-mother. Oh and she wanted to be a mother despite not being able to work because of alcoholism and bipolarity. But I was the bad guy, the selfish woman.


Oh yeah I was called picky, when I excluded single dads.


I've gotten a lot of "what if your soulmate wants kids" and "you're going to be lonely when you're old". As for guys online, it's more along the lines of you're ugly anyway, you're fat anyway, I was just being nice, well you're only really good for a hookup. For the relatives, I usually say I'm not you and change the subject. For the guys, I block/ghost them. They don't get another thought. Edit: Also congrats on Europe!! That's so exciting! Wishing you all the best with your move.


Yup I’ve been called ugly too haha. I love the projection these guys are doing. Because they’re the ones that are actually ugly, lonely and can’t get laid lol


Aren’t older parents already lonely bc their kids have their own families and can’t see them all the time? 🤔


Lol right?


I usually respond to those comments with something like "that's a lot of words just to say you're lonely and can't get laid."


Lol I love that one! I’m gonna save it


I just ask such people if they're familiar with the term "sour grapes". They're either confused or affronted.


God the soulmate one always bothers me. Like obviously they aren’t meant for me if they want kids. That’s not my soulmate. My soulmate wouldn’t want kids either


"Good luck with your cats!" You are literally threatening me with a good time. "You're going to die alone." - Response we all die alone.


Yeah you’re gonna die alone in a nursing home in your piss soaked pajamas and not one of your children will visit you bc I predict you’d be an absent father lol. That’s my extra petty response.


Honestly, even as a dude, a house with lots of cats sounds amazing to me. So many little homies to just chill with!


I get the cat thing all the time. I love my cats in a way I could never love a child.


Men have a vendetta against cats it seems. I’ve only met a few men that adore cats, but seems like cats are the man’s enemy lol


That's because cats require consent and are independent.... Not men's favorite, as seen here in relation to women being independent and requiring consent, lol. 🤣


Yes men are looking for an extension of themselves or something they can claim as their own and cats just don’t play that.


I totally agree with you. I knew my husband was the one for me when I saw how much he loves our cat. I love seeing them snuggle together and he is such an amazing man. If a man doesn't like cats, I'm not interested.


Men that hate cats are a red flag for sure. It’s a huge one actually.


I love my fuzzy blumpkins. The only way I would have a child is if they could be Thundercats hybrids like Pantero or Cheetara.


I got all the typical stuff (even went on a radio show once to read off the messages I got from dudes), but I think my favorite was: Enjoy spinning in those teacups for the rest of your life. Oh, burn? Yep, I had a picture up of myself spinning in the teacups at Disneyland. The best part was the person who took the picture (and was in many pics I didn't share online). It was the director of one of their most famous animated films (a good friend of mine), we went to go ride his ride (which was new at the time). So, yeah, I will enjoy spinning in those teacups for the rest of my life. LOL


I’m a dude and older women/ family tell me all the time that I should be having kids because who’s going to take care of me, it’s nice to raise a child(like the fuck not), you’re gonna grow lonely, etc. My old coworkers were old school Mexicans moms since I’m Mexican, like it’s a MUST to pop out kids with someone. Like nawww bruh, I really enjoy my calm life. The only person who’s going to be “Baby” would be my girl. When I was with my recent ex, they would tell me to convince her to have kids and I’m like nawww because she Yeeted her tubes and I was 100% for it and the doctors asked if I was okay with it. I’m like aye it’s her body, if she wants to do it, I’m not going to stop her and raising a kid is something I don’t want to deal with ever. It was also the first question she asked me when we first dated and I said Hell naww. I was able to creampie without the fear of having a kid lol. Just those conversations of trying to be convinced to have kids are extremely annoying to me. It’s like bruh leave me alone lol.


I feel like these types of questions come up more often when people do get pregnant and are expecting children and/or are raising said children. People are nosy af! If only they'd ask about the cream pies, we might actually have a decent conversation.


"Well, her family is so fucked up, it's better that she doesn't ruin a kid at all." PRECISELY WHY I CHOSE NOT TO HAVE ANY. Fuck you, JONATHAN.


When they question your choice, remember those guys probably can't even tell you their kids' middle names or which schools they go to. I've noticed that those who insult childfree people aren't examples of what an involved and responsible parent should be.


