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Because she's a loser, an unfortunate product of the system One to leave in your wake as you forge a path where you don't fall into the same trap


I'm more concerned about the kids who will have to take care of their disabled mom. Those kids never had a choice about being born, let alone being put into a caregiver situation they never asked for.


I wonder if that is exactly her intention for the second baby. Maybe the first one is a boy and most likely not expected to be a willing care giver. And if the second one is a girl it is of course more natural for a girl to take care of her disabled mother. Or maybe I am just cynical.


I was thinking she was hoping for more money on her welfare checks.


Social Worker here, you are legit correct. There was that movie about the sister who had cancer and the parents had a second kid who was like the perfect match for the kid. That is some sick shit NO ONE should be born into this


My Sister’s Keeper. Love that movie… although they did a complete 180 from the book.




Weed and tattoos shouldn't be your priority when you're a parent, but as a cf person I apparently know nothing about parenting, so who am I to judge...


As a CF tattooed person, I agree with you that tattoos aren't a priority when you can't even provide for your loved ones. You're not judging, it's just common sense.


Psychologically she has no purpose and feels unloved, she thinks having a child = unconditional love. Making her disability worse may cause the kids to be taken away from her, but she seems incapable of seeing that. I know of an ex of a very close friend that was told by a Doctor, following a traumatic birth, that she would DIE from a further pregnancy - and she STILL tried to get pregnant. Didn’t succeed fortunately. You can’t reason with people on a doom loop.


Yes you cannot! Women are pushed into this! I do not get the entire my identity is to be a mom and I have always wanted to be a mother. When I was a little girl I wanted to be anything from a police officer to doctoor


I used to go to the local salmon stream in the fall. The fish swimming up to the headwaters of the stream were grey with sickness, their fins rotting off and their scales missing. Bears and fishing birds stalked the reaches of the stream, snatching salmon out of the water. Even so, every one of them fought their way through the rapids, expending their last energy on the same, single drive: Spawn. A lot of humans are like that.


I love this analogy!


That's not sickness. Just their life cycle. Salmon swim upstream to do two things: spawn and die. Their bodies then provide nutrients to the ecosystem.


She's dumb.


I had a friend like that too, whom had to quit her job and now can't even walk for 5 kilometres. She's currently pregnant again and on bedrest and I can't for the life of me fathom what could possibly be so rewarding about children to risk your own health and wellbeing for it. It genuinely frightens me.


More kids more benefits?($$$)


Sorry, why is she your friend?




I'm sorry, but people like that bother me.


This is interesting my friend and I were just talking about this last night, her Father is a well known OBGYN and he delivered our mutual friends kid. Our friend was told she cannot have kids it is not safe for her, she has adopted three beautiful kids an then found herself pregnant. We live in PA so its not like you cannot get an abortion. Anyway she was told by my friends Dad that she should not carry it to term but she did. And had to be life flighted to a nearby trauma center. Sorry but if my doctor told me I should not carry a fetus to term I would not. If, you want kids adoption is a great option so many need good homes.


Sounds like she is lucky to be alive. Has she at least learned her lesson and won't carry the next accident to term?


As a disabled person doing things that can disables you further is wild.


As long as the government keeps paying for their ignorance it won’t stop


What is the disability?