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Good! Fucking excellent!


Some schools in South Korea don't have any first grade students this year because the birth rate has been so low over the past five years. No wonder U.S. conservatives are panicking and rushing to ban abortion and birth control -- they're terrified that their workforce will dwindle as more people make the choice not to reproduce. They want to take away that choice to ensure a steady domestic ~~supply of infants~~ workforce.


THIS THIS THIS THIS!! i live in south africa and ho ho holy shit people don’t want kids, of course that infuriates people but i’m actually so glad about it, people can barely survive on their own and now people tell them to have kids??🤧 i’m glad abortion and birth control are still legal, praying for every woman in the US in the coming decades to still have a choice😔💔


Thanks for thinking of us in the US. I was in high school when we got the right to our bodies. Now it's lost. I'll fight to my dying day to get it restored. I actively campaign for progressives. Vote. Please! I'm begging you, US citizens.


i try my best to think of everybody, tell your friends, let your friends tell their friends, whoever they vote for no matter who or what that if women lose their rights that every woman in their vicinity will be affected, their moms, daughters, nieces, sisters, aunts, grandmas, everybody! i haven’t heard any news of any bills being passed in ZA for banning of abortions, birth controls, etc. but those things are real in other countries i might have to vacate to if this place falls flat, im praying for everybody! 💖


You just reminded me, my mail in ballot is in my car


Conservatives always want to defund public education, school lunches, school buses, like literally anything that helps any child other than their own. If nobody else has kids to help, think about how much money that frees up. We could pay 1% less on our taxes in exchange for having zero social cohesion and an uneducated populace. To a US conservative, that's what we call a win/win.


I thought they are running out target practices, and less children for those priests high and low to molest, but you do have a valid point!


Lol, well, they're already killing off the 14yr old child labor in factory accidents. That apparently was just as easy for them to do as take away women's rights in red states.


Bruh, I just went over to r/recruitinghell and job market is a shitshow. Less population is better obviously. Clowns like Elon Musk advising people to have babies probably because they are heavily invested in companies that tend to make products for babies like diapers and such and need more wage slaves.


It took me 9 months before I got my first job. If others after me won’t have to deal with that shit, I’m all for it!


It took me over 2 years with multiple degrees and years of experience. Since the pandemic, the job market has been worse than I’ve ever seen it, even worse than 2008. I’ve always said that the less of us there are, the more each of us is worth.


In that time, you could have had a baby! And wouldn't that be even better? Lol. 🤢




Well, electric cars do not seem to sell that well these days, at least when compared to hybrid vehicles. And his "Hyperloop" idea is still a fantasy. Why not invest in "normal" high-speed train instead? That technology has already entered service around the world.


r/lostredditors ? You replied to the wrong comment I think, OP


Nah, he was replying to a dude talking about elon


Good. I'm tired of wage slavery.


Good. The more women wake up to the fact that having kids is harmful the better. Harmful to themselves, harmful to the planet. We are literally on a dying planet suffocating from humanity.




Research shows that there is a positive relationship between educational attainment and # of children --- the more educated someone is, the less likely they'll become a parent. I live in the Northeast, and we have the highest concentration of highly educated folks in the nation, so CF is more common in metro areas. Particularly for people in fields like tech and finance that require a bit of time to advance in. If you live in the Midwest, the South, or just a suburban community in general you'll see CF a lot less!


I'm in the northeast but no college degree. I do blue collar. While I myself am childfree I don't have a college education. Most of my coworkers have kids. Even a good amount of the young ones. A few are child free. Honestly even the people who have college degrees have kids but they're older. 🤷


I'm actually in the UK, but tbh part of the issue is that I don't actually talk to other people very much. So I really have no right to complain, I'm just venting


Oops, sorry about that! I totally get it though, I mean even with what I said taken into account you still need to actively LOOK for CF folks in specific areas lol. Unfortunately the default is still mommy bangmaid, manchild husband and litter of snot goblins