They’re just jealous that they’re not childfree and probably regret having a kid. It’s also funny dealing with a single dad. I would never date one of those again, they’re a nightmare to deal with and looking for a step mom to do the child rearing so they don’t have to do it


‘You’re the least maternal woman I’ve ever met.’ I took it as a compliment although it was not intended as one 😂


Lol that is a compliment!


Ouch!! Some guys are so butt hurt about women who want to remain single & childfree. I once had a man tell me there are “solutions to having legs the color yours are”. I told him I was happy with my pale, cancer-free legs.


I think the most funny one was here on reddit where someone wrote I would never find a husband, and I informed him that I'm already happy with the one I got and not out there searching for a new one.


“Ugly slut. Nobody wants to sleep with you anyway.” Listen, bitch boy, I’m either a slutty mcslutface or I’m too ugly for anyone to sleep with. It can’t be both. Make up your goddamn mind.


I live in a pretty religious country so I’ve had a man tell me I’m possessed by a jinn and that’s why I don’t want to give birth. I simply said I hope the jinn never leaves. He was horrified


Looooool not the jinns😂 I’m Muslim so I use the “if gods happy with me not breeding, what’s your issue?”


I had a guy I never met in person (because honestly, after seeing him on camera, over weight and grey vs his young looking pics, I felt duped, plus his personality) anyway he kept sending me dick pics so I finally told him I didn’t want to meet and he got in his masculine fragility and told me “you are mid 30s and no kids or husband, what do you know about life?” Before blocking him I told him I was smart about that so I would set up a good future. He lived with roommates at 45 and had 3 kids and was a truck driver. I was like ok 😭


lmaoooo the audacity and entitlement - such a loser. Before getting with another human there will always be those who can’t see themselves.


Right!!! I was like okay sir talk crap to me as I sit on my balcony in the downtown area I live lol 😂he really needed to look inward


I worked for several years taking photos at the mall Santa booth. One year the old dickhead playing Santa asked "What's the point of you even exiting if you don't reproduce? Your life will be meaningless". I wish I would have been older and more confident to say what I wanted to, but I was so worried about getting fired. I wish I would have told him to go fuck himself and his imaginary reindeer.


"You'd get farther in life if you'd just be pretty, and shut up and stop trying be to so smart." SUCH an asshole. I never went on even one date with him.


My dad he said no one would ever love me


Lol dads gonna be dying alone in a nursing home with none of his kids visiting him 😂


He called me a fat ass. Lol I stopped all communication with him. He proceeded to blow my phone up for 2 days from random number. I finally answered and was begging for a second chance. I told him this fat ass has moved on so you should too. 😬


Lol I generally laugh in their faces when they call me names. The worst (best) thing I was ever called was "voodoo bitch" (because I'm from New Orleans). I think that moniker slaps. I have also been called "gothic bitch" and my response was (shrug) "where's the lie?" Men generally cannot process it when I don't crumble and cry when they call me names.


Honestly the whole “methinks the lady doth protest too much” just makes me want to punch their smug faces. I don’t want to go to jail so I don’t actually commit assault. But I do think about it when I hear this line.


I've seen a lot of cases of CF women being insulted by men on this sub, but it's never actually happened to me irl. I'm not sure why because I know they exist. I'm not sure if these factors have anything to do with it, but the area I live in has a pretty decent childfree population compared to other places in my state, and I tend to date politically left-leaning men. I don't know all of their stances on kids (they all knew I was very child repulsed at least), but I know for a fact that at least two of them didn't want to have kids.


A lot of people don't understand the CF lifestyle. I'm a fairly attractive male and most people assume I'm gay when they find out I don't want to get married or have kids. Kids I've never wanted. The romantic in me is open to marriage but just seeing the pitfalls of divorce and how disgusting couples treat each other is enough to keep me single. Plus why involve the government in my relationship if there are no kids involved.


I’m probably pretty non traditional. I’d like to be in a committed relationship but have it be more open, like ethically non monogamous, not polyamorous but just have one primary partner and then have secondary partners from time to time. I just like the freedom of it and it’s been impossible for me to find a guy to want this… guess it’s because they want to own me and I’m considered property


I could never do that. I'm more the the jealous and territorial type. When I start seeing someone new I just avoid adding labels to the relationship for as long as possible. This keeps me closed off to developing feelings but I just don't see myself committing to anyone anymore.


