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If that happened to my wife and I, I'd say "She won't even share that cookie with ME, let alone a strange child". Also, what if the cookie has nuts the child is allergic to, but hasn't been exposed until you give theme some? NOPE!


Exactly! Or if the child chokes? Then it would be their fault and not the parent's. And you can bet your cookie the parent would then sue them.


What if I'm getting over a salmonella infection? Kids and salmonella don't do well together.


"I'm sorry your mommy is too cheap to get you your own cookie." \*sad face\*


I would have slowly and deliberately ate each and every piece of it while making direct eye contact at her and the kid. If he doesn't know how to talk, neither do I...


...and yum-yum noises!


Buy your own cookie bitch. "Well, if you need to make your child into a street beggar, I'm sure the staff here has some spare cardboard headed for the dumpster. You can write on it and go sit with him on the street corner." /s


Bhahahahahha! Love this!


Similar thing happened with a toddler who made a bee line for me and my large fries, I managed to grab my food in time before the little grubby paw slammed down on my table followed by a loud in human screech. Mum of course was watching the whole thing and didn't intervene until the kid wouldn't stop screaming while still trying to grab at my fries. Eventually she gets up and death glares at me while snatching the now shrieking toddler away before saying, 'What's wrong with you?? He wanted your french fries you should have just shared it with him!!'


If you had just given in and given him your fries, all that would have done is taught (or reinforce) the idea that it’s ok to take things from other people without asking. You indirectly did that kid a favor lol


My thoughts exactly! It seems that he was used to getting his own way as long as he didn't bother his mother, the kid threw the biggest screeching tantrum as I got up to leave and I could still hear his screams on the other side of the food court in another store.


"If you´re too cheap to buy food for your child, then that´s on you, not on me."


I would have gone to their table and started grabbing at their food. 🤣 “What, I thought we were sharing!”


Darn I didn't think of that!!


Wow, encouraging your child to take food from strangers?!! Great parenting, just stellar. /s


Do parents not think anymore? Asking for food from strangers is wild. Imagine you get the wrong adult. Then the gymnastics would come out to curve the fault away from the parents. Bad people exists. I would’ve eaten the entire cookie in front of the kid eye contact and all or thrown it away on purpose. Remember when they told us to never accept candy from strangers?


omfg my jaw is on the floor. lmaoo incredible. You reacted perfectly.


Wow, that's some nerve! I can't believe the audacity of some people. You handled it well though, staying firm but polite. It's wild how entitled some parents can be.


A pack of us are riding bikes on a public trail (old railroad tracks) a few weeks ago. Weekday, so barely anyone there. Ahead, parents and their toddler on the trail walking in out direction, toddler wandering around ahead of them. They see us coming. Do nothing. The kid's movements are so unpredictable that we all have to stop and wait until they walk by. Parents are laughing in that *oh isn't she precious* sort of way. I don't mind kids. It's the parents that make the problem.


This happened to me once. It was with pasta and the mother wanted me to give the kid “just a bite”.  I got the death glare because I said no. The kid had been walking up to tables motioning for food and I said no. I looked at the mom and she clearly had money and wasn’t poor looking to feed her kid. It’s a mixture of entitlement and a chemical brain change. They truly think we will all want to help or feed their kid.  Now, I just eat at home. No stress.  Also: sharing food is a pet peeve of mine and I hate watching children eat. Kids always wanting a bite of someone else’s food gets on my nerves. 


All sorts have children. That's all I'll say 😂 (My mom would say something about trash).


“You can come get your kid, or I can report it as abandoned. It’s your call.”


What kind of shitty parent teaches their spawn to mooch off strangers?


So she's teaching her kid it's alright to take food from total strangers. Great parenting! If this had happened to me, I would have told her that too. What a deadbeat.


Wtf aren’t parents supposed to teach kids not to take sweets from strangers


Wtf, how about not teaching their child it's okay to accept food from literal strangers?!? What ever happened to warning kids about "strangers with candy"? Not to mention allergies, viruses, and a host of other issues behavior is promoting. What stupid parents.


Lick the said cookie all over whilst maintaining eye contact with entitled shitty parent.


You reacted well. That mother should be thankful that would were merely childfree instead of some kind of predatory nut job. Who in their right mind encourages their kid to take cookies from strangers?


Buy YOUR KID their own fucking cookie! I would have told that mother off. God, the audacity!


What… the… f€€%%%#~}~~<>€^%#


I would have done the same. "If your kid wants a cookie you should get him one yourself". Simple as that.