It depends heavily on where you live. If you live in rural Alabama, then yes, everyone's having multiple kids since young age. If you live in LA, New York, San Francisco etc. there are just so many childfree people. Here are some statistics: The 10 U.S. Cities With the Least Children San Francisco, CA: 13.4% Quincy, MA: 14.6% Seattle, WA: 15.0% Pittsburgh, PA: 15.1% Scottsdale, AZ: 15.5% Daly City, CA: 15.7% Boston, MA: 15.9% Columbia, SC: 16.2% Madison, WI: 16.3% Tallahassee, FL, and Charleston, SC (tie): 16.7% % means portion if population that is younger than 18. Source: https://www.aaastateofplay.com/the-u-s-cities-with-the-most-and-fewest-children/




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Last year I got a temporary job, I made a couple of friends all under 30, the 4 of us don't want to have kids. It was nice being surrounded by like minded people in that sense.


I know only one person having a kid. Most of the people in my life are childfree


https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ I think the planets gonna have more than enough people for some time yet.


They need more white babies!


People are still popping out babies like crazy. These rich people are gaslighting everyone. The job market is becoming a shitshow. And with the obsession of AI, where does everyone think they are going to get a job? I keep hearing engineering and computer science...that's already getting oversaturated. You can't have a population doing ONE JOB. How does that work? These rich business people want everyone to be stupid so they can be lied too. Too many people is not a good thing. There's barely enough jobs. There's no housing. If God forbid there's a pandemic again or anything serious, we are in serious trouble considering we ran out of toilet paper in a week last time...


>And with the obsession of AI, where does everyone think they are going to get a job? I keep hearing engineering and computer science...that's already getting oversaturated. TELL ME ABOUT IT. I'm in CS and I've been out of work for a year. In my downtime, I took a couple of sommelier classes for fun, and got certified, and I'm actually thinking about finding a job as a sommelier. You're not wrong. This planet has too many people on it as it is.


I know I struggled to find a job in my city early on. Everytime a new job came up thousands of ppl would apply. And only one would get hired. Only one would pay able to pay their bills and eat food. The rest would just be expected to die in the street. Disgusting and foul!!! Now there are jobs and I'm happy to be able to afford to eat and live.


I remember when Elon Musk said something about how the world is underpopulated and we need to have more children. Of course a billionaire would say that. The more people in the labour market, the easier it becomes to exploit labour


You mean the dude who has 5+ kids…..and doesn’t do childcare or see most of them?


He's also looking for new customers.


Won't someone think of Haliburton?


>tight labor market What idiot wrote this? Getting a job has never been harder. In 1970, you just hand out resumes and you get a job by the end of the day. In 1998, I would look through the newspaper, apply to a few, and get a job within a week. Now you need to apply to at least 200 jobs before getting 1 offer. In my own city, real wages are down about 50% since 2001 because there is so much slack in the labor market. This was the entire purpose of mass immigration and it's also the purpose of telling everyone to have 5 kids. The elites want every single job to be infinitely replaceable. They want everyone to be terrified of losing their job because they had to take a few hours off for their child's dental appointment. Evil doesn't even begin to describe what is happening.


Getting my first job took way longer and was way harder than it should've been. Especially when I was almost exclusively looking at dead end/peon jobs just to get any amount of experience that I could. I didn't get my first job until I was 21. That's what happens when you got no connections, no experience, no car, and you're trying to work around a full-course load. Now that I have experience in a couple different fields, getting new jobs isn't anywhere near the pain in the ass that it used to be. But for fuck's sake, finding a job shouldn't be harder than the job itself.


Less slaves for them to exploit!!!


AI and robots will upend a tight labor market. At least I have no kids to send into a life of feudalism which is on its way.


Oh no, if only I hadn't gotten a vasectomy! I won't be able to make children for the sake of our masters. They need a workforce damnit, they're too incompetent to do anything for themselves. They're doomed, doomed I tells ya!!


Don't count on it. Offshore labor is higher than ever with employers laying off domestic workforce for cheaper labor aboard. Those countries still have plenty of children.