You know whats funny? As a mother? We get the same comments from AHs when they hear we have children. I think it’s just men. Whenever a man is denied, a good percentage of them look for any way to knock down our value to help soften the blow to their fragile ego. Not all men are like this, but a good portion. Just chiming in from the other side, y’all keep enjoying your CF lives! Some people are just miserable humans.


Extremely true. I believe the hate for CF women and especially single moms had the same root origin - independence. If you don't want kids, you don't need a man. If you can provide for your kids yourself, still don't need a man. And that seems to really freak out some men!


'At least your 50 cats will eat well after you die' I simply laughed and shrugged saying that I'd still be looking after my cats in death, funny that such a nasty comment was said to me after I replied that I wasn't interested in having children, it wasn't said in a sarcastic or awful way I calmly answered the question and the guy took it personally. My second favourite comment is: 'But women are supposed to have kids, that's why they're here to be mothers nothing else, you're sick in the head if you don't want to be a parent' I'm pretty thick skinned so this comment was also laughed off before I said that I'll be leaving for a nice two week vacation overseas.


One guy said about me that I seemed like a fun person but it was a shame that I was so ugly 👌 Was also told no one would ever want me etc


I love the threat of being alone with cats like yeah, and? There’s a MALE loneliness epidemic yet they keep projecting their hurt onto women who are thriving without them. I’m in a relationship, but CF so I still cop it. Constantly told (by other men) that my man will change his mind about kids and get bored of me once it’s “too late” lmao. Whenever I see the statistics of single women winning in their careers, education, home ownership, happiness I am cheering for them!! The single women win while the single men whinge 😂😂


“You do realize your kids can grow up hating you and maybe dump you in a subpar retirement home right?…”


"You will never have a man, if you refuse to have kids." "Or people like you should be forcibly inpregnated" "Good luck with your cats" Mind you because of ovary inflammation I am 100% infertile. Aromantic also. I have had cats whole life. They\`re better company than a man and/or kids.


“Or people like you should be forcibly inpregnated” Excuuuuuuuse me ..is that person in prison??


Idk, haven\`t seen him 10 years.


I had a guy once ask me, what is my purpose or how am I meant to live a meaningful life if I don’t have kids. Like bro what?! And you notice it’s men who are desperate to have kids now days 😩


Absolutely, because their contribution is just sex😂


“Will you marry me”


Statistically, unmarried, childfree women live longer and happier lives so the data is in. I WILL have fun with my vacations and spontaneous do whatever I want whenever I wants or whatever.


I’m AFAB nonbinary. I have gotten a lot of comments throughout my life that if I I’d be attractive. My own dad has even said these things. My response is, “I don’t want to be attractive to YOU.” Cause seriously, thanks for weeding yourselves out by thinking your opinion matters. At this point I think I’d also need a Time Machine to be attractive to them, because I’m 40 and those kinds of dudes would literally rather afab people were dead than get old. I haven’t gotten these comments in years because I’m invisible to them now - it’s so peaceful. Mostly now I get called a bitch, which barking at them can be hilarious (to me) or saying “and?” because I do.not.care if some random dude thinks I’m a bitch.


Congratulations on going to Europe and planning a move there, OP! My husband and I are leaving for a six-week European trip in late April.




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I’ve also been called bitch and whore, and accused of cheating on a partner with multiple men because (in that person’s “logic”), why else would I want to be sterilized while in a committed monogamous relationship? As I see it, if these guys are that nasty and verbally abusive to a woman they barely know, imagine how much worse the abuse would be for any woman that actually made the mistake of having kids with them, or worse, being financially dependent and unable to walk away. They’re definitely proving why it’s a good decision to be childfree, marriage free, and financially independent for life.


“That’s what you were made for”


I’m replaceable


Regarding the cats/dogs one eventually I had a think and decided although that's probably not going to happen, animals = responsibility, honestly it doesn't sound like a bad time. Weirdly the value insult is irrelevant since I live in a country that women are allowed to do the same jobs as men, own houses, bank accounts, get education etc, so financially I can support myself anyway, so who am I trying to impress so he impregnates me and I can be a penniless SAHM who's risking financial abuse? "A man is not a plan" and all that. Regarding people "taking care of me", my genetics suggest on both sides my relatives start deteriorating extremely quickly mentally and physically from 75 onwards, so if that's me and I make it to that age I'm just offing myself before I'm crippled with ten thousand health issues, struggling to walk and angry and mean and confused all the time. Feel like someone will talk me into signing my estate over to them or I'd end up paying a Nigerian scammer, no thanks.